function approve($comment_ids) { if (!is_array($comment_ids) || empty($comment_ids)) { $this->setError('COM_JUDOWNLOAD_NO_ITEM_SELECTED'); return false; } JTable::addIncludePath(JPATH_ADMINISTRATOR . '/components/com_judownload/tables'); $comment_table = JTable::getInstance("Comment", "JUDownloadTable"); $count = 0; $comment_ids = (array) $comment_ids; $rootComment = JUDownloadFrontHelperComment::getRootComment(); $docIds = array(); foreach ($comment_ids as $comment_id) { $comment_table->reset(); if ($comment_table->load($comment_id) && $comment_table->parent_id == $rootComment->id && $comment_table->approved == 0) { $docIds[$comment_table->doc_id] = $comment_table->doc_id; } $user = JFactory::getUser(); $date = JFactory::getDate(); $comment_table->approved = 1; $comment_table->published = 1; $comment_table->approved_by = $user->id; $comment_table->approved_time = $date->toSql(); $comment_table->store(); $count++; JUDownloadFrontHelperMail::sendEmailByEvent('comment.approve', $comment_id); $logData = array('user_id' => $comment_table->user_id, 'event' => 'comment.approve', 'item_id' => $comment_id, 'doc_id' => $comment_table->doc_id, 'value' => 0, 'reference' => ''); JUDownloadFrontHelperLog::addLog($logData); } foreach ($docIds as $docId) { JUDownloadHelper::rebuildRating($docId); } return $count; }
public function saveDocumentAddLog($table, $isNew) { $app = JFactory::getApplication(); if ($app->isSite()) { $user = JFactory::getUser(); if ($isNew) { $logData = array('user_id' => $user->id, 'event' => 'document.create', 'item_id' => $table->id, 'doc_id' => $table->id, 'value' => 0, 'reference' => ''); } else { $logData = array('user_id' => $user->id, 'event' => 'document.edit', 'item_id' => $table->id, 'doc_id' => $table->id, 'value' => 0, 'reference' => ''); } JUDownloadFrontHelperLog::addLog($logData); } }
public function save($data) { $dispatcher = JDispatcher::getInstance(); $table = $this->getTable(); $pk = !empty($data['id']) ? $data['id'] : (int) $this->getState($this->getName() . '.id'); $isNew = true; $app = JFactory::getApplication(); JPluginHelper::importPlugin('content'); if ($pk > 0) { $table->load($pk); $isNew = false; } if ($table->parent_id != $data['parent_id'] || $data['id'] == 0) { $table->setLocation($data['parent_id'], 'last-child'); } if (!$table->bind($data)) { $this->setError($table->getError()); return false; } if (isset($data['rules'])) { $rules = new JAccessRules($data['rules']); $table->setRules($rules); } $this->prepareTable($table); if (!$table->check()) { $this->setError($table->getError()); return false; } $result = $dispatcher->trigger($this->event_before_save, array($this->option . '.' . $this->name, &$table, $isNew)); if (in_array(false, $result, true)) { $this->setError($table->getError()); return false; } if (!$table->store()) { $this->setError($table->getError()); return false; } $dispatcher->trigger($this->event_after_save, array($this->option . '.' . $this->name, &$table, $isNew)); $this->setState($this->getName() . '.id', $table->id); $this->cleanCache(); if (!$isNew && $app->isSite()) { $user = JFactory::getUser(); $logData = array('user_id' => $user->id, 'event' => 'comment.edit', 'item_id' => $table->id, 'doc_id' => $table->doc_id, 'value' => 0, 'reference' => ''); JUDownloadFrontHelperLog::addLog($logData); } return $table->id; }
public function voteComment($commentId) { $commentObj = JUDownloadFrontHelperComment::getCommentObject($commentId); if (!$commentObj) { return; } $vote_up = JFactory::getApplication()->input->getInt('vote_up', 0); $helpful_votes = intval($commentObj->helpful_votes); $total_votes = intval($commentObj->total_votes); $params = JUDownloadHelper::getParams(null, $commentObj->doc_id); $allow_vote_down_comment = $params->get('allow_vote_down_comment', 1); if (!$allow_vote_down_comment) { $like_system = true; if ($vote_up != 1) { $voteType = 0; $reference = 'unlike'; $total_votes--; $helpful_votes--; } else { $voteType = 1; $reference = 'like'; $total_votes++; $helpful_votes++; } } else { $like_system = false; if ($vote_up != 1) { $voteType = -1; $reference = 'vote_down'; $total_votes++; } else { $voteType = 1; $reference = 'vote_up'; $total_votes++; $helpful_votes++; } } $votedValue = $this->getCommentVotedValue($commentObj->id); if (($allow_vote_down_comment && $votedValue) || ($votedValue == $voteType)) { $return = array(); $return['message'] = JText::_('COM_JUDOWNLOAD_VOTING_ERROR'); $return['like_system'] = $like_system; $return['vote_type'] = null; JUDownloadHelper::obCleanData(); echo json_encode($return); exit(); } $db = JFactory::getDbo(); $query = $db->getQuery(true); $query->update('#__judownload_comments') ->set('helpful_votes = ' . $helpful_votes) ->set('total_votes = ' . $total_votes) ->where('id = ' . $commentObj->id); $db->setQuery($query); if ($db->execute()) { $dispatcher = JDispatcher::getInstance(); JPluginHelper::importPlugin('judownload'); $dispatcher->trigger('onVoteComment', $commentObj, $like_system, $voteType); $user = JFactory::getUser(); $userId = $user->id; $logData = array( 'user_id' => $user->id, 'event' => '', 'item_id' => $commentObj->id, 'doc_id' => $commentObj->doc_id, 'value' => $voteType, 'reference' => $reference ); JUDownloadFrontHelperLog::addLog($logData); if ($userId > 0) { $cookieName = 'judl-comment-vote-' . $commentObj->id . '_' . $userId; } else { $ipAddress = JUDownloadFrontHelper::getIpAddress(); $ipAddress = str_replace('.', '_', $ipAddress); $cookieName = 'judl-comment-vote-' . $commentObj->id . '_' . $ipAddress; } $config = JFactory::getConfig(); $cookie_domain = $config->get('cookie_domain', ''); $cookie_path = $config->get('cookie_path', '/'); setcookie($cookieName, $voteType, time() + 60 * 60 * 24 * 30, $cookie_path, $cookie_domain); $return = array(); $return['message'] = JText::sprintf('COM_JUDOWNLOAD_N_HELPFUL_VOTES_N_TOTAL_VOTES', $helpful_votes, $total_votes); $return['like_system'] = $like_system; $return['vote_type'] = $voteType; } else { $return = array(); $return['message'] = JText::_('COM_JUDOWNLOAD_VOTING_ERROR'); $return['like_system'] = $like_system; $return['vote_type'] = null; } JUDownloadHelper::obCleanData(); echo json_encode($return); exit(); }
public function publish() { JSession::checkToken('get') or die(JText::_('JINVALID_TOKEN')); $cid = JFactory::getApplication()->input->get('id', array(), 'array'); $data = array('publish' => 1, 'unpublish' => 0); $task = $this->getTask(); $value = JArrayHelper::getValue($data, $task, 0, 'int'); if (empty($cid)) { JError::raiseWarning(500, JText::_('COM_JUDOWNLOAD_NO_ITEM_SELECTED')); } else { $model = $this->getModel(); JArrayHelper::toInteger($cid); if (!$model->publish($cid, $value)) { JError::raiseWarning(500, $model->getError()); } else { if ($value == 1) { $ntext = $this->text_prefix . '_N_ITEMS_PUBLISHED'; } elseif ($value == 0) { $ntext = $this->text_prefix . '_N_ITEMS_UNPUBLISHED'; } foreach ($cid AS $id) { JUDownloadFrontHelperMail::sendEmailByEvent('document.editstate', $id); } $this->setMessage(JText::plural($ntext, count($cid))); $user = JFactory::getUser(); foreach ($cid AS $id) { $logData = array( 'user_id' => $user->id, 'event' => 'document.editstate', 'item_id' => $id, 'doc_id' => $id, 'value' => $value, 'reference' => '', ); JUDownloadFrontHelperLog::addLog($logData); } } } $this->setRedirect(JRoute::_($this->getReturnPage())); }
public function updateComment() { JSession::checkToken() or die(JText::_('JINVALID_TOKEN')); $user = JFactory::getUser(); $model = $this->getModel(); $app = JFactory::getApplication(); $data = $app->input->getArray($_POST); $documentId = $data['doc_id']; $commentId = $data['comment_id']; $canEditComment = JUDownloadFrontHelperPermission::canEditComment($commentId); $redirectUrl = JRoute::_(JUDownloadHelperRoute::getDocumentRoute($documentId) . '#comment-item-' . $commentId); if (!$canEditComment) { $this->setMessage(JText::_('COM_JUDOWNLOAD_UPDATE_COMMENT_ERROR')); $this->setRedirect($redirectUrl); return false; } $params = JUDownloadHelper::getParams(null, $documentId); $ratingValue = $this->validateCriteria($data); if ($ratingValue) { $data = array_merge($data, $ratingValue); } else { $this->setMessage(JText::_('COM_JUDOWNLOAD_UPDATE_COMMENT_ERROR')); $this->setRedirect($redirectUrl); return false; } JUDownloadHelper::obCleanData(); if ($model->updateComment($data, $params)) { $logData = array( 'user_id' => $user->id, 'event' => 'comment.edit', 'item_id' => $commentId, 'doc_id' => $documentId, 'value' => 0, 'reference' => '', ); JUDownloadFrontHelperLog::addLog($logData); $this->setMessage(JText::_('COM_JUDOWNLOAD_UPDATE_COMMENT_SUCCESSFULLY')); $this->setRedirect($redirectUrl); return true; } else { $this->setMessage(JText::_('COM_JUDOWNLOAD_UPDATE_COMMENT_ERROR')); $this->setRedirect($redirectUrl); return false; } }
public function createDownloadPackage($type, $itemIdArray, $parentId, $version) { $app = JFactory::getApplication(); // If set no_counting_download_time, storeId will be used to check if download file in "no counting download" period sort($itemIdArray); $storeId = md5($type . serialize($itemIdArray) . $version); if ($type == 'document') { $params = JUDownloadHelper::getParams($parentId); } else { $params = JUDownloadHelper::getParams(null, $parentId); } $noCountingDownloadSecond = (int) $params->get('no_counting_download_time', 300); if ($noCountingDownloadSecond > 0) { $storeIdArray = (array) $app->getUserState(''); } else { $storeIdArray = array(); } $user = JFactory::getUser(); $downloadZippedFileMode = $params->get('download_zipped_file_mode', 'temp'); $downloadOneFileNoZippedMode = $params->get('download_one_file_no_zipped_mode', 'temp'); // Min download speed. $minDownloadSpeed = (int) $params->get('min_download_speed', 10); $minDownloadSpeed = $minDownloadSpeed > 0 ? $minDownloadSpeed : 10; $minDownloadSpeed = $minDownloadSpeed * 1024; //KBps // Min live time of download package. $adjustFileLiveTime = (int) $params->get('adjust_file_live_time', 60); $adjustFileLiveTime = $adjustFileLiveTime >= 0 ? $adjustFileLiveTime : 60; // Time download package created. $createdTimeDate = JFactory::getDate()->toSql(); $createdTimeStamp = strtotime($createdTimeDate); // Trigger JU Download after download $dispatcher = JDispatcher::getInstance(); JPluginHelper::importPlugin('judownload'); // Physical file path to download, to be used in temp folder mode $downloadFilePath = ''; // True if file is zipped by zip class $zipFile = false; // Get comment for zip package. $zipCommentConfig = $params->get('zip_comment', ''); // Zip comment parsed from $zipCommentConfig case by case $zipComment = ''; if ($type == 'document') { // Get category id. $categoryId = $parentId; $documentIdArray = $itemIdArray; // Download multi documents in the same cat if (count($documentIdArray) > 1) { // In this case : user downloading category. // Sort array document id. sort($documentIdArray); // Create zip package. $zip = new Zip(); $zipFile = true; // Parse zip comment $zipComment = $this->parseCommentTxt($zipCommentConfig, $categoryId); // File id array in all download documents to reference in tmp file table $fileIdArrayInTmpZip = array(); foreach ($documentIdArray AS $documentId) { $documentObject = JUDownloadHelper::getDocumentById($documentId); $documentTitle = $this->filterFileFolderName($documentObject->title); $documentTitle = trim($documentTitle); $fileObjectList = $this->getAllFilesOfDocument($documentId); // If document has file, add document title as a folder contains files if (count($fileObjectList)) { $zip->addDirectory($documentTitle); } // File id array in document to log $fileIdArray = array(); $documentSize = 0; foreach ($fileObjectList AS $fileObject) { $physicalFilePath = $this->getPhysicalFilePath($fileObject->id); if (JFile::exists($physicalFilePath)) { $filePathInZip = $documentTitle . '/' . $this->filterFileFolderName($fileObject->rename); // Add file extension to file path, if the extension is not the same original file $fileExtOri = JFile::getExt($physicalFilePath); $fileExtInZip = JFile::getExt($filePathInZip); if ($fileExtInZip != $fileExtOri) { $filePathInZip = $filePathInZip . '.' . $fileExtOri; } $filePathInZip = trim($filePathInZip); $zip->addLargeFile($physicalFilePath, $filePathInZip); $documentSize += $fileObject->size; if (!in_array($storeId, $storeIdArray)) { $this->updateFileDownloadCounter($fileObject->id); } } $fileIdArray[] = $fileObject->id; $fileIdArrayInTmpZip[] = $fileObject->id; } if (!in_array($storeId, $storeIdArray)) { $this->updateDocumentDownloadCounter($documentId); $dispatcher->trigger('onAfterDownloadDocument', array($documentId, $fileIdArray, $documentSize)); // Add log when download $logData = array( 'user_id' => $user->id, 'event' => '', 'item_id' => $documentId, 'doc_id' => $documentId, 'value' => $documentSize, 'reference' => implode(',', $fileIdArray) ); JUDownloadFrontHelperLog::addLog($logData); } } // End - Zip file $categoryObject = JUDownloadHelper::getCategoryById($categoryId); $zipFileName = $this->makeSafeFileName($categoryObject->title) . ".zip"; } //Download one document else { /* * Download document when not isset cat_id * Download document we only get first element of documentIds array */ $documentId = $documentIdArray[0]; $documentObject = JUDownloadHelper::getDocumentById($documentId); $documentTitle = $this->filterFileFolderName($documentObject->title); $fileObjectList = $this->getAllFilesOfDocument($documentId); // Zip file even document has only one file, we can change this later here... // Create zip download package. $zip = new Zip(); $zipFile = true; // Parse zip comment $zipComment = $this->parseCommentTxt($zipCommentConfig, $categoryId, $documentId); $documentTitle = trim($documentTitle); //Add document title as a folder contains files $zip->addDirectory($documentTitle); $fileIdArray = array(); $documentSize = 0; foreach ($fileObjectList AS $fileObject) { // One document allow to download by version $physicalFilePath = $this->getPhysicalFilePath($fileObject->id, $version); if (JFile::exists($physicalFilePath)) { $filePathInZip = $documentTitle . '/' . $this->filterFileFolderName($fileObject->rename); // Add file extension to file path, if the extension is not the same original file $fileExtOri = JFile::getExt($physicalFilePath); $fileExtInZip = JFile::getExt($filePathInZip); if ($fileExtInZip != $fileExtOri) { $filePathInZip = $filePathInZip . '.' . $fileExtOri; } $filePathInZip = trim($filePathInZip); $zip->addLargeFile($physicalFilePath, $filePathInZip); $documentSize += $fileObject->size; if (!in_array($storeId, $storeIdArray)) { $this->updateFileDownloadCounter($fileObject->id, $version); } } $fileIdArray[] = $fileObject->id; } // End - Zip file if (!in_array($storeId, $storeIdArray)) { $this->updateDocumentDownloadCounter($documentId); $dispatcher->trigger('onAfterDownloadDocument', array($documentId, $fileIdArray, $documentSize)); // Add log $logData = array( 'user_id' => $user->id, 'event' => '', 'item_id' => $documentId, 'doc_id' => $documentId, 'value' => $documentSize, 'reference' => implode(',', $fileIdArray) . ($version ? ':' . $version : '') ); JUDownloadFrontHelperLog::addLog($logData); } $zipFileName = $this->makeSafeFileName($documentObject->title . " " . $version) . ".zip"; } } elseif ($type == 'file') { $fileIdArray = $itemIdArray; $documentId = $parentId; //Download multi files in one document if (count($fileIdArray) > 1) { $documentObject = JUDownloadHelper::getDocumentById($documentId); $documentTitle = $this->filterFileFolderName($documentObject->title); $mainCategoryId = JUDownloadFrontHelperCategory::getMainCategoryId($documentId); $zip = new Zip(); $zipFile = true; // Parse zip comment $zipComment = $this->parseCommentTxt($zipCommentConfig, $mainCategoryId, $documentId); $documentTitle = trim($documentTitle); $zip->addDirectory($documentTitle); $documentSize = 0; foreach ($fileIdArray AS $fileId) { // One document allow to download by version $physicalFilePath = $this->getPhysicalFilePath($fileId, $version); if (JFile::exists($physicalFilePath)) { $fileObject = $this->getFileObject($fileId); $filePathInZip = $documentTitle . '/' . $this->filterFileFolderName($fileObject->rename); // Add file extension to file path, if the extension is not the same original file $fileExtOri = JFile::getExt($physicalFilePath); $fileExtInZip = JFile::getExt($filePathInZip); if ($fileExtInZip != $fileExtOri) { $filePathInZip = $filePathInZip . '.' . $fileExtOri; } $filePathInZip = trim($filePathInZip); $zip->addLargeFile($physicalFilePath, $filePathInZip); $documentSize += $fileObject->size; if (!in_array($storeId, $storeIdArray)) { $this->updateFileDownloadCounter($fileId, $version); } } } // End - Zip file // Sort $fileIdArrayInTmpZip before add log and store it to tmp files table sort($fileIdArray); if (!in_array($storeId, $storeIdArray)) { $this->updateDocumentDownloadCounter($documentId); $dispatcher->trigger('onAfterDownloadDocument', array($documentId, $fileIdArray, $documentSize)); // Add log $logData = array( 'user_id' => $user->id, 'event' => '', 'item_id' => $documentId, 'doc_id' => $documentId, 'value' => $documentSize, 'reference' => implode(',', $fileIdArray) . ($version ? ':' . $version : '') ); JUDownloadFrontHelperLog::addLog($logData); } $zipFileName = $this->makeSafeFileName($documentObject->title . " " . $version) . ".zip"; } //Download one file elseif (count($fileIdArray) == 1) { $zipOneFile = $params->get('zip_one_file', 0); $fileId = $itemIdArray[0]; $fileObject = $this->getFileObject($fileId); // One file allow to download by version $physicalFilePath = $this->getPhysicalFilePath($fileId, $version); $physicalFilePath = JPath::clean($physicalFilePath); $fileExtOri = JFile::getExt($physicalFilePath); $configAllowZipFile = $params->get('allow_zip_file', 1); // Download one file no zipped (File can be zip file or not, but we still using var $zipFileName for general download file name) if ($fileExtOri == "zip" || !$zipOneFile || !$configAllowZipFile) { $zipFile = false; // In this case, $zipFileName is file name(zipped or not) $zipFileName = $this->filterFileFolderName($fileObject->rename); $zipFileName = $this->makeSafeFileName(JFile::stripExt($zipFileName) . " " . $version) . "." . JFile::getExt($zipFileName); // Add file extension to file path, if the extension is not the same original file $fileExtInZip = JFile::getExt($zipFileName); if ($fileExtInZip != $fileExtOri) { $zipFileName = $zipFileName . '.' . $fileExtOri; } $zipFileName = trim($zipFileName); } // Download one file zipped else { // Initialize zip object. $zip = new Zip(); $zipFile = true; $mainCategoryId = JUDownloadFrontHelperCategory::getMainCategoryId($documentId); // Parse zip comment $zipComment = $this->parseCommentTxt($zipCommentConfig, $mainCategoryId, $documentId); if (JFile::exists($physicalFilePath)) { $filePathInZip = $this->filterFileFolderName($fileObject->rename); // Add file extension to file path, if the extension is not the same original file $fileExtInZip = JFile::getExt($filePathInZip); if ($fileExtInZip != $fileExtOri) { $filePathInZip = $filePathInZip . '.' . $fileExtOri; } $filePathInZip = trim($filePathInZip); $zip->addLargeFile($physicalFilePath, $filePathInZip); } // End - Zip file $zipFileName = $this->filterFileFolderName($fileObject->rename); $zipFileName = $this->makeSafeFileName(JFile::stripExt($zipFileName) . " " . $version) . ".zip"; $zipFileName = trim($zipFileName); } if (!in_array($storeId, $storeIdArray)) { $this->updateDocumentDownloadCounter($documentId, $version); $this->updateFileDownloadCounter($fileId, $version); $dispatcher->trigger('onAfterDownloadDocument', array($documentId, $fileIdArray, $fileObject->size)); // Add log $logData = array( 'user_id' => $user->id, 'event' => '', 'item_id' => $documentId, 'doc_id' => $documentId, 'value' => $fileObject->size, 'reference' => $fileId . ($version ? ':' . $version : '') ); JUDownloadFrontHelperLog::addLog($logData); } } } // Only support download file/document, invalid type -> return false else { return false; } $serverTime = JFactory::getDate()->toSql(); $serverTimeStamp = strtotime($serverTime); // Store ID of download file(s) into session if ($noCountingDownloadSecond > 0) { $storeIdArray = (array) $app->getUserState(''); $storeIdArray[$serverTimeStamp] = $storeId; $storeIdArray = array_unique($storeIdArray); $app->setUserState('', $storeIdArray); } // Last download time to calculate download interval $session = JFactory::getSession(); $session->set('judl-last-download-time', $serverTime); // If use zip class to zip files, set comment then close the archive if ($zipFile) { // Set comment for zip file $zip->setComment($zipComment); // Close the archive $zip->finalize(); } // Send email by event for each document when download $docIdArray = array(); if ($type == 'file') { $docIdArray[] = $parentId; } else { $docIdArray = $itemIdArray; } $docIdArray = array_unique($docIdArray); //Send mail by event foreach ($docIdArray AS $docId) { JUDownloadFrontHelperMail::sendEmailByEvent('', $docId); } // Download ZIPPED file if ($zipFile) { // Directly download(from zip resource by PHP) $resourceFilePath = $zip->getZipFile(); $transport = 'php'; $speed = (int) $params->get('max_download_speed', 200); $resume = $params->get('resume_download', 1); $downloadMultiParts = $params->get('download_multi_parts', 1); $downloadResult = JUDownloadHelper::downloadFile($resourceFilePath, $zipFileName, $transport, $speed, $resume, $downloadMultiParts); if ($downloadResult !== true) { $this->setError($downloadResult); return false; } } // Download ONE NO ZIPPED file, in this case $zipFileName is the download file name, file can be zip file or not else { // Directly download $transport = $downloadOneFileNoZippedMode; $speed = (int) $params->get('max_download_speed', 200); $resume = $params->get('resume_download', 1); $downloadMultiParts = $params->get('download_multi_parts', 1); $downloadResult = JUDownloadHelper::downloadFile($physicalFilePath, $zipFileName, $transport, $speed, $resume, $downloadMultiParts); if ($downloadResult !== true) { $this->setError($downloadResult); return false; } } return true; }
public function download() { JSession::checkToken('request') or die(JText::_('JINVALID_TOKEN')); $model = $this->getModel(); $model->deleteExpiredTmpFiles(); $app = JFactory::getApplication(); $submittedCategoryId = $app->input->getInt('cat_id', 0); $documentIds = $app->input->get('doc_id', null, null); $fileIds = $app->input->get('file_id', null, null); $version = $app->input->get('version', '', 'string'); $serverTime = JFactory::getDate()->toSql(); $serverTimeStamp = strtotime($serverTime); $valuesStoreId = (array) $app->getUserState(''); $params = JUDownloadHelper::getParams(); $noCountingDownloadTime = (int) $params->get('no_counting_download_time', 300); if ($noCountingDownloadTime > 0) { if (!empty($valuesStoreId)) { foreach ($valuesStoreId AS $keyStoreId => $valueStoreId) { if ($serverTimeStamp - $keyStoreId > $noCountingDownloadTime) { unset($valuesStoreId[$keyStoreId]); } } } $app->setUserState('', $valuesStoreId); } $dispatcher = JDispatcher::getInstance(); JPluginHelper::importPlugin('judownload'); if (isset($fileIds)) { if (is_array($fileIds)) { $fileIdArray = $fileIds; } else { $fileIdArray = explode(',', $fileIds); } if (count($fileIdArray) > 0) { if (count($fileIdArray) > 1) { $documentId = (int) $documentIds; if (!$documentIds) { $message = JText::_('COM_JUDOWNLOAD_NO_DOCUMENT_DETECTED'); $this->setRedirect($this->getReturnPage(), $message, 'error'); return false; } $fileObjectList = $model->getAllFilesOfDocument($documentId); $validFileIdArray = array(); foreach ($fileObjectList AS $fileObject) { if (in_array($fileObject->id, $fileIdArray)) { $validFileIdArray[] = $fileObject->id; } } } else { $fileObject = $model->getFileObject($fileIdArray[0]); $documentId = $fileObject->doc_id; if (isset($documentIds)) { $documentIdPost = (int) $documentIds; if ($documentIdPost != $documentId) { $message = JText::_('COM_JUDOWNLOAD_INVALID_DATA'); $this->setRedirect($this->getReturnPage(), $message, 'error'); return false; } } $validFileIdArray = $fileIdArray; $physicalFilePath = $model->getPhysicalFilePath($validFileIdArray[0]); $physicalFilePath = JPath::clean($physicalFilePath); if (!JFile::exists($physicalFilePath)) { $message = JText::_('COM_JUDOWNLOAD_FILE_DOES_NOT_EXIST'); $this->setRedirect($this->getReturnPage(), $message, 'error'); return false; } } $canDownloadDocument = $model->canDownloadDocument($documentId); if ($canDownloadDocument) { if (count($validFileIdArray) > 0) { $externalField = new JUDownloadFieldCore_external_link(); $document = JUDownloadHelper::getDocumentById($documentId); if ($externalField->isPublished() && $document->external_link != '') { $dispatcher->trigger('onAfterDownloadDocument', array($documentId, array(), 0)); $logData = array( 'user_id' => JFactory::getUser()->id, 'event' => '', 'item_id' => $documentId, 'doc_id' => $documentId, 'value' => 0, 'reference' => 'external' ); JUDownloadFrontHelperLog::addLog($logData); JUDownloadFrontHelperMail::sendEmailByEvent('', $documentId); $model->updateDocumentDownloadCounter($documentId); $this->setRedirect(JRoute::_($document->external_link, false)); return true; } if (count($validFileIdArray) > 1) { $params = JUDownloadHelper::getParams(null, (int) $documentId); if (!$params->get('allow_zip_file', 1)) { $message = JText::_('COM_JUDOWNLOAD_INVALID_DOWNLOAD_DATA'); $this->setRedirect($this->getReturnPage(), $message, 'error'); return false; } } foreach ($validFileIdArray AS $validFileId) { $canDownloadFile = $model->canDownloadFile($validFileId, false); if (!$canDownloadFile) { $fileObject = $model->getFileObject($validFileId); $message = JText::sprintf('COM_JUDOWNLOAD_YOU_CAN_NOT_DOWNLOAD_FILE_X', $fileObject->rename); $this->setRedirect($this->getReturnPage(), $message, 'error'); return false; } } if ($noCountingDownloadTime > 0) { sort($validFileIdArray); $storeID = md5('file' . serialize($validFileIdArray) . $version); if (in_array($storeID, $valuesStoreId)) { $generalCheck = true; } else { $generalCheck = $model->generalCheckDownload(); } } else { $generalCheck = $model->generalCheckDownload(); } if (!$generalCheck) { $message = $model->getError(); $this->setRedirect($this->getReturnPage(), $message, 'error'); return false; } if ($model->download('file', $validFileIdArray, $documentId, $version) === false) { $message = $model->getError(); $this->setRedirect($this->getReturnPage(), $message, 'error'); return false; } } else { $message = JText::_('COM_JUDOWNLOAD_INVALID_DOWNLOAD_DATA'); $this->setRedirect($this->getReturnPage(), $message, 'error'); return false; } } else { $message = implode("<br/>", $model->getErrors()); $params = JUDownloadHelper::getParams(null, $documentId); $display_messages = $params->get('show_rule_messages', 'modal'); if ($display_messages == "redirect") { $return = $app->input->get('return', null, 'base64'); $this->setRedirect(JRoute::_('index.php?option=com_judownload&view=downloaderror&return=' . $return, false), $message, 'error'); } else { $this->setRedirect($this->getReturnPage(), $message, 'error'); } return false; } } else { $message = JText::_('COM_JUDOWNLOAD_NO_FILE_TO_DOWNLOAD'); $this->setRedirect($this->getReturnPage(), $message, 'error'); return false; } } else { if (is_array($documentIds)) { $documentIdArray = $documentIds; } else { $documentIdArray = explode(',', $documentIds); } if (count($documentIdArray) > 0) { if (count($documentIdArray) > 1) { $categoryId = $submittedCategoryId; if (!$categoryId) { $message = JText::_('COM_JUDOWNLOAD_NO_CATEGORY_DETECTED'); $this->setRedirect($this->getReturnPage(), $message, 'error'); return false; } $params = JUDownloadHelper::getParams(null, $categoryId); if (!$params->get('allow_download_multi_docs', 0)) { $message = JText::_('COM_JUDOWNLOAD_INVALID_DOWNLOAD_DATA'); $this->setRedirect($this->getReturnPage(), $message, 'error'); return false; } $validDocumentIdArray = array(); $documentIdsInCat = $model->getChildDocumentIds($categoryId); foreach ($documentIdsInCat AS $documentIdInCat) { if (in_array($documentIdInCat, $documentIdArray)) { $validDocumentIdArray[] = $documentIdInCat; } } } else { $documentId = $documentIdArray[0]; $categoryId = JUDownloadFrontHelperCategory::getMainCategoryId($documentId); $validDocumentIdArray = $documentIdArray; $documentIdInCat = JUDownloadHelper::getDocumentById($documentId); $externalField = new JUDownloadFieldCore_external_link(); if ($externalField->isPublished() && $documentIdInCat->external_link != '') { $dispatcher->trigger('onAfterDownloadDocument', array($documentId, array(), 0)); $logData = array( 'user_id' => JFactory::getUser()->id, 'event' => '', 'item_id' => $documentId, 'doc_id' => $documentId, 'value' => 0, 'reference' => 'external' ); JUDownloadFrontHelperLog::addLog($logData); JUDownloadFrontHelperMail::sendEmailByEvent('', $documentId); $model->updateDocumentDownloadCounter($documentId); $this->setRedirect(JRoute::_($documentIdInCat->external_link, false)); return true; } } if (count($validDocumentIdArray) > 1) { $params = JUDownloadHelper::getParams($categoryId); if (!$params->get('allow_zip_file', 1)) { $message = JText::_('COM_JUDOWNLOAD_INVALID_DOWNLOAD_DATA'); $this->setRedirect($this->getReturnPage(), $message, 'error'); return false; } } elseif (count($validDocumentIdArray) == 1) { $filesInDocument = JUDownloadFrontHelperDocument::getFilesByDocumentId((int) $validDocumentIdArray[0]); if (count($filesInDocument) > 1) { if (!$params->get('allow_zip_file', 1)) { $linkFiles = JUDownloadHelperRoute::getDocumentRoute((int) $validDocumentIdArray[0]); $linkFiles .= '#judl-files'; $app->redirect(JRoute::_($linkFiles, false)); } } } foreach ($validDocumentIdArray AS $documentId) { $canDownloadDocument = $model->canDownloadDocument($documentId); if (!$canDownloadDocument) { $message = implode("<br/>", $model->getErrors()); $params = JUDownloadHelper::getParams(null, $documentId); $display_messages = $params->get('show_rule_messages', 'modal'); if ($display_messages == "redirect") { $return = $app->input->get('return', null, 'base64'); $this->setRedirect(JRoute::_('index.php?option=com_judownload&view=downloaderror&return=' . $return, false), $message, 'error'); } else { $this->setRedirect($this->getReturnPage(), $message, 'error'); } return false; } } if ($noCountingDownloadTime > 0) { sort($validDocumentIdArray); $storeID = md5('document' . serialize($validDocumentIdArray) . $version); if (in_array($storeID, $valuesStoreId)) { $generalCheck = true; } else { $generalCheck = $model->generalCheckDownload(); } } else { $generalCheck = $model->generalCheckDownload(); } if (!$generalCheck) { $message = $model->getError(); $this->setRedirect($this->getReturnPage(), $message, 'error'); return false; } if (count($validDocumentIdArray) == 1) { if (count($filesInDocument) == 1) { if (!$params->get('allow_zip_file', 1)) { $fileObject = $filesInDocument[0]; $fileId = $fileObject->id; if ($model->download('file', array($fileId), $validDocumentIdArray[0], $version) === false) { $message = $model->getError(); $this->setRedirect($this->getReturnPage(), $message, 'error'); return false; } } } } if ($model->download('document', $validDocumentIdArray, $categoryId, $version) === false) { $message = $model->getError(); $this->setRedirect($this->getReturnPage(), $message, 'error'); return false; } } else { $message = JText::_('COM_JUDOWNLOAD_NO_DOCUMENT_TO_DOWNLOAD'); $this->setRedirect($this->getReturnPage(), $message, 'error'); return false; } } }