<html> <body bgcolor="white"> <head> <title>Sessions Example</title> </head> <body> <h3>Sessions Example</h3> <?php // print session info $session = $request->session; $created = new Java("java.util.Date", $session->creationTime); $accessed = new Java("java.util.Date", $session->lastAccessedTime); print "Session ID: {$session->id}<br>\n"; print "Created: " . $created->toString() . "<br>\n"; print "Last Accessed: " . $accessed->toString() . "<br>\n"; // set session info if needed if ($dataName) { $session->setAttribute($dataName, $dataValue); } // print session contents print "<P>\n"; print "The following data is in your session:<br>\n"; $e = $session->attributeNames; while ($e->hasMoreElements()) { $name = $e->nextElement(); $value = $session->getAttribute($name); print "{$name} = {$value}<br>\n"; } ?> <P> <form action="<?php
$http_server_port = $report->props->getProperty("http_server_port"); // the script name, e.g.: Sample.php $context = $report->props->getProperty("context"); $currentReportName = strtolower($report->props->getProperty("report", "")); if (strlen($currentReportName) == 0) { $script = $_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME']; // $report_file = "file:" . dirname($script) . "/sample.rpt"; // $report_file = "file:" . dirname($script) . "$inetreportsfiles/$rptfile.rpt"; $report_file = "file:" . "{$rptfile}"; $report->props->put("report", $report_file); } // the parameters for the report, e.g.: report=foo.rpt&prompt0=1&sf=false&... $key = new Java("com.inet.report.ReportKeyFactory", $report->props); // echo $querystring = ""; exit; // build the URL that the java viewer shall use to send us the request. $request_url = $http_server_port . $context . "?" . $key->toString(); print $request_url; ?> > <param name=Archive value=<?php print $report->props->getProperty("http_server_port") . "/{$javalib_folder}/ReportViewer.jar"; ?> > </applet> </BODY> </HTML> <?php } // must_return_html_page //
# For the following test start the java VM with: # java -Dfile.encoding=ASCII -jar JavaBridge.jar INET:0 4 "" # and run the test as follows: # php utf8-1.inc | grep '^Gr' | od -c # => # 0000000 G r 303 274 303 237 G o t t \n G r ? ? # 0000020 G o t t \n G r 374 337 G o t t \n <?php include_once "java/Java.inc"; java_set_file_encoding("ISO-8859-1"); // the following is rewritten into new String(..., "ISO-8859-1"); $string = new Java("java.lang.String", "Grья Gott"); // decode string into UTF-8 print java_values($string->getBytes("UTF-8")) . "\n"; // decode string using System.getProperty("file.encoding"); print java_values($string->getBytes()) . "\n"; // decode string using file encoding print java_values($string->toString()) . "\n"; // the following is rewritten into new String(..., "ISO-8859-1"); $string = new Java("java.lang.String", "Grья Gott", 0, 9); // decode string into UTF-8 print java_values($string->getBytes("UTF-8")) . "\n"; // decode string using System.getProperty("file.encoding"); print java_values($string->getBytes()) . "\n"; // decode string using file encoding print java_values($string->toString()) . "\n";
/** * Retrieves the field code from a field. * * @param fieldStart The field start of the field which to gather the field code from. */ private static function getFieldCode($fieldStart) { $builder = new Java("java.lang.StringBuilder"); $nodeType = new Java("com.aspose.words.NodeType"); for ($node = $fieldStart; java_values($node) != null && java_values($node->getNodeType()) != java_values($nodeType->FIELD_SEPARATOR) && java_values($node->getNodeType()) != java_values($nodeType->FIELD_END); $node = $node->nextPreOrder($node->getDocument())) { $nodeType = new Java("com.aspose.words.NodeType"); // Use text only of Run nodes to avoid duplication. if (java_values($node->getNodeType()) == java_values($nodeType->RUN)) { $builder->append($node->getText()); } } return $builder->toString(); }