Example #1
  * Gets a list of Address Books
  * @access  public
  * @param   int     $user     User ID
  * @param   int     $gid      Group ID, AddressBook Items must be member of this Group ID
  * @param   boolean $public   If true show only public addressbooks
  * @param   string  $term     Search term
  * @returns array of Address Books or Jaws_Error on error
 function GetAddressList($user, $gid, $public = false, $term = '', $limit = null, $offset = null)
     $adrTable = Jaws_ORM::getInstance()->table('address_book');
     $adrTable->select('*', 'address_book.id as address_id');
     $adrTable->where('address_book.user', $user);
     if ($public) {
         $adrTable->and()->where('address_book.public', true);
     if (!empty($limit)) {
         $adrTable->limit($limit, $offset);
     if (!empty($gid) && $gid != 0) {
         $adrTable->join('address_book_group', 'address_book_group.address', 'address_book.id', 'left');
         $adrTable->and()->where('address_book_group.group', $gid);
     if (!empty($term)) {
         $term = Jaws_UTF8::strtolower($term);
         $adrTable->and()->openWhere('lower(name)', '%' . $term . '%', 'like');
         $adrTable->or()->where('lower(nickname)', '%' . $term . '%', 'like');
         $adrTable->or()->where('lower(title)', '%' . $term . '%', 'like');
         $adrTable->or()->where('lower(tel_home)', '%' . $term . '%', 'like');
         $adrTable->or()->where('lower(tel_work)', '%' . $term . '%', 'like');
         $adrTable->or()->where('lower(tel_other)', '%' . $term . '%', 'like');
         $adrTable->or()->where('lower(email_home)', '%' . $term . '%', 'like');
         $adrTable->or()->where('lower(email_work)', '%' . $term . '%', 'like');
         $adrTable->or()->where('lower(email_other)', '%' . $term . '%', 'like');
         $adrTable->or()->closeWhere('lower(notes)', '%' . $term . '%', 'like');
     return $adrTable->fetchAll();
Example #2
  * Displays Tags Cloud
  * @access  public
  * @param   string  $gadget Gadget name
  * @param   int     $user   Only show user tags?
  * @return  string  XHTML template content
 function TagCloud($gadget = null, $user = 0)
     if (!empty($user) && !$GLOBALS['app']->Session->Logged()) {
         return false;
     if ($GLOBALS['app']->requestedActionMode == ACTION_MODE_NORMAL) {
         $gadget = $this->gadget->request->fetch('tagged_gadget', 'get');
     $user = empty($user) ? 0 : (int) $GLOBALS['app']->Session->GetAttribute('user');
     $model = $this->gadget->model->load('Tags');
     $tags = $model->GenerateTagCloud($gadget, $user);
     if (Jaws_Error::IsError($tags) || empty($tags)) {
         return false;
     // find minimum/maximum frequencies
     $frequencies = array_column($tags, 'howmany');
     $minTagCount = log($frequencies[0]);
     $maxTagCount = log(end($frequencies));
     // calculate font-size step
     if ($minTagCount == $maxTagCount) {
         $tagCountRange = 1;
     } else {
         $tagCountRange = $maxTagCount - $minTagCount;
     $minFontSize = 0;
     $maxFontSize = 9;
     $fontSizeRange = $maxFontSize - $minFontSize;
     $tpl = $this->gadget->template->load('TagCloud.html');
     if (!empty($gadget)) {
         $tpl->SetVariable('title', _t('TAGS_TAG_CLOUD', _t(strtoupper($gadget) . '_TITLE')));
     } else {
         $tpl->SetVariable('title', _t('TAGS_TAG_CLOUD', _t('GLOBAL_ALL')));
     if ($user) {
         $tpl->SetVariable('menubar', $this->MenuBar('ManageTags', array('ManageTags')));
     foreach ($tags as $tag) {
         $count = $tag['howmany'];
         $fsize = $minFontSize + $fontSizeRange * (log($count) - $minTagCount) / $tagCountRange;
         $tpl->SetVariable('size', (int) $fsize);
         $tpl->SetVariable('tagname', Jaws_UTF8::strtolower($tag['title']));
         $tpl->SetVariable('frequency', $tag['howmany']);
         if (empty($gadget)) {
             $param = array('tag' => $tag['name']);
         } else {
             $param = array('tag' => $tag['name'], 'tagged_gadget' => $gadget);
         if ($user) {
             $param['user'] = $user;
         $tpl->SetVariable('url', $this->gadget->urlMap('ViewTag', $param));
     return $tpl->Get();
Example #3
  * Get a category
  * @access  public
  * @param   string  $name   category name
  * @return  mixed   A category array or Jaws_Error
 function GetCategoryByName($name)
     $name = Jaws_UTF8::strtolower($name);
     $catTable = Jaws_ORM::getInstance()->table('blog_category');
     $catTable->select('id:integer', 'name', 'description', 'fast_url', 'createtime', 'updatetime');
     $result = $catTable->where($catTable->lower('name'), $name)->fetchRow();
     if (Jaws_Error::IsError($result)) {
         return new Jaws_Error(_t('BLOG_ERROR_GETTING_CATEGORY'));
     return $result;
Example #4
  * Get groups
  * @access  public
  * @param   $term   Search term(searched in username, nickname and email)
  * @return  array   Returns an array of the available groups
 function GetGroups($term)
     $groupsTable = Jaws_ORM::getInstance()->table('groups');
     $groupsTable->select('id:integer', 'name', 'title', 'description', 'enabled:boolean');
     $term = Jaws_UTF8::strtolower($term);
     $groupsTable->where('enabled', true);
     $groupsTable->and()->openWhere('lower(name)', '%' . $term . '%', 'like');
     $groupsTable->or()->closeWhere('lower(title)', '%' . $term . '%', 'like');
     return $groupsTable->fetchAll();
Example #5
  * Display a tag cloud
  * @access  public
  * @return  string  XHTML template content
 function ShowTagCloud()
     $model = $this->gadget->model->load('Tags');
     $res = $model->CreateTagCloud();
     $sortedTags = $res;
     $minTagCount = log(isset($sortedTags[0]) ? $sortedTags[0]['howmany'] : 0);
     $maxTagCount = log(count($res) != 0 ? $sortedTags[count($res) - 1]['howmany'] : 0);
     if ($minTagCount == $maxTagCount) {
         $tagCountRange = 1;
     } else {
         $tagCountRange = $maxTagCount - $minTagCount;
     $minFontSize = 1;
     $maxFontSize = 10;
     $fontSizeRange = $maxFontSize - $minFontSize;
     $tpl = $this->gadget->template->load('CategoryCloud.html');
     $tpl->SetVariable('title', _t('BLOG_TAGCLOUD'));
     foreach ($res as $key => $value) {
         if (!$this->gadget->GetPermission('CategoryAccess', $value['category_id'])) {
         $count = $value['howmany'];
         $fsize = $minFontSize + $fontSizeRange * (log($count) - $minTagCount) / $tagCountRange;
         $tpl->SetVariable('size', (int) $fsize);
         $tpl->SetVariable('tagname', Jaws_UTF8::strtolower($value['name']));
         $tpl->SetVariable('frequency', $value['howmany']);
         $cid = empty($value['fast_url']) ? $value['category_id'] : $value['fast_url'];
         $tpl->SetVariable('url', $this->gadget->urlMap('ShowCategory', array('id' => $cid)));
         $tpl->SetVariable('category', $value['category_id']);
     return $tpl->Get();
Example #6
  * Checks if fast_url already exists in a table, if it doesn't then it returns
  * the original fast_url (the param value). However, if it already exists then 
  * it starts looking for a 'valid' fast_url using the 'foobar-[1...n]' schema.
  * @access  protected
  * @param   string     $fast_url     Fast URL
  * @param   string     $table        DB table name (without [[ ]])
  * @param   bool       $unique_check must be false in update methods
  * @param   string     $field        Table field where fast_url is stored
  * @return  string     Correct fast URL
 public function GetRealFastURL($fast_url, $table, $unique_check = true, $field = 'fast_url')
     if (is_numeric($fast_url)) {
         $fast_url = '-' . $fast_url . '-';
     $fast_url = Jaws_UTF8::trim(Jaws_XSS::defilter($fast_url));
     $fast_url = preg_replace(array('#[^\\p{L}[:digit:]_\\.\\-\\s]#u', '#[\\s_\\-]#u', '#\\-\\+#u'), array('', '-', '-'), Jaws_UTF8::strtolower($fast_url));
     $fast_url = Jaws_UTF8::substr($fast_url, 0, 90);
     if (!$unique_check) {
         return $fast_url;
     $tblReg = Jaws_ORM::getInstance()->table($table);
     $result = $tblReg->select("count({$field})")->where($field, $fast_url . '%', 'like')->fetchOne();
     if (Jaws_Error::IsError($result) || empty($result)) {
         return $fast_url;
     return $fast_url . '-' . $result;
Example #7
  * Get count of users
  * @access  public
  * @param   mixed   $group      Group ID of users
  * @param   mixed   $superadmin Type of user(null = all types, true = superadmin, false = normal)
  * @param   int     $status     user's status (null: all users, 0: disabled, 1: enabled, 2: not verified)
  * @param   string  $term       Search term(searched in username, nickname and email)
  * @return  int     Returns users count
 function GetUsersCount($group = false, $superadmin = null, $status = null, $term = '')
     $usersTable = Jaws_ORM::getInstance()->table('users');
     if ($group !== false) {
         $usersTable->join('users_groups', 'users_groups.user_id', 'users.id');
         $usersTable->where('group_id', (int) $group);
     if (!is_null($superadmin)) {
         $usersTable->and()->where('superadmin', (bool) $superadmin);
     if (!is_null($status)) {
         $usersTable->and()->where('status', (int) $status);
     if (!empty($term)) {
         $term = Jaws_UTF8::strtolower($term);
         $usersTable->and()->openWhere('lower(username)', $term, 'like');
         $usersTable->or()->where('lower(nickname)', $term, 'like');
         $usersTable->or()->closeWhere('lower(email)', $term, 'like');
     $result = $usersTable->fetchOne();
     if (Jaws_Error::IsError($result)) {
         return 0;
     return (int) $result;
Example #8
  * The callback function that prepares the code to be xhtml
  * @access  public
  * @param   array   $code_information   Code Data(code and lang)
  * @return  string  XHTML code
 function PrepareCode($code_information)
     $code = $code_information[2];
     $lang = trim($code_information[1]);
     $lang = Jaws_UTF8::html_entity_decode($lang);
     $lang = preg_replace('/[\'\\"]/si', '', $lang);
     $lang = Jaws_UTF8::strtolower($lang);
     $valid_lang = array('php', 'actionscript', 'ada', 'apache', 'asm', 'asp', 'bash', 'applescript', 'caddcl', 'cadlisp', 'c', 'c#', 'cpp', 'css', 'delphi', 'ruby', 'html4strict', 'java', 'javascript', 'lisp', 'lua', 'nsis', 'oobas', 'pascal', 'perl', 'python', 'qbasic', 'sql', 'vb', 'visualfoxpro', 'xml');
     if (in_array($lang, $valid_lang)) {
         //For some fscking reason, geshi applied htmlentities again, so a &lt will be &lt
         $htmltable = get_html_translation_table(HTML_ENTITIES);
         foreach ($htmltable as $key => $value) {
             $code = str_replace(addslashes($value), $key, $code);
         require_once JAWS_PATH . 'libraries/geshi/geshi.php';
         $geshi = new GeSHi($code, $lang, JAWS_PATH . 'libraries/geshi/geshi');
         $new_code = $geshi->parse_code();
         $new_html = '<div class="code">' . $new_code . '</div>';
         //  $ndew_html = str_replace('<div>', '<div class="code">',
         //                                     str_replace('</div>', '</div>', $geshi->parse_code()));
     } else {
         $new_html = "<code>\n";
         $new_html .= $code;
         $new_html .= "</code>\n";
     return $new_html;
Example #9
  * Case-insensitive version of str_replace
  * @see http://www.php.net/str_ireplace
 static function str_ireplace($search, $replace, $str, $count = null)
     if (!is_array($search)) {
         $slen = strlen($search);
         if ($slen == 0) {
             return $str;
         $search = Jaws_UTF8::strtolower($search);
         $search = preg_quote($search);
         $lstr = Jaws_UTF8::strtolower($str);
         $i = 0;
         $matched = 0;
         while (preg_match('/(.*)' . $search . '/Us', $lstr, $matches)) {
             if ($i === $count) {
             $mlen = strlen($matches[0]);
             $lstr = substr($lstr, $mlen);
             $str = substr_replace($str, $replace, $matched + strlen($matches[1]), $slen);
             $matched += $mlen;
         return $str;
     } else {
         foreach (array_keys($search) as $k) {
             if (is_array($replace)) {
                 if (array_key_exists($k, $replace)) {
                     $str = Jaws_UTF8::str_ireplace($search[$k], $replace[$k], $str, $count);
                 } else {
                     $str = Jaws_UTF8::str_ireplace($search[$k], '', $str, $count);
             } else {
                 $str = Jaws_UTF8::str_ireplace($search[$k], $replace, $str, $count);
         return $str;
Example #10
File: Model.php Project: uda/jaws
  * it starts looking for a 'valid' meta_title using the 'foobar-[1...n]' schema.
  * @access  protected
  * @param   string     $meta_title     Meta title
  * @return  string     Correct fast URL
 public function GetMetaTitleURL($meta_title)
     if (is_numeric($meta_title)) {
         $meta_title = '-' . $meta_title . '-';
     $meta_title = Jaws_UTF8::trim(Jaws_XSS::defilter($meta_title));
     $meta_title = preg_replace(array('#[^\\p{L}[:digit:]_\\.\\-\\s]#u', '#[\\s_\\-]#u', '#\\-\\+#u'), array('', '-', '-'), Jaws_UTF8::strtolower($meta_title));
     $fast_url = Jaws_UTF8::substr($meta_title, 0, 90);
     return $meta_title;
Example #11
  * Parses a search phrase to find the excluding matches, exact matches,
  * any matches and all other words
  * @access  public
  * @param   string  $phrase     Phrase to parse
  * @param   array   $searchable List of searchable gadgets
  * @return  array   An array with the following indexes (and results):
  *                     - all, exact, least and exclude
 function parseSearch($options, &$searchable)
     $phrase = $options['all'];
     if (!empty($phrase)) {
         $phrase .= chr(32);
     $newOptions = array('all' => '', 'exact' => '', 'least' => '', 'exclude' => '', 'date' => '');
     $size = Jaws_UTF8::strlen($phrase);
     $lastKey = '';
     $tmpWord = '';
     for ($i = 0; $i < $size; $i++) {
         $word = Jaws_UTF8::substr($phrase, $i, 1);
         $ord = Jaws_UTF8::ord($word);
         $tmpWord .= $word;
         switch ($ord) {
             case 34:
                 // Quotes..
                 if ($lastKey == 'exact') {
                     //Open exact was open, we are closing it
                     $newOptions['exact'] .= Jaws_UTF8::substr($tmpWord, 1, Jaws_UTF8::strlen($tmpWord) - 2);
                     $lastKey = '';
                     $tmpWord = '';
                 } else {
                     if (empty($lastKey)) {
                         $lastKey = 'exact';
                         //We open the exact match
             case 43:
                 if ($lastKey != 'exact') {
                     $lastKey = 'least';
             case 45:
                 if ($lastKey != 'exclude') {
                     $lastKey = 'exclude';
             case 32:
                 if ($lastKey != 'exact' && !empty($lastKey)) {
                     if ($lastKey != 'all') {
                         $substrCount = 1;
                         if ($tmpWord[0] == ' ') {
                             $substrCount = 2;
                         $newOptions[$lastKey] .= Jaws_UTF8::substr($tmpWord, $substrCount);
                     } else {
                         $newOptions[$lastKey] .= $tmpWord;
                     $lastKey = '';
                     $tmpWord = '';
                 //Any other word opens all
                 if (empty($lastKey)) {
                     $lastKey = 'all';
     $options['all'] = '';
     $min_key_len = $this->gadget->registry->fetch('min_key_len');
     foreach (array_keys($newOptions) as $option) {
         if (!empty($newOptions[$option])) {
             $options[$option] = trim(isset($options[$option]) ? $options[$option] . ' ' . $newOptions[$option] : $newOptions[$option]);
         $content = isset($options[$option]) ? $options[$option] : '';
         $content = $content;
         $content = Jaws_UTF8::strtolower(Jaws_UTF8::trim($content));
         if (Jaws_UTF8::strlen($content) >= $min_key_len) {
             $searchable = true;
         $options[$option] = '';
         switch ($option) {
             case 'exclude':
             case 'least':
             case 'all':
                 $options[$option] = array_filter(explode(' ', $content));
             case 'exact':
                 $options[$option] = array($content);
             case 'date':
                 if (in_array($content, array('past_1month', 'past_2month', 'past_3month', 'past_6month', 'past_1year', 'anytime'))) {
                     $options[$option] = array($content);
                 } else {
                     $options[$option] = array('anytime');
     return $options;