Example #1
 protected function getOptions()
     // if VM is not installed
     if (!JFolder::exists(JPATH_ROOT . '/administrator/components/com_virtuemart') or !class_exists('ShopFunctions')) {
         // add the root item
         $option = new stdClass();
         $option->text = JText::_('MOD_ACCORDEONCK_VIRTUEMART_NOTFOUND');
         $option->value = '0';
         $options[] = $option;
         // Merge any additional options in the XML definition.
         $options = array_merge(parent::getOptions(), $options);
         return $options;
     $categorylist = ShopFunctions::categoryListTree();
     // $categorylist = 'testced';
     $categorylist = trim($categorylist, '</option>');
     $categorylist = explode("</option><option", $categorylist);
     // add the root item
     $option = new stdClass();
     $option->text = JText::_('MOD_ACCORDEONCK_VIRTUEMART_ROOTNODE');
     $option->value = '0';
     $options[] = $option;
     foreach ($categorylist as $cat) {
         $option = new stdClass();
         $text = explode(">", $cat);
         $option->text = trim($text[1]);
         $option->value = strval(trim(trim(trim($text[0]), '"'), 'value="'));
         $options[] = $option;
     // Merge any additional options in the XML definition.
     $options = array_merge(parent::getOptions(), $options);
     return $options;
Example #2
 protected function getOptions()
     // Initialize variables.
     $options = array();
     // Initialize some field attributes.
     $key = $this->element['key_field'] ? (string) $this->element['key_field'] : 'value';
     $value = $this->element['value_field'] ? (string) $this->element['value_field'] : (string) $this->element['name'];
     $translate = $this->element['translate'] ? (string) $this->element['translate'] : false;
     $query = (string) $this->element['query'];
     // Get the database object.
     $db = JFactory::getDBO();
     // Set the query and get the result list.
     $items = $db->loadObjectlist();
     // Check for an error.
     if ($db->getErrorNum()) {
         JError::raiseWarning(500, $db->getErrorMsg());
         return $options;
     // Build the field options.
     if (!empty($items)) {
         foreach ($items as $item) {
             if ($translate == true) {
                 $options[] = JHtml::_('select.option', $item->{$key}, JText::_($item->{$value}));
             } else {
                 $options[] = JHtml::_('select.option', $item->{$key}, $item->{$value});
     // Merge any additional options in the XML definition.
     $options = array_merge(parent::getOptions(), $options);
     return $options;
Example #3
 protected function getOptions()
     // if the component is not installed
     if (!JFolder::exists(JPATH_ROOT . '/administrator/components/com_k2') or !JFile::exists(JPATH_ROOT . '/modules/mod_maximenuck/helper_k2.php')) {
         // add the root item
         $option = new stdClass();
         $option->text = JText::_('MOD_MAXIMENUCK_K2_NOTFOUND');
         $option->value = '0';
         $options[] = $option;
         // Merge any additional options in the XML definition.
         $options = array_merge(parent::getOptions(), $options);
         return $options;
     // get the categories form the helper
     $params = new JRegistry();
     require_once JPATH_ROOT . '/modules/mod_maximenuck/helper_k2.php';
     $cats = modMaximenuckk2Helper::getItems($params);
     // add the root item
     $option = new stdClass();
     $option->text = JText::_('MOD_MAXIMENUCK_K2_ROOTNODE');
     $option->value = '0';
     $options[] = $option;
     foreach ($cats as $cat) {
         $option = new stdClass();
         $option->text = str_repeat(" - ", $cat->level - 1) . $cat->name;
         $option->value = $cat->id;
         $options[] = $option;
     // Merge any additional options in the XML definition.
     $options = array_merge(parent::getOptions(), $options);
     return $options;
 protected function getOptions()
     // if the component is not installed
     if (!JFolder::exists(JPATH_ROOT . '/administrator/components/com_hikashop') or !JFile::exists(JPATH_ROOT . '/modules/mod_accordeonck/helper_hikashop.php')) {
         // add the root item
         $option = new stdClass();
         $option->text = JText::_('MOD_ACCORDEONCK_HIKASHOP_NOTFOUND');
         $option->value = '0';
         $options[] = $option;
         // Merge any additional options in the XML definition.
         $options = array_merge(parent::getOptions(), $options);
         return $options;
     // get the categories form the helper
     $params = new JRegistry();
     require_once JPATH_ROOT . '/modules/mod_accordeonck/helper_hikashop.php';
     $cats = modAccordeonckhikashopHelper::getItems($params, true);
     // add the root item
     $option = new stdClass();
     $option->text = JText::_('MOD_ACCORDEONCK_HIKASHOP_ROOTNODE');
     $option->value = '2';
     $options[] = $option;
     foreach ($cats as $cat) {
         $option = new stdClass();
         $option->text = str_repeat(" - ", $cat->level - 1) . $cat->category_name;
         $option->value = $cat->id;
         $options[] = $option;
     // Merge any additional options in the XML definition.
     $options = array_merge(parent::getOptions(), $options);
     return $options;
Example #5
 protected function getOptions()
     // if the component is not installed
     if (!JFolder::exists(JPATH_ROOT . '/administrator/components/com_hikashop')) {
         // add the root item
         $option = new stdClass();
         $option->value = '0';
         $options[] = $option;
         // Merge any additional options in the XML definition.
         $options = array_merge(parent::getOptions(), $options);
         return $options;
     // get the categories
     $cats = $this->getCategories();
     // add the root item
     $option = new stdClass();
     $option->value = '2';
     $options[] = $option;
     foreach ($cats as $cat) {
         $option = new stdClass();
         $option->text = str_repeat(" - ", $cat->level) . $cat->name;
         $option->value = $cat->id;
         $options[] = $option;
     // Merge any additional options in the XML definition.
     $options = array_merge(parent::getOptions(), $options);
     return $options;
Example #6
  * Method to get the list of files for the field options.
  * Specify the target directory with a directory attribute
  * Attributes allow an exclude mask and stripping of extensions from file name.
  * Default attribute may optionally be set to null (no file) or -1 (use a default).
  * @return  array  The field option objects.
  * @since   11.1
 protected function getOptions()
     // Initialize variables.
     $options = array();
     // Initialize some field attributes.
     $filter = (string) $this->element['filter'];
     $exclude = (string) $this->element['exclude'];
     $stripExt = (string) $this->element['stripext'];
     $hideNone = (string) $this->element['hide_none'];
     $hideDefault = (string) $this->element['hide_default'];
     $default = (string) $this->element['default'];
     // Get the path in which to search for file options.
     $path = (string) $this->element['directory'];
     if (!is_dir($path)) {
         $path = JPATH_ROOT . '/' . $path;
     // Prepend some default options based on field attributes.
     if (!$hideNone) {
         $options[] = JHtml::_('select.option', '-1', JText::alt('JOPTION_DO_NOT_USE', preg_replace('/[^a-zA-Z0-9_\\-]/', '_', $this->fieldname)));
     if (!$hideDefault) {
         $options[] = JHtml::_('select.option', '', JText::alt('JOPTION_USE_DEFAULT', preg_replace('/[^a-zA-Z0-9_\\-]/', '_', $this->fieldname)));
     // Get a list of files in the search path with the given filter.
     $files = JFolder::files($path, $filter);
     // Build the options list from the list of files.
     if (is_array($files)) {
         foreach ($files as $file) {
             // Check to see if the file is in the exclude mask.
             if ($exclude) {
                 if (preg_match(chr(1) . $exclude . chr(1), $file)) {
             // If the extension is to be stripped, do it.
             if ($stripExt) {
                 $file = JFile::stripExt($file);
             $options[] = JHtml::_('select.option', $file, $file);
     // Merge any additional options in the XML definition.
     $options = array_merge(parent::getOptions(), $options);
     return $options;
 protected function getOptions()
     // if flexicontent is not installed
     if (!JFolder::exists(JPATH_ROOT . DS . 'administrator' . DS . 'components' . DS . 'com_flexicontent')) {
         JPluginHelper::importPlugin('system', 'flexisystem');
         // add the root item
         $option = new stdClass();
         $option->text = JText::_('MOD_MAXIMENUCK_FLEXICONTENT_NOTFOUND');
         $option->value = '0';
         $options[] = $option;
         // Merge any additional options in the XML definition.
         $options = array_merge(parent::getOptions(), $options);
         return $options;
     // For specific cache issues
     global $dump, $globalcats;
     if (empty($globalcats)) {
             if (FLEXI_CACHE) {
                 // add the category tree to categories cache
                 $catscache = JFactory::getCache('com_flexicontent_cats');
                 //force cache
                 //set expiry to one day
                 $globalcats = $catscache->call(array('plgSystemFlexisystem', 'getCategoriesTree'));
             } else {
                 $globalcats = plgSystemFlexisystem::getCategoriesTree();
     foreach ($globalcats as $cat) {
         $option = new stdClass();
         $option->text = str_replace("<sup>", "", str_replace("</sup>", "", $cat->treename));
         $option->value = $cat->id;
         $options[] = $option;
     // Merge any additional options in the XML definition.
     $options = array_merge(parent::getOptions(), $options);
     return $options;
Example #8
 protected function getOptions()
     // Merge any additional options in the XML definition.
     $options = array_merge(parent::getOptions(), JHtml::_('menu.menus'));
     return $options;