function preprocess() { if (isset($_REQUEST['doLookup'])) { $ref = $_REQUEST['id']; $local = $_REQUEST['local']; $mode = $_REQUEST['mode']; $obj = null; $resp = array(); foreach (CoreLocal::get('RegisteredPaycardClasses') as $rpc) { $obj = new $rpc(); if ($obj->myRefNum($ref)) { break; } else { $obj = null; } } if ($obj === null) { $resp['output'] = DisplayLib::boxMsg('Invalid Transaction ID' . '<br />Local System Error', '', true); $resp['confirm_dest'] = MiscLib::base_url() . 'gui-modules/pos2.php'; $resp['cancel_dest'] = MiscLib::base_url() . 'gui-modules/pos2.php'; } else { if ($local == 0 && $mode == 'verify') { $resp['output'] = DisplayLib::boxMsg('Cannot Verify - Already Complete' . '<br />Local System Error', '', true); $resp['confirm_dest'] = MiscLib::base_url() . 'gui-modules/pos2.php'; $resp['cancel_dest'] = MiscLib::base_url() . 'gui-modules/pos2.php'; } else { $resp = $obj->lookupTransaction($ref, $local, $mode); } } echo JsonLib::array_to_json($resp); return false; } return true; }
function ReadFromScale() { $rel = MiscLib::base_url(); $input = ""; $readdir = $rel . 'scale-drivers/drivers/NewMagellan/cc-output'; $dh = opendir($readdir); while (false !== ($fn = readdir($dh))) { if (is_dir($readdir . "/" . $fn)) { continue; } $data = file_get_contents($readdir . "/" . $fn); unlink($readdir . "/" . $fn); $line = rtrim($data, "\r\n"); if (empty($line)) { continue; } $input = $line; break; } $output = array(); if (!empty($input)) { $output['scans'] = $input; } if (!empty($output)) { echo JsonLib::array_to_json($output); } else { echo "{}"; } }
function preprocess() { if (FormLib::get('input') !== '') { $arr = $this->mgrauthenticate(FormLib::get('input')); echo JsonLib::array_to_json($arr); return False; } else { // beep on initial page load if (CoreLocal::get('LoudLogins') == 1) { UdpComm::udpSend('twoPairs'); } } return True; }
public static function run() { $callback_class = get_called_class(); if (basename($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']) === $callback_class . '.php') { ini_set('display_errors', 'off'); $obj = new $callback_class(); $output = $obj->ajax(); switch ($obj->getEncoding()) { case 'json': echo JsonLib::array_to_json($output); break; case 'plain': default: echo $output; break; } } }
- ddd => shrink items - none => don't print a receipt, just flush localtemptrans Note: none is currently only used by the RRR parser which could probably be refactored into a plugin providing its own receipt type implementation via a ReceiptMessage */ $transFinished = false; if ($receiptType == 'full' || $receiptType == 'cancelled' || $receiptType == 'suspended' || $receiptType == 'none' || $receiptType == 'ddd') { $transFinished = true; } if (!preg_match('/^\\d+-\\d+-\\d+$/', $receiptNum)) { $receiptNum = ReceiptLib::mostRecentReceipt(); } $yesSync = JsonLib::array_to_json(array('sync' => true)); $noSync = JsonLib::array_to_json(array('sync' => false)); $output = $noSync; ob_start(); if (strlen($receiptType) > 0) { register_shutdown_function(array('ReceiptLib', 'shutdownFunction')); $receiptContent = array(); if ($transFinished) { $kicker_class = CoreLocal::get("kickerModule") == "" ? 'Kicker' : CoreLocal::get('kickerModule'); $kicker_object = new $kicker_class(); if (!is_object($kicker_object)) { $kicker_object = new Kicker(); } $dokick = $kicker_object->doKick($receiptNum); } $print_class = CoreLocal::get('ReceiptDriver'); if ($print_class === '' || !class_exists($print_class)) {
/** Read the settings from ini.php and return an equivalent JSON string */ public static function convertIniPhpToJson() { $php = dirname(__FILE__) . '/../../ini.php'; $php = self::readIniPhp(); $json = array(); foreach ($php as $key => $val) { $json[$key] = $val; } return JsonLib::prettyJSON(json_encode($json)); }
/** Remove a value from ini.json Called by confRemove() if ini.json exists. Should not be called directly. @param $key string key @return boolean success */ private static function jsonConfRemove($key) { $ini_json = dirname(__FILE__) . '/../ini.json'; if (!is_writable($ini_json)) { return false; } $json = json_decode(file_get_contents($ini_json), true); if (!is_array($json)) { return false; } unset($json[$key]); $saved = file_put_contents($ini_json, JsonLib::prettyJSON(json_encode($json))); return $saved === false ? false : true; }
GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License in the file license.txt along with IT CORE; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA *********************************************************************************/ ini_set('display_errors', 'Off'); include_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/../lib/AutoLoader.php'; $decision = isset($_REQUEST['input']) ? strtoupper(trim($_REQUEST["input"])) : 'CL'; $ret = array('dest_page' => MiscLib::base_url() . 'gui-modules/pos2.php', 'endorse' => False, 'cleared' => False); $repeat_cmd = CoreLocal::get('strEntered'); if (isset($_REQUEST['cmd']) && !empty($_REQUEST['cmd'])) { $repeat_cmd = $_REQUEST['cmd']; } if ($decision == "CL") { CoreLocal::set("msgrepeat", 0); CoreLocal::set("lastRepeat", ''); CoreLocal::set("toggletax", 0); CoreLocal::set("togglefoodstamp", 0); CoreLocal::set("RepeatAgain", false); $ret['cleared'] = true; } elseif (strlen($decision) > 0) { CoreLocal::set("msgrepeat", 1); CoreLocal::set("strRemembered", $repeat_cmd); } else { CoreLocal::set("msgrepeat", 1); CoreLocal::set("strRemembered", $repeat_cmd); } echo JsonLib::array_to_json($ret);
foreach (CoreLocal::get("RegisteredPaycardClasses") as $rpc) { $myObj = new $rpc(); if ($myObj->handlesType(CoreLocal::get("paycard_type"))) { break; } } $result = $myObj->doSend(CoreLocal::get("paycard_mode")); if ($result === PaycardLib::PAYCARD_ERR_OK) { PaycardLib::paycard_wipe_pan(); $json = $myObj->cleanup($json); CoreLocal::set("strRemembered", ""); CoreLocal::set("msgrepeat", 0); } else { if ($result === PaycardLib::PAYCARD_ERR_NSF_RETRY) { // card shows balance < requested amount // try again with lesser amount $json['main_frame'] = $plugin_info->pluginUrl() . '/gui/paycardboxMsgAuth.php'; } else { if ($result === PaycardLib::PAYCARD_ERR_TRY_VERIFY) { // communication error. query processor about // transaction status. $json['main_frame'] = $plugin_info->pluginUrl() . '/gui/PaycardTransLookupPage.php?mode=verify&id=_l' . $myObj->last_ref_num; } else { PaycardLib::paycard_reset(); CoreLocal::set("msgrepeat", 0); $json['main_frame'] = MiscLib::base_url() . 'gui-modules/boxMsg2.php'; } } } echo JsonLib::array_to_json($json);
function ReadFromScale() { $rel = MiscLib::base_url(); $readfile = $rel . 'scale-drivers/drivers/NewMagellan/scanner-scale'; $readdir = $rel . 'scale-drivers/drivers/NewMagellan/ss-output'; $scale_display = ""; $scans = array(); /* if (file_exists($readfile.".data") && !file_exists($readfile.".lock")){ $fp = fopen($readfile.".lock","w"); fclose($fp); $data = file_get_contents($readfile.".data"); unlink($readfile.".data"); unlink($readfile.".lock"); foreach(explode("\n",$data) as $line){ $line = rtrim($line,"\r"); // in case OS adds it if (empty($line)) continue; if ($line[0] == 'S'){ $scale_display = scaledisplaymsg($line); } else { $scans[] = $line; } } } */ $files = scandir($readdir); foreach ($files as $fn) { if (is_dir($readdir . "/" . $fn)) { continue; } $data = file_get_contents($readdir . "/" . $fn); unlink($readdir . "/" . $fn); $line = rtrim($data, "\r\n"); if (empty($line)) { continue; } if ($line[0] == 'S') { $scale_display = DisplayLib::scaledisplaymsg($line); if (is_array($scale_display)) { if (isset($scale_display['upc'])) { $scans[] = $scale_display['upc']; } $scale_display = $scale_display['display']; } } else { $scans[] = $line; } break; } $output = array(); if (!empty($scale_display)) { $output['scale'] = $scale_display; } if (!empty($scans)) { $output['scans'] = ltrim($scans[0], '0'); } if (!empty($output)) { echo JsonLib::array_to_json($output); } else { echo "{}"; } }
function ReadFromScale() { $rel = MiscLib::base_url(); $scale_data = file_get_contents($rel . 'scale-drivers/drivers/rs232/scale'); $fp = fopen($rel . 'scale-drivers/drivers/rs232/scale', 'w'); fclose($fp); $scan_data = file_get_contents($rel . 'scale-drivers/drivers/rs232/scanner'); $fp = fopen($rel . 'scale-drivers/drivers/rs232/scanner', 'w'); fclose($fp); $scale_display = ''; $scans = array(); if ($scale_data !== False && !empty($scale_data)) { $scale_display = DisplayLib::scaledisplaymsg($scale_data); if (is_array($scale_display)) { if (isset($scale_display['upc'])) { $scans[] = $scale_display['upc']; } $scale_display = $scale_display['display']; } } if ($scan_data !== False && !empty($scan_data)) { $scans[] = $scan_data; } $output = array(); if (!empty($scale_display)) { $output['scale'] = $scale_display; } if (!empty($scans)) { $output['scans'] = ltrim($scans[0], '0'); } if (!empty($output)) { echo JsonLib::array_to_json($output); } else { echo "{}"; } }
public function testJsonLib() { $test = array(0 => array(1, 2, 3), 1 => 'test string', 2 => 5, 3 => '0006', 4 => 9.699999999999999, 5 => True, 6 => "bad\\char\tacters"); $json = JsonLib::array_to_json($test); $good = "[[1,2,3],\"test string\",5,6,9.7,true,\"bad\\\\char\\tacters\"]"; $this->assertInternalType('string', $json); $this->assertEquals($good, $json); }