protected function _formatDates($dates) { $result = array(); $d = new KDate(); foreach ($dates as $date) { $d->setDate($date); $result[] = $d->format('%b %e'); } return $result; }
public function getDates() { static $result; if (!isset($result)) { $year = $this->getState('year'); $month = $this->getState('month'); $days = KDate::getDaysInMonth($month, $year); $date = new KDate(); $date->year($year); $date->month($month); $result = array(); for ($day = 1; $day <= $days; $day++) { $date->day($day); $result[$date->format('%Y-%m-%d')] = 0; } } return $result; }
<?php if ($post->id) { ?> <div class="post" > <?php $date = new KDate(); $date->setDate($post->created_on); ?> <div class="date"> <div class="day"><?php echo $date->format('%d'); ?> </div> <div class="month"><?php echo $date->format('%B'); ?> </div> <div class="year"><?php echo $date->format('%Y'); ?> </div> </div> <h2> <b><?php echo $post->title; ?> </b> </h2>
foreach (@$myactivities as $activity) { ?> <?php if (!in_array($activity->parent_target_id, $array)) { continue; } ?> <?php $date = new KDate(); $offset = KFactory::get('lib.joomla.config')->getValue('config.offset') + 1; $date->setDate($activity->created_on)->addHours($offset); ?> <?php if ($currentDay == $date->format('%d %B')) { ?> <tr> <td class="empty"> </td> <?php } else { ?> <tr class="new-day"> <td class="day"> <span> <a><?php echo $date->format('%d %b'); ?> </a> </span> </td>
public function display() { $user = KFactory::tmp('lib.joomla.user', array(KRequest::get('get.userid', 'int'))); if ($user->username == KRequest::get('get.username', 'string')) { $targets = KFactory::tmp('')->getList()->getData(); $thing = reset($targets); $string = substr($thing['title'], 3); $option = strtolower(substr($string, 0, stripos($string, 'controller'))); $view = strtolower(substr($string, stripos($string, 'controller') + 10)); $model = KInflector::pluralize($view); $list = KFactory::tmp('site::com.' . $option . '.model.' . $model)->userid($user->id)->getList()->getData(); $array = array(); foreach ($list as $item) { $array[] = $item['id']; } //Get the list of posts $activities = KFactory::get($this->getModel())->set('parent_target_id', KRequest::get('get.parent_target_id', 'int'))->getList(); $doc =& JFactory::getDocument(); foreach ($activities as $activity) { if (!in_array($activity->parent_target_id, $array)) { continue; } $date = new KDate(); $date->setDate($activity->created_on); $currentDay == $date->format('%d %B'); $user = KFactory::tmp('lib.joomla.user', array('id' => $activity->created_by)); $string = substr($activity->controller, 3); $option = strtolower(substr($string, 0, stripos($string, 'controller'))); $view = strtolower(substr($string, stripos($string, 'controller') + 10)); $link = ''; if ($activity->action != 'delete') { $link = KRequest::base() . '/index.php?option=com_' . $option . '&view=' . $view . '&id=' . $activity->target_id . '&project_id=' . $activity->parent_target_id . '&Itemid=2'; } $description = '<i>' . JText::_($activity->controller . '-' . $activity->action) . '</i>'; $description .= ' ' . $activity->target_title; //add the parent name in the description, if I'm not in a specialized view if (!KRequest::get('get.parent_target_id', 'int')) { $targets = KFactory::tmp('')->getList()->getData(); $thing = reset($targets); $string = substr($thing['title'], 3); $option = strtolower(substr($string, 0, stripos($string, 'controller'))); $view = strtolower(substr($string, stripos($string, 'controller') + 10)); $model = KInflector::pluralize($view); $data = KFactory::tmp('site::com.' . $option . '.model.' . $model)->id($activity->parent_target_id)->getItem(); $description .= '<strong>' . $data->title . '</strong>'; } $date = new KDate(); $date->setDate($activity->created_on); $item = new JFeedItem(); $item->title = $activity->target_title; $item->link = $link . '¶m=' . $activity->created_on; $item->description = $description; $item->date = $date->format('%d %B %Y, %R'); $item->category = ''; $item->authorEmail = ''; $item->author = ''; $user = KFactory::tmp('lib.joomla.user', array('id' => $activity->created_by)); if ($user->id) { $item->authorEmail = $user->email; $item->author = $user->name; } // loads item info into rss array $doc->addItem($item); } $doc->link = $this->createRoute('format=html&view=activities'); } }