Example #1
  * Builds the upgrader page stage
  * @access  public
  * @return  string  A block of valid XHTML to display the requirements
 function Display()
     $tpl = new Jaws_Template(false, false);
     $tpl->load('display.html', 'stages/Requirements/templates');
     $tpl->setVariable('requirements', _t('UPGRADE_REQUIREMENTS'));
     $tpl->setVariable('requirement', _t('UPGRADE_REQ_REQUIREMENT'));
     $tpl->setVariable('optional', _t('UPGRADE_REQ_OPTIONAL'));
     $tpl->setVariable('recommended', _t('UPGRADE_REQ_RECOMMENDED'));
     $tpl->setVariable('directive', _t('UPGRADE_REQ_DIRECTIVE'));
     $tpl->setVariable('actual', _t('UPGRADE_REQ_ACTUAL'));
     $tpl->setVariable('result', _t('UPGRADE_REQ_RESULT'));
     $tpl->SetVariable('next', _t('GLOBAL_NEXT'));
     $modules = get_loaded_extensions();
     $modules = array_map('strtolower', $modules);
     _log(JAWS_LOG_DEBUG, "Checking requirements...");
     // PHP version
     $tpl->setVariable('item', _t('UPGRADE_REQ_PHP_VERSION'));
     $tpl->setVariable('item_requirement', _t('UPGRADE_REQ_GREATER_THAN', MIN_PHP_VERSION));
     $tpl->setVariable('item_actual', phpversion());
     if (version_compare(phpversion(), MIN_PHP_VERSION, ">=") == 1) {
         _log(JAWS_LOG_DEBUG, "PHP installed version looks ok (>= " . MIN_PHP_VERSION . ")");
         $result_txt = '<span style="color: #0b0;">' . _t('UPGRADE_REQ_OK') . '</span>';
     } else {
         _log(JAWS_LOG_DEBUG, "PHP installed version (" . phpversion() . ") is not supported");
         $result_txt = '<span style="color: #b00;">' . _t('UPGRADE_REQ_BAD') . '</span>';
     $tpl->setVariable('result', $result_txt);
     // config directory
     $result = $this->_check_path('config', 'r');
     $tpl->setVariable('item', _t('UPGRADE_REQ_DIRECTORY', 'config'));
     $tpl->setVariable('item_requirement', _t('UPGRADE_REQ_READABLE'));
     $tpl->setVariable('item_actual', $this->_get_perms('config'));
     if ($result) {
         _log(JAWS_LOG_DEBUG, "config directory has read-permission privileges");
         $result_txt = '<span style="color: #0b0;">' . _t('UPGRADE_REQ_OK') . '</span>';
     } else {
         _log(JAWS_LOG_DEBUG, "config directory doesn't have read-permission privileges");
         $result_txt = '<span style="color: #b00;">' . _t('UPGRADE_REQ_BAD') . '</span>';
     $tpl->setVariable('result', $result_txt);
     // data directory
     $result = $this->_check_path('data', 'rw');
     $tpl->setVariable('item', _t('UPGRADE_REQ_DIRECTORY', 'data'));
     $tpl->setVariable('item_requirement', _t('UPGRADE_REQ_WRITABLE'));
     $tpl->setVariable('item_actual', $this->_get_perms('data'));
     if ($result) {
         _log(JAWS_LOG_DEBUG, "data directory has read and write permission privileges");
         $result_txt = '<span style="color: #0b0;">' . _t('UPGRADE_REQ_OK') . '</span>';
     } else {
         _log(JAWS_LOG_DEBUG, "data directory doesn't have read and write permission privileges");
         $result_txt = '<span style="color: #b00;">' . _t('UPGRADE_REQ_BAD') . '</span>';
     $tpl->setVariable('result', $result_txt);
     // Database drivers
     $tpl->setVariable('item', implode('<br/>', $this->_db_drivers));
     $tpl->setVariable('item_requirement', _t('GLOBAL_YES'));
     $actual = '';
     $db_state = false;
     foreach (array_keys($this->_db_drivers) as $ext) {
         $db_state = $db_state || in_array($ext, $modules);
         $actual .= (!empty($actual) ? '<br />' : '') . (in_array($ext, $modules) ? $ext : '-----');
     $tpl->setVariable('item_actual', $actual);
     if ($db_state) {
         _log(JAWS_LOG_DEBUG, "Available database drivers: {$actual}");
         $result_txt = '<span style="color: #0b0;">' . _t('UPGRADE_REQ_OK') . '</span>';
     } else {
         _log(JAWS_LOG_DEBUG, "No database driver found");
         $result_txt = '<span style="color: #b00;">' . _t('UPGRADE_REQ_BAD') . '</span>';
     $tpl->setVariable('result', $result_txt);
     // XML extension
     $tpl->setVariable('item', _t('UPGRADE_REQ_EXTENSION', 'XML'));
     $tpl->setVariable('item_requirement', _t('GLOBAL_YES'));
     $tpl->setVariable('item_actual', in_array('xml', $modules) ? _t('GLOBAL_YES') : _t('GLOBAL_NO'));
     if (in_array('xml', $modules)) {
         _log(JAWS_LOG_DEBUG, "xml support is enabled");
         $result_txt = '<span style="color: #0b0;">' . _t('UPGRADE_REQ_OK') . '</span>';
     } else {
         _log(JAWS_LOG_DEBUG, "xml support is not enabled");
         $result_txt = '<span style="color: #b00;">' . _t('UPGRADE_REQ_BAD') . '</span>';
     $tpl->setVariable('result', $result_txt);
     // File Upload
     $tpl->setVariable('item', _t('UPGRADE_REQ_FILE_UPLOAD'));
     $tpl->setVariable('item_requirement', _t('GLOBAL_YES'));
     $check = (bool) ini_get('file_uploads');
     $tpl->setVariable('item_actual', $check ? _t('GLOBAL_YES') : _t('GLOBAL_NO'));
     if ($check) {
         _log(JAWS_LOG_DEBUG, "PHP accepts file uploads");
         $result_txt = '<span style="color: #0b0;">' . _t('UPGRADE_REQ_OK') . '</span>';
     } else {
         _log(JAWS_LOG_DEBUG, "PHP doesn't accept file uploads");
         $result_txt = '<span style="color: #b00;">' . _t('UPGRADE_REQ_BAD') . '</span>';
     $tpl->setVariable('result', $result_txt);
     // Safe mode
     $tpl->setVariable('item', _t('UPGRADE_REQ_SAFE_MODE'));
     $tpl->setVariable('item_requirement', _t('UPGRADE_REQ_OFF'));
     $safe_mode = (bool) ini_get('safe_mode');
     $tpl->setVariable('item_actual', $safe_mode ? _t('UPGRADE_REQ_ON') : _t('UPGRADE_REQ_OFF'));
     if ($safe_mode) {
         _log(JAWS_LOG_DEBUG, "PHP has safe-mode turned on");
         $result_txt = '<span style="color: #b00;">' . _t('UPGRADE_REQ_BAD') . '</span>';
     } else {
         _log(JAWS_LOG_DEBUG, "PHP has safe-mode turned off");
         $result_txt = '<span style="color: #0b0;">' . _t('UPGRADE_REQ_OK') . '</span>';
     $tpl->setVariable('result', $result_txt);
     // GD/ImageMagick
     $tpl->setVariable('item', _t('UPGRADE_REQ_EXTENSION', 'GD/ImageMagick'));
     $tpl->setVariable('item_requirement', _t('GLOBAL_YES'));
     $actual = in_array('gd', $modules) ? 'GD' : '';
     $actual .= in_array('magickwand', $modules) ? (empty($actual) ? '' : ' + ') . 'ImageMagick' : '';
     $actual = empty($actual) ? 'No' : $actual;
     $tpl->setVariable('item_actual', $actual);
     if (in_array('gd', $modules) || in_array('magickwand', $modules)) {
         _log(JAWS_LOG_DEBUG, "PHP has GD or ImageMagick turned on");
         $result_txt = '<span style="color: #0b0;">' . _t('UPGRADE_REQ_OK') . '</span>';
     } else {
         _log(JAWS_LOG_DEBUG, "PHP has GD or ImageMagick turned off");
         $result_txt = '<span style="color: #b00;">' . _t('UPGRADE_REQ_BAD') . '</span>';
     $tpl->setVariable('result', $result_txt);
     // Exif extension
     $tpl->setVariable('item', _t('UPGRADE_REQ_EXTENSION', 'Exif'));
     $tpl->setVariable('item_requirement', _t('GLOBAL_YES'));
     $tpl->setVariable('item_actual', in_array('exif', $modules) ? _t('GLOBAL_YES') : _t('GLOBAL_NO'));
     if (in_array('exif', $modules)) {
         _log(JAWS_LOG_DEBUG, "exif support is enabled");
         $result_txt = '<span style="color: #0b0;">' . _t('UPGRADE_REQ_OK') . '</span>';
     } else {
         _log(JAWS_LOG_DEBUG, "exif support is not enabled");
         $result_txt = '<span style="color: #b00;">' . _t('UPGRADE_REQ_BAD') . '</span>';
     $tpl->setVariable('result', $result_txt);
     // OpenSSL extension
     $tpl->setVariable('item', _t('UPGRADE_REQ_EXTENSION', 'OpenSSL'));
     $tpl->setVariable('item_requirement', _t('GLOBAL_YES'));
     $tpl->setVariable('item_actual', in_array('openssl', $modules) ? _t('GLOBAL_YES') : _t('GLOBAL_NO'));
     if (in_array('openssl', $modules)) {
         _log(JAWS_LOG_DEBUG, "openssl extension is loaded");
         $result_txt = '<span style="color: #0b0;">' . _t('INSTALL_REQ_OK') . '</span>';
     } else {
         _log(JAWS_LOG_DEBUG, "openssl extension is not loaded");
         $result_txt = '<span style="color: #b00;">' . _t('INSTALL_REQ_BAD') . '</span>';
     $tpl->setVariable('result', $result_txt);
     return $tpl->get();
Example #2
if (isset($GLOBALS['message'])) {
    switch ($GLOBALS['message']->getLevel()) {
        case JAWS_ERROR_INFO:
            $type = 'info';
        case JAWS_ERROR_WARNING:
            $type = 'warning';
        case JAWS_ERROR_ERROR:
            $type = 'error';
    $tpl->setVariable('text', $GLOBALS['message']->getMessage());
    $tpl->setVariable('type', $type);
// Defines where the layout template should be loaded from.
$direction = _t('GLOBAL_LANG_DIRECTION');
$dir = $direction == 'rtl' ? '.' . $direction : '';
// Display the layout
$layout = new Jaws_Template(false, false);
$layout->Load('layout.html', 'templates');
// Basic setup
$layout->SetVariable('BASE_URL', Jaws_Utils::getBaseURL('/install/'));
$layout->SetVariable('.dir', $dir);
$layout->SetVariable('site-title', 'Jaws ' . JAWS_VERSION);
$layout->SetVariable('site-name', 'Jaws ' . JAWS_VERSION);
$layout->SetVariable('site-slogan', JAWS_VERSION_CODENAME);