Example #1
 public function onContentAfterDelete($context, $data)
     switch ($context) {
         case 'com_content.article':
             $base = 'content';
             $custom = 'introtext';
             $pk = $data->id;
         case 'com_categories.category':
             $base = 'categories';
             $custom = 'description';
             $pk = $data->id;
             return true;
     preg_match('#::cck::(.*)::/cck::#U', $data->{$custom}, $matches);
     $id = $matches[1];
     if (!$id) {
         return true;
     $table = JCckTable::getInstance('#__cck_core', 'id', $id);
     $type = $table->cck;
     // Processing
     JLoader::register('JCckToolbox', JPATH_PLATFORM . '/cms/cck/toolbox.php');
     if (JCckToolbox::getConfig()->get('processing', 0)) {
         $event = 'onContentAfterDelete';
         $processing = JCckDatabaseCache::loadObjectListArray('SELECT type, scriptfile FROM #__cck_more_toolbox_processings WHERE published = 1 ORDER BY ordering', 'type');
         if (isset($processing[$event])) {
             foreach ($processing[$event] as $p) {
                 if (is_file(JPATH_SITE . $p->scriptfile)) {
                     include_once JPATH_SITE . $p->scriptfile;
                     /* Variables: $id, $pk, $type */
     $tables = JCckDatabase::loadColumn('SHOW TABLES');
     $prefix = JFactory::getApplication()->getCfg('dbprefix');
     if (in_array($prefix . 'cck_store_item_' . $base, $tables)) {
         $table = JCckTable::getInstance('#__cck_store_item_' . $base, 'id', $pk);
         if ($table->id) {
     if (in_array($prefix . 'cck_store_form_' . $type, $tables)) {
         $table = JCckTable::getInstance('#__cck_store_form_' . $type, 'id', $pk);
         if ($table->id) {
     return true;
Example #2
 function postInstallMessage($event, $pk = 0)
     if (!version_compare(JVERSION, '3.2', 'ge')) {
     if (!$pk) {
         $db = JFactory::getDbo();
         $query = 'SELECT extension_id FROM  #__extensions WHERE type = "component" AND element = "com_cck"';
         $pk = $db->loadResult();
         if (!$pk) {
             return false;
     $lang = JFactory::getLanguage();
     $title = (string) $this->cck->element;
     $lang->load('lib_cck', JPATH_SITE, 'en-GB', true);
     $title = JText::_($title . '_addon');
     if (isset($this->cck->xml->version)) {
         $title = str_replace(' for SEBLOD', '', $title) . ' ' . (string) $this->cck->xml->version;
     $user = JFactory::getUser();
     $user_name = '<a href="index.php?option=com_cck&view=form&return_o=users&return_v=users&type=user&id=' . $user->id . '" target="_blank">' . $user->name . '</a>';
     $version = '3.2.0';
     if (JFile::exists(JPATH_ADMINISTRATOR . '/components/com_cck/_VERSION.php')) {
         require_once JPATH_ADMINISTRATOR . '/components/com_cck/_VERSION.php';
         if (class_exists('JCckVersion')) {
             $version = new JCckVersion();
             $version = $version->getShortVersion();
         } else {
             $version = JFile::read(JPATH_ADMINISTRATOR . '/components/com_cck/_VERSION.php');
     require_once JPATH_SITE . '/libraries/cms/cck/cck.php';
     require_once JPATH_SITE . '/libraries/cms/cck/database.php';
     require_once JPATH_SITE . '/libraries/cms/cck/table.php';
     $table = JCckTable::getInstance('#__postinstall_messages');
     $table->extension_id = $pk;
     $table->title_key = $title;
     $table->description_key = JText::sprintf('LIB_CCK_POSTINSTALL_' . strtoupper($event) . '_DESCRIPTION', $user_name, JFactory::getDate()->format(JText::_('DATE_FORMAT_LC2')));
     $table->language_extension = 'lib_cck';
     $table->type = 'message';
     $table->version_introduced = $version;
     return true;
Example #3
 public static function importTables($data)
     $db = JFactory::getDbo();
     $path = $data['root'] . '/tables';
     if (file_exists($path)) {
         $items = JFolder::files($path, '\\.xml$');
         if (count($items)) {
             $prefix = JFactory::getConfig()->get('dbprefix');
             $tables = array_flip(JCckDatabase::loadColumn('SHOW TABLES'));
             foreach ($items as $item) {
                 $xml = JCckDev::fromXML($path . '/' . $item);
                 if (!$xml || (string) $xml->attributes()->type != 'tables') {
                 $name = (string) $xml->table->name;
                 $table_key = (string) $xml->table->primary_key;
                 $short = str_replace('#__', $prefix, $name);
                 if (isset($tables[$short])) {
                     $table = JCckTable::getInstance($name);
                     $table_fields = $table->getFields();
                     $previous = '';
                     // Fields
                     $fields = $xml->fields->children();
                     if (count($fields)) {
                         foreach ($fields as $field) {
                             $column = (string) $field;
                             $type = (string) $field->attributes()->type;
                             $default = (string) $field->attributes()->default;
                             if (!isset($table_fields[$column])) {
                                 $query = 'ALTER TABLE ' . $name . ' ADD ' . JCckDatabase::quoteName($column) . ' ' . $type . ' NOT NULL';
                                 $query .= $default != '' ? ' DEFAULT "' . $default . '"' : '';
                                 $query .= $previous != '' ? ' AFTER ' . JCckDatabase::quoteName($previous) : ' FIRST';
                             } else {
                                 if ($type != $table_fields[$column]->Type) {
                                     $query = 'ALTER TABLE ' . $name . ' CHANGE ' . JCckDatabase::quoteName($column) . ' ' . JCckDatabase::quoteName($column) . ' ' . $type . ' NOT NULL';
                                     $query .= $default != '' ? ' DEFAULT "' . $default . '"' : '';
                             $previous = $column;
                     // Indexes
                     $indexes = $xml->indexes->children();
                     $indexes2 = array();
                     if (count($indexes)) {
                         foreach ($indexes as $index) {
                             $idx = (string) $index;
                             $indexes2[$idx][(string) $index->attributes()->seq_in_type] = (string) $index->attributes()->column_name;
                     if (count($indexes2)) {
                         foreach ($indexes2 as $k => $v) {
                             if ($k == 'PRIMARY') {
                                 JCckDatabase::execute('ALTER TABLE ' . $name . ' DROP PRIMARY KEY, ADD PRIMARY KEY ( ' . implode(',', $v) . ' )');
                             } else {
                                 // todo
                 } else {
                     $sql_query = '';
                     // Fields
                     $fields = $xml->fields->children();
                     if (count($fields)) {
                         foreach ($fields as $field) {
                             $type = (string) $field->attributes()->type;
                             $default = (string) $field->attributes()->default;
                             $sql_query .= ' ' . JCckDatabase::quoteName((string) $field) . ' ' . $type . ' NOT NULL';
                             if ($default != '') {
                                 $sql_query .= ' DEFAULT "' . $default . '"';
                             $sql_query .= ',';
                     // Indexes
                     $indexes = $xml->indexes->children();
                     $indexes2 = array();
                     if (count($indexes)) {
                         foreach ($indexes as $index) {
                             $idx = (string) $index;
                             $indexes2[$idx][(string) $index->attributes()->seq_in_type] = (string) $index->attributes()->column_name;
                     if (count($indexes2)) {
                         foreach ($indexes2 as $k => $v) {
                             $sql_query .= $k == 'PRIMARY' ? ' PRIMARY KEY ( ' . implode(',', $v) . ' ),' : ' KEY ' . $k . ' ( ' . implode(',', $v) . ' ),';
                     $sql_query = $sql_query ? substr($sql_query, 0, -1) : '';
                     JCckDatabase::execute('CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS ' . $name . ' (' . $sql_query . ') ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8;');
Example #4
 protected static function _getTable($pk = 0, $table = '', &$config = array())
     $table = JCckTable::getInstance($table, 'id');
     $pk = $pk ? $pk : $config['pk'];
     if ($pk > 0) {
         $table->load($pk, true);
     return $table;
Example #5
 public function create($cck, $data_content, $data_more = null)
     $db = JFactory::getDbo();
     if ($this->_id) {
     //if object is joomla_user do validate first
     //login and email must be unique
     if ($this->_object == "joomla_user") {
         $username = $data_content['username'];
         $email = $data_content['email'];
         $query = $db->getQuery(true);
         $field = array('id');
         $table = '#__users';
         $query->where($db->quoteName('username') . '= ' . $db->quote($username), 'OR');
         $query->where($db->quoteName('email') . '= ' . $db->quote($email));
         $result = $db->loadObject();
         if ($result) {
             return false;
     $this->_type = $cck;
     if (empty($this->_object)) {
         $this->_object = JCckDatabaseCache::loadResult('SELECT storage_location FROM #__cck_core_types WHERE name = "' . $this->_type . '"');
         $this->_columns = $this->_getProperties();
     $this->_instance_core = JTable::getInstance($this->_columns['table_object'][0], $this->_columns['table_object'][1]);
     $author_id = 0;
     // TODO: Get default author id
     $parent_id = 0;
     // TODO: Get default parent_id
     // Set the author_id
     if (isset($this->_columns['author']) && $this->_columns['author'] && isset($data_content[$this->_columns['author']])) {
         $author_id = $data_content[$this->_columns['author']];
     } else {
         $user_id = JFactory::getUser()->get('id');
         if ($user_id) {
             $author_id = $user_id;
     // Set the parent_id
     if (isset($this->_columns['parent']) && $this->_columns['parent'] && isset($data_content[$this->_columns['parent']])) {
         $parent_id = $data_content[$this->_columns['parent']];
     // -------- -------- --------
     if (!$this->save('core', $data_content)) {
         return false;
     if (!$this->save('base', array('cck' => $this->_type, 'pk' => $this->_pk, 'storage_location' => $this->_object, 'author_id' => $author_id, 'parent_id' => $parent_id, 'date_time' => JFactory::getDate()->toSql()))) {
         return false;
     if (is_array($data_more) && count($data_more)) {
         $this->_instance_more = JCckTable::getInstance('#__cck_store_form_' . $this->_type);
         $this->_instance_more->load($this->_pk, true);
         if (!$this->save('more', $data_more)) {
             return false;
     return $this->_pk;
Example #6
 public function mergeArray($data)
     if (count($this->_tbl_rows)) {
         foreach ($this->_tbl_rows as $key => $val) {
             if (isset($data[$key])) {
                 if (count($data[$key])) {
                     foreach ($data[$key] as $k => $v) {
                         if (isset($val->{$k})) {
                             $val->{$k} = $v;
             } else {
     if (count($data)) {
         foreach ($data as $key => $val) {
             $obj = JCckTable::getInstance($this->_tbl);
             if (count($val)) {
                 foreach ($val as $k => $v) {
                     if (property_exists($obj, $k)) {
                         $obj->{$k} = $v;
             $this->_tbl_rows[$key] = $obj;
Example #7
 function _postInstallMessage($event, $parent)
     if (!version_compare(JVERSION, '3.2', 'ge')) {
     $db = JFactory::getDbo();
     $title = 'com_cck';
     $query = 'SELECT extension_id FROM  #__extensions WHERE type = "component" AND element = "' . $title . '"';
     $pk = $db->loadResult();
     if (!$pk) {
         return false;
     $version = (string) $parent->getParent()->getManifest()->version;
     if ($event == 'install') {
     } else {
         $user = JFactory::getUser();
         $user_id = $user->id;
         $user_type = JCckDatabase::loadResult('SELECT cck FROM #__cck_core WHERE storage_location = "joomla_user" AND pk = ' . $user_id);
         if ($user_type) {
             $user_link = 'index.php?option=com_cck&view=form&return_o=users&return_v=users&type=' . $user_type . '&id=' . $user_id;
         } else {
             $user_link = 'index.php?option=com_users&task=user.edit&id=' . $user_id;
         $user_name = '<a href="' . $user_link . '" target="_blank">' . $user->name . '</a>';
         $text = JText::sprintf('LIB_CCK_POSTINSTALL_' . strtoupper($event) . '_DESCRIPTION', $user_name, JFactory::getDate()->format(JText::_('DATE_FORMAT_LC2')));
     $title = 'SEBLOD ' . $version;
     require_once JPATH_SITE . '/libraries/cms/cck/cck.php';
     require_once JPATH_SITE . '/libraries/cms/cck/database.php';
     require_once JPATH_SITE . '/libraries/cms/cck/table.php';
     $table = JCckTable::getInstance('#__postinstall_messages');
     $table->extension_id = $pk;
     $table->title_key = $title;
     $table->description_key = $text;
     $table->language_extension = 'lib_cck';
     $table->type = 'message';
     $table->version_introduced = $version;
     return true;
Example #8
 public function onContentAfterDelete($context, $data)
     $db = JFactory::getDbo();
     $query = $db->getQuery(true)->select('name AS object')->from('#__cck_core_objects')->where('context = ' . $db->quote($context));
     $object = $db->loadResult();
     if (!$object) {
         return true;
     $tableKey = $data->getKeyName();
     $pk = $data->{$tableKey};
     $base = str_replace('#__', '', $data->getTableName());
     require_once JPATH_SITE . '/plugins/cck_storage_location/' . $object . '/' . $object . '.php';
     $properties = array('custom');
     $properties = JCck::callFunc('plgCCK_Storage_Location' . $object, 'getStaticProperties', $properties);
     $custom = $properties['custom'];
     $type = '';
     // Core
     if ($custom) {
         preg_match('#::cck::(.*)::/cck::#U', $data->{$custom}, $matches);
         $id = $matches[1];
         if (!$id) {
             return true;
         $table = JCckTable::getInstance('#__cck_core', 'id', $id);
         $type = $table->cck;
     } else {
         $table = JCckTable::getInstance('#__cck_core');
         if ($table->load(array('pk' => $pk, 'storage_location' => $object))) {
             $type = $table->cck;
     if ($table->pk > 0) {
         // -- Leave nothing behind
         if ($type != '') {
             require_once JPATH_LIBRARIES . '/cck/base/form/form.php';
             $config = array('pk' => $table->pk, 'storages' => array(), 'type' => $table->cck);
             $dispatcher = JDispatcher::getInstance();
             $parent = JCckDatabase::loadResult('SELECT parent FROM #__cck_core_types WHERE name = "' . $type . '"');
             $fields = CCK_Form::getFields(array($type, $parent), 'all', -1, '', true);
             if (count($fields)) {
                 foreach ($fields as $field) {
                     $Pt = $field->storage_table;
                     $value = '';
                     /* Yes but, .. */
                     if ($Pt && !isset($config['storages'][$Pt])) {
                         $config['storages'][$Pt] = '';
                         $dispatcher->trigger('onCCK_Storage_LocationPrepareDelete', array(&$field, &$config['storages'][$Pt], $pk, &$config));
                     $dispatcher->trigger('onCCK_StoragePrepareDelete', array(&$field, &$value, &$config['storages'][$Pt], &$config));
                     $dispatcher->trigger('onCCK_FieldDelete', array(&$field, $value, &$config, array()));
         // -- Leave nothing behind
     // Processing
     JLoader::register('JCckToolbox', JPATH_PLATFORM . '/cms/cck/toolbox.php');
     if (JCckToolbox::getConfig()->get('processing', 0)) {
         $event = 'onContentAfterDelete';
         $processing = JCckDatabaseCache::loadObjectListArray('SELECT type, scriptfile FROM #__cck_more_processings WHERE published = 1 ORDER BY ordering', 'type');
         if (isset($processing[$event])) {
             foreach ($processing[$event] as $p) {
                 if (is_file(JPATH_SITE . $p->scriptfile)) {
                     include_once JPATH_SITE . $p->scriptfile;
                     /* Variables: $id, $pk, $type */
     $tables = JCckDatabase::loadColumn('SHOW TABLES');
     $prefix = JFactory::getConfig()->get('dbprefix');
     if (in_array($prefix . 'cck_store_item_' . $base, $tables)) {
         $table = JCckTable::getInstance('#__cck_store_item_' . $base, 'id', $pk);
         if ($table->id) {
     if (in_array($prefix . 'cck_store_form_' . $type, $tables)) {
         $table = JCckTable::getInstance('#__cck_store_form_' . $type, 'id', $pk);
         if ($table->id) {
     return true;
 public function ajax_session_del()
     $app = JFactory::getApplication();
     $user = JFactory::getUser();
     if (!$user->authorise('core.admin')) {
     $session_id = $app->input->getInt('sid', 0);
     $table = JCckTable::getInstance('#__cck_more_sessions');
Example #10
 public function g_doBridge($type, $pk, $location, &$config, $params)
     // Todo: move to plug-in
     if ($type == 'joomla_category') {
         $core = JCckTable::getInstance('#__cck_core', 'id');
         JLoader::register('JTableCategory', JPATH_PLATFORM . '/joomla/database/table/category.php');
         $bridge = JTable::getInstance('category');
         $dispatcher = JDispatcher::getInstance();
         if ($core->pkb > 0) {
             $bridge->description = '';
             $isNew = false;
         } else {
             $bridge->access = '';
             $bridge->published = '';
             $bridge->created_user_id = $config['author'];
             self::g_initTable($bridge, $params, false, 'bridge_');
             if (!isset($config['storages']['#__categories']['parent_id'])) {
                 $config['storages']['#__categories']['parent_id'] = $params['bridge_default-parent_id'];
             $isNew = true;
         if ($bridge->parent_id != $config['storages']['#__categories']['parent_id'] || $config['storages']['#__categories']['id'] == 0) {
             $bridge->setLocation($config['storages']['#__categories']['parent_id'], 'last-child');
         if (isset($config['storages']['#__categories'])) {
         if ($params['bridge_default_title_mode'] && $params['bridge_default_title'] != '' && strpos($params['bridge_default_title'], '#') !== false) {
             $title = $params['bridge_default_title'];
             $matches = array();
             preg_match_all('#\\#([a-zA-Z0-9_]*)\\##U', $params['bridge_default_title'], $matches);
             if (count($matches[1])) {
                 $fieldnames = '"' . implode('","', $matches[1]) . '"';
                 $fields = JCckDatabase::loadObjectList('SELECT name, storage, storage_table, storage_field FROM #__cck_core_fields WHERE name IN (' . $fieldnames . ') AND storage_field2 = ""', 'name');
                 foreach ($matches[1] as $match) {
                     $value = '';
                     if (isset($fields[$match])) {
                         if (isset($config['storages'][$fields[$match]->storage_table][$fields[$match]->storage_field])) {
                             $value = $config['storages'][$fields[$match]->storage_table][$fields[$match]->storage_field];
                     $title = str_replace('#' . $match . '#', $value, $title);
                 $bridge->title = trim($title);
         if (!$bridge->title) {
             $bridge->title = ucwords(str_replace('_', ' ', $location['_']->location)) . ' - ' . $pk;
         if (!$bridge->parent_id) {
             $bridge->parent_id = 2;
         $bridge->description = '::cck::' . $config['id'] . '::/cck::' . $bridge->description;
         if (!$core->pkb) {
             // setLocation, etc..
         $bridge->extension = 'com_content';
         if ($bridge->parent_id > 1) {
             $bridgeParent = JTable::getInstance('category');
             $bridge->path = $bridgeParent->path . '/';
         } else {
             $bridge->path = '';
         $bridge->path .= $bridge->alias;
         if (empty($bridge->language)) {
             $bridge->language = '*';
         $dispatcher->trigger('onContentBeforeSave', array('com_categories.category', &$bridge, $isNew));
         if (!$bridge->store()) {
             if ($isNew) {
                 $test = JTable::getInstance('category');
                 for ($i = 2; $i < 69; $i++) {
                     $alias = $bridge->alias . '-' . $i;
                     if (!$test->load(array('alias' => $alias, 'parent_id' => $bridge->parent_id, 'extension' => $bridge->extension))) {
                         $bridge->alias = $alias;
         $config['author'] = $config['author'] == 0 ? $bridge->created_user_id : $config['author'];
         $config['parent_id'] = $config['parent_id'] == 0 ? $bridge->parent_id : $config['parent_id'];
         $core->pkb = $bridge->id > 0 ? $bridge->id : 0;
         $core->cck = $config['type'];
         if (!$core->pk) {
             $core->author_id = $config['author'];
             $core->date_time = JFactory::getDate()->toSql();
         $core->pk = $pk;
         $core->storage_location = $location['_']->location;
         $core->author_id = $config['author'];
         $core->parent_id = $config['parent'];
         $dispatcher->trigger('onContentAfterSave', array('com_categories.category', &$bridge, $isNew));
     } else {
         $core = JCckTable::getInstance('#__cck_core', 'id');
         JLoader::register('JTableContent', JPATH_PLATFORM . '/joomla/database/table/content.php');
         $bridge = JTable::getInstance('content');
         $dispatcher = JDispatcher::getInstance();
         if ($core->pkb > 0) {
             $bridge->introtext = '';
             $isNew = false;
         } else {
             $bridge->access = '';
             $bridge->state = '';
             $bridge->created_by = $config['author'];
             self::g_initTable($bridge, $params, false, 'bridge_');
             $isNew = true;
         if (isset($config['storages']['#__content'])) {
         if ($params['bridge_default_title_mode'] && $params['bridge_default_title'] != '' && strpos($params['bridge_default_title'], '#') !== false) {
             $title = $params['bridge_default_title'];
             $matches = array();
             preg_match_all('#\\#([a-zA-Z0-9_]*)\\##U', $params['bridge_default_title'], $matches);
             if (count($matches[1])) {
                 $fieldnames = '"' . implode('","', $matches[1]) . '"';
                 $fields = JCckDatabase::loadObjectList('SELECT name, storage, storage_table, storage_field FROM #__cck_core_fields WHERE name IN (' . $fieldnames . ') AND storage_field2 = ""', 'name');
                 foreach ($matches[1] as $match) {
                     $value = '';
                     if (isset($fields[$match])) {
                         if (isset($config['storages'][$fields[$match]->storage_table][$fields[$match]->storage_field])) {
                             $value = $config['storages'][$fields[$match]->storage_table][$fields[$match]->storage_field];
                     $title = str_replace('#' . $match . '#', $value, $title);
                 $bridge->title = trim($title);
         if (!$bridge->title) {
             $bridge->title = ucwords(str_replace('_', ' ', $location['_']->location)) . ' - ' . $pk;
         if (!$bridge->catid) {
             $bridge->catid = 2;
         $bridge->introtext = '::cck::' . $config['id'] . '::/cck::' . $bridge->introtext;
         if ($bridge->state == 1 && intval($bridge->publish_up) == 0) {
             $bridge->publish_up = JFactory::getDate()->toSql();
         if (!$core->pkb) {
             $bridge->reorder('catid = ' . (int) $bridge->catid . ' AND state >= 0');
         if (empty($bridge->language)) {
             $bridge->language = '*';
         $dispatcher->trigger('onContentBeforeSave', array('com_content.article', &$bridge, $isNew));
         if (!$bridge->store()) {
             if ($isNew) {
                 $test = JTable::getInstance('content');
                 for ($i = 2; $i < 69; $i++) {
                     $alias = $bridge->alias . '-' . $i;
                     if (!$test->load(array('alias' => $alias, 'catid' => $bridge->catid))) {
                         $bridge->alias = $alias;
         $config['author'] = $config['author'] == 0 ? $bridge->created_by : $config['author'];
         $config['parent_id'] = $config['parent_id'] == 0 ? $bridge->catid : $config['parent_id'];
         $core->pkb = $bridge->id > 0 ? $bridge->id : 0;
         $core->cck = $config['type'];
         if (!$core->pk) {
             $core->author_id = $config['author'];
             $core->date_time = JFactory::getDate()->toSql();
         $core->pk = $pk;
         $core->storage_location = $location['_']->location;
         $core->author_id = $config['author'];
         $core->parent_id = $config['parent'];
         $dispatcher->trigger('onContentAfterSave', array('com_content.article', &$bridge, $isNew));
Example #11
 public static function getTemplateStyleInstance($id, $template, $template2, $params, $tag, $force = false)
     if (!$template) {
         return 0;
     $default = self::getDefaultStyle($template);
     if (is_array($params)) {
         $params = JCckDev::toJSON($params);
     $update = 0;
     if ($template != $template2) {
         $id = $default->id;
         $update = 1;
         //or ajax reload of template params..
     if ($id == $default->id) {
         if ($params != '{}' && $params != $default->params && $update != 1) {
             $ck = JCckTable::getInstance('#__template_styles');
             if ($ck->id > 0) {
                 $ck->id = 0;
                 $ck->title = $ck->template . ' - ' . $tag;
                 $ck->params = $params;
                 $id = $ck->id ? $ck->id : $id;
     } else {
         $ck = JCckTable::getInstance('#__template_styles');
         if ($ck->id > 0) {
             if ($force != false) {
                 $ck->id = 0;
                 $ck->title = $ck->template . ' - ' . $tag;
             $ck->params = $params;
             $id = $ck->id ? $ck->id : $id;
     return $id;
Example #12
 protected function _delete($pk, $location, $base)
     $id = JCckDatabase::loadResult('SELECT id FROM #__cck_core WHERE storage_location = "' . (string) $location . '" AND pk = ' . (int) $pk);
     if (!$id) {
         return true;
     $table = JCckTable::getInstance('#__cck_core', 'id', $id);
     $type = $table->cck;
     $pkb = (int) $table->pkb;
     if ($pkb > 0) {
         $table = JTable::getInstance('content');
     $tables = JCckDatabase::loadColumn('SHOW TABLES');
     $prefix = JFactory::getApplication()->getCfg('dbprefix');
     if (in_array($prefix . 'cck_store_item_' . $base, $tables)) {
         $table = JCckTable::getInstance('#__cck_store_item_' . $base, 'id', $pk);
         if ($table->id) {
     if (in_array($prefix . 'cck_store_form_' . $type, $tables)) {
         $table = JCckTable::getInstance('#__cck_store_form_' . $type, 'id', $pk);
         if ($table->id) {
Example #13
 public function load($identifier, $data = true)
     $this->_type = '';
     $this->_pk = '';
     $this->_id = '';
     if (is_array($identifier)) {
         $this->_object = $identifier[0];
         $this->_columns = $this->_getProperties();
         $this->_instance_base = JTable::getInstance($this->_columns['table_object'][0], $this->_columns['table_object'][1]);
         if (!isset($identifier[1])) {
         $core = JCckDatabase::loadObject('SELECT id, cck, pk, storage_location FROM #__cck_core WHERE storage_location = "' . (string) $identifier[0] . '" AND pk = ' . (int) $identifier[1]);
     } else {
         $core = JCckDatabase::loadObject('SELECT id, cck, pk, storage_location FROM #__cck_core WHERE id = ' . (int) $identifier);
         $this->_object = $core->storage_location;
         $this->_columns = $this->_getProperties();
         $this->_instance_base = JTable::getInstance($this->_columns['table_object'][0], $this->_columns['table_object'][1]);
     if (!(@$core->id && @$core->pk)) {
         return false;
     $this->_type = $core->cck;
     $this->_pk = $core->pk;
     $this->_id = $core->id;
     if (!$this->_columns['table']) {
     $this->_table = $this->_columns['table'];
     $tables = JCckDatabaseCache::getTableList(true);
     $hasMore = isset($tables[JFactory::getConfig()->get('dbprefix') . 'cck_store_form_' . $this->_type]);
     if ($hasMore) {
         $this->_instance_more = JCckTable::getInstance('#__cck_store_form_' . $this->_type);
     if ($data === true) {
         if ($hasMore) {
             $this->_properties = JCckDatabase::loadObject('SELECT a.*, b.* FROM ' . $this->_table . ' AS a' . ' LEFT JOIN #__cck_store_form_' . $this->_type . ' AS b ON b.id = a.' . $this->_columns['key'] . ' WHERE a.' . $this->_columns['key'] . ' = ' . (int) $this->_pk);
         } else {
             $this->_properties = JCckDatabase::loadObject('SELECT a.* FROM ' . $this->_table . ' AS a' . ' WHERE a.' . $this->_columns['key'] . ' = ' . (int) $this->_pk);
     } elseif (is_array($data)) {
         if (isset($data[$this->_table])) {
             $select = implode(',', $data[$this->_table]);
         } else {
             $select = '*';
         $b = 'a';
         $i = 98;
         foreach ($data as $k => $v) {
             $a = chr($i);
             $select .= ', ' . $a . '.' . implode(', ' . $a . '.', $v);
             $join .= ' LEFT JOIN ' . $k . ' AS ' . $a . ' ON ' . $a . '.id = ' . $b . '.' . $this->_columns['key'];
             $b = $a;
         $query = 'SELECT a.' . $select . ' FROM ' . $this->_table . ' AS a' . $join . ' WHERE a.' . $this->_columns['key'] . ' = ' . (int) $this->_pk;
         $this->_properties = JCckDatabase::loadObject($query);
Example #14
 public static function exportTables(&$data)
     $db = JFactory::getDbo();
     $elemtype = 'table';
     $plural = $elemtype . 's';
     $dest = CCK_Export::createDir($data['root_elements'] . '/' . $plural);
     foreach ($data['elements']['tables'] as $name => $fields) {
         if (isset($data['tables'][str_replace('#__', $data['db_prefix'], $name)])) {
             if ($name && $name != '#__cck_core' && !isset($data['tables_excluded'][$name])) {
                 $table = JCckTable::getInstance($name);
                 $table_fields = $table->getFields();
                 $table_keys = $db->getTableKeys($name);
                 $table_pkeys = array();
                 $xml = new JCckDevXml('<cck />');
                 $xml->addAttribute('type', $plural);
                 $xml->addChild('author', 'Octopoos');
                 $xml->addChild('authorEmail', '*****@*****.**');
                 $xml->addChild('authorUrl', 'http://www.seblod.com');
                 $xml->addChild('copyright', 'Copyright (C) 2013 SEBLOD. All Rights Reserved.');
                 $xml->addChild('license', 'GNU General Public License version 2 or later.');
                 $xml->addChild('description', 'SEBLOD 3.x - www.seblod.com');
                 $xml2 = $xml->addChild($elemtype);
                 $xml2->addChild('name', $name);
                 $xml3 = $xml->addChild('indexes');
                 $i = 1;
                 foreach ($table_keys as $k => $v) {
                     if ($v->Key_name == 'PRIMARY') {
                         $table_pkeys[] = $v->Column_name;
                     $index = $xml3->addChild('index' . $i, $v->Key_name);
                     $index->addAttribute('column_name', $v->Column_name);
                     $index->addAttribute('index_type', $v->Index_type);
                     $index->addAttribute('seq_in_type', $v->Seq_in_index);
                 $xml4 = $xml->addChild('fields');
                 $i = 1;
                 foreach ($table_fields as $k => $v) {
                     if (isset($fields[$k]) || in_array($k, $table_pkeys) || $k == 'cck') {
                         $field = $xml4->addChild('field' . $i, $k);
                         $field->addAttribute('type', $v->Type);
                         $field->addAttribute('default', $v->Default);
                 // Set
                 $buffer = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>' . $xml->asIndentedXML();
                 $path = $dest . '/' . $elemtype . '_' . str_replace('#__', '', $name) . '.xml';
                 JFile::write($path, $buffer);