Example #1
         // include once ...
 }, 20);
 Weapon::add('SHIPMENT_REGION_BOTTOM', function () use($config) {
     $path = __DIR__ . DS . 'assets' . DS . 'sword' . DS;
     echo Asset::javascript(array($path . 'ajax.js', $path . 'row.js', $path . 'slug.js', $path . 'upload.js', $path . 'tab.js', $path . 'toggle.js', $path . 'modal.js', $path . 'tooltip.js', $path . 'sortable.js', $path . 'accordion.js', SHIELD . DS . $config->shield . DS . 'assets' . DS . 'sword' . DS . 'manager.js'), "", 'sword/manager.min.js');
 }, 1);
  * Footer Link(s)
  * --------------
 if ($config->page_type === 'manager' || $config->is->post) {
     // Add default comment footer link(s)
     Weapon::add('comment_footer', function ($comment, $article) use($config, $speak) {
         $status = Mecha::alter(File::E($comment->path), array('hold' => Jot::span('info', Jot::icon('clock-o') . ' ' . $speak->pending) . ' · '), "");
         echo $status . Cell::a($config->manager->slug . '/comment/repair/id:' . $comment->id, $speak->edit) . ' / ' . Cell::a($config->manager->slug . '/comment/kill/id:' . $comment->id, $speak->delete);
     }, 20);
  * Widget Manager Menu(s) and Bar(s)
  * ---------------------------------
  * [1]. Config::merge('manager_menu', array());
  * [2]. Config::merge('manager_bar', array());
 Weapon::add('shield_before', function () {
     $config = Config::get();
     $speak = Config::speak();
     $total = $config->__total_comments;
Example #2
 * Footer Link(s)
 * --------------
// Add default article footer link(s)
Weapon::add('article_footer', function ($article) use($config, $speak) {
    $e = File::E($article->path);
    $comments = count(glob(COMMENT . DS . Date::slug($article->id) . '_*_*.{txt,hold}', GLOB_NOSORT | GLOB_BRACE));
    $t = Jot::icon('comments') . ' ' . $comments;
    $tt = array('title' => $comments . ' ' . ($comments === 1 ? $speak->comment : $speak->comments));
    $comments = ($e === 'draft' || $comments === 0 ? Cell::span($t, $tt) : Cell::a($config->manager->slug . '/comment?filter=post%3A' . $article->id, $t, null, $tt)) . ' · ';
    $status = Mecha::alter($e, array('draft' => Jot::span('info', Jot::icon('clock-o') . ' ' . $speak->draft) . ' · ', 'archive' => Jot::span('info', Jot::icon('history') . ' ' . $speak->archive) . ' · '), "");
    echo $comments . $status . Cell::a($config->manager->slug . '/article/repair/id:' . $article->id, $speak->edit) . ' / ' . Cell::a($config->manager->slug . '/article/kill/id:' . $article->id, $speak->delete);
}, 20);
// Add default page footer link(s)
Weapon::add('page_footer', function ($page) use($config, $speak) {
    $status = Mecha::alter(File::E($page->path), array('draft' => Jot::span('info', Jot::icon('clock-o') . ' ' . $speak->draft) . ' · ', 'archive' => Jot::span('info', Jot::icon('history') . ' ' . $speak->archive) . ' · '), "");
    echo $status . Cell::a($config->manager->slug . '/page/repair/id:' . $page->id, $speak->edit) . ' / ' . Cell::a($config->manager->slug . '/page/kill/id:' . $page->id, $speak->delete);
}, 20);
 * Backend Route(s)
 * ----------------
 * Load the routes.
Weapon::add('plugins_after', function () use($config, $speak, $segment) {
    // loading cargo ...
    require __DIR__ . DS . 'workers' . DS . 'cargo.php';
    if ($detour = File::exist(__DIR__ . DS . 'workers' . DS . 'route.' . $segment . '.php')) {
        require $detour;
Example #3
    foreach ($files as $file) {
        if (strpos($file->path, $shield_path . 'states' . DS) === 0 || strpos($file->path, $shield_path . 'workers' . DS) === 0) {
        $url = File::url(str_replace($shield_path, "", $file->path));
        echo Session::get('recent_item_update') === File::B($file->path) ? ' class="active"' : "";
        echo strpos($url, '/') !== false ? Jot::span('fade', File::D($url) . '/') . File::B($url) : $url;
                <td class="td-icon">
        echo Jot::a('construct', $shield_url_repair . $url, Jot::icon('pencil'), array('title' => $speak->edit));
                <td class="td-icon">
        echo Jot::a('destruct', $shield_url_kill . $url, Jot::icon('times'), array('title' => $speak->delete));
Example #4
 * --------------
if ($config->page_type === 'manager') {
    // Add default article footer link(s)
    Weapon::add('article_footer', function ($article) use($config, $speak) {
        $status = Mecha::alter(File::E($article->path), array('draft' => Jot::span('info', Jot::icon('clock-o') . ' ' . $speak->draft) . ' &middot; ', 'archive' => Jot::span('info', Jot::icon('history') . ' ' . $speak->archive) . ' &middot; '), "");
        echo $status . Cell::a($config->manager->slug . '/article/repair/id:' . $article->id, $speak->edit) . ' / ' . Cell::a($config->manager->slug . '/article/kill/id:' . $article->id, $speak->delete);
    }, 20);
    // Add default page footer link(s)
    Weapon::add('page_footer', function ($page) use($config, $speak) {
        $status = Mecha::alter(File::E($page->path), array('draft' => Jot::span('info', Jot::icon('clock-o') . ' ' . $speak->draft) . ' &middot; ', 'archive' => Jot::span('info', Jot::icon('history') . ' ' . $speak->archive) . ' &middot; '), "");
        echo $status . Cell::a($config->manager->slug . '/page/repair/id:' . $page->id, $speak->edit) . ' / ' . Cell::a($config->manager->slug . '/page/kill/id:' . $page->id, $speak->delete);
    }, 20);
    // Add default comment footer link(s)
    Weapon::add('comment_footer', function ($comment, $article) use($config, $speak) {
        $status = Mecha::alter($comment->state, array('pending' => Jot::span('info', Jot::icon('clock-o') . ' ' . $speak->pending) . ' &middot; '), "");
        echo $status . Cell::a($config->manager->slug . '/comment/repair/id:' . $comment->id, $speak->edit) . ' / ' . Cell::a($config->manager->slug . '/comment/kill/id:' . $comment->id, $speak->delete);
    }, 20);
 * Widget Manager Menu(s)
 * ----------------------
Weapon::add('shield_before', function () {
    $config = Config::get();
    $speak = Config::speak();
    $total = $config->total_comments_backend;
    $destination = SYSTEM . DS . 'log' . DS . 'comments.total.log';
    if ($file = File::exist($destination)) {
        $old = (int) File::open($file)->read();
        $total = $total > $old ? $total - $old : 0;