public function delete($id) { $this->db->trans_start(); # delete company related by field $this->load->model("JobModel"); $job = new JobModel(); $job->delete_by_field($id); # remove the field itself $condition = array(JobFieldModel::$primary_key => $id); $this->db->delete(JobFieldModel::$table_name, $condition); $this->db->trans_complete(); return $this->db->trans_status(); }
public static function manage() { self::requireLogin(); $studentId = $_SESSION['_id']; $applications = ApplicationStudent::getByStudent($studentId); $data = []; foreach ($applications as $application) { $jobId = $application->getJobId(); $job = JobModel::getByIdMinimal($jobId); if (is_null($job)) { continue; } $companyId = $job['company']; $companyName = CompanyModel::getName($companyId); $data[] = ['title' => $job['title'], 'location' => $job['location'], 'company' => $companyName, 'jobId' => $application->getJobId(), 'submitted' => $application->isSubmitted()]; } self::render('jobs/student/home', ['applications' => $data]); }
public function get_recommended_list() { $page = $_POST['page']; $size = $_POST['number']; $start = ($page - 1) * $size; $jobOb = new JobModel(); $userinfo = $_SESSION['userinfo']; $uid = $userinfo['userid']; $username = $userinfo['username']; $num = $jobOb->recommend_job_count(2, $uid); //得到列表总条数 //var_dump($num); $limit = "{$start},{$size}"; //每页的数据数和内容$limit $result = $jobOb->getRecommendJob(2, $limit, $uid); if (empty($result)) { $result = array(); } $data = array('count' => $num, 'result' => $result); echo json_encode($data); }
/** * JobAct::act_delete() * 删除岗位act * @return bool */ public function act_delete() { $jobId = intval($_POST['jobId']); $jobpowerId = intval($_POST['jobpowerId']); if (!$jobId || !$jobpowerId) { return "参数错误!"; exit; } $result = JobModel::jobDelete($jobId, $jobpowerId); return $result; }
public function get_recommended_list() { $page = $_POST['page']; $size = $_POST['number']; $start = ($page - 1) * $size; $jobOb = new JobModel(); $userinfo = $_SESSION['userinfo']; $uid = $userinfo['userid']; $username = $userinfo['username']; $num = $jobOb->recommend_job_count(2, $uid); //得到列表总条数 $limit = "{$start},{$size}"; //每页的数据数和内容$limit $result = $jobOb->getRecommendJob(2, $limit, $uid); if (empty($result)) { $result = array(); } foreach ($result as $k => $v) { $arNotice = M("notice_log")->where("type=1 and bt_id=" . $v['bt_id'])->order("id desc")->select(); if (empty($arNotice)) { $arNotice = array(); } else { foreach ($arNotice as $k1 => $v1) { $arNotice[$k1]['posttime'] = date("Y-m-d H:i", $v1['created_at']); } } $result[$k]['notice_log'] = $arNotice; //查看改用户是否已经评论过该职位 $arEvaluate = M("evaluate")->where("uid=" . $uid . " and pid=" . $result[$k]['recordid'] . " and tag='record'")->find(); if (empty($arEvaluate)) { $result[$k]['is_evaluate'] = 1; } } $data = array('count' => $num, 'result' => $result); //echo "<pre>";var_dump($result);echo "</pre>";die; echo json_encode($data); }
<?php // Move jobs past deadline to jobsold. function pastDeadline($dateText) { return strtotime($dateText) < time(); } class JobOldModel extends Model { const DB_TYPE = parent::DB_INTERNSHIPS; public function __construct() { parent::__construct(self::DB_TYPE, 'jobsold'); } public static function save($data) { self::$collection->save($data); } } new JobOldModel(); global $MJob; $jobs = $MJob->getAll(); foreach ($jobs as $job) { if (pastDeadline($job['deadline'])) { $jobId = $job['_id']; JobOldModel::save($job); JobModel::deleteById($jobId); } }
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. * */ require_once "Libs/autoload.php"; $config = new Config(); $webPage = new PJSWebPage($config->getTitle() . ' - Delete Job'); $act = Tools::Param('act'); if ("Delete Job" === $act) { $jobModel = new JobModel(); $jobModel->populateFromForm(); if (!$jobModel->validateForDelete()) { $jobView = new JobFormView('Delete Job', $jobModel); $body = "<h2>Invalid data</h2>\n" . $jobView->getForm(); } else { $jobController = new JobController(); $jobController->delete($jobModel); $body = "Deleted job # " . $jobModel->getId() . "<br />\n"; } } else { $jobController = new JobController(); $jobModel = $jobController->get(Tools::param('id')); $jobView = new JobFormView('Delete Job', $jobModel); $body = $jobView->getForm(); }
/** * 根据订单状态,获得用户对应的可操作状态 * @param int $p_userID 用户ID * @param [type] $p_itemModel [description] * @return [type] [description] */ public static function getNextAction($p_userID, JobModel $p_targetModel) { $userModel = Utility::getUserByID($p_userID); $actionNext = array(); if (is_object($userModel) && $userModel->getGenre() == USER_GENRE::BANG) { switch ($p_targetModel->getJobStatus()) { case static::PENDING: $actionNext = array(static::DRAFT, static::WAITJOIN); break; default: $actionNext = array(); break; } } return $actionNext; }
/** * @param JobModel $model * @see ControllerBase::update() */ public function update($model) { if ($model->validateForUpdate()) { try { $query = <<<SQL UPDATE job SET primaryContactId = ? , companyId = ? , applicationStatusId = ? , lastStatusChange = ? , urgency = ? , nextActionDue = ? , nextAction = ? , positionTitle = ? , location = ? , url = ? WHERE id = ? SQL; $id = $model->getId(); $primaryContactId = $model->getPrimaryContactId(); $companyId = $model->getCompanyId(); $applicationStatusId = $model->getApplicationStatusId(); $lastStatusChange = $model->getLastStatusChange(); $urgency = $model->getUrgency(); $nextActionDue = $model->getNextActionDue(); $nextAction = $model->getNextAction(); $positionTitle = $model->getPositionTitle(); $location = $model->getLocation(); $url = $model->getUrl(); $stmt = $this->_dbh->prepare($query); if (!$stmt) { throw new ControllerException('Prepared statement failed for ' . $query); } if (!$stmt->bind_param('iiisssssssi', $primaryContactId, $companyId, $applicationStatusId, $lastStatusChange, $urgency, $nextActionDue, $nextAction, $positionTitle, $location, $url, $id)) { throw new ControllerException('Binding parameters for prepared statement failed.'); } if (!$stmt->execute()) { throw new ControllerException('Failed to execute UPDATE statement. (' . $this->_dbh->error . ')'); } /** * @SuppressWarnings checkAliases */ if (!$stmt->close()) { throw new ControllerException('Something broke while trying to close the prepared statement.'); } return $id; } catch (Exception $e) { throw new ControllerException($e->getMessage()); } } else { throw new ControllerException("Invalid data."); } }
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. * */ require_once "Libs/autoload.php"; $config = new Config(); $webPage = new PJSWebPage($config->getTitle() . "Jobs - Add Job"); $body = ''; $act = Tools::Param('act'); if ("Add Job" === $act) { $model = new JobModel(); $model->populateFromForm(); if (!$model->validateForAdd()) { $view = new JobFormView('Add Job', $model); $body = "<h2>Invalid data</h2>\n" . $view->getForm(); } else { $jobController = new JobController(); $newId = $jobController->add($model); if ($newId > 0) { $body = "Added job # " . $newId . "<br />\n"; } } } else { $body = ""; $view = new JobFormView("Add Job", null); $body = $view->getForm();
/** * load数据并进行读取权限判断 */ protected static function loadList($p_where = null, $p_order = null, $p_pageIndex = null, $p_pageSize = null, &$p_countThis = null, $isDetail = false) { $tmpResult = parent::loadList($p_where, $p_order, $p_pageIndex, $p_pageSize, $p_countThis, $isDetail); if (is_array($tmpResult) && array_key_exists('errorCode', $tmpResult)) { return $tmpResult; } switch ($auth = static::getAuthIfUserCanDoIt(Utility::getCurrentUserID(), $isDetail ? 'detail' : 'list', $tmpResult)) { case 'admin': //有管理权限 //有管理权限 case 'self': //作者 // break;//仅管理员和自己可见 //作者 // break;//仅管理员和自己可见 case 'normal': //正常用户 //正常用户 case 'draft': //未激活 //未激活 case 'pending': //待审禁言 //待审禁言 case 'disabled': //封号 //封号 case 'visitor': //游客 // return Utility::getArrayForResults(RUNTIME_CODE_ERROR_NO_AUTH,'您没有权限执行该操作');//其他用户不可见 break; case 'empty': //空 return Utility::getArrayForResults(RUNTIME_CODE_ERROR_DATA_EMPTY, '不存在对应数据'); break; default: return Utility::getArrayForResults(RUNTIME_CODE_ERROR_NO_AUTH, '您没有权限执行该操作'); break; } JobModel::$authViewDisabled = static::$authViewDisabledList[$auth]; return $tmpResult; }
function search() { // $this->requireLogin(); global $params; $params = $_REQUEST; global $MJob, $MStudent, $MCompany, $MRecruiter; // Function for processing results and showing them function process($res) { global $MCompany; // Processing results $jobs = array(); foreach ($res as $job) { $company = $MCompany->get($job['company']); $job['company'] = $company['name']; $job['desc'] = strmax($job['desc'], 300); $job['logophoto'] = $company['logophoto']; array_push($jobs, $job); } return $jobs; } // Predefined searches $showSearch = true; $showCompany = null; if (isset($_GET['byrecruiter'])) { $params = $this->dataSearchEmpty(); $params['recruiter'] = $_GET['byrecruiter']; $showSearch = false; } if (isset($_GET['bycompany'])) { $params = $this->dataSearchEmpty(); $params['company'] = $_GET['bycompany']; $showCompany = $MCompany->getByName($_GET['bycompany']); $showSearch = false; } if ($showSearch and !isset($params['search'])) { // If not searching for anything, then return last 6 entries $showMore = isset($_GET['showMore']); if ($showMore) { if (isset($_SESSION['showMoreJobs'])) { $_SESSION['showMoreJobs'] += 6; } else { $_SESSION['showMoreJobs'] = 12; } $showMore = $_SESSION['showMoreJobs']; } else { $_SESSION['showMoreJobs'] = 6; } $res = $MJob->last($_SESSION['showMoreJobs']); $jobs = process($res); $recent = count($jobs) < JobModel::getSize(); self::render('jobs/search/form', $this->dataSearchSetup()); self::render('jobs/search/results', array('jobs' => $jobs, 'recent' => $recent, 'search' => 'jobs', 'showMore' => $showMore)); return; } // Params to vars extract($data = $this->dataSearch($params)); // Validations $this->startValidations(); $this->validate(!MongoId::isValid($recruiter) or !is_null(RecruiterModel::getById(new MongoId($recruiter))), $err, 'unknown recruiter'); // Code if ($this->isValid()) { // Searching for companies $companyquery = array(); if (strlen($company) > 0) { $companyquery['name'] = array('$regex' => keywords2mregex($company)); } if (strlen($industry) > 0) { $companyquery['industry'] = array('$regex' => keywords2mregex($industry)); } if (strlen($city) > 0) { $companyquery['location'] = array('$regex' => keywords2mregex($city)); } $cs = $MCompany->find($companyquery); // Search query building $query = array(); if (strlen($recruiter) > 0) { $query['recruiter'] = new MongoId($recruiter); } if (strlen($title) > 0) { $query['title'] = array('$regex' => keywords2mregex($title)); } $companies = array(); foreach ($cs as $c) { array_push($companies, $c['_id']); } $query['company'] = array('$in' => $companies); // Performing search $res = $MJob->find($query); $jobs = process($res); if ($showSearch) { self::render('jobs/search/form', $data); } self::render('jobs/search/results', array('jobs' => $jobs, 'showCompany' => $showCompany, 'search' => 'jobs')); // Send email notification of search to us // $this->sendrequestreport("Search for jobs:", $jobs); // Save search to db global $MApp; $MApp->recordSearch('jobs'); return; } $this->error($err); self::render('jobs/search/form', array_merge($data, array('search' => 'jobs'))); }
/** * Creates a student application to be inserted into the 'applications' * collection. * Need to make sure student has not already saved an application for the * job. */ private static function create(MongoId $jobId, MongoId $studentId, array $questions, $submitted) { // Retrieve application list from $jobId. $applicationQuestions = JobModel::getApplicationQuestionIds($jobId); // Build question-answer pairs. $savedQuestions = self::pruneQuestionsByIdSet($questions, $applicationQuestions); // Save the application. $application = new ApplicationStudent(['jobid' => $jobId, 'studentid' => $studentId, 'questions' => $savedQuestions, 'submitted' => $submitted]); $id = ApplicationModel::insert($application->getData()); $application->setId($id); // Return created application. return $application; }
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. * */ require_once "Libs/autoload.php"; $config = new Config(); $webPage = new PJSWebPage($config->getTitle() . ' - Edit Job'); $act = Tools::Param('act'); if ("Edit Job" === $act) { $jobModel = new JobModel(); $jobModel->populateFromForm(); if (!$jobModel->validateForUpdate()) { $view = new JobFormView('Edit Job', $jobModel); $body = "<h2>Invalid data</h2>\n" . $view->getForm(); } else { $jobController = new JobController(); $newId = $jobController->update($jobModel); if ($newId > 0) { $body = "Edited job # " . $newId . "<br />\n"; } } } else { $jobController = new JobController(); $jobModel = $jobController->get(Tools::param('id')); $view = new JobFormView('Edit Job', $jobModel);
public function get_job_list() { $page = $_POST['page']; $size = $_POST['number']; $title = $_POST['condition']; $start = ($page - 1) * $size; $mOb = new JobModel(); $num = intval($mOb->new_job_count($title)); //得到列表总条数 $limit = "{$start},{$size}"; $result = $mOb->new_job_list($limit, $title); //得到职位列表 // echo "<pre>";var_dump($result);echo "</pre>"; if (empty($result)) { $result = array(); } // foreach ($result as &$v) { // unset($v['content']); // unset($v['workdesc']); // unset($v['softlytip']); // unset($v['jobbright']); // unset($v['email']); // unset($v['match_company']); // unset($v['match_title']); // unset($v['match_skill']); // unset($v['match_industry']); // unset($v['is_match']); // unset($v['orderid']); // unset($v['joblang']); // unset($v['checkinfo']); // unset($v['is_deleted']); // unset($v['newstatus']); // unset($v['is_view']); // unset($v['meth']); // unset($v['expertid']); // unset($v['report']); // } $data = array('count' => $num, 'result' => $result); echo json_encode($data); }
private static function submit(MongoId $jobId, MongoId $studentId, array $questions) { $answers = array(); foreach ($questions as $_id => $answer) { $answers[] = ['_id' => $_id, 'answer' => $answer]; } $application = ApplicationStudent::save($jobId, $studentId, $answers); $applicationId = $application->getId(); $submitted = ApplicationStudent::submit($applicationId); if ($submitted) { $job = JobModel::getByIdMinimal($jobId); $jobTitle = $job['title']; $linkApplicants = "{$jobId}"; $linkManage = ""; $recruiterId = $job['recruiter']; $recruiter = RecruiterModel::getByIdMinimal($recruiterId); $recruiterFirstname = $recruiter['firstname']; $recruiterEmail = $recruiter['email']; $message = "\n Hi {$recruiterFirstname},\n <br /><br />\n You have received a new applicant for your job: <b>{$jobTitle}</b>!\n <br /><br />\n To unlock and view this application, go to\n <a href='{$linkApplicants}'>View Applicants</a>.\n <br />\n To manage your jobs, go to <a href='{$linkManage}'>Manage</a>.\n <br /><br />\n View Applicants: <a href='{$linkApplicants}'>{$linkApplicants}</a><br />\n Manage Jobs: <a href='{$linkManage}'>{$linkManage}</a><br />\n <br /><br />\n -------------------<br />\n Team SubLite\n <br /><br />\n Please let us know if you have any questions. We hope you find the\n right candidate for your job.\n "; sendgmail([$recruiterEmail], "*****@*****.**", "New Applicant for '{$jobTitle}' | SubLite", $message); //send an email to the student $companyId = $job['company']; $company = CompanyModel::getById($companyId); $companyName = $company['name']; $student = StudentModel::getByIdMinimal($studentId); $studentFirstName = $student['name']; $studentEmail = $student['email']; $linkApplication = "{$applicationId}"; $linkJob = "{$jobId}"; $linkJobSearch = ""; $linkJobsByCompany = "{$recruiterId}"; $message = "\n Hi {$studentFirstName},\n <br />\n <br />{$companyName} has successfully received your <a href='{$linkApplication}'>application</a> for <b>{$jobTitle}</b>!<br />\n <br />View your application: {$linkApplication}\n <br />View the job you applied to {$linkJob}\n <br />View more jobs by {$linkJobsByCompany}<br />\n <br />You are now one step closer to finding your perfect summer experience! Take more steps by applying to more jobs: {$linkJobSearch}<br />\n -------------------<br />\n Good luck!\n <br />\n Team SubLite\n "; sendgmail([$studentEmail], "*****@*****.**", "Confirmation for Job Application", $message); self::redirect("../application/{$applicationId}"); } self::error("You must attach a resume to your profile in order to submit " . "an application."); }
public function delete($id) { $this->db->trans_start(); # remove company task $this->load->model("CompanyTaskModel"); $task = new CompanyTaskModel(); $task->delete_by_company($id); # remove company achievement $this->load->model("AchievementModel"); $achievement = new AchievementModel(); $achievement->delete_by_company($id); # remove people and people photo $this->load->model("PeopleModel"); $people = new PeopleModel(); $people->delete_by_company($id); # remove company activity $this->load->model("CompanyActivityModel"); $activity = new CompanyActivityModel(); $activity->delete_by_company($id); # remove company photo $this->load->model("CompanyPhotoModel"); $photo = new CompanyPhotoModel(); $photo->delete_by_company($id); # remove follower record $this->load->model("FollowerModel"); $follower = new FollowerModel(); $follower->delete_by_company($id); # remove all job, application and bookmark $this->load->model("JobModel"); $job = new JobModel(); $job->delete_by_company($id); # remove all section, application and bookmark $this->load->model("CompanySectionModel"); $job = new CompanySectionModel(); $job->delete_by_company($id); # remove the company itself $condition = array(CompanyModel::$primary_key => $id); $this->db->delete(CompanyModel::$table_name, $condition); $this->db->trans_complete(); return $this->db->trans_status(); }
private static function jobExists(MongoId $id) { return JobModel::exists($id); }
public function getJobLists($filed, $where, $order = '', $limit = '') { self::initDB(); $sql = 'SELECT ' . $filed . ' FROM ' . self::$table_job_info . ' LEFT JOIN ' . self::$table_dept_info . ' ON dept_id=job_dept_id LEFT JOIN ' . self::$table_job_power . ' ON jobpower_job_id=job_id LEFT JOIN ' . self::$table_company_info . ' ON job_company_id=company_id ' . $where . ' ' . $order . ' ' . $limit; $query = self::$dbConn->query($sql); if (!$query) { self::$errCode = '1803'; self::$errMsg = "[{$sql}] is error"; return false; } if ($this->is_count === true) { $this->is_count = false; return self::$dbConn->num_rows($query); } return self::$dbConn->fetch_array_all($query); }
public function job_detail() { $id = $_GET['id']; if (!$id) { header("location:/Companyabout/recording"); die; } $jobOb = new JobModel(); $arJob = $jobOb->get_detail($id); $this->assign("arJob", $arJob); //为引入的头部传入标题 $lArr = array(array("name" => "回到首页", "url" => "/", "img" => "/Public/new-images/head-icon/m-icon1.png"), array("name" => "发布职位", "url" => "/index.php?s=/Company/send_job", "img" => "/Public/new-images/com-head-icon/send_job.png"), array("name" => "正在招聘", "url" => "/index.php?s=/Companyabout/recording", "img" => "/Public/new-images/com-head-icon/recording.png"), array("name" => "往期招聘", "url" => "/index.php?s=/Companyabout/recorded", "img" => "/Public/new-images/com-head-icon/recorded.png")); $this->assign("lArr", $lArr); $this->assign("header_title", "职位详情"); $this->assign("select", "send_job"); $this->display("Company/job_detail"); }