Example #1
 protected function _beforeInsert(KDatabaseContextInterface $context)
     $identifier = $context->getSubject()->getIdentifier()->toArray();
     $identifier['path'] = array('model');
     $count = (int) $this->getObject($identifier)->default(1)->count();
     if ($count === 0) {
         $context->data->default = 1;
Example #2
 protected function _beforeSave(KDatabaseContextInterface $context)
     $entity = $context->getSubject();
     if (!$entity->isNew() && !$entity->overwrite) {
         $translator = $this->getObject('translator');
         $entity->setStatusMessage($translator->translate('Resource already exists'));
         return false;
     return true;
Example #3
  * Sets the folder name as created by the OS (encoding) in the filesystem
  * @param KDatabaseContextInterface $context
 protected function _afterSave(KDatabaseContextInterface $context)
     if ($context->siblings && count($context->siblings)) {
         $siblings = KObjectConfig::unbox($context->siblings);
         $name = array_diff(scandir(dirname($context->getSubject()->fullpath)), array_pop($siblings));
         if (count($name) == 1) {
             $this->name = current($name);
         $context->siblings = $siblings;
Example #4
 protected function _beforeSelect(KDatabaseContextInterface $context)
     $query = $context->query;
     if ($query) {
         $params = $context->query->params;
         $id_column = $context->getSubject()->getIdentityColumn();
         // To display the custom ordering in backend
         if (!$query->isCountQuery()) {
             $query->columns(array('ordering' => 'ordering2.custom'))->join(array('ordering2' => 'docman_category_orderings'), 'tbl.' . $id_column . ' = ordering2.' . $id_column, 'left');
         // Force the sort if we are not fetching immediate children of a category
         if ($params && !($params->level == 1 && $params->parent_id && $params->sort !== 'custom')) {
             if (in_array($params->sort, array('title', 'created_on', 'custom'))) {
                 $query->order = array();
                 $column = sprintf('GROUP_CONCAT(LPAD(`ordering`.`%s`, 5, \'0\') ORDER BY crumbs.level DESC  SEPARATOR \'/\')', $params->sort);
                 $query->join(array('ordering' => 'docman_category_orderings'), 'crumbs.ancestor_id = ordering.' . $id_column, 'inner')->columns(array('order_path' => $column))->order('order_path', 'ASC');
Example #5
 protected function _beforeSelect(KDatabaseContextInterface $context)
     $query = $context->query;
     $params = $context->query->params;
     if (!$query) {
         return true;
     $is_count = false;
     if ($query->isCountQuery() && $context->mode === KDatabase::FETCH_FIELD) {
         $is_count = true;
         $query->columns = array();
     $id_column = $context->getSubject()->getIdentityColumn();
     $closure_table = $this->getRelationTable();
     // We are going to force ordering ourselves here
     $query->order = array();
     $sort = 'path';
     $direction = 'ASC';
     $query->columns(array('level' => 'COUNT(crumbs.ancestor_id)'))->columns(array('path' => 'GROUP_CONCAT(crumbs.ancestor_id ORDER BY crumbs.level DESC SEPARATOR \'/\')'))->join(array('crumbs' => $closure_table), 'crumbs.descendant_id = tbl.' . $id_column, 'INNER')->group('tbl.' . $id_column);
     if ($max_level = (int) $params->get('max_level')) {
         $params->set('level', range(1, $max_level));
     if ($params->has('parent_id')) {
         $query->join(array('closures' => $closure_table), 'closures.descendant_id = tbl.' . $id_column, 'inner')->where('closures.ancestor_id IN :parent_id')->bind(array('parent_id' => (array) $params->get('parent_id')));
         if (!$params->has('include_self')) {
             $query->where('tbl.' . $id_column . ' NOT IN :parent_id');
         if ($params->has('level')) {
             $query->where('closures.level IN :level')->bind(array('level' => (array) $params->get('level')));
         // If we are fetching the immediate children of a category we can sort however we want
         if ($params->level == 1 && $params->sort !== 'custom') {
             $sort = 'tbl.' . $params->sort;
             $direction = $params->direction;
     } elseif ($params->has('level')) {
         $query->having('level IN :level')->bind(array('level' => (array) $params->get('level')));
     $query->order($sort, $direction);
     if ($is_count) {
         $data = $context->getSubject()->getAdapter()->select($context->query, KDatabase::FETCH_FIELD_LIST);
         $context->data = count($data);
         return false;
     return true;