function JB_display_post_list(&$posts, $lm) { global $JobListAttributes; global $list_mode; $list_mode = $lm; global $post_count; global $post_id; global $label; global $column_list; // - this is initialized in using the JB_echo_list_head_data() function global $column_info; // - same as above $PLM =& JB_get_PostListMarkupObject(); // load the ListMarkup Class $PLM->set_list_mode($lm); if (func_num_args() > 2) { // what kind of posts to show $show = func_get_arg(2); $_REQUEST['show'] = $show; } $PLM->set_show($show); $JobListAttributes = new JobListAttributes($list_mode, $show); $JobListAttributes->set_list_mode($lm); if ($list_mode == 'ADMIN') { $admin = true; } if ($list_mode == "BY_CATEGORY_ADMIN") { $list_mode = "ADMIN"; } if ($list_mode == 'ADMIN' || $list_mode == 'SAVED' || $list_mode == 'EMPLOYER') { $PLM->open_form($JobListAttributes); } if ($list_mode == 'PREMIUM') { if (JB_PREMIUM_POSTS_LIMIT == 'YES') { $pp_page = JB_PREMIUM_POSTS_PER_PAGE; } else { $pp_page = 200; } } elseif ($list_mode == 'EMPLOYER') { if (defined('JB_MANAGER_POSTS_PER_PAGE')) { $pp_page = JB_MANAGER_POSTS_PER_PAGE; } else { $pp_page = 20; } } else { $pp_page = JB_POSTS_PER_PAGE; } if ($list_mode != 'PREMIUM') { JB_nav_pages($result, $q_string, $pp_page); } $css_id = $PLM->get_list_css_id(); $PLM->list_start($css_id); ################ # Generate output for the head <tr> row of the table # Dynamic columns are generated by Jb_echo_list_head_data() in and # placed in the $head_data variable # The $head_data is cached, otherwise if conditions are used # to generate the output for the <td> parts $COLSPAN = ''; // How many columns? (the hits column does not count here...) ob_start(); // buffer the output, so that we can calculate the colspan. $COLSPAN = JB_echo_list_head_data(1, $admin); $list_head_data = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); JBPLUG_do_callback('job_list_set_colspan', $COLSPAN); // set the colspan value $PLM->set_colspan($COLSPAN); if ($list_mode == 'SAVED') { $PLM->saved_list_controls(); } elseif ($list_mode == 'ADMIN') { $PLM->admin_list_controls(); } elseif ($list_mode == 'EMPLOYER') { $PLM->employer_list_controls(); } JBPLUG_do_callback('job_list_controls', $PLM); // plugins can render any undefined list controls ####################################### # Open the list heading section $PLM->list_head_open(); if ($list_mode == 'ADMIN') { $PLM->list_head_admin_action(); JBPLUG_do_callback('job_list_head_admin_action', $A = false); // plugin for addition action column } elseif ($list_mode == 'EMPLOYER') { $PLM->list_head_employer_action(); } elseif ($list_mode == 'SAVED') { $PLM->list_head_saved_action(); } JBPLUG_do_callback('joblist_list_head_action', $PLM); ######################################################################## echo $list_head_data; // output the header columns that were buffered before. ######################################################################## if ($list_mode == 'EMPLOYER') { // Here we make sure that the 'views' and 'applications' columns // appear in manager.php, regardless how the list is configured. $PLM->list_head_employer_extras(); JBPLUG_do_callback('job_list_head_employer_extra_col', $A = false); // plugin for the additional columns seen by the employer's Application manager } if ($list_mode == 'PREMIUM' && JB_SHOW_PREMIUM_HITS == 'YES') { $PLM->list_head_premium_extras(); } ###################################### # Close the list heading section $PLM->list_head_close(); $i = 0; $current_day = JB_get_local_time(gmdate("r")); // local time form GMT # Output the data rows JBPLUG_do_callback('job_list_pre_fill', $i, $list_mode); //A plugin can list its own records before, and adjust the $i // init a week ago from first post while (($row = mysql_fetch_array($posts, MYSQL_ASSOC)) && $i < $pp_page) { $PLM->set_values($row); JBPLUG_do_callback('job_list_set_data', $row, $i, $list_mode); // A plugin can modify the prams $i++; $post_id = $row['post_id']; $POST_MODE = $row['post_mode']; $class_name = $PLM->get_item_class_name($POST_MODE); $class_postfix = $PLM->get_item_class_postfix($POST_MODE); //$DATE_TIME = JB_get_local_time($row['post_date']." GMT"); # display day of week if ($list_mode == 'ALL' && JB_POSTS_SHOW_DAYS_ELAPSED == "YES" || $list_mode == 'PREMIUM' && JB_P_POSTS_SHOW_DAYS_ELAPSED == "YES") { $DATE_TIME = JB_get_local_time($row['post_date'] . " GMT"); # display day of week if ($list_mode == 'ALL' && JB_POSTS_SHOW_DAYS_ELAPSED == "YES" || $list_mode == 'PREMIUM' && JB_P_POSTS_SHOW_DAYS_ELAPSED == "YES") { $day_and_week = JB_get_day_and_week($row['post_date']); if ($day_and_week !== $prev_day_and_week) { // new day? if ($day_and_week != '') { $PLM->list_day_of_week($day_and_week, $class_postfix); } } $prev_day_and_week = $day_and_week; } } ######################################## # Open the list data items $PLM->list_item_open($POST_MODE, $class_name); # Action cells # Here the action buttons are displayed, eg. 'Delete', 'Approve', checkboxes to select, etc if ($list_mode == 'ADMIN') { $PLM->list_data_admin_action($class_postfix, $row['post_mode']); JBPLUG_do_callback('job_list_data_admin_action', $A = false); // plugin for the additional controls for the Admin } elseif ($list_mode == 'SAVED') { $PLM->list_data_saved_action(); } elseif ($list_mode == 'EMPLOYER') { // EMPLOYER MODE ONLY! $PLM->list_data_employer_action($class_postfix, $row['post_mode']); JBPLUG_do_callback('job_list_data_employer_buttons', $A = false); // plugin for the additional controls for the Admin } JBPLUG_do_callback('joblist_list_data_user_action', $A = false); ######################################################################## JB_echo_job_list_data($admin); // display the data cells ######################################################################## if ($list_mode == 'EMPLOYER') { // displayed on manager.php $app_count = $row['applications']; // change the app_count in to a link if ($app_count > 0) { $app_count = $PLM->get_emp_app_link('app.php?post_id=' . $row['post_id'], $app_count); } $PLM->list_data_employer_extras($app_count); JBPLUG_do_callback('job_list_data_employer_extra_col', $A = false); // plugin for the additional fields seen by the employer's Application manager } if ($list_mode == 'PREMIUM' && JB_SHOW_PREMIUM_HITS == 'YES') { $PLM->list_data_premium_extras(); } $PLM->list_item_close(); } ############ end while() JBPLUG_do_callback('job_list_back_fill', $i, $list_mode); // A plugin can list its own records after $PLM->list_end(); if ($list_mode == 'ADMIN' || $list_mode == 'SAVED' || $list_mode == 'EMPLOYER') { $PLM->close_form(); } if ($list_mode == 'PREMIUM') { if (JB_PREMIUM_POSTS_LIMIT == 'YES') { JB_nav_pages($result, $q_string, $pp_page); } } else { JB_nav_pages($result, $q_string, $pp_page); } }
if (sizeof($resume_row) > 0) { $anon_q = 'a=' . $is_anon; $key = substr(md5($is_anon . $resume_row['resume_id'] . $user_row['Password'] . $user_row['ID']), 0, 10); $key_q = $anon_q . '&resume_id=' . $resume_row['resume_id'] . '&id=' . $user_row['ID'] . '&key=' . $key; $resume_db_link = JB_BASE_HTTP_PATH . JB_EMPLOYER_FOLDER . "search.php?" . $key_q; } else { $resume_db_link = $label["app_resume_notpres"]; } //$app_name = $PForm->get_value('app_name'); //$app_email = $PForm->get_value('app_email'); $e_row = mysql_fetch_array($e_result, MYSQL_ASSOC); $text_message = $e_row['EmailText']; $text_message = str_replace("%SITE_CONTACT_EMAIL%", JB_SITE_CONTACT_EMAIL, $text_message); $text_message = str_replace("%SITE_NAME%", JB_SITE_NAME, $text_message); $text_message = str_replace("%BASE_HTTP_PATH%", JB_BASE_HTTP_PATH, $text_message); $JobListAttributes = new JobListAttributes(); $JobListAttributes->clear(); $text_message = str_replace("%POST_URL%", JB_job_post_url($post_id, $JobListAttributes, JB_BASE_HTTP_PATH . 'index.php'), $text_message); $text_message = str_replace("%POSTED_BY%", $POSTED_BY, $text_message); $text_message = str_replace("%EMPLOYER_EMAIL%", $EMAIL, $text_message); $text_message = str_replace("%JOB_TITLE%", $TITLE, $text_message); $text_message = str_replace("%APP_NAME%", $app_name, $text_message); $text_message = str_replace("%APP_EMAIL%", $app_email, $text_message); $text_message = str_replace("%POST_ID%", $post_id, $text_message); $text_message = str_replace("%APP_SUBJECT%", $app_subject, $text_message); $text_message = str_replace("%APP_LETTER%", $app_letter, $text_message); $text_message = str_replace("%APP_ATTACHMENT1%", $_FILES['att1']['name'], $text_message); $text_message = str_replace("%APP_ATTACHMENT2%", $_FILES['att2']['name'], $text_message); $text_message = str_replace("%APP_ATTACHMENT3%", $_FILES['att3']['name'], $text_message); $CandidateEmailMessage = $text_message; $text_message = str_replace("%RESUME_DB_LINK%", $resume_db_link, $text_message);
function JB_template_email_job() { global $label, $error, $post_id, $your_email, $your_name, $to_email, $message, $to_email, $JBMarkup; JBPLUG_do_callback('email_job_before', $A = false); require_once dirname(__FILE__) . "/"; $JobListAttributes = new JobListAttributes(); $JobListAttributes->clear(); if (file_exists(JB_THEME_PATH . 'email-job-form.php')) { require JB_THEME_PATH . 'email-job-form.php'; } else { require JB_DEFAULT_THEME_PATH . 'email-job-form.php'; } JBPLUG_do_callback('email_job_after', $A = false); }
# You can obtain one at ########################################################################### if (defined('JB_RSS_FEED_PATH')) { // config.php was already included // - this file is included by another file define('JB_OMIT_SESSION_START', true); define('NO_HOUSE_KEEPING', true); $out_to_browser = false; // send outpt to rss.xml } else { require dirname(__FILE__) . "/config.php"; $out_to_browser = true; // send output to browser } require_once dirname(__FILE__) . "/include/"; $JobListAttributes = new JobListAttributes(); $JobListAttributes->clear(); $out_to_file = true; $cat = ''; ######################################################## # Special function to convert HTML string to UTF-8 function JB_rss_xmlentities($string, $quote_style = ENT_COMPAT) { // convert all entities to UTF-8 encoded string // this is to preserve characters of other languages // encoded using htmlentities require_once dirname(__FILE__) . "/include/xml_feed_functions.php"; $string = JBXM_html_entity_decode($string); // xmlentities $trans = array("<" => '<', "&" => '&', ">" => '>', '"' => '"', '\'' => '''); $string = strtr($string, $trans);