         * Optimize website by aggregating css and js
        public function process($sHtml)
                JCH_DEBUG ? JchPlatformProfiler::mark('beforeProcess plgSystem (JCH Optimize)') : null;

                loadJchOptimizeClass(array('JchOptimizeBase', 'JchOptimizeParser', 'JchOptimizeFileRetriever', 
                        'JchOptimizeLinkBuilder', 'JchOptimizeHelper'));
                JCH_DEBUG ? JchPlatformProfiler::mark('afterLoadClass plgSystem (JCH Optimize)') : null;
                        $oParser = new JchOptimizeParser($this->params, $sHtml, JchOptimizeFileRetriever::getInstance());

                        $oLinkBuilder = new JchOptimizeLinkBuilder($oParser);

                        $sOptimizedHtml = JchOptimizeHelper::minifyHtml($oParser->getHtml(), $this->params);
                catch (Exception $ex)
                        JchOptimizeLogger::log($ex->getMessage(), $this->params);

                        $sOptimizedHtml = $sHtml;


                JCH_DEBUG ? JchPlatformProfiler::mark('afterProcess plgSystem (JCH Optimize)') : null;

                return $sOptimizedHtml;
Example #2
  * Get local path of file from the url if internal
  * If external or php file, the url is returned
  * @param string  $sUrl  Url of file
  * @return string       File path
 public static function getFilePath($sUrl)
     //JCH_DEBUG ? JchPlatformProfiler::mark('beforeGetFilePath - ' . $sUrl . ' plgSystem (JCH Optimize)') : null;
     $sUriBase = JchPlatformUri::base();
     $sUriPath = JchPlatformUri::base(TRUE);
     $oUri = clone JchPlatformUri::getInstance();
     $aUrl = parse_url($sUrl);
     if (JchOptimizeHelper::isInternal($sUrl) && preg_match('#\\.(?>css|js|png|gif|jpe?g)$#i', $aUrl['path'])) {
         $sUrl = preg_replace(array('#^' . preg_quote($sUriBase, '#') . '#', '#^' . preg_quote($sUriPath, '#') . '/#', '#\\?.*?$#'), '', $sUrl);
         //JCH_DEBUG ? JchPlatformProfiler::mark('afterGetFilePath - ' . $sUrl . ' plgSystem (JCH Optimize)') : null;
         return JchPlatformPaths::absolutePath($sUrl);
     } else {
         switch (TRUE) {
             case preg_match('#://#', $sUrl):
             case substr($sUrl, 0, 2) == '//':
                 $sUrl = $oUri->toString(array('scheme')) . substr($sUrl, 2);
             case substr($sUrl, 0, 1) == '/':
                 $sUrl = $oUri->toString(array('scheme', 'user', 'pass', 'host', 'port')) . $sUrl;
                 $sUrl = $sUriBase . $sUrl;
         //JCH_DEBUG ? JchPlatformProfiler::mark('afterGetFilePath - ' . $sUrl . ' plgSystem (JCH Optimize)') : null;
         return html_entity_decode($sUrl);
Example #3
  * Get local path of file from the url if internal
  * If external or php file, the url is returned
  * @param string  $sUrl  Url of file
  * @return string       File path
 public static function getFilePath($sUrl)
     // global $_PROFILER;
     //JCH_DEBUG ? $_PROFILER->mark('beforeGetFilePath - ' . $sUrl . ' plgSystem (JCH Optimize)') : null;
     $sUriBase = str_replace('/administrator/', '', JUri::base());
     $sUriPath = str_replace('/administrator', '', JUri::base(TRUE));
     $oUri = clone JUri::getInstance($sUriBase);
     if (JchOptimizeHelper::isInternal($sUrl) && !preg_match('#\\.php#i', $sUrl)) {
         $sUrl = preg_replace(array('#^' . preg_quote($sUriBase, '#') . '#', '#^' . preg_quote($sUriPath, '#') . '/#', '#\\?.*?$#'), '', $sUrl);
         //JCH_DEBUG ? $_PROFILER->mark('afterGetFilePath - ' . $sUrl . ' plgSystem (JCH Optimize)') : null;
         return JPATH_ROOT . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . str_replace('/', DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, $sUrl);
     } else {
         switch (TRUE) {
             case preg_match('#://#', $sUrl):
             case substr($sUrl, 0, 2) == '//':
                 $sUrl = $oUri->toString(array('scheme')) . substr($sUrl, 2);
             case substr($sUrl, 0, 1) == '/':
                 $sUrl = $oUri->toString(array('scheme', 'host')) . $sUrl;
                 $sUrl = $sUriBase . $sUrl;
         //JCH_DEBUG ? $_PROFILER->mark('afterGetFilePath - ' . $sUrl . ' plgSystem (JCH Optimize)') : null;
         return html_entity_decode($sUrl);
Example #4
 public function garbageCron()
     JCH_DEBUG ? JchPlatformProfiler::start('GarbageCron') : null;
     $url = JchPlatformPaths::ajaxUrl('garbagecron');
     JchOptimizeHelper::postAsync($url, $this->params, array('async' => '1'));
     JCH_DEBUG ? JchPlatformProfiler::stop('GarbageCron', TRUE) : null;
  * Optimize website by aggregating css and js
 public function process($sHtml)
     JCH_DEBUG ? JchPlatformProfiler::start('Process', TRUE) : null;
     JCH_DEBUG ? JchPlatformProfiler::start('LoadClass') : null;
     loadJchOptimizeClass(array('JchOptimizeBase', 'JchOptimizeParser', 'JchOptimizeFileRetriever', 'JchOptimizeLinkBuilder', 'JchOptimizeHelper'));
     JCH_DEBUG ? JchPlatformProfiler::stop('LoadClass', TRUE) : null;
     try {
         $oParser = new JchOptimizeParser($this->params, $sHtml, JchOptimizeFileRetriever::getInstance());
         $oLinkBuilder = new JchOptimizeLinkBuilder($oParser);
         $this->params->set('isXhtml', $oLinkBuilder->isXhtml());
         $this->params->set('isHtml5', $oParser->isHtml5());
         $sOptimizedHtml = JchOptimizeHelper::minifyHtml($oParser->getHtml(), $this->params);
     } catch (Exception $ex) {
         JchOptimizeLogger::log($ex->getMessage(), $this->params);
         $sOptimizedHtml = $sHtml;
     JCH_DEBUG ? JchPlatformProfiler::stop('Process', TRUE) : null;
     JCH_DEBUG ? JchPlatformProfiler::attachProfiler($sOptimizedHtml) : null;
     if (version_compare(PHP_VERSION, '7', '>=')) {
         ini_set('pcre.jit', $this->jit);
     return $sOptimizedHtml;
Example #6
  * Fetches HTML to be sent to browser
  * @return string
 public function getHtml()
     $sHtml = preg_replace($this->getHeadRegex(), JchOptimizeHelper::cleanReplacement($this->sHeadHtml), $this->sHtml, 1);
     if (is_null($sHtml) || $sHtml == '') {
         throw new Exception('Error occured while trying to get html');
     return $sHtml;
Example #7
  * @param type $sPath
 public static function path2Url($sPath)
     $oUri = clone JchPlatformUri::getInstance();
     $sBaseFolder = JchOptimizeHelper::getBaseFolder();
     $abspath = str_replace(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, '/', ABSPATH);
     $sPath = str_replace(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, '/', $sPath);
     $sUriPath = $oUri->toString(array('scheme', 'user', 'pass', 'host', 'port')) . $sBaseFolder . str_replace($abspath, '', $sPath);
     return $sUriPath;
Example #8
  * @param type $function
 public static function ajaxUrl($function)
     $url = JUri::getInstance()->toString(array('scheme', 'user', 'pass', 'host', 'port'));
     $url .= JchOptimizeHelper::getBaseFolder();
     if (version_compare(JVERSION, '3.0', '<')) {
         $url .= 'plugins/system/jch_optimize/ajax.php?action=' . $function;
     } else {
         $url .= 'index.php?option=com_ajax&plugin=' . $function . '&format=raw';
     return $url;
Example #9
  * @param type $uri
  * @return type
 private function __construct($uri)
     $this->oUri = clone JUri::getInstance($uri);
     if ($uri != 'SERVER') {
         $parts = JchOptimizeHelper::parseUrl($uri);
         $this->oUri->setScheme(!empty($parts['scheme']) ? $parts['scheme'] : null);
         $this->oUri->setUser(!empty($parts['user']) ? $parts['user'] : null);
         $this->oUri->setPass(!empty($parts['pass']) ? $parts['pass'] : null);
         $this->oUri->setHost(!empty($parts['host']) ? $parts['host'] : null);
         $this->oUri->setPort(!empty($parts['port']) ? $parts['port'] : null);
         $this->oUri->setPath(!empty($parts['path']) ? $parts['path'] : null);
         $this->oUri->setQuery(!empty($parts['query']) ? $parts['query'] : null);
         $this->oUri->setFragment(!empty($parts['fragment']) ? $parts['fragment'] : null);
     return $this->oUri;
Example #10
function jch_buffer_end()
    while ($level = ob_get_level()) {
        if (JchOptimizeHelper::validateHtml($sHtml = ob_get_contents())) {
            $sOptimizedHtml = jchoptimize($sHtml);
            echo $sOptimizedHtml;
        //buffer not flushed for some reason.
        if ($level == ob_get_level()) {
Example #11
  * Optimize website by aggregating css and js
 public function process($sHtml)
     JCH_DEBUG ? JchPlatformProfiler::start('Process', TRUE) : null;
     JCH_DEBUG ? JchPlatformProfiler::start('LoadClass') : null;
     loadJchOptimizeClass(array('JchOptimizeBase', 'JchOptimizeParser', 'JchOptimizeFileRetriever', 'JchOptimizeLinkBuilder', 'JchOptimizeHelper'));
     JCH_DEBUG ? JchPlatformProfiler::stop('LoadClass', TRUE) : null;
     try {
         $oParser = new JchOptimizeParser($this->params, $sHtml, JchOptimizeFileRetriever::getInstance());
         $oLinkBuilder = new JchOptimizeLinkBuilder($oParser);
         $this->params->set('xhtml', $oLinkBuilder->isXhtml());
         $sOptimizedHtml = JchOptimizeHelper::minifyHtml($oParser->getHtml(), $this->params);
     } catch (Exception $ex) {
         JchOptimizeLogger::log($ex->getMessage(), $this->params);
         $sOptimizedHtml = $sHtml;
     JCH_DEBUG ? JchPlatformProfiler::stop('Process', TRUE) : null;
     JCH_DEBUG ? JchPlatformProfiler::attachProfiler($sOptimizedHtml) : null;
     return $sOptimizedHtml;
  * Callback function to correct urls in aggregated css files
  * @param array $aMatches Array of all matches
  * @return string         Correct url of images from aggregated css file
 public function _correctUrlCB($aMatches, $aUrl)
     if (empty($aMatches[1]) || preg_match('#^(?:\\(|/\\*)#', $aMatches[0])) {
         return $aMatches[0];
     $sImageUrl = $aMatches[1];
     $sCssFileUrl = empty($aUrl['url']) ? '' : $aUrl['url'];
     if (JchOptimizeUrl::isHttpScheme($sImageUrl)) {
         if ((JchOptimizeUrl::isInternal($sCssFileUrl) || $sCssFileUrl == '') && JchOptimizeUrl::isInternal($sImageUrl)) {
             $sImageUrl = JchOptimizeUrl::toRootRelative($sImageUrl, $sCssFileUrl);
             $oImageUri = clone JchPlatformUri::getInstance($sImageUrl);
             $aStaticFiles = $this->params->get('pro_staticfiles', array('css', 'js', 'jpe?g', 'gif', 'png', 'ico', 'bmp', 'pdf'));
             $sStaticFiles = implode('|', $aStaticFiles);
             $aFontFiles = $this->fontFiles();
             $sFontFiles = implode('|', $aFontFiles);
             if (preg_match('#\\.(?>' . $sStaticFiles . ')#', $oImageUri->getPath())) {
                 $sImageUrl = JchOptimizeHelper::cookieLessDomain($this->params, $oImageUri->toString(array('path')));
             } elseif ($this->params->get('pro_cookielessdomain_enable', '0') && preg_match('#\\.(?>' . $sFontFiles . ')#', $oImageUri->getPath())) {
                 $oUri = clone JchPlatformUri::getInstance();
                 $sImageUrl = '//' . $oUri->toString(array('host', 'port')) . $oImageUri->toString(array('path'));
         } else {
             if (!JchOptimizeUrl::isAbsolute($sImageUrl)) {
                 $sImageUrl = JchOptimizeUrl::toAbsolute($sImageUrl, $sCssFileUrl);
     $sImageUrl = preg_match('#(?<!\\\\)[\\s\'"(),]#', $sImageUrl) ? '"' . $sImageUrl . '"' : $sImageUrl;
     return $sImageUrl;
Example #13
  * @param type $sUrl
  * @return type
 public static function prepareFileValues($sFile, $sType = '', $iLen = 27)
     if ($sType != 'value') {
         $oFile = JchPlatformUri::getInstance($sFile);
         if (JchOptimizeHelper::isInternal($sFile)) {
             $sFile = $oFile->getPath();
         } else {
             $sFile = $oFile->toString(array('scheme', 'user', 'pass', 'host', 'port', 'path'));
         if ($sType == 'key') {
             return $sFile;
     $sEps = '';
     if (strlen($sFile) > $iLen) {
         $sFile = substr($sFile, -$iLen);
         $sFile = preg_replace('#^[^/]*+/#', '/', $sFile);
         $sEps = '...';
     return $sEps . $sFile;
  * @param type $url
  * @param array $params
 public static function postAsync($url, $params, array $posts)
     foreach ($posts as $key => &$val) {
         if (is_array($val)) {
             $val = implode(',', $val);
         $post_params[] = $key . '=' . urlencode($val);
     $post_string = implode('&', $post_params);
     $parts = JchOptimizeHelper::parseUrl($url);
     if (isset($parts['scheme']) && $parts['scheme'] == 'https') {
         $protocol = 'ssl://';
         $default_port = 443;
     } else {
         $protocol = '';
         $default_port = 80;
     $fp = @fsockopen($protocol . $parts['host'], isset($parts['port']) ? $parts['port'] : $default_port, $errno, $errstr, 1);
     if (!$fp) {
         JchOptimizeLogger::log($errno . ': ' . $errstr, $params);
     } else {
         $out = "POST " . $parts['path'] . '?' . $parts['query'] . " HTTP/1.1\r\n";
         $out .= "Host: " . $parts['host'] . "\r\n";
         $out .= "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded\r\n";
         $out .= "Content-Length: " . strlen($post_string) . "\r\n";
         $out .= "Connection: Close\r\n\r\n";
         if (isset($post_string)) {
             $out .= $post_string;
         fwrite($fp, $out);
Example #15
  * @return string
 public function getLazyLoadRegex($admin = FALSE)
     $sRegex = '#(?><?[^<]*+(?:<script\\b[^>]*+>(?><?[^<]*+)*?</script>)?)*?' . '\\K(?:(<img(?!(?>\\s*+[^\\s>]*+)*?\\s*+(?>data-(?:src|original)';
     $aExcludeClass = JchOptimizeHelper::getArray($this->params->get('pro_excludeLazyLoadClass', array()));
     if (!empty($aExcludeClass)) {
         $aExcludeClass = array_map(function ($sValue) {
             return '\\b' . preg_quote($sValue) . '\\b';
         }, $aExcludeClass);
         $sExcludeClass = implode('|', $aExcludeClass);
         $sRegex .= '|class\\s*+=\\s*+[\'"]?[^\'">]*?(?>' . $sExcludeClass . ')';
     $sRegex .= '))';
     if ($admin) {
         $sRegex .= '(?:(?=(?>\\s*+[^\\s>]*+)*?\\s*+class\\s*+=\\s*+[\'"]?([^\'">]*+)))?';
     $sRegex .= '(?>\\s*+[^\\s>]*+)*?\\s*+)(src\\s*+=\\s*+(?![\'"]?[^\'"> ]*?(?:data:image';
     $aExcludesFiles = JchOptimizeHelper::getArray($this->params->get('pro_excludeLazyLoad', array()));
     $aExcludesFolders = JchOptimizeHelper::getArray($this->params->get('pro_excludeLazyLoadFolders', array()));
     $aExcludes = array_merge($aExcludesFiles, $aExcludesFolders);
     if (!empty($aExcludes)) {
         $aExcludes = array_map(function ($sValue) {
             return preg_quote($sValue);
         }, $aExcludes);
         $sExcludes = implode('|', $aExcludes);
         $sRegex .= '|' . $sExcludes;
     $sRegex .= '))[\'"]?((?(?<=[\'"])[^\'"]*+|[^\\s>]*+))[\'"]?)([^>]*+>)|\\K$)#i';
     return $sRegex;
Example #16
  * Callback function to correct urls in aggregated css files
  * @param array $aMatches Array of all matches
  * @return string         Correct url of images from aggregated css file
 public function _correctUrlCB($aMatches)
     //JCH_DEBUG ? JchPlatformProfiler::mark('beforeCorrectUrl plgSystem (JCH Optimize)') : null;
     if (preg_match('#^(?:\\(|/(?:/|\\*))#', $aMatches[0])) {
         return $aMatches[0];
     if ($aMatches[0] == '') {
         return ' ';
     $sUriBase = JchPlatformUri::base(TRUE);
     $sImageUrl = $aMatches[1];
     $sCssFileUrl = isset($this->aUrl['url']) ? $this->aUrl['url'] : '/';
     if (preg_match('#^data:#', $sImageUrl)) {
         return $sImageUrl;
     if (!preg_match('#^/|://#', $sImageUrl)) {
         $aCssUrlArray = explode('/', $sCssFileUrl);
         $sCssRootPath = implode('/', $aCssUrlArray) . '/';
         $sImagePath = $sCssRootPath . $sImageUrl;
         $oImageUri = clone JchPlatformUri::getInstance($sImagePath);
         $sUriPath = preg_replace('#^' . preg_quote($sUriBase, '#') . '/#', '', $oImageUri->getPath());
         $oImageUri->setPath($sUriBase . '/' . $sUriPath);
         $sImageUrl = $oImageUri->toString();
     if (JchOptimizeHelper::isInternal($sCssFileUrl) && JchOptimizeHelper::isInternal($sImageUrl)) {
         $oImageUri = clone JchPlatformUri::getInstance($sImageUrl);
         $aStaticFiles = $this->staticFiles();
         $sStaticFiles = implode('|', $aStaticFiles);
         $aFontFiles = $this->fontFiles();
         $sFontFiles = implode('|', $aFontFiles);
         if (preg_match('#\\.(?>' . $sStaticFiles . ')#', $oImageUri->getPath())) {
             $sImageUrl = JchOptimizeHelper::cookieLessDomain($this->params) . $oImageUri->toString(array('path'));
         } elseif (preg_match('#\\.php#', $oImageUri->getPath())) {
             $sImageUrl = $oImageUri->toString(array('path', 'query', 'fragment'));
         } elseif ($this->params->get('pro_cookielessdomain', '') && preg_match('#\\.(?>' . $sFontFiles . ')#', $oImageUri->getPath())) {
             $oUri = clone JchPlatformUri::getInstance();
             $sImageUrl = '//' . $oUri->toString(array('host', 'port')) . $oImageUri->toString(array('path'));
         } else {
             $sImageUrl = $oImageUri->toString(array('path'));
     //JCH_DEBUG ? JchPlatformProfiler::mark('afterCorrectUrl plgSystem (JCH Optimize)') : null;
     $sImageUrl = preg_match('#(?<!\\\\)[\\s\'"(),]#', $sImageUrl) ? '"' . $sImageUrl . '"' : $sImageUrl;
     return $sImageUrl;
Example #17
         * Generates regex for excluding components set in plugin params
         * @param string $param
         * @return string
        protected function getExComp($sExComParam)
                $aComponents = JchOptimizeHelper::getArray($sExComParam);
                $aExComp     = array();

                if (!empty($aComponents))
                        $aExComp = array_map(function($sValue)
                                return $sValue . '/';
                        }, $aComponents);

                return $aExComp;
Example #18
  * Returns url of aggregated file
  * @param string $sFile		Aggregated file name
  * @param string $sType		css or js
  * @param mixed $bGz		True (or 1) if gzip set and enabled
  * @param number $sTime		Expire header time
  * @return string			Url of aggregated file
 protected function buildUrl($sId, $sType)
     $sPath = JchPlatformPaths::assetPath();
     $iTime = (int) $this->params->get('lifetime', '30');
     $bGz = $this->isGZ();
     if ($this->params->get('htaccess', 0) == 1) {
         $sUrl = JchOptimizeHelper::cookieLessDomain($this->params) . $sPath . JchPlatformPaths::rewriteBase() . ($bGz ? 'gz/' : 'nz/') . $iTime . '/JCHI/' . $sId . '.' . $sType;
     } else {
         $oUri = clone JchPlatformUri::getInstance();
         $oUri->setPath($sPath . '2/jscss.php');
         $aVar = array();
         $aVar['f'] = $sId;
         $aVar['type'] = $sType;
         $aVar['gz'] = $bGz ? 'gz' : 'nz';
         $aVar['d'] = $iTime;
         $aVar['i'] = 'JCHI';
         $sUrl = htmlentities($oUri->toString(array('path', 'query')));
     return $sUrl;
Example #19
  * Aggregate contents of CSS and JS files
  * @param array $aUrlArray      Array of links of files
  * @param string $sType          CSS or js
  * @return string               Aggregarted contents
  * @throws Exception
 public function combineFiles($aUrlArray, $sType, $oCssParser, $bCssAsync = FALSE)
     global $_PROFILER;
     JCH_DEBUG ? $_PROFILER->mark('beforeCombineFiles - ' . $sType . ' plgSystem (JCH Optimize)') : null;
     $sContents = '';
     $bAsync = false;
     $sAsyncUrl = '';
     $oFileRetriever = JchOptimizeFileRetriever::getInstance($this->params);
     foreach ($aUrlArray as $aUrl) {
         $sContent = '';
         if (isset($aUrl['url'])) {
             if ($sType == 'js' && $sAsyncUrl != '') {
                 $sContents .= $this->addCommentedUrl('js', $sAsyncUrl) . 'loadScript("' . $sAsyncUrl . '", function(){});  DELIMITER';
                 $sAsyncUrl = '';
             $sPath = $aUrl['path'];
             if ($sType == 'js' && $this->loadAsync($aUrl['url'])) {
                 $sAsyncUrl = $aUrl['url'];
                 $bAsync = true;
             } else {
                 if (!JchOptimizeHelper::fileExists($sPath)) {
                     if ($this->params->get('log', 0)) {
                         JchOptimizeLogger::log(JText::_('File not found: ' . $sPath));
                     $sFileContents = 'COMMENT_START File does not exist COMMENT_END';
                 } else {
                     JCH_DEBUG ? $_PROFILER->mark('beforegetFileContents - ' . $sPath . ' plgSystem (JCH Optimize)') : null;
                     $sFileContents = $oFileRetriever->getFileContents($sPath);
                     JCH_DEBUG ? $_PROFILER->mark('afterGetFileContents - ' . $sPath . ' plgSystem (JCH Optimize)') : null;
                 if ($sFileContents === FALSE) {
                     throw new Exception(JText::_('Failed getting file contents from ' . $sPath));
                 $sContent .= $sFileContents;
         } else {
             if ($sType == 'js' && $sAsyncUrl != '') {
                 $sContents .= $this->addCommentedUrl('js', $sAsyncUrl) . 'loadScript("' . $sAsyncUrl . '", function(){' . $this->sLnEnd . $aUrl['content'] . $this->sLnEnd . '});  
                 $sAsyncUrl = '';
             } else {
                 $sContent .= $aUrl['content'];
         if ($sType == 'css') {
             $oCssParser->aUrl = $aUrl;
             $sImportContent = preg_replace('#@import\\s(?:url\\()?[\'"]([^\'"]+)[\'"](?:\\))?#', '@import url($1)', $sContent);
             if (is_null($sImportContent)) {
                 if ($this->params->get('log', 0)) {
                     JchOptimizeLogger::log(JText::_('Error occured trying to parse for @imports in ' . $aUrl['url']));
                 $sImportContent = $sContent;
             $sContent = $sImportContent;
             $sContent = $oCssParser->correctUrl($sContent);
             $sContent = $this->replaceImports($sContent, $aUrl);
             $sContent = $oCssParser->handleMediaQueries($sContent);
         if ($sType == 'js' && $sContent != '') {
             $sContent = $this->addSemiColon($sContent);
         $sContent = $this->MinifyContent($sContent, $sType, $aUrl);
         $sContents .= $this->addCommentedUrl($sType, $aUrl) . $sContent . 'DELIMITER';
     if ($bAsync) {
         $sContents = $this->getLoadScript() . $sContents;
         if ($sAsyncUrl != '') {
             $sContents .= $this->addCommentedUrl('js', $sAsyncUrl) . 'loadScript("' . $sAsyncUrl . '", function(){});  DELIMITER';
             $sAsyncUrl = '';
     JCH_DEBUG ? $_PROFILER->mark('afterCombineFiles - ' . $sType . ' plgSystem (JCH Optimize)') : null;
     return $sContents;
Example #20
  * Generates sprite image and return background positions for image replaced with sprite
  * @param array $aMatches       Array of css declarations and image url to be included in sprite
  * @param object $oSpriteGen    Object of sprite generator
  * @return array
 public function generateSprite($aMatches, $oSpriteGen)
     $aDeclaration = $aMatches[0];
     $aImages = $aMatches[1];
     $aSpriteCss = $oSpriteGen->GetCssBackground();
     $aPatterns = array();
     $aPatterns[0] = '#background-image:#';
     // Background image declaration regex
     $aPatterns[1] = '#(background:[^;}]*)\\b' . '((?:top|bottom|left|right|center|-?[0-9]+(?:%|[c-x]{2})?)' . '\\s(?:top|bottom|left|right|center|-?[0-9]+(?:%|[c-x]{2})?))([^;}]*[;}])#';
     $aPatterns[2] = '#url\\((?=[^\\)]+\\.(?:png|gif|jpe?g))[^\\)]+\\)#';
     //Background image regex
     $aPatterns[3] = '#background-position:[^;}]+;?#';
     //Background position declaration regex
     $sSpriteName = $oSpriteGen->GetSpriteFilename();
     $aSearch = array();
     for ($i = 0; $i < count($aSpriteCss); $i++) {
         if (isset($aSpriteCss[$i])) {
             $aSearch['needles'][] = $aDeclaration[$i];
             $spritepath = JchOptimizeHelper::cookieLessDomain($this->params) . JchPlatformPaths::spriteDir(TRUE) . $sSpriteName;
             $aReplacements = array();
             $aReplacements[0] = 'background:';
             $aReplacements[1] = '$1$3';
             $aReplacements[2] = 'url(' . $spritepath . ') ' . $aSpriteCss[$i];
             $aReplacements[3] = '';
             $sReplacement = preg_replace($aPatterns, $aReplacements, $aDeclaration[$i]);
             if (is_null($sReplacement)) {
                 throw new Exception(JchPlatformUtility::translate('Error finding replacements for sprite background positions'));
             $aSearch['replacements'][] = $sReplacement;
     return $aSearch;
Example #21
  * @param type $aUrl
  * @param type $sType
  * @param type $oFileRetriever
  * @return type
  * @throws Exception
 public function cacheContent($aUrl, $sType, $oFileRetriever, $oCssParser)
     $sContent = '';
     if (isset($aUrl['url'])) {
         $sPath = JchOptimizeHelper::getFilePath($aUrl['url']);
         $sContent .= $oFileRetriever->getFileContents($sPath);
     } else {
         if ($this->sAsyncUrl == '') {
             $sContent .= $aUrl['content'];
     $sContent = $this->sLnEnd . $sContent;
     if ($sType == 'css') {
         $oCssParser->aUrl = $aUrl;
         $sImportContent = preg_replace('#@import\\s(?:url\\()?[\'"]([^\'"]+)[\'"](?:\\))?#', '@import url($1)', $sContent);
         if (is_null($sImportContent)) {
             JchOptimizeLogger::log(sprintf(JchPlatformUtility::translate('Error occured trying to parse for @imports in %s'), $aUrl['url']), $this->params);
             $sImportContent = $sContent;
         $sContent = $sImportContent;
         $sContent = $oCssParser->correctUrl($sContent);
         $sContent = $this->replaceImports($sContent, $aUrl);
         $sContent = $oCssParser->handleMediaQueries($sContent);
         if (function_exists('mb_convert_encoding')) {
             $sContent = mb_convert_encoding($sContent, 'utf-8');
     if ($sType == 'js' && trim($sContent) != '') {
         $sContent = $this->addErrorHandler($sContent, $aUrl);
     $sContent = $this->minifyContent($sContent, $sType, $aUrl);
     $sContent = $this->prepareContents($sContent);
     return $sContent;
Example #22
  * Callback function to correct urls in aggregated css files
  * @param array $aMatches Array of all matches
  * @return string         Correct url of images from aggregated css file
 public function _correctUrlCB($aMatches, $aUrl)
     if (!isset($aMatches[1]) || $aMatches[1] == '' || preg_match('#^(?:\\(|/(?:/|\\*))#', $aMatches[0])) {
         return $aMatches[0];
     $sUriBase = JchPlatformUri::base(TRUE);
     $sImageUrl = $aMatches[1];
     $sCssFileUrl = isset($aUrl['url']) ? $aUrl['url'] : '/';
     if (!preg_match('#^data:#', $sImageUrl)) {
         if (!preg_match('#^/|://#', $sImageUrl)) {
             $aCssUrlArray = explode('/', $sCssFileUrl);
             $sCssRootPath = implode('/', $aCssUrlArray) . '/';
             $sImagePath = $sCssRootPath . $sImageUrl;
             $oImageUri = clone JchPlatformUri::getInstance($sImagePath);
             if (JchOptimizeHelper::isInternal($sCssFileUrl)) {
                 $sUriPath = preg_replace('#^' . preg_quote($sUriBase, '#') . '/#', '', $oImageUri->getPath());
                 $oImageUri->setPath($sUriBase . '/' . $sUriPath);
                 $sImageUrl = $oImageUri->toString();
             } else {
                 $sImageUrl = ($oImageUri->toString(array('scheme')) ? '' : '//') . $oImageUri->toString();
         if (JchOptimizeHelper::isInternal($sCssFileUrl) && JchOptimizeHelper::isInternal($sImageUrl)) {
             $oImageUri = clone JchPlatformUri::getInstance($sImageUrl);
             $aStaticFiles = $this->params->get('pro_staticfiles', array('css', 'js', 'jpe?g', 'gif', 'png', 'ico', 'bmp', 'pdf'));
             $sStaticFiles = implode('|', $aStaticFiles);
             $aFontFiles = $this->fontFiles();
             $sFontFiles = implode('|', $aFontFiles);
             if (preg_match('#\\.(?>' . $sStaticFiles . ')#', $oImageUri->getPath())) {
                 $sImageUrl = JchOptimizeHelper::cookieLessDomain($this->params, $oImageUri->toString(array('path')));
             } elseif (preg_match('#\\.php#', $oImageUri->getPath())) {
                 $sImageUrl = $oImageUri->toString(array('path', 'query', 'fragment'));
             } elseif ($this->params->get('pro_cookielessdomain_enable', '0') && preg_match('#\\.(?>' . $sFontFiles . ')#', $oImageUri->getPath())) {
                 $oUri = clone JchPlatformUri::getInstance();
                 $sImageUrl = '//' . $oUri->toString(array('host', 'port')) . $oImageUri->toString(array('path'));
             } else {
                 $sImageUrl = $oImageUri->toString(array('path'));
     $sImageUrl = preg_match('#(?<!\\\\)[\\s\'"(),]#', $sImageUrl) ? '"' . $sImageUrl . '"' : $sImageUrl;
     return $sImageUrl;
Example #23
  * Determines if file requires http protocol to get contents (Not allowed)
  * @param string $sUrl
  * @return boolean
 public function isHttpAdapterAvailable($sUrl)
         return !(preg_match('#^(?:http|//)#i', $sUrl) && !JchOptimizeHelper::isInternal($sUrl)
                 || $this->isPHPFile($sUrl));
Example #24
  * Determines if file requires http protocol to get contents (Not allowed)
  * @param string $sUrl
  * @return boolean
 protected function isUrlFopenAllowed($sUrl)
     return preg_match('#(?:.*\\.php)#', $sUrl) === 1 || !JchOptimizeHelper::isInternal($sUrl);
Example #25
  * Returns url of aggregated file
  * @param string $sFile		Aggregated file name
  * @param string $sType		css or js
  * @param mixed $bGz		True (or 1) if gzip set and enabled
  * @param number $sTime		Expire header time
  * @return string			Url of aggregated file
 protected function buildUrl($sId, $sType, $iTime, $bGz = false)
     $oUri = clone JUri::getInstance(JUri::base());
     $sJbase = JUri::base(true);
     $sPath = $sJbase . '/plugins/system/jch_optimize/assets';
     $sBaseFolder = $sJbase == '/' ? $sJbase : $sJbase . '/';
     $iUrlRewriteMode = $this->params->get('htaccess', 2);
     if ($iUrlRewriteMode == 1 || JchOptimizeHelper::modRewriteEnabled() && $iUrlRewriteMode != 0) {
         $sUrl = $sPath . $sBaseFolder . ($bGz ? 'gz/' : 'nz/') . $iTime . '/' . $sId . '.' . $sType;
     } else {
         $oUri->setPath($sPath . '2/jscss.php');
         $aVar = array();
         $aVar['f'] = $sId;
         $aVar['type'] = $sType;
         if ($bGz) {
             $aVar['gz'] = 'gz';
         $aVar['d'] = $iTime;
         $sUrl = htmlentities($oUri->toString(array('path', 'query')));
     return $sUrl;
Example #26
  * Determines if js file should be loaded asynchronously. Would be aggregated otherwise.
  * @param type $sPath    File path
  * @return boolean
 protected function loadAsync($sUrl = '')
     return JchOptimizeHelper::findExcludes(JchOptimizeHelper::getArray($this->params->get('pro_loadFilesAsync', '')), $sUrl);
Example #27
  * @param type $sExcludeParams
  * @param type $sField
  * @return type
 public function prepareFieldOptions($sType, $sExcludeParams, $sGroup = '')
     if ($sType == 'lazyload') {
         $sGroup = 'file';
         $aFieldOptions = $this->getLazyLoad();
     } elseif ($sType == 'images') {
         $sGroup = $sType;
         $aM = explode('_', $sExcludeParams);
         $aFieldOptions = $this->getImages($aM[1]);
     } else {
         $aFieldOptions = $this->getOptions($sType, $sGroup . 's');
     $aOptions = array();
     $oParams = $this->params;
     $aExcludes = JchOptimizeHelper::getArray($oParams->get($sExcludeParams, array()));
     foreach ($aExcludes as $sExclude) {
         $aOptions[$sExclude] = $this->{'prepare' . ucfirst($sGroup) . 'Values'}($sExclude);
     return array_unique(array_merge($aFieldOptions, $aOptions));
     return $aFieldOptions;
Example #28
  * @return type
 protected function cookieLessDomain($sType)
     if ($this->params->get('pro_cookielessdomain_enable', '0') && in_array($sType, $this->params->get('pro_staticfiles', array('css', 'js', 'jpe?g', 'gif', 'png', 'ico', 'bmp', 'pdf')))) {
         return JchOptimizeHelper::cookieLessDomain($this->params, JchPlatformPaths::assetPath(TRUE));
     return JchPlatformPaths::assetPath();
Example #29
  * Determines if file requires http protocol to get contents (Not allowed)
  * @param string $sUrl
  * @return boolean
 protected function isHttpAdapterAvailable($sUrl)
     return preg_match('#^(?:http|//)#i', $sUrl) && !JchOptimizeHelper::isInternal($sUrl) || preg_match('#\\.php|^(?!.*?\\.(?:js|css)).++#i', $sUrl);
Example #30
  * Callback function to correct urls in aggregated css files
  * @param array $aMatches Array of all matches
  * @return string         Correct url of images from aggregated css file
 protected function _correctUrlCB($aMatches)
     $sUriBase = str_replace('/administrator', '', JUri::base(TRUE));
     $sImageUrl = $aMatches[1];
     $sCssFileUrl = isset($this->aUrl['url']) ? $this->aUrl['url'] : '/';
     if (!preg_match('#^/|://|^data:#', $sImageUrl)) {
         $aCssUrlArray = explode('/', $sCssFileUrl);
         $sCssRootPath = implode('/', $aCssUrlArray) . '/';
         $sImagePath = $sCssRootPath . $sImageUrl;
         $oUri = JURI::getInstance($sImagePath);
         $sUriPath = preg_replace('#^' . preg_quote($sUriBase, '#') . '/#', '', $oUri->getPath());
         $oUri->setPath($sUriBase . '/' . $sUriPath);
         $sImageUrl = $oUri->toString();
     if (JchOptimizeHelper::isInternal($sCssFileUrl)) {
         if (JchOptimizeHelper::isInternal($sImageUrl)) {
             $oUri = JURI::getInstance($sImageUrl);
             $sImageUrl = $oUri->toString(array('path', 'query', 'fragment'));
     return 'url(' . $sImageUrl . ')';