Example #1
	 * this methode calculate the next date
	static function calculate_recurrence($recurrence_row)
		// get the recurrence information
		$recurrence_number = $recurrence_row['recurrence_number'];
		$recurrence_type = $recurrence_row['recurrence_type'];

		$day_time = 86400;	// 60s * 60min * 24h
		$week_time = $day_time * 7;
		$date_array = JemHelper::generate_date($recurrence_row['dates'], $recurrence_row['enddates']);

		switch($recurrence_type) {
			case "1":
				// +1 hour for the Summer to Winter clock change
				$start_day = mktime(1, 0, 0, $date_array["month"], $date_array["day"], $date_array["year"]);
				$start_day = $start_day + ($recurrence_number * $day_time);
			case "2":
				// +1 hour for the Summer to Winter clock change
				$start_day = mktime(1, 0, 0, $date_array["month"], $date_array["day"], $date_array["year"]);
				$start_day = $start_day + ($recurrence_number * $week_time);
			case "3": // month recurrence
				 * warning here, we have to make sure the date exists:
				 * 31 of october + 1 month = 31 of november, which doesn't exists => skip the date!
				$start_day = mktime(1,0,0,($date_array["month"] + $recurrence_number),$date_array["day"],$date_array["year"]);

				$i = 1;
				while (date('d', $start_day) != $date_array["day"] && $i < 20) { // not the same day of the month... try next date !
					$start_day = mktime(1,0,0,($date_array["month"] + $recurrence_number*$i),$date_array["day"],$date_array["year"]);
			case "4": // weekday
				// the selected weekdays
				$selected = JemHelper::convert2CharsDaysToInt(explode(',', $recurrence_row['recurrence_byday']), 0);
				$days_names = array('sunday', 'monday', 'tuesday', 'wednesday', 'thursday', 'friday', 'saturday');
				$litterals = array('first', 'second', 'third', 'fourth');
				if (count($selected) == 0)
					// this shouldn't happen, but if it does, to prevent problem use the current weekday for the repetition.
					JError::raiseWarning(500, JText::_('COM_JEM_WRONG_EVENTRECURRENCE_WEEKDAY'));
					$current_weekday = (int) $date_array["weekday"];
					$selected = array($current_weekday);

				$start_day = null;
				foreach ($selected as $s)
					$next = null;
					switch ($recurrence_number) {
						case 6: // before last 'x' of the month
							$next      = strtotime("previous ".$days_names[$s].' - 1 week ',
											mktime(1,0,0,$date_array["month"]+1 ,1,$date_array["year"]));
							$nextmonth = strtotime("previous ".$days_names[$s].' - 1 week ',
											mktime(1,0,0,$date_array["month"]+2 ,1,$date_array["year"]));
						case 5: // last 'x' of the month
							$next      = strtotime("previous ".$days_names[$s],
											mktime(1,0,0,$date_array["month"]+1 ,1,$date_array["year"]));
							$nextmonth = strtotime("previous ".$days_names[$s],
											mktime(1,0,0,$date_array["month"]+2 ,1,$date_array["year"]));
						case 4: // xth 'x' of the month
						case 3:
						case 2:
						case 1:
							$next      = strtotime($litterals[$recurrence_number-1]." ".$days_names[$s].' of this month',
											mktime(1,0,0,$date_array["month"]   ,1,$date_array["year"]));
							$nextmonth = strtotime($litterals[$recurrence_number-1]." ".$days_names[$s].' of this month',
											mktime(1,0,0,$date_array["month"]+1 ,1,$date_array["year"]));

					// is the next / nextm day eligible for next date ?
					if ($next && $next > strtotime($recurrence_row['dates'])) // after current date !
						if (!$start_day || $start_day > $next) { // comes before the current 'start_date'
							$start_day = $next;
					if ($nextmonth && (!$start_day || $start_day > $nextmonth)) {
						$start_day = $nextmonth;

		if (!$start_day) {
			return false;
		$recurrence_row['dates'] = date("Y-m-d", $start_day);

		if ($recurrence_row['enddates']) {
			$recurrence_row['enddates'] = date("Y-m-d", $start_day + $date_array["day_diff"]);

		if ($start_day < $date_array["unixtime"]) {
			JError::raiseError(500, JText::_('COM_JEM_RECURRENCE_DATE_GENERATION_ERROR'));

		return $recurrence_row;