  * test the parseData function
 public function testParseData()
     $extractor = new EXTRACTOR_JobApplication();
     // No parameters - default settings
     $post = array();
     $application = $extractor->parseData($post);
     $expected = new JobApplication();
     $this->assertEquals($expected, $application);
     // Without ID
     $post = array('txtVacancyId' => '1', 'txtFirstName' => 'John', 'txtMiddleName' => 'K', 'txtLastName' => 'Salgado', 'txtStreet1' => '111 Main St', 'txtStreet2' => 'Apt 1111', 'txtCity' => 'Colombo', 'txtCountry' => 'Sri Lanka', 'txtProvince' => 'Central', 'txtZip' => '10000', 'txtMobile' => '0772828282', 'txtPhone' => '1119191991', 'txtEmail' => '*****@*****.**', 'txtQualifications' => 'sdf sadf sfsd');
     $application = $extractor->parseData($post);
     $expected = new JobApplication();
     $expected->setStreet1('111 Main St');
     $expected->setStreet2('Apt 1111');
     $expected->setCountry('Sri Lanka');
     $expected->setQualifications('sdf sadf sfsd');
     $this->assertEquals($expected, $application);
     // All parameters
     $post = array('txtId' => '121', 'txtVacancyId' => '1', 'txtFirstName' => 'John', 'txtMiddleName' => 'K', 'txtLastName' => 'Salgado', 'txtStreet1' => '111 Main St', 'txtStreet2' => 'Apt 1111', 'txtCity' => 'Colombo', 'txtCountry' => 'Sri Lanka', 'txtProvince' => 'Central', 'txtZip' => '10000', 'txtMobile' => '0772828282', 'txtPhone' => '1119191991', 'txtEmail' => '*****@*****.**', 'txtQualifications' => 'sdf sadf sfsd');
     $application = $extractor->parseData($post);
     $this->assertEquals($expected, $application);
Example #2
 public function processApplication($data, Form $form)
     $application = JobApplication::create();
     $form->sessionMessage('Thanks for applying.', 'good');
  * Create a JobApplication object with the passed parameters
 private function _getJobApplication($id, $vacancyId, $firstName, $middleName, $lastName, $street1, $street2, $city, $province, $zip, $country, $mobile, $phone, $email, $qualifications, $status = JobApplication::STATUS_SUBMITTED)
     $application = new JobApplication($id);
     return $application;
  * Create a JobApplication object with the passed parameters
 private function _getJobApplication($id, $vacancyId, $firstName, $middleName, $lastName, $street1, $street2, $city, $province, $zip, $country, $mobile, $phone, $email, $qualifications)
     $application = new JobApplication($id);
     return $application;
  * Returns the data model based on the primary key given in the GET variable.
  * If the data model is not found, an HTTP exception will be raised.
  * @param integer $id the ID of the model to be loaded
  * @return JobApplication the loaded model
  * @throws CHttpException
 public function loadModel($id)
     $model = JobApplication::model()->findByPk($id);
     if ($model === null) {
         throw new CHttpException(404, 'The requested page does not exist.');
     return $model;
  * Create an employee based on a job application.
  * @param JobApplication $jobApplication Job Application to create the employee from.
  * @throws RecruitmentControllerException if there is an error when creating employee
 public function createEmployeeFromApplication($jobApplication)
     $empInfo = new EmpInfo();
     // main information
     $employeeId = $empInfo->getLastId();
     $result = $empInfo->addEmpMain();
     // contact information
     $result = $empInfo->updateEmpContact();
     // job information
     $vacancy = JobVacancy::getJobVacancy($jobApplication->getVacancyId());
     $result = $empInfo->updateEmpJobInfo();
     return $empInfo->getEmpId();
  * Send a task to the interviewing manager, giving details of scheduled interview
  * @param JobApplicationEvent $jobApplicationEvent Job Application Event object
  * @return boolean True if mail sent, false otherwise
 public function sendInterviewTaskToManager($jobApplicationEvent)
     /* Get interview details */
     $intManagerId = $jobApplicationEvent->getOwner();
     if (empty($intManagerId)) {
         throw new RecruitmentMailNotifierException("Invalid parameters", RecruitmentMailNotifierException::INVALID_PARAMETER);
     $intManagerEmail = $this->_getEmpAddress($intManagerId);
     if (empty($intManagerEmail)) {
         $this->_log("Interviewing manager {$intManagerId} does not have email address.");
         return false;
     $intManagerName = $this->_getEmpName($intManagerId);
     $jobApplication = JobApplication::getJobApplication($jobApplicationEvent->getApplicationId());
     $applicantName = $jobApplication->getFirstName() . ' ' . $jobApplication->getLastName();
     $applicantEmail = $jobApplication->getEmail();
     $creatorName = $jobApplicationEvent->getCreatorName();
     $creatorEmail = $jobApplicationEvent->getCreatorEmail();
     $interviewTime = $jobApplicationEvent->getEventTime();
     $vacancy = JobVacancy::getJobVacancy($jobApplication->getVacancyId());
     /* Get summary and description from templates */
     $subject = $this->_getTemplate(self::SUBJECT_INTERVIEW_MANAGER_TASK);
     $body = $this->_getTemplate(self::TEMPLATE_INTERVIEW_MANAGER_TASK);
     // Replace placeholders in subject and body
     $country = $this->_getCountryName($jobApplication->getCountry());
     $replace = array($vacancy->getJobTitleName(), $intManagerName['first'], $jobApplication->getFirstName(), $jobApplication->getMiddleName(), $jobApplication->getLastName(), $jobApplication->getStreet1(), $jobApplication->getStreet2(), $jobApplication->getCity(), $jobApplication->getProvince(), $jobApplication->getZip(), $country, $jobApplication->getPhone(), $jobApplication->getMobile(), $jobApplication->getEmail(), $jobApplication->getQualifications(), $jobApplicationEvent->getNotes());
     $summary = str_replace($search, $replace, $subject);
     $description = str_replace($search, $replace, $body);
     /* Create task */
     $message = $this->_getTask($summary, $description, $creatorName, $creatorEmail, $applicantName, $applicantEmail, $interviewTime);
     $mailer = $this->_getMailer();
     $attachment = $mailer->createAttachment($message);
     $attachment->type = 'text/calendar';
     $attachment->filename = 'interview.ics';
     /* Send Email with task attached */
     $to = "{$intManagerName['first']} {$intManagerName['last']}<{$intManagerEmail}>";
     $body = '';
     $notificationType = null;
     $attachments = array($attachment);
     $subject = $summary;
     $this->_sendMail($to, $subject, $body, $notificationType, $attachments);
Example #8
  * Creates a JobApplication object from a resultset row
  * @param array $row Resultset row from the database.
  * @return JobApplication JobApplication object.
 private static function _createFromRow($row)
     $application = new JobApplication($row[self::DB_FIELD_ID]);
     if (isset($row[self::JOB_TITLE_NAME])) {
     if (isset($row[self::HIRING_MANAGER_NAME])) {
     return $application;
Example #9
    $errors['apply_cv'] = $translations['apply']['cv_error'];
if (!validate_email($apply_email)) {
    $errors['apply_email'] = $translations['apply']['email_invalid'];
if (empty($errors)) {
    $j = new Job($job_id);
    $f = pathinfo($_FILES['apply_cv']['name']);
    $filename = md5(time() . '_' . $_FILES['apply_cv']['name'] . uniqid()) . '.' . $f['extension'];
    if (move_uploaded_file($_FILES['apply_cv']['tmp_name'], FILE_UPLOAD_DIR . $filename)) {
        $attachment = $filename;
    } else {
        $attachment = '';
    $data = array('apply_email' => $apply_email, 'apply_name' => $apply_name, 'apply_msg' => strip_tags($apply_msg), 'company_email' => $j->mPosterEmail, 'company_name' => $j->mCompany, 'job_title' => $j->mTitle, 'attachment_path' => APP_PATH . FILE_UPLOAD_DIR . $attachment, 'attachment_filename' => $attachment, 'job_id' => $job_id);
    $app = new JobApplication($job_id, $data);
    $applicationTimeoutDisabled = MINUTES_BETWEEN_APPLY_TO_JOBS_FROM_SAME_IP <= 0;
    $applicationTimeoutPassed = false;
    $applicantIP = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'];
    if (!$applicationTimeoutDisabled) {
        $applicationTimeoutPassed = $app->HasApplyTimeoutPassed($applicantIP);
    $applicationAllowed = $applicationTimeoutDisabled || $applicationTimeoutPassed;
    if ($applicationAllowed) {
        $mailSender = new Postman();
        $applyMailSent = $mailSender->MailApplyOnline($data);
        if ($applyMailSent) {
            $_SESSION['apply_mail_sent'] = 1;
            $_SESSION['apply_successful'] = 1;
        } else {

$job = new Job($id);
if ($job->Exists() && $extra != '' && $extra == $job->GetAuth()) {
    $info = $job->GetInfo();
    $url = BASE_URL . URL_JOB . '/' . $id . '/' . $info['url_title'] . '/';
    $app = new JobApplication($id);
    $apps_count = $app->Count();
    $info['applied_count'] = $apps_count;
    $smarty->assign('count_applicants', $apps_count);
    $smarty->assign('job', $info);
    $category = get_category_by_id($info['category_id']);
    // set paginator link
    $paginatorLink = BASE_URL . 'view-applicants/' . $id . '/' . $extra . '/';
    $paginator = new Paginator($apps_count, JOBS_PER_PAGE, @$_REQUEST['p']);
    $from = $paginator->getFirstLimit();
    $to = $paginator->getLastLimit();
    // grab all jobs applied
    $the_applicants = $app->getAllForJob($from, JOBS_PER_PAGE);
    $smarty->assign('applicants', $the_applicants);
    // send page links to template
    $smarty->assign('pages', $paginator->pages_link);
    $smarty->assign('seo_title', $translator->translate("jobs.html_title", stripslashes($info['title']), stripslashes($info['company']), SITE_NAME));
    $smarty->assign('cv_path', BASE_URL . FILE_UPLOAD_DIR);
    $smarty->assign('current_category', $category['var_name']);
    $smarty->assign('back_link', BASE_URL . 'manage/' . $id . '/' . $extra . '/');
    $template = 'job-applications.tpl';
} else {
    redirect_to(BASE_URL . URL_JOB . '/' . $id . '/');
  * Checks if the given user is allowed to change the status of the given event
  * @param authorize $authObj authorize class representing logged in user
  * @param JobApplicationEvent Job Application Event which needs to be edited
  * @return bool True if action is allowed, false otherwise.
 public function isAllowedToChangeEventStatus($authObj, $jobApplicationEvent)
     if (!$this->isAllowedToEditEvent($authObj, $jobApplicationEvent)) {
         return false;
     $application = JobApplication::getJobApplication($jobApplicationEvent->getApplicationId());
     $status = $application->getStatus();
     $eventType = $jobApplicationEvent->getEventType();
     switch ($eventType) {
         case JobApplicationEvent::EVENT_SCHEDULE_FIRST_INTERVIEW:
             return $status == JobApplication::STATUS_FIRST_INTERVIEW_SCHEDULED;
         case JobApplicationEvent::EVENT_SCHEDULE_SECOND_INTERVIEW:
             return $status == JobApplication::STATUS_SECOND_INTERVIEW_SCHEDULED;
             return false;
Example #12
 public function getResidentRegistrationNatureOptions()
     return JobApplication::model()->getResidentRegistrationNatureOptions();
  * Parse data from interface and return JobApplication Object
  * @param Array $postArr Array containing POST values
  * @return JobApplication Job Application object
 public function parseData($postArr)
     $application = new JobApplication();
     if (isset($postArr['txtId']) && !empty($postArr['txtId'])) {
     if (isset($postArr['txtVacancyId']) && !empty($postArr['txtVacancyId'])) {
     if (isset($postArr['txtFirstName']) && !empty($postArr['txtFirstName'])) {
     if (isset($postArr['txtMiddleName']) && !empty($postArr['txtMiddleName'])) {
     if (isset($postArr['txtLastName']) && !empty($postArr['txtLastName'])) {
     if (isset($postArr['txtStreet1']) && !empty($postArr['txtStreet1'])) {
     if (isset($postArr['txtStreet2']) && !empty($postArr['txtStreet2'])) {
     if (isset($postArr['txtCity']) && !empty($postArr['txtCity'])) {
     if (isset($postArr['txtCountry']) && !empty($postArr['txtCountry'])) {
     if (isset($postArr['txtProvince']) && !empty($postArr['txtProvince'])) {
     if (isset($postArr['txtZip']) && !empty($postArr['txtZip'])) {
     if (isset($postArr['txtPhone']) && !empty($postArr['txtPhone'])) {
     if (isset($postArr['txtMobile']) && !empty($postArr['txtMobile'])) {
     if (isset($postArr['txtEmail']) && !empty($postArr['txtEmail'])) {
     if (isset($postArr['txtQualifications']) && !empty($postArr['txtQualifications'])) {
     return $application;
Example #14

$job = new Job($id);
if ($job->Exists() && $job->GetTempStatus() == 0) {
    $info = $job->GetInfo();
    $app = new JobApplication($id);
    $info['applicants'] = $app->getAllForJob();
    $smarty->assign('job', $info);
    $smarty->assign('applicants', $info['applicants']);
    $smarty->assign('cv_path', '/' . FILE_UPLOAD_DIR);
    $category = get_category_by_id($info['category_id']);
    $category_var_name = $category['var_name'];
    $html_title = stripslashes($info['title']) . ' la ' . stripslashes($info['company']) . ' / ' . SITE_NAME;
    if (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'])) {
        $currentLinksPage = explode('/', rtrim($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'], '/'));
        if (strcmp(end($currentLinksPage), 'home') == 0) {
            $smarty->assign('back_link', BASE_URL . 'home/');
        } else {
            $smarty->assign('back_link', isset($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']) ? $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'] : BASE_URL . URL_JOBS . '/' . $category_var_name . '/');
    } else {
        $smarty->assign('back_link', isset($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']) ? $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'] : BASE_URL . URL_JOBS . '/' . $category_var_name . '/');
    $smarty->assign('current_category', $category_var_name);
    $template = 'job.tpl';
} else {
    redirect_to(BASE_URL . 'job-unavailable/');
Example #15
    if (!empty($_SESSION['last_viewed_jobs'])) {
        foreach ($_SESSION['last_viewed_jobs'] as $item) {
            if ($item['url'] == $url) {
                $job_flag = false;
    } else {
        $_SESSION['last_viewed_jobs'] = array();
    if ($job_flag) {
        array_unshift($_SESSION['last_viewed_jobs'], array('url' => $url, 'title' => stripslashes($job->mTitle)));
    if (count($_SESSION['last_viewed_jobs']) > 10) {
    $app = new JobApplication($id);
    $info['applied_count'] = $app->Count();
    // ######### list other jobs by the same company #########
    $compjobs = $job->ApiGetJobsByCompany($info['company'], 5, false);
    $sanitizedcomp = $sanitizer->sanitize_title_with_dashes($info['company']);
    $smarty->assign('compjobs', $compjobs);
    $smarty->assign('jobsat', $sanitizedcomp);
    // ######### list other jobs by the same company #########
    $smarty->assign('job', $info);
    $category = get_category_by_id($info['category_id']);
    $smarty->assign('seo_title', $translator->translate("jobs.html_title", stripslashes($info['title']), stripslashes($info['company']), SITE_NAME));
    $smarty->assign('current_category', $category['var_name']);
    $smarty->assign('back_link', BASE_URL . URL_JOBS . '/' . $category['var_name'] . '/');
    $template = 'job.tpl';
} else {
    redirect_to(BASE_URL . 'job-unavailable/');
  * Parse data from interface and return JobApplication Object
  * @param Array $postArr Array containing POST values
  * @return JobApplication Job Application object
 public function parseData($postArr)
     $application = new JobApplication();
     if (isset($postArr['txtId']) && !empty($postArr['txtId'])) {
     if (isset($postArr['txtVacancyId']) && !empty($postArr['txtVacancyId'])) {
     if (isset($postArr['txtFirstName']) && !empty($postArr['txtFirstName'])) {
     if (isset($postArr['txtMiddleName']) && !empty($postArr['txtMiddleName'])) {
     if (isset($postArr['txtLastName']) && !empty($postArr['txtLastName'])) {
     if (isset($postArr['txtStreet1']) && !empty($postArr['txtStreet1'])) {
     if (isset($postArr['txtStreet2']) && !empty($postArr['txtStreet2'])) {
     if (isset($postArr['txtCity']) && !empty($postArr['txtCity'])) {
     if (isset($postArr['txtCountry']) && !empty($postArr['txtCountry'])) {
     if (isset($postArr['txtProvince']) && !empty($postArr['txtProvince'])) {
     if (isset($postArr['txtZip']) && !empty($postArr['txtZip'])) {
     if (isset($postArr['txtPhone']) && !empty($postArr['txtPhone'])) {
     if (isset($postArr['txtMobile']) && !empty($postArr['txtMobile'])) {
     if (isset($postArr['txtEmail']) && !empty($postArr['txtEmail'])) {
     if (isset($postArr['txtQualifications']) && !empty($postArr['txtQualifications'])) {
     if ($_FILES['txtResume']['size'] > 0) {
         if ($_FILES['txtResume']['error'] > 0) {
             $application->resumeData['error'] = $_FILES['txtResume']['error'];
         } else {
             $application->resumeData['name'] = $_FILES['txtResume']['name'];
             $application->resumeData['tmpName'] = $_FILES['txtResume']['tmp_name'];
             $application->resumeData['extension'] = strtolower(array_pop(explode(".", $_FILES['txtResume']['name'])));
             $application->resumeData['size'] = $_FILES['txtResume']['size'];
     return $application;