Example #1
  * Set a property
  * If the value is the same as the current value and the entity is loaded from the data store the value will not be
  * set. If the entity is new the value will be (re)set and marked as modified.
  * Method provides support for computed properties by calling an setProperty[CamelizedName] if it exists. The setter
  * should return the computed value to set.
  * @param   string  $name       The property name.
  * @param   mixed   $value      The property value.
  * @param   boolean $modified   If TRUE, update the modified information for the property
  * @return  $this
 public function setProperty($name, $value, $modified = true)
     if (!array_key_exists($name, $this->_data) || $this->_data[$name] != $value) {
         $computed = $this->getComputedProperties();
         if (!in_array($name, $computed)) {
             //Force computed properties to re-calculate
             foreach ($computed as $property) {
             //Call the setter if it exists
             $setter = 'setProperty' . KStringInflector::camelize($name);
             $methods = $this->getMethods();
             if (isset($methods[$setter])) {
                 $value = $this->{$setter}($value);
             //Set the property value
             parent::offsetSet($name, $value);
             //Mark the property as modified
             if ($modified || $this->isNew()) {
                 $this->_modified[$name] = $name;
     return $this;
  * Overridden current() method
  * Used to delay de creation of KDatabaseRow objects, for performance reasons
  * @return KDatabaseRowAbstract Current element from the collection
 public function current()
     if ($this->valid() === false) {
         return null;
     // do we already have a row object for this position?
     if (!isset($this[$this->key()])) {
         // cloning is faster than instantiating
         $row = clone $this->_emptyRow;
         parent::offsetSet($this->key(), $row);
     // return the row object
     return parent::offsetGet($this->key());