Example #1
  * Delete document's (move to trash).
  * Method expected array cid in request with document's id's.
  * On end redirect to document's list view.
  * @return void
 public function delete()
     //parent::delete(); why it was here?
     JRequest::checkToken() or die(JText::_('JINVALID_TOKEN'));
     $mainframe = JFactory::getApplication();
     /* @var $mainframe JAdministrator */
     $cid = JRequest::getVar('cid', array(), '', 'array');
     if (!is_array($cid) || !count($cid)) {
         JError::raiseWarning(500, JText::_('COM_JOOMDOC_ERROR_NO_ITEMS_SELECTED'));
     } else {
         $model = $this->getModel();
         /* @var $model JoomDOCModelDocument */
         foreach ($cid as $id) {
             JoomDOCAccessDocument::delete($id) ? $canDelete[] = $id : ($cannotDelete[] = $id);
         if (isset($cannotDelete)) {
             $mainframe->enqueueMessage(JText::sprintf('JOOMDOC_UNABLE_DELETE_DOCUMENTS', implode(',', $cannotDelete)), 'error');
         if (isset($canDelete)) {
             $mainframe->enqueueMessage(JText::sprintf('COM_JOOMDOC_N_ITEMS_DELETED', $model->trash($canDelete)));
Example #2
  * Create new subfolder in current parent folder.
  * @return void
 public function newFolder()
     $app = JFactory::getApplication();
     $success = JoomDOCFileSystem::newFolder();
     if ($success && JRequest::getInt('doccreate')) {
     } else {
         $this->setRedirect(JoomDOCRoute::viewDocuments(JoomDOCRequest::getPath(), false));
Example #3
  * Rename file/folder.
 public function rename()
     $renamePath = JString::trim(JRequest::getString('renamePath'));
     if (JoomDOCAccessFileSystem::rename(false, $renamePath)) {
         if ($success = JoomDOCFileSystem::rename($renamePath, JString::trim($newName = JRequest::getString('newName')))) {
             //if renamed directory, do refresh, else it will appear empty
             $newPath = ($parentPath = JoomDOCFileSystem::getParentPath($renamePath)) ? $parentPath . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . JRequest::getString('newName') : $newName;
             if (JFolder::exists(JoomDOCFileSystem::getFullPath($newPath))) {
                 $mainfrane = JFactory::getApplication();
                 $mainfrane->enqueueMessage(JText::sprintf('JOOMDOC_REFRESHED', JoomDOCFileSystem::refresh()));
         $this->setRedirect(JoomDOCRoute::viewDocuments(), JText::_($success ? 'JOOMDOC_RENAME_SUCCESS' : 'JOOMDOC_RENAME_FAILED'), $success ? 'message' : 'error');
     } else {
         JError::raiseError(403, JText::_('JOOMDOC_UNABLE_RENAME'));
Example #4
  * Set component submenu.
  * @param string $view opened view page
  * @return void
 public static function setSubmenu($view = JOOMDOC_JOOMDOC, $asJ3Sidebar = false)
     if ($asJ3Sidebar and JOOMDOC_ISJ3) {
         //J3: if we want to add own things to sidebar, we need to set up own html grid-12, so build own left submenu, which we will display
         $object = 'JHtmlSidebar';
     } else {
         //else (if j3), its added to default submenu which is displayed as left sidebar automatically
         $object = 'JSubMenuHelper';
     $object::addEntry(JText::_('JOOMDOC_CONTROL_PANEL'), JoomDOCRoute::viewJoomDOC(), $view == JOOMDOC_JOOMDOC);
     $object::addEntry(JText::_('JOOMDOC_DOCUMENTS'), JoomDOCRoute::viewDocuments(), $view == JOOMDOC_DOCUMENTS);
     $object::addEntry(JText::_('JOOMDOC_LICENSES'), JoomDOCRoute::viewLicenses(), $view == JOOMDOC_LICENSES);
     if (JFactory::getUser()->authorise('core.managafields', 'com_joomdoc')) {
         $object::addEntry(JText::_('JOOMDOC_FIELDS'), JoomDOCRoute::viewFields(), $view == JOOMDOC_FIELDS);
     $object::addEntry(JText::_('JOOMDOC_UPGRADE'), JoomDOCRoute::viewUpgrade(), $view == JOOMDOC_UPGRADE);
     $object::addEntry(JText::_('JOOMDOC_MIGRATION'), JoomDOCRoute::viewMigration(), $view == JOOMDOC_MIGRATION);
Example #5
  * Display the button.
  * @param string $name field name
  * @return JObject button settings
 function onDisplay($name)
     $doc = JFactory::getDocument();
     /* @var $doc JDocumentHTML */
     $script[] = '//<![CDATA[';
     $script[] = 'function jSelectJoomdocDocument(id, title, url) {';
     $script[] = '  var tag = \'<a href="\' + url + \'" title="">\' + title + \'</a>\';';
     $script[] = '  jInsertEditorText(tag, \'' . addslashes($name) . '\');';
     $script[] = '  SqueezeBox.close();';
     $script[] = '}';
     $script[] = '//]]>';
     $script = implode(PHP_EOL, $script);
     $button = new JObject();
     $button->set('modal', true);
     $button->set('link', str_replace('&', '&amp;', JoomDOCRoute::modalDocuments(null, true)));
     $button->set('text', JText::_('PLG_EDITORS-XTD_JOOMDOC_BTN'));
     $button->set('name', 'file-add');
     $button->set('options', "{handler: 'iframe', size: {x: 770, y: 400}}");
     $button->set('class', 'btn');
     return $button;
Example #6
 function getObjectInfo($id, $language = null)
     $info = new JCommentsObjectInfo();
     $routerHelper = JPATH_ROOT . '/administrator/components/com_joomdoc/libraries/joomdoc/application/route.php';
     if (is_file($routerHelper)) {
         require_once JPATH_ROOT . '/administrator/components/com_joomdoc/defines.php';
         require_once $routerHelper;
         $db = JFactory::getDBO();
         $query = $db->getQuery(true);
         $query->select('a.id, a.title, a.alias, a.access, a.created_by, a.path');
         $query->from('#__joomdoc AS a');
         $query->where('a.id = ' . (int) $id);
         $row = $db->loadObject();
         if (!empty($row)) {
             $slug = $row->alias ? $row->id . ':' . $row->alias : $row->id;
             $info->title = $row->title;
             $info->access = $row->access;
             $info->userid = $row->created_by;
             $info->link = JRoute::_(JoomDOCRoute::viewDocuments($row->path, false));
     return $info;
Example #7
  * Get URL to view License Text.
  * @param int $id License ID
  * @param string $alias License Alias
  * @param string $path Path to File if License has to be confirmed before dovnloading
  * @return string
 public static function viewLicense($id, $alias, $path = null, $docAlias = null)
     $itemID = null;
     JoomDOCRoute::frontend($path, $docAlias, $itemID);
     return JRoute::_('index.php?option=' . JOOMDOC_OPTION . '&view=license&id=' . $id . ':' . $alias . '&tmpl=component' . ($path ? '&path=' . JoomDOCString::urlencode($path) : '') . ($itemID ? '&Itemid=' . $itemID : ''));
Example #8
 public function run()
     $db = JFactory::getDbo();
     /* @var $db JDatabase */
     $mainframe = JFactory::getApplication();
     /* @var $mainframe JApplication */
     // selected source docman or joomdoc
     $component = JRequest::getString('component');
     // current database prefix
     $pr = $mainframe->getCfg('dbprefix');
     // all DocMAN or JoomDOC2 tables
     if ($component == 'docman') {
         $tables = array($pr . 'docman', $pr . 'docman_groups', $pr . 'docman_history', $pr . 'docman_licenses', $pr . 'docman_log');
     } else {
         $tables = array($pr . 'joomdoc2', $pr . 'joomdoc2_groups', $pr . 'joomdoc2_history', $pr . 'joomdoc2_licenses', $pr . 'joomdoc2_log');
     // all tables in Joomla database
     $joomla = $db->getTableList();
     // check if all tables exists, are required
     if (array_intersect($tables, $joomla) != $tables) {
         return $this->setRedirect(JoomDOCRoute::viewJoomDOC(), JText::sprintf('JOOMDOC_MIGRATION_TABLES_UNAVAILABLE', implode(', ', $tables)), 'error');
     // relative path folder where DocMAN or JoomDOC stored files, is required
     $docbase = JPath::clean(JPATH_ROOT . '/' . JRequest::getString('docbase'));
     if (!JFolder::exists($docbase)) {
         return $this->setRedirect(JoomDOCRoute::viewJoomDOC(), JText::sprintf('JOOMDOC_MIGRATION_DOCBASE_UNAVAILABLE', $docbase), 'error');
     // statictis counters
     $newFolders = $newFiles = 0;
     /* copy DocMAN or JoomDOC2 licenses into JoomDOC3 */
     $license = JTable::getInstance(JOOMDOC_LICENSE, JOOMDOC_TABLE_PREFIX);
     /* @var $license JoomDOCTableLicense */
     $table = $component == 'docman' ? 'docman_licenses ' : 'joomdoc2_licenses ';
     // total of licenses in DocMAN or JoomDOC2
     $db->setQuery('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM #__' . $table);
     $total = $db->loadResult();
     // map Ids of licenses from DocMAN or JoomDOC2 into Ids of licenses in new JoomDOC3 structure
     $licensesMap = array();
     for ($i = 0; $i < $total; $i += 100) {
         // migrate licenses in batch process
         $db->setQuery('SELECT * FROM #__' . $table, $i, 100);
         $items = $db->loadObjectList();
         foreach ($items as $item) {
             // prepare new JoomDOC3 license
             $license->id = 0;
             $license->alias = null;
             $license->state = JOOMDOC_STATE_PUBLISHED;
             // copy data from DocMAN or JoomDOC2 license into JoomDOC3
             $license->title = $item->name;
             $license->text = $item->license;
             // store licenses maping for using in new JoomDOC3 documents
             $licensesMap[$item->id] = $license->id;
     $document = JTable::getInstance(JOOMDOC_DOCUMENT, JOOMDOC_TABLE_PREFIX);
     /* @var $document JoomDOCTableDocument */
     // convert DocMAN or JoomDOC categories into JoomDOC3 folders
     $parents = array(0 => '');
     // root of categories tree
     // do for levels of categories tree
     // store map of Joomla categories and DocMAN/JoomDOC2 documents to JoomDOC3 paths
     $categoriesMap = $documentsMap = array();
     do {
         // name of Joomla category section - identify component
         $section = $db->quote($component == 'docman' ? 'com_docman' : 'com_joomdoc');
         $parentsIds = implode(', ', array_keys($parents));
         // load total of DocMAN or JoomDOC2 categories in one level of categories tree
         if ($component == 'docman' && in_array($pr . 'docman_categories', $joomla)) {
             // since DocMAN 1.5
             $db->setQuery('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM #__docman_categories WHERE parent_id IN (' . $parentsIds . ')');
         } else {
             $db->setQuery('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM #__categories WHERE section = ' . $section . ' AND parent_id IN (' . $parentsIds . ')');
         try {
             $total = $db->loadResult();
         } catch (Exception $e) {
             // new format of table jos_categories without section column
             $c = $db->replacePrefix('#__categories');
             $mainframe->enqueueMessage(JText::sprintf('JOOMDOC_MIGRATION_OLD_CATEGORIES', $c, $c, $c, $c), 'notice');
         $nextLevel = isset($nextLevel) ? array() : array(0 => '');
         // in the first batch process uncategorized documents
         for ($i = 0; $i < $total; $i += 100) {
             // load DocMAN or JoomDOC2 categories tree level full node list in batch process
             if ($component == 'docman' && in_array($pr . 'docman_categories', $joomla)) {
                 // since DocMAN 1.5
                 $db->setQuery('SELECT id, title, parent_id, description, published, ordering, access FROM #__docman_categories WHERE parent_id IN (' . $parentsIds . ')', $i, 100);
             } else {
                 $db->setQuery('SELECT id, title, parent_id, description, published, ordering, access FROM #__categories WHERE section = ' . $section . ' AND parent_id IN (' . $parentsIds . ')', $i, 100);
             $children = $db->loadObjectList('id');
             foreach ($children as $id => $kid) {
                 /* @var $kid JTableCategory */
                 // create folder name from category title
                 $folder = JFilterOutput::stringURLSafe($kid->title);
                 // create document for folder
                 $document->id = 0;
                 $document->parent_path = $parents[$kid->parent_id];
                 $document->path = ($document->parent_path ? $document->parent_path . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR : '') . $folder;
                 // copy data form category into document
                 $document->title = $kid->title;
                 $document->alias = null;
                 $document->description = $kid->description;
                 $document->state = $kid->published == JOOMDOC_STATE_PUBLISHED ? JOOMDOC_STATE_PUBLISHED : JOOMDOC_STATE_UNPUBLISHED;
                 $document->ordering = $kid->ordering;
                 $document->access = $kid->access ? $kid->access : 1;
                 if (!JFolder::exists(JoomDOCFileSystem::getFullPath($document->path))) {
                     // create folder only if doesn't exists
                     JoomDOCFileSystem::newFolder($document->parent_path, $folder, false, false);
                 } else {
                     // folder exist, search last exists document
                     $db->setQuery('SELECT id FROM #__joomdoc WHERE path = ' . $db->Quote($document->path) . ' ORDER BY version DESC');
                     $document->id = $db->loadResult();
                 if (JFolder::exists(JoomDOCFileSystem::getFullPath($document->path))) {
                     if ($document->store(false, false)) {
                         // current kid will be in parents for next level of categories tree
                         $nextLevel[$id] = $document->path;
                         $categoriesMap[$kid->id] = $document->path;
         // next level parents
         $parents = $nextLevel;
         if (count($parents)) {
             /* Convert DocMAN or JoomDOC2 categories documents into JoomDOC3 files in folder */
             $table = $component == 'docman' ? 'docman' : 'joomdoc2';
             $parentsIds = implode(', ', array_keys($parents));
             // load total of DocMAN or JoomDOC2 documents for categories in current level
             $db->setQuery('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM #__' . $table . ' WHERE catid IN (' . $parentsIds . ')');
             $total = $db->loadResult();
             // DocMAN or JoomDOC2 documents from categories in current tree level - batch process
             for ($i = 0; $i < $total; $i += 100) {
                 $db->setQuery('SELECT * FROM #__' . $table . ' WHERE catid IN (' . $parentsIds . ')', $i, 100);
                 $items = $db->loadObjectList();
                 foreach ($items as $item) {
                     // create document for successfully uploaded file
                     $document->id = 0;
                     $document->parent_path = $parents[$item->catid];
                     $document->path = $document->parent_path . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $item->dmfilename;
                     // copy data from DocMAN or JoomDOC2 document into JoomDOC3 document
                     $document->title = $item->dmname;
                     $document->alias = null;
                     $document->description = $item->dmdescription;
                     $document->publish_up = $item->dmdate_published;
                     $document->created_by = $item->dmsubmitedby;
                     $document->state = $item->published == JOOMDOC_STATE_PUBLISHED ? JOOMDOC_STATE_PUBLISHED : JOOMDOC_STATE_UNPUBLISHED;
                     $document->modified = $item->dmlastupdateon;
                     $document->modified_by = $item->dmlastupdateby;
                     $document->access = $item->access ? $item->access : 1;
                     $document->license = isset($licensesMap[$item->dmlicense_id]) ? $licensesMap[$item->dmlicense_id] : 0;
                     if (JFile::exists(JoomDOCFileSystem::getFullPath($document->path))) {
                         // if file exists search for last document
                         $db->setQuery('SELECT id FROM #__joomdoc WHERE path = ' . $db->quote($document->path) . ' ORDER BY version DESC');
                         $document->id = $db->loadResult();
                     if (JoomDOCFileSystem::uploadFile(JoomDOCFileSystem::getFullPath($parents[$item->catid]), $docbase . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $item->dmfilename, $item->dmfilename, true, false)) {
                         // upload into JoomDOC3 tree structure
                         if ($document->store(false, false)) {
                             // copy document hits into JoomDOC3 file
                             $db->setQuery('UPDATE #__joomdoc_file SET hits = ' . $item->dmcounter . ' WHERE path = ' . $db->quote($document->path));
                             $documentsMap[$item->id] = $document->path;
     } while (count($parents));
     // reindex at the end
     JModelLegacy::getInstance(JOOMDOC_DOCUMENTS, JOOMDOC_MODEL_PREFIX)->flat();
     /* Migrate DocMAN/JoomDOC2 URLs to JoomDOC3 in JoomSEF and Joomla tables*/
     $entities = array(array('table' => 'menu', 'html' => false, 'columns' => array('link', 'params'), 'where' => ' WHERE client_id != 1 '), array('table' => 'content', 'html' => true, 'columns' => array('introtext', '`fulltext`')), array('table' => 'modules', 'html' => true, 'columns' => array('content')), array('table' => 'sefurls', 'html' => false, 'columns' => array('origurl')));
     foreach ($entities as $entity) {
         // check if table is available
         // backup table with name eq. jos_content_joomdoc3_migration_backup
         $backup = $pr . $entity['table'] . '_joomdoc3_migration_backup';
         // check if backup already exists
         $db->setQuery('SHOW TABLES LIKE ' . $db->quote($backup));
         if ($db->loadResult() === null) {
             // create clone of backuped table
             $db->setQuery('CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS ' . $backup . ' LIKE #__' . $entity['table']);
             try {
             } catch (Exception $e) {
                 // JoomSEF not installed
             // copy data of table into backup
             $db->setQuery('INSERT INTO ' . $backup . ' SELECT * FROM #__' . $entity['table']);
             // inform user about backup available
             $mainframe->enqueueMessage(JText::sprintf('JOOMDOC_MIGRATION_BACKUPED', $pr . $entity['table'], $backup));
         // get total of rows
         $db->setQuery('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM #__' . $entity['table'] . (empty($entity['where']) ? '' : $entity['where']));
         $total = $db->loadResult();
         for ($i = 0; $i < $total; $i += 500) {
             // load URLs in batch process
             $db->setQuery('SELECT id, ' . implode(', ', $entity['columns']) . ' FROM #__' . $entity['table'] . (empty($entity['where']) ? '' : $entity['where']), $i, 500);
             // load as multidimensional array
             $items = $db->loadRowList();
             foreach ($items as $item) {
                 // information if any change was made
                 $affected = false;
                 $count = count($item);
                 // process columns without id
                 for ($j = 1; $j < $count; $j++) {
                     $urls = array();
                     if ($entity['html']) {
                         // content is HTML code from editor (article, module)
                         $matches = array();
                         if (preg_match_all('/href="([^"]*)"/', $item[$j], $matches)) {
                             $urls = $matches[1];
                     } else {
                         // URL is whole content (JoomSEF, menu)
                         $urls = array($item[$j]);
                     // analyse URLs
                     foreach ($urls as $url) {
                         $uri = JFactory::getURI($url);
                         /* @var $uri JURI Joomla support for working with URLs */
                         if ($uri->getVar('option') == 'com_joomdoc' || $uri->getVar('option') == 'com_docman') {
                             // JoomDOC3 option same as JoomDOC2
                             $uri->setVar('option', 'com_joomdoc');
                             // ID of DocMAN/JoomDOC2 category or document
                             $gid = $uri->getVar('gid');
                             // unused in new URL
                             // analyse DocMAN/JoomDOC task value to recognise typoe of URL
                             switch ($uri->getVar('task')) {
                                 case 'cat_view':
                                     /* display DocMAN/JoomDOC2 category */
                                     $uri->setVar('view', JOOMDOC_DOCUMENTS);
                                     // don't use task wit wire together
                                 case 'doc_details':
                                     /* display DocMAN/JoomDOC2 document */
                                 /* display DocMAN/JoomDOC2 document */
                                 case 'doc_view':
                                     $uri->setVar('view', JOOMDOC_DOCUMENTS);
                                     // don't use task with view together
                                 case 'doc_download':
                                     $uri->setVar('task', JoomDOCHelper::getTask(JOOMDOC_DOCUMENT, JOOMDOC_TASK_DOWNLOAD));
                                 case 'doc_edit':
                                     $uri->setVar('task', JoomDOCHelper::getTask(JOOMDOC_DOCUMENT, JOOMDOC_TASK_EDIT));
                                 case 'doc_delete':
                                     $uri->setVar('task', JoomDOCHelper::getTask(JOOMDOC_DOCUMENT, JOOMDOC_TASK_DELETE));
                                     /* URLs not supported by JoomDOC3 redirect to root */
                                     $uri->setVar('view', JOOMDOC_DOCUMENTS);
                             if (isset($documentsMap[$gid])) {
                                 $uri->setVar('path', $documentsMap[$gid]);
                             // menu items to open documents list store for using in next entities
                             if ($entity['table'] == 'menu' && $uri->getVar('view') == JOOMDOC_DOCUMENTS) {
                                 $registry = new JRegistry($item[2]);
                                 // load menu item configuration
                                 $registry->set('virtual_folder', 0);
                                 // disable JoomDOC3 virtual folder
                                 $item[2] = $registry->toString();
                                 /* back to database format */
                             $new = $uri->toString();
                             // back to string
                             if ($entity['html']) {
                                 // safe for valid HTML code
                                 $new = str_replace('&', '&amp;', $new);
                             // remove encoding in path added with JURI - prevent for making duplicity with JoomSEF
                             $new = str_replace('%2F', '/', $new);
                             $item[$j] = str_replace($url, $new, $item[$j]);
                             // update in data
                             // row will be updated
                             $affected = true;
                 if ($affected) {
                     $cols = array();
                     for ($j = 1; $j < $count; $j++) {
                         $cols[] = $entity['columns'][$j - 1] . ' = ' . $db->quote($item[$j]);
                     $db->setQuery('UPDATE #__' . $entity['table'] . ' SET ' . implode(', ', $cols) . ' WHERE id = ' . $item[0]);
     // final report
     $mainframe->enqueueMessage(JText::sprintf('JOOMDOC_MIGRATION_REPORT', $newFolders, $newFiles));
Example #9
  * Add page main toolbar.
  * @return void
 protected function addToolbar()
     JToolBarHelper::title(JText::sprintf('JOOMDOC_FILE_PATH', $this->filter->path), 'file');
     if ($this->access->canManageVersions) {
     if (JOOMDOC_ISJ3) {
         //has icon in J3
         JToolBarHelper::cancel(JoomDOCHelper::getTask(JOOMDOC_DOCUMENT, JOOMDOC_TASK_CANCEL), 'JTOOLBAR_CLOSE');
     } else {
         JToolBarHelper::back('Back', JRoute::_(JoomDOCRoute::viewDocuments()));
Example #10
  * Delete trashed license's.
  * @return void
 public function trash()
     if (JoomDOCAccess::licenses()) {
         $model = $this->getModel();
         $count = $model->trash();
         $this->setRedirect(JoomDOCRoute::viewLicenses(), JText::sprintf('JOOMDOC_TRASH_EMPTY', $count));
Example #11
  * Revert selected Version as last Version.
  * @return void
 public function revert()
     $path = JoomDOCRequest::getPath();
     $result = false;
     if (JoomDOCAccessFileSystem::manageVersions(false, $path)) {
         JRequest::checkToken() or jexit(JText::_('JINVALID_TOKEN'));
         $cid = JRequest::getVar('cid', array(), 'default', 'array');
         $id = reset($cid);
         $model = $this->getModel();
         $result = $model->revert($id, $path);
     $msg = $result ? JText::sprintf('JOOMDOC_REVERT_SUCCESS', $result->revertVersion, $result->newLastVersion, $result->oldLastVersion) : JText::_('JOOMDOC_REVERT_UNSUCCESS');
     $type = $result ? 'message' : 'error';
     $this->setRedirect(JoomDOCRoute::viewFileInfo($path), $msg, $type);
Example #12
  * Download file by request param path (relative path from doc root).
  * @param booelan $saveHits if true increment file download counter
  * @return void
 public static function download($saveHits = true)
     $mainframe = JFactory::getApplication();
     /* @var $mainframe JApplication */
     $modelDocument = JModelLegacy::getInstance(JOOMDOC_DOCUMENT, JOOMDOC_MODEL_PREFIX);
     /* @var $modelDocument JoomDOCModelDocument */
     $modelFile = JModelLegacy::getInstance(JOOMDOC_FILE, JOOMDOC_MODEL_PREFIX);
     /* @var $modelFile JoomDOCModelFile */
     $config = JoomDOCConfig::getInstance();
     $user = JFactory::getUser();
     // get file path from request
     $path = JoomDOCRequest::getPath();
     $version = null;
     // control user access to download file
     if ($config->documentAccess == 1 && !JoomDOCAccessFileSystem::download(false, $path)) {
     // get document by file relative path
     $document = $modelDocument->getItemByPath($path);
     if ($config->documentAccess == 2 && ($user->id != $document->access || !$document->download)) {
     $file = $modelFile->getItem($path, $version);
     $fullPath = JoomDOCFileSystem::getFullPath($path);
     // open file to reading
     $content = JFile::read($fullPath);
     // control file access
     $fileNotAvailable = !$file || is_null($file->id) || $file->state == JOOMDOC_STATE_TRASHED;
     $documentUnpublished = $document && $document->id && $document->published == JOOMDOC_STATE_UNPUBLISHED;
     if ($mainframe->isSite() && $documentUnpublished || !JFile::exists($fullPath) || $content === false || $fileNotAvailable) {
         // file document unpublish or file doesn't exists or cannot read
         JError::raiseWarning(404, JText::_('JOOMDOC_FILE_NO_AVAILABLE'));
     if ($saveHits) {
         // save file downloading
         $modelFile->saveHits($path, 1);
     // clean output
     // prepare packet head
     if (function_exists('mime_content_type')) {
         header('Content-Type: ' . mime_content_type($fullPath) . '; charset=UTF-8');
     } else {
         $ext = JFile::getExt($fullPath);
         // Open mime types
         $mimemap['pdf'] = 'application/pdf';
         // MS Office mime types
         $mimemap['doc'] = 'application/msword';
         $mimemap['xls'] = 'application/vnd.ms-excel';
         $mimemap['ppt'] = 'application/vnd.ms-powerpoint';
         // MS Office mime types XML
         $mimemap['docx'] = 'application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document';
         $mimemap['xlsx'] = 'application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet';
         $mimemap['pptx'] = 'application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.presentationml.presentation';
         // Archives
         $mimemap['zip'] = 'application/zip';
         $mimemap['tar'] = 'application/x-tar';
         // Open Office
         $mimemap['odb'] = 'application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.database';
         $mimemap['odc'] = 'application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.chart';
         $mimemap['odf'] = 'application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.formula';
         $mimemap['odg'] = 'application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.graphics';
         $mimemap['odi'] = 'application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.image';
         $mimemap['odm'] = 'application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.text-master';
         $mimemap['odp'] = 'application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.presentation';
         $mimemap['ods'] = 'application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.spreadsheet';
         $mimemap['odt'] = 'application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.text';
         $mimemap['otg'] = 'application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.graphics-template';
         $mimemap['oth'] = 'application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.text-web';
         $mimemap['otp'] = 'application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.presentation-template';
         $mimemap['ots'] = 'application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.spreadsheet-template';
         $mimemap['ott'] = 'application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.text-template';
         if (isset($mimemap[$ext])) {
             header('Content-Type: ' . $mimemap[$ext] . '; charset=UTF-8');
     header('Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit');
     header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="' . JFile::getName($fullPath) . '";');
     $fileSize = @filesize($fullPath);
     if ($fileSize) {
         header('Content-Length: ' . $fileSize);
     // flush file
Example #13
echo '<th>' . JHtml::_('grid.sort', 'JOOMDOC_UPLOADER', 'name', $this->filter->listDirn, $this->filter->listOrder) . '</th>';
echo '<th>' . JHtml::_('grid.sort', 'JOOMDOC_HITS', 'hits', $this->filter->listDirn, $this->filter->listOrder) . '</th>';
echo '</tr>';
echo '</thead>';
echo '<tbody>';
foreach ($this->data as $i => $item) {
    echo '<tr class="row' . $i % 2 . '">';
    if ($this->access->canManageVersions) {
        //echo $i.' | '.$item->id.' | '.$item->version.' | '.$this->maxVersion;
        echo '<td>' . JHtml::_('grid.id', ++$i, $item->id, $item->version == $this->maxVersion) . '</td>';
    echo '<td>' . $item->version . '</td>';
    if ($showDownload) {
        echo '<td>';
        if ($item->state == JOOMDOC_STATE_PUBLISHED) {
            echo '<a href="' . JRoute::_(JoomDOCRoute::download($item->path, null, $item->version)) . '" title="" target="_blank">';
            echo $download;
            echo '</a>';
        } elseif ($item->state == JOOMDOC_STATE_TRASHED) {
            echo $trashed;
        echo '</td>';
    echo '<td nowrap="nowrap">' . JoomDOCFileSystem::getFileSize(JoomDOCFileSystem::getFullPath($item->path)) . '</td>';
    echo '<td nowrap="nowrap">' . JoomDOCHelper::uploaded($item->upload, false) . '</td>';
    echo '<td nowrap="nowrap">' . $item->name . '</td>';
    echo '<td class="center" nowrap="nowrap">' . JoomDOCHelper::number($item->hits) . '</td>';
    echo '</tr>';
echo '</tbody>';
echo '<tfoot>';
Example #14
    public function setPathway($path)
        $pieces = explode(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, $path);
        foreach ($pieces as $offset => $piece) {
            $crumbs[] = implode(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, array_slice($pieces, 0, $offset + 1));
        if (!empty($crumbs)) {
            $crumbs = $this->getDbo()->setQuery('SELECT path, title, full_alias 
				       	    FROM #__joomdoc_flat 
				            WHERE path IN (' . implode(', ', array_map(array($this->getDBO(), 'quote'), $crumbs)) . ')')->loadObjectList();
            $pathway = JFactory::getApplication()->getPathway();
            foreach ($crumbs as $crumb) {
                $pathway->addItem($crumb->title ? $crumb->title : JFile::getName($crumb->path), JoomDOCRoute::viewDocuments($crumb->path), $crumb->full_alias);
Example #15
        if ($this->access->canCreate) {
            echo '<a class="add" href="' . JRoute::_(JoomDOCRoute::add($this->access->relativePath, $this->access->alias)) . '" title="">' . JText::_('JOOMDOC_ADD_DOCUMENT') . '</a>';
        if ($this->access->canEdit) {
            echo '<a class="edit" href="' . JRoute::_(JoomDOCRoute::edit($this->access->relativePath, $this->access->alias)) . '" title="">' . JText::_('JOOMDOC_EDIT_DOC') . '</a>';
        if ($this->access->canEditState) {
            if ($this->root->document->state == JOOMDOC_STATE_UNPUBLISHED) {
                echo '<a class="publish" href="' . JRoute::_(JoomDOCRoute::publish($this->access->relativePath, $this->access->alias)) . '" title="">' . JText::_('JOOMDOC_PUBLISH') . '</a>';
            } elseif ($this->root->document->state == JOOMDOC_STATE_PUBLISHED) {
                echo '<a class="unpublish" href="' . JRoute::_(JoomDOCRoute::unpublish($this->access->relativePath, $this->access->alias)) . '" title="">' . JText::_('JOOMDOC_UNPUBLISH') . '</a>';
        if ($this->access->canDeleteFile) {
            echo '<a class="delete" href="javascript:void(0)" onclick="JoomDOC.confirm(\'' . addslashes(JRoute::_(JoomDOCRoute::deletefile($this->access->relativePath, $this->access->alias))) . '\')" title="">' . JText::_('JOOMDOC_DELETE_ITEM') . '</a>';
        if ($this->access->canDeleteDoc) {
            echo '<a class="deleteDocument" href="javascript:void(0)" onclick="JoomDOC.confirm(\'' . addslashes(JRoute::_(JoomDOCRoute::delete($this->access->relativePath, $this->access->alias))) . '\')" title="">' . JText::_('JOOMDOC_DELETE_DOCUMENT') . '</a>';
        echo '<div class="clr"></div>';
        echo '</div>';
echo '<input type="hidden" id="joomdocToken" name="' . JSession::getFormToken() . '" value="1" />';
echo '</div>';
echo '</form>';
if ($this->access->canWebDav) {
Example #16

 * @version		$Id$
 * @package		Joomla.Administrator
 * @subpackage	JoomDOC
 * @author      ARTIO s.r.o., info@artio.net, http:://www.artio.net
 * @copyright	Copyright (C) 2011 Artio s.r.o.. All rights reserved.
 * @license		GNU General Public License version 2 or later; see LICENSE.txt
defined('_JEXEC') or die;
/* @var $this JoomDOCViewLicense */
// test if property realy exist in request
$path = JRequest::getVar('path', false) !== false ? JoomDOCRequest::getPath() : null;
echo '<h1>' . $this->license->title . '</h1>';
if ($path) {
    echo '<h2>' . JText::_('JOOMDOC_MUST_CONFIRM') . '</h2>';
echo JoomDOCHelper::applyContentPlugins($this->license->text);
if ($path) {
    echo '<div class="confirm">';
    echo '<input type="checkbox" name="confirm" id="confirm" value="1" onclick="JoomDOC.confirmLicense(this)" />';
    echo '<label for="confirm">' . JText::_('JOOMDOC_CONFIRM') . '</label>';
    echo '<a id="download" class="blind" href="' . JRoute::_(JoomDOCRoute::download($path)) . '" title="">' . JText::_('JOOMDOC_DOWNLOAD_FILE') . '</a>';
    echo '</div>';
Example #17
$js[] = '		// others task are for version table';
$js[] = '		document.versionForm.submit();';
$js[] = '	}';
$js[] = '	if (typeof document.adminForm.onsubmit == "function") {';
$js[] = '		document.adminForm.onsubmit();';
$js[] = '	}';
$js[] = '	if (pressbutton) {';
$js[] = '		// toolbar work with document edit form';
$js[] = '		document.adminForm.submit();';
$js[] = '	}';
$js[] = '}';
$document->addScriptDeclaration(PHP_EOL . implode(PHP_EOL, $js) . PHP_EOL);
require_once JOOMDOC_ADMINISTRATOR . '/libraries/joomdoc/html/joomdoc.php';
echo JHtmlJoomDOC::startTabs('tabone', 'details');
echo JHtmlJoomDOC::addTab('JOOMDOC_DOCUMENT_DETAILS', 'details', 'tabone');
echo '<form action="' . JRoute::_(JoomDOCRoute::saveDocument($this->document->id)) . '" method="post" name="adminForm" id="item-form" class="form-validate">';
echo '<div class="fltlft col" style="width:60%">';
echo '<fieldset class="adminform">';
echo '<legend>' . JText::_('JOOMDOC_DOCUMENT') . '</legend>';
echo '<table class="admintable">';
echo '<tr><td class="key">' . $this->form->getLabel('title') . '</td>';
echo '<td>' . $this->form->getInput('title') . '</td></tr>';
echo '<tr><td class="key">' . $this->form->getLabel('alias') . '</td>';
echo '<td>' . $this->form->getInput('alias') . '</td></tr>';
echo '<tr><td class="key">' . $this->form->getLabel('state') . '</td>';
echo '<td>' . $this->form->getInput('state') . '</td></tr>';
echo '<tr><td class="key">' . $this->form->getLabel('favorite') . '</td>';
echo '<td>' . $this->form->getInput('favorite') . '</td></tr>';
echo '<tr><td class="key">' . $this->form->getLabel('access') . '</td>';
echo '<td>' . $this->form->getInput('access') . '</td></tr>';
if ($this->form->getField('download')) {
Example #18
defined('_JEXEC') or die;
/* @var $this JoomDOCViewLicense */
$document = JFactory::getDocument();
/* @var $document JDocumentHTML */
$js[] = 'Joomla.submitbutton = function (task) {';
$js[] = '	var form = document.getElementById(\'item-form\');';
$js[] = '	if (task == \'' . JoomDOCHelper::getTask(JOOMDOC_LICENSE, JOOMDOC_TASK_CANCEL) . '\' || document.formvalidator.isValid(form))';
$js[] = '		Joomla.submitform(task, form);';
$js[] = '	else alert(\'' . JText::_('JGLOBAL_VALIDATION_FORM_FAILED', true) . '\');';
$js[] = '}';
$js[] = 'function submitform(pressbutton){Joomla.submitbutton(pressbutton);}';
$document->addScriptDeclaration(PHP_EOL . implode(PHP_EOL, $js) . PHP_EOL);
echo '<form action="' . JRoute::_(JoomDOCRoute::saveLicense($this->license->id)) . '" method="post" name="adminForm" id="item-form" class="form-validate">';
echo '<div class="fltlft col"><fieldset class="adminform"><legend>' . JText::_('JOOMDOC_DOCUMENT') . '</legend><table class="admintable">';
echo '<tr><td class="key">' . $this->form->getLabel('title') . '</td><td>' . $this->form->getInput('title') . '</td></tr>';
echo '<tr><td class="key">' . $this->form->getLabel('alias') . '</td><td>' . $this->form->getInput('alias') . '</td></tr>';
echo '<tr><td class="key">' . $this->form->getLabel('default') . '</td><td>' . $this->form->getInput('default') . '</td></tr>';
echo '<tr><td class="key">' . $this->form->getLabel('state') . '</td><td>' . $this->form->getInput('state') . '</td></tr>';
echo '</table><div class="clr"></div>';
echo $this->form->getLabel('text') . '<div class="clr"></div>';
echo JoomDOCAccess::licenses() ? $this->form->getInput('text') : $this->form->getValue('text');
echo '<div class="clr"></div></fieldset></div>';
if ($this->license->id) {
    echo '<div class="fltlft col">';
    require_once JOOMDOC_ADMINISTRATOR . '/libraries/joomdoc/html/joomdoc.php';
    echo JHtmlJoomDOC::startSliders('license', 'publishing');
    echo JHtmlJoomDOC::addSlide('license', 'JOOMDOC_PUBLISHING', 'publishing');
    echo '<fieldset class="panelform"><table class="admintable">';
Example #19
 public function onContentSearch($text, $phrase = '', $ordering = '', $areas = null)
     if (!JString::trim($text) || is_array($areas) && !array_intersect($areas, array_keys(plgSearchJoomDOC::onContentSearchAreas()))) {
         return array();
     // import component JoomDOC framework
     $jdcAdm = JPATH_ADMINISTRATOR . '/components/com_joomdoc/';
     $jdcSit = JPATH_SITE . '/components/com_joomdoc/';
     $jdcLib = $jdcAdm . 'libraries/joomdoc/';
     $includes['JoomDOCRoute'] = $jdcLib . 'application/route.php';
     $includes['JoomDOCMenu'] = $jdcLib . 'application/menu.php';
     $includes['JoomDOCConfig'] = $jdcLib . 'application/config.php';
     $includes['JoomDOCFileSystem'] = $jdcLib . 'filesystem/filesystem.php';
     $includes['JoomDOCString'] = $jdcLib . 'utilities/string.php';
     $includes['JoomDOCHelper'] = $jdcLib . 'utilities/helper.php';
     $includes['JoomDOCModelList'] = $jdcLib . 'application/component/modellist.php';
     $includes[] = $jdcAdm . 'defines.php';
     foreach ($includes as $classname => $include) {
         $include = JPath::clean($include);
         if (!JFile::exists($include)) {
             // JoomDOC is propably uninstalled or corupted
             return array();
         is_string($classname) ? JLoader::register($classname, $include) : (include_once $include);
     JModelLegacy::addIncludePath(JPath::clean($jdcAdm . 'models'));
     JTable::addIncludePath(JPath::clean($jdcAdm . 'tables'));
     $db = JFactory::getDbo();
     $nullDate = $db->getNullDate();
     // prepare SQL WHERE criteria
     $wheres = array();
     // according to type of searching
     switch ($phrase) {
         case 'exact':
             // exactly phrase
             $keywords = $db->q('%' . JString::strtolower(JString::trim($text)) . '%');
             $items[] = 'LOWER(`document`.`title`) LIKE ' . $keywords;
             $items[] = 'LOWER(`document`.`description`) LIKE ' . $keywords;
             $items[] = 'LOWER(`document`.`path`) LIKE ' . $keywords;
             $items[] = 'LOWER(`document`.`content`) LIKE ' . $keywords;
             $where[] = '(' . implode(') OR (', $items) . ') ';
         case 'all':
         case 'any':
             // all words or any word or default
             $keywords = explode(' ', $text);
             // split to words
             $wheres = array();
             // search for each word
             foreach ($keywords as $keyword) {
                 $keyword = JString::trim($keyword);
                 if ($keyword) {
                     $keyword = $db->q('%' . JString::strtolower($keyword) . '%');
                     $items[] = 'LOWER(`document`.`title`) LIKE ' . $keyword;
                     $items[] = 'LOWER(`document`.`description`) LIKE ' . $keyword;
                     $items[] = 'LOWER(`document`.`path`) LIKE ' . $keyword;
                     $items[] = 'LOWER(`document`.`content`) LIKE ' . $keyword;
                     $parts[] = implode(' OR ', $items);
             if (isset($parts)) {
                 if ($phrase == 'all') {
                     $where[] = '(' . implode(') AND (', $parts) . ') ';
                 } else {
                     $where[] = '(' . implode(') OR (', $parts) . ') ';
     $where[] = '(' . JoomDOCModelList::getDocumentPublished() . ')';
     $where = ' WHERE ' . implode(' AND ', $where) . ' ';
     // prepare SQL ORDER BY criteria
     switch ($ordering) {
         case 'oldest':
             // oldest items first (oldest documents created or oldest file uploaded)
             $order = ' ORDER BY `document`.`created` ASC, `document`.`upload` ASC ';
         case 'popular':
             // most hits items first
             $order = ' ORDER BY `document`.`hits` DESC, `document`.`title` ASC, `document`.`path` ASC ';
         case 'alpha':
             // alphabetically (document title or file name)
             $order = ' ORDER BY `document`.`title` ASC, `document`.`path` ASC ';
         case 'category':
             // by parent folder (parent folder name or document title)
             $order = ' ORDER BY `parent`.`title` ASC, `parent`.`path` ASC ';
         case 'newest':
             // newest items first (newest documents created or file uploaded)
             $order = ' ORDER BY `document`.`created` DESC, `document`.`upload` DESC ';
     $query = 'SELECT `document`.`title`,`document`.`path`, ';
     $query .= '`document`.`description`, `document`.`content`, ';
     $query .= '`document`.`created`,`document`.`upload`,  ';
     $query .= '`parent`.`title` AS `ptitle`,  ';
     // document folder title
     $query .= '`document`.`full_alias` ';
     $query .= 'FROM `#__joomdoc_flat` AS `document` ';
     $query .= 'LEFT JOIN `#__joomdoc_flat` AS `parent` ON `document`.`parent_path` = `parent`.`path`  ';
     // document folder
     $query .= $where . ' GROUP BY `document`.`path` ' . $order;
     $rows = $db->setQuery($query)->loadObjectList();
     foreach ($rows as $row) {
         $GLOBALS['joomDOCPath'] = $row->path;
         $row->title = JString::trim($row->title) ? $row->title : JFile::getName($row->path);
         $row->text = JString::trim($row->description) ? $row->description : $row->content;
         $row->created = $row->created == $nullDate ? $row->upload : $row->created;
         $row->section = JString::trim($row->ptitle) ? $row->ptitle : JoomDOCFileSystem::getParentPath($row->path);
         if ($this->params->get('document_link', 1) == 1) {
             $row->href = JRoute::_(JoomDOCRoute::viewDocuments($row->path, empty($row->full_alias) ? $row->path : $row->full_alias));
         } else {
             $row->href = JRoute::_(JoomDOCRoute::download($row->path, empty($row->full_alias) ? $row->path : $row->full_alias));
         $row->browsernav = 2;
         // open document title in the same window
     return $rows;
Example #20
 $name = $access->isTrashed ? JText::sprintf('JOOMDOC_TRASHED_ITEM', $access->name) : $access->name;
 if ($access->isFolder) {
     $size = $access->isFolder ? '-' : $item->getFileSize();
     $update = isset($item->upload) ? JoomDOCHelper::uploaded($item->upload, false) : '';
     if ($access->canEnterFolder && !$access->isTrashed) {
         echo '<a onclick="JoomDOC.checkCheckBox(cb' . $i . ');JoomDOC.check(cb' . $i . ',' . $i . ');" style="display: block; width: 140px; height: 90px; text-align: center;" class="hasTip folder-big dblc" href="' . JRoute::_(JoomDOCRoute::viewDocuments($access->relativePath)) . '" title="' . $this->getTooltip($access->relativePath, $of . '<br />' . $update . '/' . $size) . '"><span style="float: left; clear: both; display: inline-block; margin-top: 53px; width: 100%;">' . $access->name . '</span></a>';
     } else {
         echo '<a class="folder noLink" href="javascript:void(0)" title="">' . $name . '</a>';
 } else {
     if ($access->canDownload && !$access->isTrashed) {
         $size = $access->isFolder ? '-' : $item->getFileSize();
         $update = isset($item->upload) ? JoomDOCHelper::uploaded($item->upload, false) : '';
         $of = JText::_('JOOMDOC_DOWNLOAD_FILE');
         echo '<a onclick="JoomDOC.checkCheckBox(cb' . $i . ');JoomDOC.check(cb' . $i . ',' . $i . ');" style="display: block; width: 140px; height: 90px; padding: 0px; text-align: center;" href="' . JRoute::_(JoomDOCRoute::download($access->relativePath)) . '" class="hasTip dblc file ico-big-' . $access->fileType . '" title="' . $this->getTooltip($access->relativePath, $of . '<br />' . $update . '/' . $size) . '"><span style="float: left; clear: both; display: inline-block; margin-top: 53px; width: 100%;">' . $access->name . '</span></a>';
     } else {
         echo '<a href="javascript:void(0)" class="file noLink" title="">' . $name . '</a>';
 /*if ($access->canRename && !$access->isTrashed) {
       echo '<div class="rename blind" style="width: 302px; padding: 5px 5px 0px; background: none repeat scroll 0px 0px rgb(255, 255, 255);">';
       echo '<input class="pull-left" style="position: relative; width: 165px;" type="text" name="rename" value="' . $this->escape($access->name) . '" />';
       //echo '<div class="btn-group pull-left">';
       echo '<button class="btn" style="position: relative;" onclick="return JoomDOC.rename(this, \'' . addslashes(JoomDOCHelper::getTask(JOOMDOC_DOCUMENT, JOOMDOC_TASK_RENAME)) . '\', \'' . addslashes($access->name) . '\', \'' . addslashes($access->relativePath) . '\',\'' . JText::_('JOOMDOC_RENAME_SAME_NAME', true) . '\',\'' . JText::_('JOOMDOC_RENAME_EMPTY_NAME', true) . '\', \'' . JText::_('JOOMDOC_RENAME_FILE_EXISTS', true) . '\', \'' . JText::_('JOOMDOC_RENAME_DIR_EXISTS', true) . '\')">' . JText::_('JOOMDOC_RENAME_SAVE') . '</button>';
       echo '<button class="btn" style="position: relative;" onclick="return JoomDOC.closeRename(this, \'' . addslashes($access->name) . '\')">' . JText::_('JOOMDOC_RENAME_CLOSE') . '</button>';
       //echo '</div>';
       echo '</div>';
 /*if ($access->isTrashed && $access->canUntrash) {
Example #21
  * Reset operation from clipboard.
 public function reset()
     $this->setRedirect(JoomDOCRoute::viewDocuments(JoomDOCRequest::getPath(), false));
Example #22
  * Reset operation from clipboard.
 public function reset()
Example #23
echo '<th>' . JHtml::_('grid.sort', 'JOOMDOC_TITLE', 'lcs.title', $listDirn, $listOrder) . '</th>';
echo '<th width="5%">' . JHtml::_('grid.sort', 'JSTATUS', 'lcs.state', $listDirn, $listOrder) . '</th>';
echo '<th width="5%">' . JHtml::_('grid.sort', 'JOOMDOC_DEFAULT', 'lcs.default', $listDirn, $listOrder) . '</th>';
echo '<th width="8%">' . JHtml::_('grid.sort', 'JGRID_HEADING_CREATED_BY', 'lcs.created_by', $listDirn, $listOrder) . '</th>';
echo '<th width="7%">' . JHtml::_('grid.sort', 'JDATE', 'lcs..created', $listDirn, $listOrder) . '</th>';
echo '<th width="1%">' . JHtml::_('grid.sort', 'JGRID_HEADING_ID', 'lcs.id', $listDirn, $listOrder) . '</th>';
echo '</tr></thead>';
echo '<tfoot><tr><td colspan="20">' . $this->pagination->getListFooter() . '</td></tr></tfoot><tbody>';
$canManage = JoomDOCAccess::licenses();
$dateFormat = JText::_('DATE_FORMAT_LC4');
foreach ($this->licenses as $i => $license) {
    echo '<tr class="row' . $i % 2 . '">';
    echo '<td class="center">';
    echo $license->checked_out ? JHtml::_('jgrid.checkedout', $i, $license->editor, $license->checked_out_time, JOOMDOC_LICENSES . '.', $canManage) : JHtml::_('grid.id', $i, $license->id);
    echo '</td>';
    echo '<td><a href="' . JRoute::_(JoomDOCRoute::editLicense($license->id)) . '" title="">' . $license->title . '</a></td>';
    echo '<td class="center" align="center">';
    echo JHtml::_('jgrid.published', $license->state, $i, JOOMDOC_LICENSES . '.', $canManage, 'cb');
    echo '</td>';
    echo '<td class="center" align="center">' . JHtml::_('joomdoc.defaults', $license->default, $i, JOOMDOC_LICENSES, $canManage) . '</td>';
    echo '<td nowrap="nowrap">' . $license->creator . '</td>';
    echo '<td nowrap="nowrap">' . JHtml::_('date', $license->created, $dateFormat) . '</td>';
    echo '<td>' . $license->id . '</td>';
    echo '</tr>';
if (!$this->pagination->total) {
    echo '<tr><td colspan="20">' . JText::_('JOOMDOC_NO_LICENSES') . '</td></tr>';
echo '</tbody></table>';
echo '<input type="hidden" name="task" value="" /><input type="hidden" name="boxchecked" value="" />';
echo '<input type="hidden" name="filter_order" value="' . $listOrder . '" /><input type="hidden" name="filter_order_Dir" value="' . $listDirn . '" />';
Example #24
  * Filter folder list for frontend (published, ACL etc)
  * @param JoomDOCFolder $root
  * @param string $parent
  * @return array
 public static function folders($root, $parent)
     $folders = array();
     $parents = array(JoomDOCFileSystem::getRelativePath($parent));
     while ($root->hasNext()) {
         $item = $root->getNext();
         $access = new JoomDOCAccessHelper($item);
         $itemParent = JoomDOCFileSystem::getParentPath($access->relativePath);
         if (!(empty($itemParent) || in_array($itemParent, $parents))) {
             // parent has to be visible
         if ($access->docid && $item->document->published == JOOMDOC_STATE_UNPUBLISHED) {
             // item has to published
         $folder = new JObject();
         // prepare data for MooTree
         $folder->set('ident', $access->relativePath);
         $folder->set('route', JoomDOCRoute::viewDocuments($access->relativePath, $access->alias));
         $folder->set('title', $access->docid ? $item->document->title : $item->getFileName());
         $folder->set('entry', $access->canEnterFolder);
         $folders[] = $folder;
         $parents[] = $access->relativePath;
         // save into visible parents
     return $folders;
Example #25
$i = 0;
while ($this->root->hasNext()) {
    $item = $this->root->getNext();
    $access = new JoomDOCAccessHelper($item);
    echo '<tr class="row' . $i % 2 . '">';
    echo '<td>';
    // backspashes doing bad in js pass
    $id = str_replace(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, '/', $this->escape($access->relativePath));
    $title = $this->escape($access->docid ? $item->document->title : str_replace(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, '/', $access->relativePath));
    $url = JRoute::_($linkType == JOOMDOC_LINK_TYPE_DOWNLOAD && $access->isFile ? JoomDOCRoute::download(str_replace(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, '/', $access->relativePath), $access->alias) : JoomDOCRoute::viewDocuments(str_replace(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, '/', $access->relativePath), $access->alias));
    if (JString::strpos($url, $prefix) === 0) {
        $url = JString::substr($url, $prefixLength);
    echo '<a href="javascript:window.parent.jSelectJoomdocDocument(\'' . addslashes(JoomDOCString::dsEncode($id)) . '\', \'' . addslashes($title) . '\', \'' . addslashes($url) . '\')" class="hasTip addDocument" title="' . $this->getTooltip('JOOMDOC_SET_DOCUMENT') . '"></a>';
    if ($access->isFolder) {
        echo '<a class="hasTip folder" href="' . JRoute::_(JoomDOCRoute::modalDocuments($access->relativePath, $useLinkType, $addSymLink, $symLinkSource)) . '" title="' . $this->getTooltip($access->relativePath, 'JOOMDOC_DOCUMENTS_OPEN_FOLDER') . '">' . $this->escape($access->name) . '</a>';
    } else {
        echo '<span class="file">' . $this->escape($access->name) . '</span>';
    echo '</td>';
    echo '<td>' . ($access->docid ? $this->escape($item->document->title) : '-') . '</td>';
    echo '</tr>';
if ($i === 0) {
    echo '<tr><td>This folder contains no items.</td></tr>';
} else {
    echo '';
echo '</tbody>';
echo '</table>';
Example #26
 * @version		$Id$
 * @package		Joomla.Administrator
 * @subpackage	JoomDOC
 * @author      ARTIO s.r.o., info@artio.net, http:://www.artio.net
 * @copyright	Copyright (C) 2011 Artio s.r.o.. All rights reserved.
 * @license		GNU General Public License version 2 or later; see LICENSE.txt
defined('_JEXEC') or die;
<div id="joomdocSearch" class="<?php 
echo htmlspecialchars($params->get('moduleclass_sfx'));
    <form name="mod_joomdoc_search_form" method="post" action="<?php 
echo JRoute::_(JoomDOCRoute::viewDocuments());
" onsubmit="JoomDOCSearch.submit()">
        <div class="input-append">
            <input type="text" name="mod_joomdoc_search" id="mod_joomdoc_search" value="" class="input-small" />
            <button class="btn btn-primary"><?php 
        <input type="hidden" name="joomdoc_search" value="1" />
foreach ($fields as $field) {
            <input type="hidden" name="<?php 
    echo $field;
Example #27
echo '<img src="' . JOOMDOC_IMAGES . 'icon-48-migration.png" alt="" />';
echo '<span>' . JText::_('JOOMDOC_MIGRATION') . '</span>';
echo '</a>';
echo '</div>';
echo '</div>';
echo JHtmlJoomDOC::endTab();
echo JHtmlJoomDOC::addTab('COM_DOC_HANDS', 'help', 'doc-cpanel-tabs');
echo '<div class="icon-wrapper"  style="float: left">';
echo '<div class="hasTip icon" title="' . $this->getTooltip('JOOMDOC_CHANGELOG') . '">';
echo '<a href="' . JRoute::_(JoomDOCRoute::viewChangelog()) . '" title="" >';
echo '<img src="' . JOOMDOC_IMAGES . 'icon-48-changelog.png" alt="" />';
echo '<span>' . JText::_('JOOMDOC_CHANGELOG') . '</span>';
echo '</a>';
echo '</div>';
echo '<div class="hasTip icon" title="' . $this->getTooltip('JOOMDOC_SUPPORT') . '">';
echo '<a href="' . JRoute::_(JoomDOCRoute::viewSupport()) . '" title="" >';
echo '<img src="' . JOOMDOC_IMAGES . 'icon-48-help_header.png" alt="" />';
echo '<span>' . JText::_('JOOMDOC_SUPPORT') . '</span>';
echo '</a>';
echo '</div>';
echo '</div>';
echo JHtmlJoomDOC::endTab();
echo JHtmlJoomDOC::endTabs();
echo '</div>';
echo '</div>';

<div class="doc-width-40 fltrt">
echo JHtmlJoomDOC::startSliders('doc-info-pane', 'info-panel');
Example #28
 $access = new JoomDOCAccessHelper($item);
 if ($access->docid && $item->document->published == JOOMDOC_STATE_UNPUBLISHED) {
     // Document is unpublished
 $class = '';
 if ($moduleConfig->show_icons) {
     // File mime type icon.
     $class = JoomDOCHelper::getFileIconClass($access->isFile ? $access->relativePath : 'folder', null, 16);
 echo '<li' . ($class ? ' class="icon ' . $class . '"' : '') . '>';
 if ($moduleConfig->link_type == 'detail') {
     $url = JoomDOCRoute::viewDocuments($access->relativePath, $access->alias);
 } elseif ($moduleConfig->link_type == 'download' && $access->canDownload) {
     // download link is displayed only if file can be download in ACL setting
     $url = JoomDOCRoute::download($access->relativePath, $access->alias);
 } else {
     $url = null;
 if ($url) {
     echo '<a href="' . JRoute::_($url) . '" title="">' . ($access->docid ? $item->document->title : $item->getFileName()) . '</a>';
 } else {
     // Name is displayed as document title or file path.
     echo $access->docid ? $item->document->title : $item->getFileName();
 if ($moduleConfig->show_filesize) {
     echo '<strong>' . JText::sprintf('JOOMDOC_MODULE_FILESIZE', JoomDOCFileSystem::getFileSize($access->absolutePath)) . '</strong>';
 if ($moduleConfig->show_listfields) {
     echo '<table class="fields"><tbody>';
     foreach ($listFields as $field) {
Example #29
 * @author   	ARTIO s.r.o., info@artio.net, http:://www.artio.net
 * @copyright	Copyright (C) 2011 Artio s.r.o.. All rights reserved.
 * @license	GNU General Public License version 2 or later; see LICENSE.txt
// no direct access
defined('_JEXEC') or die;
$user = JFactory::getUser();
$userId = $user->get('id');
$listOrder = $this->escape($this->state->get('list.ordering'));
$listDirn = $this->escape($this->state->get('list.direction'));
$saveOrder = $listOrder == 'a.ordering';

<form action="<?php 
echo JRoute::_(JoomDOCRoute::viewFields());
" method="post" name="adminForm" id="adminForm">
	<fieldset id="filter-bar" class="btn-toolbar filter-bar">
		<div class="filter-search fltlft btn-group pull-left input-append">
if (!JOOMDOC_ISJ3) {
				<label class="filter-search-lbl" for="filter_search"><?php 
    echo JText::_('JSEARCH_FILTER_LABEL');
			<input type="text" name="filter_search" id="filter_search" value="<?php