Example #1
 public function testclearAuth()
     $client = new Junior\Client($this->fake_uri);
     $client->setBasicAuth('foo', 'bar');
Example #2

// require Junior
require_once "../src/autoload.php";
// create a new instance of JuniorClient with the URI of te
$client = new Junior\Client("http://www.example.com");
// you can use the magic method shortcut to make requests...
$response = $client->foo();
// --> "bar"
// ...and it supports positional arguments
$response = $client->sum(1, 2, 3);
// --> 6
// for named parameters you need to make a request object and send it with the client
$request = new Junior\Clientside\Request('makeFullName', array('last_name' => 'Fry', 'first_name' => 'Philip J.'));
$response = $client->sendRequest($request);
// --> "Philip J. Fry"
// notifications should be specified when you create a request object
$request = new Junior\Clientside\Request('notify', 10, true);
$response = $client->sendNotify($request);
// --> true (on success)
// batches are sent as an array of requests, and are processed and returned in order (with no notifications)
$requests = array();
$requests[] = new Junior\Clientside\Request('makeFullName', array('last_name' => 'Fry', 'first_name' => 'Philip'));
$requests[] = new Junior\Clientside\Request('notify', 10, true);
$requests[] = new Junior\Clientside\Request('isEven', 11);
$response = $client->sendBatch($requests);
// array( "Philip J. Fry", false)