Example #1
 protected function initialize()
     $buffer = array();
     foreach ($this->tables as $table) {
         $create = JDeveloperCreate::getInstance("table.admin.sql", array("item_id" => $table->id));
         $buffer[] = $create->getBuffer();
     $this->template = new JDeveloperTemplate(implode("\n\n", $buffer), false);
     return parent::initialize();
Example #2
  * Get config form
 private function getForm($parent_id)
     $model = $this->getModel("Form");
     $table = $model->getTable();
     $buffer = "";
     foreach ($model->getChildren($parent_id, 1) as $child) {
         $name = $child->tag == "action" ? "form.action" : "form.child";
         $create = JDeveloperCreate::getInstance($name, array("item_id" => $child->id));
         if (!$table->isLeaf($child->id)) {
             $create->getTemplate()->addPlaceholders(array("children" => $this->getForm($child->id)));
         } else {
             $create->getTemplate()->addPlaceholders(array("children" => "", "component" => $this->component->name, "title" => str_replace(".", "_", $child->name)), true);
         $result = $create->getBuffer();
         $result = explode("\n", $result);
         $buffer .= implode("\n\t", $result);
     return $buffer;
Example #3
  * Get config form
  * @return string
 private function getForm($parent_id)
     $model = $this->getModel("Form");
     $table = $model->getTable();
     $buffer = "";
     foreach ($model->getChildren($parent_id, 1) as $child) {
         if ($child->level == 2 && $child->tag == "field") {
         $name = $child->tag == "field" ? "form.field" : "form.child";
         $create = JDeveloperCreate::getInstance($name, array("item_id" => $child->id));
         if (!$table->isLeaf($child->id)) {
             $create->getTemplate()->addPlaceholders(array("children" => $this->getForm($child->id)));
         } else {
             $create->getTemplate()->addPlaceholders(array("children" => ""));
         $result = $create->getBuffer();
         $result = explode("\n", $result);
         $buffer .= implode("\n\t", $result);
     return $buffer;
Example #4

 * @package     JDeveloper
 * @subpackage  Views
 * @copyright  	Copyright (C) 2014, Tilo-Lars Flasche. All rights reserved.
 * @license     GNU General Public License version 2 or later
defined('_JEXEC') or die;
$input = JFactory::getApplication()->input;
$id = $input->get("id", 0, "int");
if ($id) {
    echo JHtml::_("code.form", JDeveloperCreate::getInstance("table.admin.form.singular", array("item_id" => $id))->getBuffer());
Example #5

 * @package     JDeveloper
 * @subpackage  Views
 * @copyright  	Copyright (C) 2014, Tilo-Lars Flasche. All rights reserved.
 * @license     GNU General Public License version 2 or later
defined('_JEXEC') or die;
echo JHtml::_("code.form", JDeveloperCreate::getInstance("component.admin.config", array("item_id" => $this->item->id))->getBuffer());
Example #6
  * Install table
 public function install()
     $user = JFactory::getUser();
     // Check if action is allowed
     if (!$user->authorise('components.install', 'com_jdeveloper')) {
         $this->setMessage(JText::_('COM_JDEVELOPER_ACTION_NOT_ALLOWED'), 'warning');
     // Get table data
     $app = JFactory::getApplication();
     $id = $app->input->get('id', 0, 'int');
     $model = JModelLegacy::getInstance("Table", "JDeveloperModel");
     $item = $model->getItem($id);
     $component = JModelLegacy::getInstance("Component", "JDeveloperModel")->getItem($item->component);
     $this->setRedirect(JRoute::_("index.php?option=com_jdeveloper&view=component&id=" . $component->id, false));
     // If component is installed, install table
     if (JDeveloperInstall::isInstalled('component', 'com_' . $component->name)) {
         // If table is already installed, the procedure is finished here
         if ($model->isInstalled($item->id)) {
         // Get SQL code of table and send SQL install query to database
         $sql = JDeveloperCreate::getInstance("table.admin.sql", array("item_id" => $item->id))->getBuffer();
         $db = JFactory::getDbo();
         $this->setMessage("COM_JDEVELOPER_TABLE_MESSAGE_TABLE_INSTALLED", "error");
     } else {
Example #7
  * Execute Create Instance
  * @param	string	$path	Path of create files
 public static function execute($config = array())
     $item = JModelLegacy::getInstance("Template", "JDeveloperModel")->getItem($config['item_id']);
     $dir = $item->createDir;
     // Create folders
     JFolder::create($dir . "/css");
     JFolder::create($dir . "/html");
     JFolder::create($dir . "/images");
     JFolder::create($dir . "/js");
     JFolder::create($dir . "/less");
     // Copy files
     JFile::copy(JDeveloperTEMPLATES . "/template/template.css", $dir . "/css/template.css");
     foreach (JFolder::files(JDeveloperCREATE . "/template", "php\$") as $file) {
         $class = JDeveloperCreate::getInstance("template." . JFile::stripExt($file), $config);
         if (!$class->create()) {
             $errors = $class->getErrors();
             if (!empty($errors)) {
                 throw new JDeveloperException($errors);
     JDeveloperCreate::getInstance("language.template", $config)->create();
     JDeveloperCreate::getInstance("language.template.sys", $config)->create();
     JFile::copy(JDeveloperTEMPLATES . "/template/favicon.ico", $dir . "/favicon.ico");
Example #8
  * Get other XML fields
  * @return string
 private function getForm($parent_id = 0)
     $model = $this->getModel("Form");
     $table = $model->getTable();
     $buffer = "";
     foreach ($model->getChildren($parent_id, 1) as $child) {
         // Exclude level 2 fields
         if ($child->level == 2 && $child->tag == "field") {
         // Exclude params if not activated
         if (!$this->table->jfields["params"] && $this->item_params->id == $child->id) {
         // Exclude images if not activated
         if (!$this->table->jfields["images"] && $this->item_images->id == $child->id) {
         // Select template name
         $name = $child->tag == "field" ? "form.field" : "form.child";
         // Get Create subclass instance
         $create = JDeveloperCreate::getInstance($name, array("item_id" => $child->id));
         // Check if item has children
         if (!$table->isLeaf($child->id)) {
             $create->getTemplate()->addPlaceholders(array("children" => $this->getForm($child->id)));
         } else {
             $create->getTemplate()->addPlaceholders(array("children" => ""));
         // Add rendered template to return value
         $result = $create->getBuffer();
         $result = explode("\n", $result);
         $buffer .= implode("\n\t", $result);
     return $buffer;
Example #9
  * Execute Create Instance
  * @param	string	$client	(admin | site)
  * @param	array	$config	Configuration
 public static function execute($client, $config = array())
     $client = str_replace(".", DS, $client);
     $component = JModelLegacy::getInstance("Component", "JDeveloperModel")->getItem($config["item_id"]);
     // Create folders
     JFolder::create($component->createDir . "/admin/controllers");
     JFolder::create($component->createDir . "/admin/models");
     JFolder::create($component->createDir . "/admin/models/forms");
     JFolder::create($component->createDir . "/admin/tables");
     JFolder::create($component->createDir . "/admin/views");
     if ($component->site) {
         JFolder::create($component->createDir . "/site/controllers");
         JFolder::create($component->createDir . "/site/models");
         JFolder::create($component->createDir . "/site/views");
     // Get each file from this folder and get instance of create class
     foreach (JFolder::files(JDeveloperCREATE . "/component/{$client}", "php\$") as $file) {
         $class = JDeveloperCreate::getInstance("component.{$client}." . JFile::stripExt($file), $config);
         if (!$class->create()) {
             $errors = $class->getErrors();
             if (!empty($errors)) {
                 throw new JDeveloperException($errors);
Example #10
  * Execute Create Instance
  * @param	string	$path	Path of create files
 public static function execute($config = array())
     foreach (JFolder::files(JDeveloperCREATE . "/plugin", "php\$") as $file) {
         $class = JDeveloperCreate::getInstance("plugin." . JFile::stripExt($file), $config);
         if (!$class->create()) {
             $errors = $class->getErrors();
             if (!empty($errors)) {
                 throw new JDeveloperException($errors);
     JDeveloperCreate::getInstance("language.plugin", $config)->create();
     JDeveloperCreate::getInstance("language.plugin.sys", $config)->create();
Example #11
  * Get the template
  * @param	string	$type		The extension type (component, module, plugin, template)
  * @param	string	$name		The template name
  * @param	int		$item_id	The extension id (primary key of table shere item is stored)
  * @return string	The template
 private function _getSource($type, $name, $item_id)
     $input = JFactory::getApplication()->input;
     $dir = JDeveloperCREATE . "/" . implode("/", explode(".", $type));
     foreach (JFolder::files($dir, "php\$") as $file) {
         $create = JDeveloperCreate::getInstance($type . "." . JFile::stripExt($file), array("item_id" => $item_id));
         if ($create->templateFile == $name) {
             return $create->getBuffer();
     return "";
Example #12

 * @package     JDeveloper
 * @subpackage  Views
 * @copyright  	Copyright (C) 2014, Tilo-Lars Flasche. All rights reserved.
 * @license     GNU General Public License version 2 or later
defined('_JEXEC') or die;
$input = JFactory::getApplication()->input;
$id = $input->get("id", 0, "int");
$table = $this->getModel()->getTable();
if ($id) {
    $result = JDeveloperCreate::getInstance("form.form", array("item_id" => $this->item->id))->getBuffer();
if ($input->get("format", "") == "xml") {
    echo $result;
} else {
    echo JHtml::_("code.form", $result);
Example #13
  * Execute Create Instance
  * @param	string	$client	(admin | site)
  * @param	array	$config	Configuration
 public static function execute($client, $config = array())
     $client = str_replace(".", DS, $client);
     $component = JModelLegacy::getInstance("Component", "JDeveloperModel")->getItem($config["item_id"]);
     // Get each file from this folder and get instance of create class
     foreach (JFolder::files(JDeveloperCREATE . "/table/{$client}", "php\$") as $file) {
         // Execute create classes for each table
         foreach (JModelLegacy::getInstance("Tables", "JDeveloperModel")->getComponentTables($component->id) as $table) {
             $table_config = array("item_id" => $table->id);
             $class = JDeveloperCreate::getInstance("table.{$client}." . JFile::stripExt($file), $table_config);
             if (!$class->create()) {
                 $errors = $class->getErrors();
                 if (!empty($errors)) {
                     throw new JDeveloperException($errors);