Example #1
 * @license    http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.txt GNU General Public License Version 2 or Later
defined('_JEXEC') or die;
/* @type  \Joomla\Registry\Registry  $params */
/* @type  array                      $chartData */
/* @type  object                     $module */
// Require our Chart.js source
JHtml::_('script', 'mod_joomladata/Chart.js', false, true);
// Figure out what type of chart we're building
$chartType = $params->get('chartType', 'Doughnut');
// Set the container ID using the module's ID for unique instances
$containerId = 'joomlaChart-' . $module->id;
$dataRows = '';
$iteration = 1;
// Get our helper so we can generate colors
$helper = new JoomlaStatChartsHelper();
foreach ($chartData as $row) {
    $dataRows .= '{value: ' . $row['count'] . ', label: "' . $row['name'] . '", color: "' . $helper->getColor() . '"}';
    if ($iteration != count($chartData)) {
        $dataRows .= ',';

<canvas id="<?php 
echo $containerId;
" width="<?php 
echo $params->get('containerWidth', 400);
Example #2
 * @var   string                     $content   Module output content
 * Additional variables
 * ---------------------
 * @var   array  $chartData  The data to be rendered in the chart
// Require our Chart.js source
JHtml::_('script', 'mod_joomladata/Chart.js', false, true);
// Figure out what type of chart we're building
$chartType = $params->get('chartType', 'Doughnut');
// Set the container ID using the module's ID for unique instances
$containerId = 'joomlaChart-' . $module->id;
$labels = [];
$dataObject = (object) ['data' => [], 'backgroundColor' => []];
// Get our helper so we can generate colors
$helper = new JoomlaStatChartsHelper();
foreach ($chartData as $row) {
    $labels[] = $row['name'];
    $dataObject->data[] = $row['count'];
    $dataObject->backgroundColor[] = $helper->getColor();
$data = ['labels' => $labels, 'datasets' => [$dataObject]];

<canvas id="<?php 
echo $containerId;
" width="100" height="100"></canvas>

<script type="text/javascript">
	var <?php