Example #1
File: sef.php Project: 01J/bealtine
 function updateNext()
     $db = JFactory::getDBO();
     // Load URLs to update
     $query = "SELECT `id`, `sefurl`, `origurl`, `Itemid` FROM `#__sefurls` WHERE `dateadd` = '0000-00-00' AND `locked` = '0' AND `flag` = '1' LIMIT 25";
     $rows = $db->loadObjectList();
     // Check that there's anything to update
     if (is_null($rows) || count($rows) == 0) {
         // Done
         echo json_encode(array('type' => 'completed', 'updated' => 0));
     // OK, we've got some data, let's update them
     // First, we need to delete the URLs to be updated
     $ids = array();
     $count = count($rows);
     for ($i = 0; $i < $count; $i++) {
         $ids[] = $rows[$i]->id;
     $ids = implode(',', $ids);
     $query = "DELETE FROM `#__sefurls` WHERE `id` IN ({$ids})";
     if (!$db->query()) {
         echo json_encode(array('type' => 'error', 'msg' => $db->stderr(true)));
     // Suppress all the normal output
     // Loop through URLs and update them one by one
     $mainframe = JFactory::getApplication();
     $router = $mainframe->getRouter();
     $sefRouter = new JRouterJoomsef();
     for ($i = 0; $i < $count; $i++) {
         $row =& $rows[$i];
         $url = $row->origurl;
         $oldSef = $row->sefurl;
         if (!empty($row->Itemid)) {
             if (strpos($url, '?') !== false) {
                 $url .= '&';
             } else {
                 $url .= '?';
             $url .= 'Itemid=' . $row->Itemid;
         $oldUri = new JURI($url);
         $newSefUri = $sefRouter->build($router, $oldUri);
         // JURI::toString() returns bad results when used with some UTF characters!
         $newSefUrl = JoomSefUri::getUri($newSefUri);
         $newSef = ltrim(str_replace(JURI::root(), '', $newSefUrl), '/');
         // If the SEF URL changed, we need to add it to 301 redirection table
         if ($oldSef != $newSef) {
             // Check that the redirect does not already exist
             $query = "SELECT `id` FROM `#__sefmoved` WHERE `old` = " . $db->quote($oldSef) . " AND `new` = " . $db->quote($newSef) . " LIMIT 1";
             $id = $db->loadResult();
             if (!$id) {
                 $query = "INSERT INTO `#__sefmoved` (`old`, `new`) VALUES (" . $db->quote($oldSef) . ", " . $db->quote($newSef) . ")";
                 if (!$db->query()) {
                     echo json_encode(array('type' => 'error', 'msg' => $db->stderr(true)));
     echo json_encode(array('type' => 'updatestep', 'updated' => $count));
Example #2
 function _parseRawRoute(&$uri)
     $sefConfig =& SEFConfig::getConfig();
     // Make sure that Itemid is numeric
     $Itemid = $uri->getVar('Itemid');
     if (!empty($Itemid)) {
         $uri->setVar('Itemid', intval($Itemid));
     // Redirect to correct language if set to
     if ($sefConfig->langEnable && $sefConfig->mismatchedLangHandling == _COM_SEF_MISMATCHED_LANG_FIX && count($_POST) == 0) {
         $langVar = $uri->getVar('lang');
         $itemidVar = $uri->getVar('Itemid');
         if (!empty($langVar) && !empty($itemidVar)) {
             // Get menu item language
             $menu = JFactory::getApplication()->getMenu('site');
             $item = $menu->getItem($itemidVar);
             if (is_object($item) && !empty($item->language) && $item->language != '*') {
                 $langsCode = JLanguageHelper::getLanguages('lang_code');
                 if ($langsCode[$item->language]->sef != $langVar) {
                     // Redirect to correct language
                     $curUri = JURI::getInstance();
                     $curUri->setVar('lang', $langsCode[$item->language]->sef);
                     SEFTools::redirect($curUri->toString(), true);
     if (is_null($uri->getVar('option'))) {
         // Set the URI from Itemid
         $menu = JFactory::getApplication()->getMenu('site');
         $item = $menu->getItem($uri->getVar('Itemid'));
         if (!is_null($item)) {
             $uri->setVar('Itemid', $item->id);
     $extAuto = 2;
     if (isset($params)) {
         $extAuto = $params->get('autoCanonical', 2);
     $autoCanonical = $extAuto == 2 ? $sefConfig->autoCanonical : $extAuto;
     if ($sefConfig->nonSefRedirect && count($_POST) == 0 || $autoCanonical) {
         // Try to find the non-SEF URL in the database - don't create new!
         $oldDisable = $sefConfig->disableNewSEF;
         $sefConfig->disableNewSEF = true;
         $url = $uri->toString(array('path', 'query', 'fragment'));
         $sef = JRoute::_($url);
         // Revert, otherwise Joomla in its router thinks this is SEF URL,
         // because its path is not empty!
         // Restore the configuration
         $sefConfig->disableNewSEF = $oldDisable;
         if ($sefConfig->nonSefRedirect && count($_POST) == 0) {
             // Non-SEF redirect
             if (strpos($sef, 'index.php?') === false) {
                 // Check if it's different from current URL
                 $curUri = JURI::getInstance();
                 if ($sef[0] == '/') {
                     $curUrl = $curUri->toString(array('path', 'query', 'fragment'));
                 } else {
                     $curUrl = JoomSefUri::getUri($curUri);
                 // Fix the &amp; characters
                 $sef = str_replace('&amp;', '&', $sef);
                 if ($sef != $curUrl) {
                     // Seems the URL is SEF, let's redirect
                     SEFTools::redirect($sef, true);
         } else {
             if ($autoCanonical) {
                 // Only set canonical URL
                 $mainframe =& JFactory::getApplication();
                 // Remove the query part from SEF URL
                 $pos = strpos($sef, '?');
                 if ($pos !== false) {
                     $sef = substr($sef, 0, $pos);
                 JoomSEF::set('sef.link.canonical', $sef);
     return $uri->getQuery(true);
Example #3
 function build(&$siteRouter, &$uri)
     // Get correct URL for JoomSEF (menu items containing only Itemid, not option) and store the original path
     $origPath = $uri->getPath();
     $url = JoomSefUri::getUri($uri);
     $option = $uri->getVar('option');
     // Security - only allow colon in protocol part
     if (strpos($url, ':') !== false) {
         $offset = 0;
         if (substr($url, 0, 5) == 'http:') {
             $offset = 5;
         } elseif (substr($url, 0, 6) == 'https:') {
             $offset = 6;
         $url = substr($url, 0, $offset) . str_replace(':', '%3A', substr($url, $offset));
     // Fix the amp; as they shouldn't be present there - VirtueMart has problem with those
     $url = str_replace(array('?amp;', '&amp;'), array('?', '&'), $url);
     // Update URI object
     JoomSefUri::updateUri($uri, $this->_prepareUrl($url));
     // Check the path part for URLs without mod_rewrite support
     $route = $uri->getPath();
     if (substr($route, 0, 10) == 'index.php/') {
         $route = substr($route, 10);
         return $uri;
     // Last resort check for URLs that shouldn't be SEFed
     if (substr($route, 0, 9) != 'index.php') {
         return $uri;
     // Set URI defaults
     $menu = JFactory::getApplication()->getMenu('site');
     // We don't want to add any variables if the URL is pure index.php
     if ($url != 'index.php') {
         // Get the itemid from the URI
         $Itemid = $uri->getVar('Itemid');
         if (is_null($Itemid)) {
             if ($option = $uri->getVar('option')) {
                 $item = $menu->getItem($this->joomlaRouter->getVar('Itemid'));
                 if (isset($item) && $item->component == $option) {
                     $uri->setVar('Itemid', $item->id);
             } else {
                 if ($Itemid = $this->joomlaRouter->getVar('Itemid')) {
                     $uri->setVar('Itemid', $Itemid);
         // If there is no option specified, try to get the query from menu item
         if (is_null($uri->getVar('option'))) {
             // Joomla pagination can generate only URL like ?limitstart=5 and Joomla router add into URL actual query automatically.
             if (count($vars = $uri->getQuery(true)) == 2 && isset($vars['Itemid']) && isset($vars['limitstart'])) {
                 foreach ($this->joomlaRouter->getVars() as $name => $value) {
                     if ($name != 'limitstart' && $name != 'start') {
                         $uri->setVar($name, $value);
                 if ($uri->getVar('limitstart') == 0) {
             } else {
                 if (!is_null($uri->getVar('Itemid'))) {
                     $item = $menu->getItem($uri->getVar('Itemid'));
                     $origId = $uri->getVar('Itemid');
                     while (is_object($item) && $item->type == 'alias') {
                         // Get aliased menu item
                         if (is_object($item->params)) {
                             $aliasId = $item->params->get('aliasoptions', null);
                             if (!is_null($aliasId) && $aliasId != $origId) {
                                 $item = $menu->getItem($aliasId);
                                 // Fix Itemid
                                 if (is_object($item)) {
                                     $uri->setVar('Itemid', $item->id);
                             } else {
                         } else {
                     if (is_object($item)) {
                         foreach ($item->query as $k => $v) {
                             $test = $uri->getVar($k);
                             if (strlen($test) == 0) {
                                 $uri->setVar($k, $v);
                 } else {
                     // There is no option or Itemid specified, try to use current option
                     if ($option = $this->joomlaRouter->getVar('option')) {
                         $uri->setVar('option', $option);
                     // 10.6.2012 dajo: Removed, was behaving differently than Joomla router
                     //$item = $menu->getDefault();
                     // Workaround until Joomla menu bug will be fixed
                     //if (is_object($item)) {
                     //    foreach($item->query as $k => $v) {
                     //        $uri->setVar($k, $v);
                     //    }
                     //    // Set Itemid
                     //    $uri->setVar('Itemid', $item->id);
     } else {
         // Set the current menu item's query if set to
         // (default Joomla's behaviour)
         $sefConfig = SEFConfig::getConfig();
         if ($sefConfig->indexPhpCurrentMenu) {
             $itemid = $this->getVar('Itemid');
             if (!is_null($itemid)) {
                 $item = $menu->getItem($itemid);
                 if (is_object($item)) {
                     $uri->setVar('Itemid', $itemid);
             } else {
                 // Set at least option
                 $option = $this->getVar('option');
                 if (!is_null($option)) {
                     $uri->setVar('option', $option);
     // Combine original path with new path
     // It's not necesarry in new versions of Joomla and cause some problems
     /*$path = $uri->getPath();
       if ($path != "") {
           if (substr($origPath, 0, 10) == 'index.php/')
               $origPath = substr($origPath, 10);
           $path = rtrim($origPath, '/').$path;
     return $uri;