/** * Construction for class * * @param string $sourceFolder : end with slash '/' * @param string $sourceName * @param string $destFolder : end with slash '/' * @param string $destName * @param int $maxWidth * @param int $maxHeight * @param string $cropRatio * @param int $quality * @param string $color * * @return ImageResizer */ function __construct($sourceFolder, $sourceName, $destFolder, $destName, $maxWidth = 0, $maxHeight = 0, $cropRatio = '', $quality = 90, $color = '') { $this->sourceFolder = $sourceFolder; $this->sourceName = $sourceName; $this->destFolder = $destFolder; $this->destName = $destName; $this->maxWidth = $maxWidth; $this->maxHeight = $maxHeight; $this->cropRatio = $cropRatio; $this->quality = $quality; $this->color = $color; $klog = new KLogger(Yii::getPathOfAlias('common.log') . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'resize_image_log', KLogger::INFO); if (!file_exists($this->sourceFolder . $this->sourceName)) { echo 'Error: image does not exist: ' . $this->sourceFolder . $this->sourceName; $this->file_error = true; $klog->LogInfo('Error: image does not exist: ' . $this->sourceFolder . $this->sourceName); return null; } $size = GetImageSize($this->sourceFolder . $this->sourceName); $mime = $size['mime']; // Make sure that the requested file is actually an image if (substr($mime, 0, 6) != 'image/') { echo 'Error: requested file is not an accepted type: ' . $this->sourceFolder . $this->sourceName; $klog->LogInfo('Error: requested file is not an accepted type: ' . $this->sourceFolder . $this->sourceName); $this->file_error = true; return null; } $this->size = $size; if ($color != '') { $this->color = preg_replace('/[^0-9a-fA-F]/', '', $color); } else { $this->color = FALSE; } }
public static function fatal($message) { if (self::$log == null) { return; } self::$log->LogFatal($message); }
/** * Führt eine SQL Query aus und schreibt sie in die Logdatei. * @param KLogger $log Logdatei Objekt * @param rex_sql $sql SQL Objekt * @param String $query SQL Query */ public static function logQuery(&$log, &$sql, $query) { $sql->setQuery($query); if ($sql->getError() == '') { $log->logInfo('>> [QRY] ' . htmlentities($query)); } else { $log->logError('>> [QRY] ' . htmlentities($query)); $log->logError('>> [QRY] ' . $sql->getError()); } }
/** * Initialize project by calling get_config on the RW server and saving the response. * * @param int $id PK of a project * @throws Exception if valid config objects (device, session, project) are not returned from RW */ function __construct(array $config = array()) { $this->CI =& get_instance(); $this->log = KLogger::syslog(KLogger::DEBUG, TRUE); if (isset($config['id'])) { $this->project_id = $config['id']; } // if we don't have an RW session-id, call get config and push the device and project // values into the CI session. If we do have an RW session-id, pull those values // from the CI session. if (FALSE === ($this->rw_session_id = $this->CI->session->userdata('rw_session_id'))) { $this->config(json_decode($this->do_curl('get_config'))); $this->CI->session->set_userdata('rw_session_id', $this->rw_session_id); $this->CI->session->set_userdata('rw_device', $this->device); $this->CI->session->set_userdata('rw_project', $this->project); } else { $this->rw_session_id = $this->CI->session->userdata('rw_session_id'); $this->device = $this->CI->session->userdata('rw_device'); $this->project = $this->CI->session->userdata('rw_project'); } // we can't do anything without device, session and project objects if (!($this->device && $this->rw_session_id && $this->project)) { throw new Exception("Roundware could not be initialized with the given project ID."); } }
public function lost() { $log = KLogger::instance(KLOGGER_PATH . "processors/", KLogger::DEBUG); $log->logInfo("usergameaction > lost > start userId : " . $this->userId . " opponentId : " . $this->opponentId . " action : " . $this->action_ . " time : " . $this->time . " room groupId : " . $this->roomGroupId . " gameId : " . $this->gameId . " normal : " . $this->normal . " type : " . $this->type . " double : " . $this->double); if (!empty($this->userId)) { $user = GameUsers::getGameUserById($this->userId); if (!empty($user)) { $userId = $user->getUserId(); if (!empty($userId)) { $user->getUserLevel(); $opponent = GameUsers::getGameUserById($this->opponentId); $opponentId = null; if (!empty($opponent)) { $opponentId = $opponent->getUserId(); $opponent->getUserLevel(); } $result = GameUtils::gameResult($user, $opponent, $this->roomGroupId, $this->action_, $this->gameId, $this->double, $this->normal, $this->type, $this->time); if (!empty($result) && $result->success) { $log->logInfo("usergameaction > lost > success "); } else { $log->logError("usergameaction > lost > error : " . $result->result); } unset($userId); unset($user); } else { $log->logError("usergameaction > lost > user Id is empty "); } } else { $log->logError("usergameaction > lost > user Id is empty "); } } else { $log->logError("usergameaction > lost > user Id is empty "); } }
public function log() { $log = KLogger::instance(KLOGGER_PATH . "processors/", KLogger::DEBUG); $log->logInfo("userxplog > log > start userId : " . $this->userId . " xp : " . $this->xp . " type : " . $this->type . " time : " . $this->time . " gameId : " . $this->gameId . " result : " . $this->result . " opponentId : " . $this->opponentId); if (!empty($this->userId)) { $userXPLog = new GameUserXpLog(); $userXPLog->setUserId($this->userId); $userXPLog->setXp($this->xp); $userXPLog->setTime($this->time); $userXPLog->setType($this->type); $userXPLog->setGameId($this->gameId); $userXPLog->setResult($this->result); $userXPLog->setOpponentId($this->opponentId); try { $user = GameUsers::getGameUserById($this->userId); if (!empty($user)) { $userXPLog->setUserLevel($user->userLevelNumber); $userXPLog->setUserCoin($user->coins); //$userCoinLog->setUserSpentCoin($user->opponentId); } } catch (Exception $exc) { $log->logError("userxplog > log > User Error : " . $exc->getTraceAsString()); } try { $userXPLog->insertIntoDatabase(DBUtils::getConnection()); $log->logInfo("userxplog > log > Success"); } catch (Exception $exc) { $log->logError("userxplog > log > Error : " . $exc->getTraceAsString()); } } else { $log->logError("userxplog > log > user Id is empty "); } }
public function __construct() { date_default_timezone_set("PRC"); self::$log = \KLogger::instance(dirname(__FILE__) . "/../log", \KLogger::DEBUG); require_once '../config/Config.php'; $this->config = $METAQ_CONFIG; $this->initPartitionList(); }
public function __construct($config) { if ($config['logging']['enabled'] && $config['logging']['level'] > 0) { $this->KLogger = KLogger::instance($config['logging']['path'] . '/website', $config['logging']['level']); $this->logging = true; $this->floatStartTime = microtime(true); } }
public function __construct($class = "GLOBAL", $user = "******", $prefix = "") { global $LOGS_PATH; global $LOGS_SEVERITY; if (!isset(Logger::$log)) { Logger::$log = KLogger::instance($LOGS_PATH, $LOGS_SEVERITY); } $this->class = $class; $this->user = $user; $this->prefix = $prefix; }
public function saveMIDItoFile() { //$this->filename = base_convert(mt_rand(), 10, 36); if($this->filenameSet === true) { $this->midi->saveMidFile($this->filepath.'.mid', 0666); if (defined('DEBUG')) $log = KLogger::instance(dirname(DEBUG), KLogger::DEBUG); if (defined('DEBUG')) $log->logInfo("Saved MIDI to file: $this->filepath"); return true; } }
public function generateAudio($filepath) { //we could also make use of FIFOs: //http://stackoverflow.com/questions/60942/how-can-i-send-the-stdout-of-one-process-to-multiple-processes-using-preferably $command = '/usr/bin/timidity -A110 -Ow --verbose=-2 --reverb=f,100 --output-file=- '.$filepath.'.mid | tee >(lame --silent -V6 - '.$filepath.'.mp3) | oggenc -Q -q1 -o '.$filepath.'.ogg -'; //file_put_contents('command', $command); if (defined('ASYNCHRONOUS_LAUNCH')) $this->launchBackgroundProcess('/bin/bash -c "'.$command.'"'); else shell_exec('/bin/bash -c "'.$command.'"'); if (defined('DEBUG')) $log = KLogger::instance(dirname(DEBUG), KLogger::DEBUG); if (defined('DEBUG')) $log->logInfo("Converted MIDI to audio files with the command: $command"); return true; }
public function __construct($template, $action, $urlValues, $standalone = false, $signinRequired = false) { $this->action = $action; $this->urlValues = $urlValues; $this->template = $template; $this->_standalone = $standalone; $this->log = KLogger::instance(KLOGGER_PATH, KLogger::DEBUG); $this->language = LANG_TR_TR; if (!isset($_SESSION)) { session_start(); } if ($signinRequired) { $this->redirect("/"); } }
public function updateImage() { $log = KLogger::instance(KLOGGER_PATH . "processors/", KLogger::DEBUG); $log->logInfo("user > updateImage > start userId : " . $this->userId); try { $userId = $this->userId; if (!empty($userId)) { $result = UserProfileImageUtils::updateUserImage($userId); $log->logInfo("user > updateImage >userId : " . $this->userId . " Result " . json_encode($result)); } else { $log->logError("user > updateImage > start userId : " . $this->userId . " user found user id empty"); } } catch (Exception $exc) { $log->logError("user > updateImage > error userId : " . $this->userId . " Error :" . $exc->getMessage()); } $log->logInfo("user > updateImage > finished userId : " . $this->userId); }
#!/usr/bin/php <?php // read mails from internal bounce mailbox and set invalidEmail=1 for these email addresses require '/var/www/yoursite/http/variables.php'; require '/var/www/yoursite/http/variablesdb.php'; require_once '/var/www/yoursite/http/functions.php'; require '/var/www/yoursite/http/log/KLogger.php'; $log = new KLogger('/var/www/yoursite/http/log/bounces/', KLogger::INFO); $mailbox = imap_open('{localhost:993/ssl/novalidate-cert}', 'bounce', 'bounce01$'); $mailbox_info = imap_check($mailbox); for ($i = 1; $i <= $mailbox_info->Nmsgs; $i++) { $msg = imap_fetch_overview($mailbox, $i); $rcpt = $msg[0]->to; if (substr($rcpt, 0, 6) == 'bounce') { $target = substr($rcpt, 7); // exclude 'bounce=' $target = substr($target, 0, -9); // exclude '@yoursite' $target = str_replace('=', '@', $target); // revert '=' to '@' if ($msg[0]->answered == 0) { $sql = "UPDATE {$playerstable} SET invalidEmail=1 WHERE invalidEmail=0 AND mail='" . $target . "'"; mysql_query($sql); $affected = mysql_affected_rows(); $uid = imap_uid($mailbox, $i); $status = imap_setflag_full($mailbox, $uid, '\\Answered \\Seen', ST_UID); $log->logInfo('sql=[' . $sql . '] affected=[' . $affected . '] status=[' . $status . ']'); } } } imap_close($mailbox);
/** * Sets the date format used by all instances of KLogger * * @param string $dateFormat Valid format string for date() */ public static function setDateFormat($dateFormat) { self::$_dateFormat = $dateFormat; }
#!/usr/bin/php <?php require '/var/www/yoursite/http/variables.php'; require '/var/www/yoursite/http/variablesdb.php'; require_once '/var/www/yoursite/cron/functions.php'; require '/var/www/yoursite/http/log/KLogger.php'; $log = new KLogger('/var/www/yoursite/http/log/cron/', KLogger::INFO); // PES $log->logInfo('runDaily: start'); // delete old log entries $sql = "DELETE FROM weblm_log_access WHERE accesstime < ( UNIX_TIMESTAMP( ) - (60*60*24*180))"; mysql_query($sql); $log->logInfo('runDaily: Deleted old log entries: ' . mysql_affected_rows()); // send email with played games to all users that selected this in their profile $dateday = date("d/m/Y"); $yesterday = date("d/m/Y", time() - 60 * 60 * 12); $timespan = 60 * 60 * 24; $playersquery = "select distinct winner from {$gamestable} where deleted='no' " . "AND dateday = '{$yesterday}' " . "UNION " . "select distinct winner2 from {$gamestable} where deleted='no' " . "AND dateday = '{$yesterday}' " . "UNION " . "select distinct loser from {$gamestable} where deleted='no' " . "AND dateday = '{$yesterday}' " . "UNION " . "select distinct loser2 from {$gamestable} where deleted='no' " . "AND dateday = '{$yesterday}' "; $result = mysql_query($playersquery); $playerscount = mysql_num_rows($result); $adminMessage = ""; $sql_total = "select count(*) AS c from {$gamestable} " . "WHERE deleted = 'no' " . "AND dateday = '{$yesterday}' " . "ORDER BY date DESC"; $res_total = mysql_query($sql_total); $row_total = mysql_fetch_array($res_total); $count_total = $row_total['c']; $sql_deleted = "select count(*) AS c from {$gamestable} " . "WHERE deleted = 'yes' " . "AND dateday = '{$yesterday}' " . "ORDER BY date DESC"; $res_deleted = mysql_query($sql_deleted); $row_deleted = mysql_fetch_array($res_deleted); $count_deleted = $row_deleted['c']; while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { // for each player that played do...
public function actionIndex() { $urlKey = Yii::app()->request->getParam('url_key'); $urlKey = preg_replace("/^\\.+|\\.+\$/", "", trim($urlKey)); $sql = "select * from ads_marketing where url_key=:url_key limit 1"; $cm = Yii::app()->db->createCommand($sql); $cm->bindParam(':url_key', $urlKey, PDO::PARAM_STR); $ads = $cm->queryRow(); if ($ads) { $userPhone = Yii::app()->user->getState('msisdn'); $userSub = $this->isSub; $source = $ads['code']; Yii::app()->session['source'] = $source; if ($source == 'ADS') { Yii::app()->session['src'] = 'ads'; } //log ads $write = 1; if (isset($_SESSION[$source])) { // check time giua 2 lan visit co > 15 giay hay ko $latest_time = $_SESSION[$source]; $now = date("Y-m-d H:i:s"); $diff = strtotime($now) - strtotime($latest_time); if (intval($diff) < 15) { $write = 0; } } if ($write == 1) { // log to table log_ads_click $log = new LogAdsClickModel(); $ip = $_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"]; $is3G = 0; if ($this->is3g) { $is3G = 1; } //$log->logAdsWap($userPhone, $source, $ip, $is3G); $log->ads = $source; $log->user_phone = $userPhone; $log->user_ip = $ip; $log->is_3g = $is3G; $log->created_time = date("Y-m-d H:i:s"); $log->save(false); // set session value $_SESSION[$source] = date("Y-m-d H:i:s"); } //end log $destLink = $ads['dest_link']; if ($userSub || empty($userPhone)) { $this->redirect($destLink); } $logger = new KLogger("log_sl", KLogger::INFO); $logger->LogInfo("action:" . $ads['action'] . "|userSub:" . json_encode($userSub), false); if ($ads['action'] == 'subscribe' && !$userSub) { //subscribe now $this->showPopupKm = false; $this->showPopup = false; $userPackage = UserSubscribeModel::model()->get($userPhone); $package_id = $ads['package_id']; $packageCode = PackageModel::model()->findByPk($package_id)->code; if (empty($userPackage)) { //doregister $url = Yii::app()->createUrl('account/vasRegister', array('package' => $package_id, 'back_link' => $destLink)); $this->redirect($url); } } $this->redirect($destLink); } else { $this->redirect('http://amusic.vn'); } }
<?php $page = "recalculatePointsForProfiles"; require '../../variables.php'; require '../../variablesdb.php'; require_once '../functions.php'; require_once './../../functions.php'; require '../../top.php'; $log = new KLogger('/var/www/yoursite/http/log/runonce/', KLogger::INFO); echo getOuterBoxTop($leaguename . " <span class='grey-small'>»</span> Recalculate Points For Profiles", ""); ?> <? $sql = "SELECT * FROM six_profiles where id=591 ORDER BY Id ASC"; $resultX = mysql_query($sql); while ($profile = mysql_fetch_array($resultX)) { $profileId = $profile['id']; $log->logInfo('profileId='.$profileId); $log->logInfo('RecalculatePointsForProfile='.RecalculatePointsForProfile($profile['id'], $profile['disconnects'], $profile['points'], $profile['rating'])); $log->logInfo('RecalculateStreak='.RecalculateStreak($profile['id'])); } ?> <?php echo getOuterBoxBottom(); ?> <? require ('../../bottom.php'); ?>
$cron_name = basename($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'], '.php'); // Include our configuration (holding defines for the requires) require_once BASEPATH . '../include/bootstrap.php'; require_once BASEPATH . '../include/version.inc.php'; // Command line switches array_shift($argv); foreach ($argv as $option) { switch ($option) { case '-f': $monitoring->setStatus($cron_name . "_disabled", "yesno", 0); $monitoring->setStatus($cron_name . "_active", "yesno", 0); break; } } // Load 3rd party logging library for running crons $log = KLogger::instance(BASEPATH . '../logs/' . $cron_name, KLogger::INFO); $log->LogDebug('Starting ' . $cron_name); // Load the start time for later runtime calculations for monitoring $cron_start[$cron_name] = microtime(true); // Check if our cron is activated if ($monitoring->isDisabled($cron_name)) { $log->logFatal('Cronjob is currently disabled due to errors, use -f option to force running cron.'); $monitoring->endCronjob($cron_name, 'E0018', 1, true, false); } // Mark cron as running for monitoring $log->logDebug('Marking cronjob as running for monitoring'); if (!$monitoring->startCronjob($cron_name)) { $log->logFatal('Unable to start cronjob: ' . $monitoring->getCronError()); exit; } // Check if we need to halt our crons due to an outstanding upgrade
<?php $page = "encrytPasswords"; require '../../variables.php'; require '../../variablesdb.php'; require_once '../functions.php'; require_once './../../functions.php'; require '../../top.php'; $log = new KLogger('/var/www/yoursite/http/log/encrypt/', KLogger::INFO); $startId = $_GET['id']; echo getOuterBoxTop($leaguename . " <span class='grey-small'>»</span> Encrypt Passwords", ""); ?> <? $sql = "SELECT player_id, name FROM `weblm_players` where convert(pwd using 'utf8') like 'xxx%'"; $res = mysql_query($sql); echo "<p>".$sql."</p>"; while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($res)) { $id = $row['player_id']; $name = $row['name']; $length = 10; $randomString = substr(str_shuffle("0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ"), 0, $length); $pwHash = password_hash($randomString, PASSWORD_DEFAULT); $msg = "<p>id=".$id." randomString=".$randomString." name=".$name."</p>"; $log->LogInfo($msg); $sql = "UPDATE weblm_players set pwd='".$pwHash."' WHERE player_id=".$id; mysql_query($sql);
public function __construct($log_directory, $debug_level) { $level = $debug_level != null ? $debug_level : \KLogger::DEBUG; $this->log = \KLogger::instance($log_directory, $level); }
* MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ header("Content-Type: text/plain"); header("Cache-Control: no-cache, must-revalidate"); header("Expires: Sat, 26 Jul 1997 05:00:00 GMT"); function logAndDie($log, $message, $code) { http_response_code($code); $log->logFatal($message); die($message); } require_once 'KLogger.php'; $log = new KLogger('.', KLogger::INFO); $log->logDebug('Opened connection from ' . $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']); $password = ''; $remoteaddr = ''; if ($_REQUEST['password'] != $password || $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] != $remoteaddr) { logAndDie($log, 'Bad Authentication: ' . $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'], 403); } $log->logDebug('Authenticated.'); require_once 'mysql_settings.php'; $mysqli = new mysqli(mysqlSettings::HOSTNAME, mysqlSettings::USERNAME, mysqlSettings::PASSWORD, mysqlSettings::DATABASE); if ($mysqli->connect_error) { logAndDie($log, 'MySQL Connection Error', 500); } $log->logDebug('Connected to MySQL - Request mode: ' . $_REQUEST['mode']); if ($_REQUEST['mode'] === 'update') { $query = sprintf("UPDATE `logs_users` SET `ip` = '%s' WHERE `name` = '%s'", $mysqli->real_escape_string($_REQUEST['ip']), strtolower($mysqli->real_escape_string($_REQUEST['name'])));
function findClosestEquivalent($note1, $note2, $distance = 7, $scale) { if (defined('DEBUG')) $log = KLogger::instance(dirname(DEBUG), KLogger::DEBUG); if (defined('DEBUG')) $log->logDebug("finding closest equivalent for $note1 vs $note2 with distance $distance"); if ($this->checkInterval($note1, $note2) > $distance) { return $this->oneOctaveTransposeCloser($note1, $note2, $distance, $scale); } else return $note1; }
public function actionSubscribe() { /*if(!isset($_SERVER['SERVER_NAME']) || $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'] != 'msisdn.chacha.vn'){ $this->redirect('/site/error404'); }*/ $userPhone = Yii::app()->user->getState('msisdn'); $userSub = $this->userSub; //WapUserSubscribeModel::model()->findByAttributes(array('user_phone' => $userPhone, 'status' => UserSubscribeModel::ACTIVE)); $confirm = Yii::app()->request->getParam('confirm', 0); $source = Yii::app()->request->getParam('source', 'buzzcity'); $source = strtoupper($source); $result = null; $userObj = null; if ($confirm == 0) { $write = 1; if (isset($_SESSION[$source])) { // check time giua 2 lan visit co > 15 giay hay ko $latest_time = $_SESSION[$source]; $now = date("Y-m-d H:i:s"); $diff = strtotime($now) - strtotime($latest_time); if (intval($diff) < 15) { $write = 0; } } if ($write == 1) { // log to table log_ads_click $log = new LogAdsClickModel(); $ip = $_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"]; $is3G = 0; if (Yii::app()->user->getState('is3G')) { $is3G = 1; } $log->logAdsWap($userPhone, $source, $ip, $is3G); // set session value $_SESSION[$source] = date("Y-m-d H:i:s"); } } $destUrl = Yii::app()->request->getParam('url', Yii::app()->homeUrl); //$destUrl = urldecode($destUrl); if ($userSub) { $this->redirect($destUrl); } $isPromotion = WapUserSubscribeModel::model()->checkPromotion($userPhone); if ($isPromotion) { $confirm = 1; } if ($confirm == 1) { try { $phone = $userPhone; if (!isset($phone) || !Formatter::isVinaphoneNumber($phone)) { $result = new stdClass(); $result->errorCode = 401; $result->message = WapUserSubscribeModel::model()->getCustomMetaData('3G_TEXT'); } else { //anti flood request if (!isset($_SESSION)) { session_start(); } //time_nanosleep(0, 500000000); $token = Yii::app()->request->csrfToken; $ssid = session_id(); $sql = "INSERT INTO user_phone_subscribe_unduplicate(phone,ssid,token,created_time,status)\n\t\t\t\t\tVALUE('{$userPhone}','{$ssid}','{$token}',NOW(),0)\n\t\t\t\t\t"; $connDB = VegaCommonFunctions::getConnectMysql(); $res1 = mysql_query($sql); mysql_close($connDB); if ($res1) { $bmUrl = yii::app()->params['bmConfig']['remote_wsdl']; $client = new SoapClient($bmUrl, array('trace' => 1)); $params = array('phone' => $userPhone, 'package' => 'CHACHAFUN', 'source' => 'wap', 'promotion' => '', 'bundle' => 0, 'smsId' => null, 'note_event' => $source); $result = $client->__soapCall('userRegister', $params); $timeClear = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', time() - 60 * 5); $sql = "DELETE FROM user_phone_subscribe_unduplicate WHERE created_time<='{$timeClear}'"; $res2 = Yii::app()->db->createCommand($sql)->execute(); } else { $log = new KLogger("SUBS_DUPLICATE_EXCEPTION", KLogger::INFO); $log->LogInfo("Ex:" . $userPhone, false); $this->redirect($destUrl); exit; } } if ($result->errorCode == 0 || $result->errorCode == '0') { //$userObj = WapUserSubscribeModel::model()->findByAttributes(array('user_phone' => $userPhone)); if ($isPromotion) { Yii::app()->user->setState('DK_MA_MSG', 'Quý khách có 7 ngày vàng trải nghiệm dịch vụ: Nghe, xem, tải MIỄN PHÍ toàn bộ nội dung và miễn cước data (3G/GPRS~30.000đ/ngày).Tặng kèm gói miễn phí tải nhạc chuông và quà tặng âm nhạc. Để từ chối nhận KM Quý khách soạn HUY CHACHA gửi 9234'); } $this->redirect($destUrl); } } catch (Exception $e) { $log = new KLogger("SUBS_EXCEPTION", KLogger::INFO); $log->LogInfo("Ex:" . $e->getMessage(), false); //Yii::log($e->getMessage(), "error", "exeption.BMException"); $this->redirect($destUrl); exit; } } else { $log = new KLogger("SUBS_NOT_PROMOTION", KLogger::INFO); $log->LogInfo($userPhone, false); } $this->renderPartial("subscribe_adv", array('userObj' => $userObj, 'result' => $result, 'confirm' => $confirm, 'source' => strtolower($source), 'isPromotion' => $isPromotion, 'destUrl' => $destUrl)); }
} $page_uri .= '://' . $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME']; // this is the base uri $base_uri = $page_uri; define('BASE_URI', $base_uri); // add current document $page_uri .= $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']; // Preparing the session session_name('tzLogin'); // Making the cookie live for 1 day session_set_cookie_params(24 * 60 * 60); // Create session if (!isset($_SESSION)) { session_start(); $auth = new Authentication_Delegated(); $log = new KLogger("logs/log.txt", KLogger::DEBUG); $_SESSION['base_uri'] = $base_uri; $_SESSION['page_uri'] = $page_uri; } // If you are logged in, but you don't have the tzRemember cookie (browser restart) if (isset($_SESSION['id']) && !isset($_COOKIE['tzRemember'])) { // Destroy the session $_SESSION = array(); session_destroy(); } // Logout if (isset($_REQUEST['logout'])) { # clear WebID session if ($_SESSION['webid']) { $auth->logout; }
// on how to sign up is displayed. if it is called with a valid sid that exists in the weblm_signup table // (eg.http://www.yoursite/join.php?sid=1234567890), the signup form is displayed. valid sid's can be // generated using the 'generate signup link' button on the admin control panel. // requiring to send an email to sign up can be toggled with the $signupEmailRequired-switch in variables.php $page = "join"; $subpage = ""; require('variables.php'); require('variablesdb.php'); require('functions.php'); require('top.php'); require_once('log/KLogger.php'); $logJoin = new KLogger('/var/www/yoursite/http/log/join/', KLogger::INFO); ?> <?= getOuterBoxTop($leaguename. " <span class='grey-small'>»</span> Join League", "") ?> <?php $na = "n/a"; $checked = "checked='checked'"; $back = "<p><a href='javascript:history.back()'>go back</a></p>"; $alias = ""; $uploadSpeed = ""; $downloadSpeed = ""; $message = ""; $ip = Get_ip();
$quantity = $_POST['quantity']; } else { if (isset($_GET['quantity'])) { $quantity = $_GET['quantity']; } } if ($quantity < 1) { $quantity = 1; } if (!UtilFunctions::checkUserSession($userId)) { $result->result = "401 : auth error"; header("HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized"); echo json_encode($result); exit(1); } $log = KLogger::instance(KLOGGER_PATH . "apis/", KLogger::DEBUG); $error = false; if (!empty($userId)) { $user = GameUsers::getGameUserById($userId); if (empty($user)) { $error = false; $log->logError(LanguageUtils::getText("LANG_API_USER_EMPTY")); $result->result = LanguageUtils::getText("LANG_API_USER_EMPTY"); } else { $error = true; } } else { $log->logError(LanguageUtils::getText("LANG_API_USER_ID_EMPTY")); $result->result = LanguageUtils::getText("LANG_API_USER_ID_EMPTY"); } if ($error) {
if (strpos($arg, "conf")) { $AUTOMAP = strpos($arg, "automap") ? true : false; // if (!$AUTOMAP) require(IMPORT_ABS_PATH . IMPORT_PATH."/assets/authorize.php"); $do = "conf"; } } include "assets/XMLStreamer.php"; include "assets/assets.php"; include "classes/Settings.class.php"; include "classes/ImpLib.class.php"; include "classes/IceCat.class.php"; define("CATEGORY_MAPPING_URL_AJAX", IMPORT_BASE_URL . IMPORT_PATH . '/settings/ajax.php?' . $VendorID . '-conf'); define("FEED_PATH", IMPORT_ABS_PATH . "/ib2b-feeds/" . $VendorID . "/"); @mkdir(FEED_PATH, 0777, true); @mkdir(IMPORT_ABS_PATH . IMPORT_PATH . "/logs/"); $logger = new KLogger(IMPORT_ABS_PATH . IMPORT_PATH . "/logs/" . @date("Y-m-d") . ".txt", $VendorID); if (IMPORT_PLATFORM == "MAGENTO") { $connector_class = "MagConn"; } if (IMPORT_PLATFORM == "WOOCOMMERCE") { $connector_class = "WooCommerceConn"; } if (IMPORT_PLATFORM == "PRESTASHOP") { $connector_class = "PrestaShopConn"; } if (IMPORT_PLATFORM == "OPENCART") { $connector_class = "OpenCartConn"; } if (IMPORT_PLATFORM == "ZENCART") { $connector_class = "ZenCartConn"; }
protected function beforeAction($action) { $params = Yii::app()->params['controllerlog']; $act = $this->getAction()->getId(); $ctr = $this->getId(); $ctract = $ctr . $act; $method = isset($params[$ctract]) ? $params[$ctract] : ""; $flag = false; if (Yii::app()->request->isPostRequest) { //Log tat ca cac action la post $flag = true; } else { if (array_key_exists($ctract, $params) && ($method == 'get' || $method == 'all')) { // Log cac action la GET va nam trong config 'controllerlog' $flag = true; } else { if ($ctr == 'customer' && Yii::app()->session['phone'] != '' && $act != "logAction" && $act != "viewLogAction") { // Log cac action la GET va nam trong config 'controllerlog' if ($act == "logAction") { $act = "Xem log tác động khách hàng"; } else { if ($act == "index") { $act = "Tra cứu thuê bao"; } else { if ($act == "register") { $act = "Đăng ký gói cước"; } else { if ($act == "subscriber") { $act = "Xem lịch sử đăng ký, huỷ dịch vụ của thuê bao"; } else { if ($act == "history") { $act = "Xem lịch sử trừ cước của thuê bao"; } else { if ($act == "sms") { $act = "Xem tin nhắn MO/MT của thuê bao"; } } } } } } $flag = true; } } } if ($flag) { $model = new AdminLogActionModel(); $model->adminId = $this->userId; $model->adminName = $this->username; $model->controller = $ctr; $model->action = $act; $model->created_time = new CDbExpression("NOW()"); $model->ip = Yii::app()->request->getUserHostAddress(); $model->roles = $this->adminGroup; $model->msisdn = Yii::app()->session['phone']; $model->params = json_encode($_REQUEST); $model->save(); } //log action delete if (strpos(strtolower($act), 'delete') !== false) { $uri = $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']; $ip = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']; $log = new KLogger('LogActionDeleteCMS', KLogger::INFO); $log->LogInfo("Log Delete | UserId: " . Yii::app()->user->id . "|IP:{$ip}" . "| URI:" . $uri, false); } return parent::beforeAction($action); }
<?php require_once 'KLogger.php'; $log = new KLogger("log.txt", KLogger::DEBUG); if (empty($_GET['fileid'])) { return false; } else { $fileid = $_GET['fileid']; } $log->LogInfo("Download: {$fileid}"); // log file $client_no = rand(); $logfile = uniqid(rand(), true) . '.log'; $outfile = uniqid(rand(), true) . '.out'; system("cd ../bin; ./CLIENT_p -i {$client_no} -a download -f {$fileid} -t {$outfile} > {$logfile} 2>&1"); $log->LogInfo("Downloaded from NCDS FileID: {$fileid}"); send_file("../bin/{$outfile}", $fileid); unlink("../bin/{$outfile}"); unlink("../bin/{$logfile}"); $log->LogInfo("Sent to Client FileID: {$fileid}"); function send_file($file, $fileid) { if (empty($_GET['filename'])) { $filename = $fileid; } else { $filename = urldecode($_GET['filename']); } if (file_exists($file)) { header('Content-Description: File Transfer'); header('Content-Type: application/octet-stream'); header("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename={$filename}");