Example #1
 public function prepareExport($id = 0)
     $config = JFactory::getConfig();
     $tmp_path = $config->get('tmp_path');
     $tmp_dir = uniqid('cck_');
     $path = $tmp_path . '/' . $tmp_dir;
     $extension = JCckDatabase::loadObject('SELECT name, type, element, folder FROM #__extensions WHERE extension_id=' . (int) $id);
     if (!$extension) {
     $name = $extension->element;
     $prefix = CCK_Export::getPrefix($extension->type);
     $src = JPATH_SITE . '/plugins/' . $extension->folder . '/' . $extension->element;
     $xml = JCckDev::fromXML($src . '/' . $name . '.xml');
     $version = isset($xml->version) ? '_' . $xml->version : '';
     $filename = $prefix . '_' . $extension->folder . '_' . $name . $version;
     $path_zip = $tmp_path . '/' . $filename . '.zip';
     if (!$filename) {
     if ($src && JFolder::exists($src)) {
         JFolder::copy($src, $path);
     CCK_Export::exportLanguage($src . '/' . $name . '.xml', JPATH_ADMINISTRATOR, $path);
     CCK_Export::findFields(array($src . '/tmpl/edit.php', $src . '/tmpl/edit2.php'), $path . '/install');
     return CCK_Export::zip($path, $path_zip);
 public static function getRow($id, $content_type = '')
     if (!$id) {
         return NULL;
     $index = $id . '_' . $content_type;
     if (isset(self::$_items[$index])) {
         return self::$_items[$index];
     $row = JTable::getInstance('content');
     if (!$content_type) {
         $content_type = JCckDatabase::loadResult('SELECT cck FROM #__cck_core WHERE storage_location = "joomla_article" AND pk = ' . $row->id);
     if ($content_type) {
         $fields = JCckDatabase::loadObject('SELECT * FROM #__cck_store_form_' . $content_type . ' WHERE id = ' . $row->id);
         if (count($fields)) {
             foreach ($fields as $k => $v) {
                 $row->{$k} = $v;
     self::$_items[$index] = $row;
     return $row;
Example #3
 public static function processById($id = 0)
     $processing = JCckDatabase::loadObject('SELECT type, scriptfile FROM #__cck_more_processings WHERE published = 1 AND id = ' . (int) $id);
     if (is_object($processing) && is_file(JPATH_SITE . $processing->scriptfile)) {
         include_once JPATH_SITE . $processing->scriptfile;
Example #4
 protected function getInput()
     require_once JPATH_PLUGINS . '/cck_field_validation/required/required.php';
     $name = 'core_options';
     $override = array('rows' => 1);
     $storage = (string) $this->element['cck_storage_field_prefix'];
     $and = $storage != '' ? ' AND a.storage_field LIKE "' . $storage . '%"' : '';
     $fields = JCckDatabase::loadObjectList('SELECT a.title as text, a.name as value FROM #__cck_core_fields AS a' . ' WHERE a.storage = "dev" AND a.id > 500' . $and . ' ORDER BY text');
     $fields = is_array($fields) ? array_merge(array(JHtml::_('select.option', '', '- ' . JText::_('COM_CCK_ADD_A_FIELD') . ' -')), $fields) : array();
     $html = JHtml::_('select.genericlist', $fields, 'fields_list', 'size="1" class="inputbox select" style="max-width:175px;"', 'value', 'text', '', 'fields_list');
     $format = (string) $this->element['js_format'];
     $lang = JFactory::getLanguage();
     $lang->load('com_cck_default', JPATH_SITE);
     if ($format != 'raw') {
         JCck::loadjQuery(true, true, true);
     $force_id = (string) $this->element['id'];
     $config = array('asset' => '', 'asset_id' => 0, 'client' => '', 'doTranslation' => 1, 'doValidation' => 2, 'pk' => '');
     if ($format == 'raw') {
         $config['tmpl'] = 'ajax';
     $inherit = $force_id != '' ? array('id' => (string) $this->element['id']) : array();
     $field = JCckDevField::getObject($name);
     if (!$field) {
     $storage_field = $field->storage_field;
     $field->storage_field = $this->name;
     $field = JCckDevField::get($field, $this->value, $config, $inherit, $override);
     $script = $this->_addScripts((string) $this->element['name'], array('value' => $this->value), $format);
     return $field->form . $html . $script;
 public static function addSubmenu($option, $vName)
     $addons = array();
     $items = array();
     $uix = JCck::getUIX();
     $vName2 = JFactory::getApplication()->input->get('filter_e_type', '');
     if (JCck::on()) {
         $folder = JText::_('COM_CCK_' . _C0_TEXT . 'S');
         if ($uix == 'compact') {
             $items = array(array('name' => $folder, 'link' => _C0_LINK, 'active' => $vName == _C0_NAME), array('val' => '2', 'pre' => '', 'key' => 'COM_CCK_'));
         } else {
             $items = array(array('name' => $folder, 'link' => _C0_LINK, 'active' => $vName == _C0_NAME), array('val' => '2', 'pre' => '- ', 'key' => 'COM_CCK_', 'active' => $vName == _C2_NAME || $vName == _C6_NAME && $vName2 == 'type'), array('val' => '3', 'pre' => '- ', 'key' => ''), array('val' => '4', 'pre' => '- ', 'key' => 'COM_CCK_', 'active' => $vName == _C4_NAME || $vName == _C6_NAME && $vName2 == 'search'), array('val' => '1', 'pre' => '- ', 'key' => '', 'active' => $vName == _C1_NAME || $vName == _C7_NAME), array('val' => '5', 'pre' => '', 'key' => ''));
         if ($vName == 'cck') {
             $addons = JCckDatabase::loadObjectList('SELECT a.title, a.link, b.element FROM #__menu AS a LEFT JOIN #__extensions AS b ON b.extension_id = a.component_id' . ' WHERE a.link LIKE "index.php?option=com_cck\\_%" ORDER BY a.title ASC');
     } else {
         $folder = '<img src="' . JROOT_MEDIA_CCK . '/images/12/icon-12-folders.png" border="0" alt=" " width="12" height="12" />';
         if ($uix == 'compact') {
             $items = array(array('val' => '2', 'pre' => '', 'key' => 'COM_CCK_'), array('name' => $folder, 'link' => _C0_LINK, 'active' => $vName == _C0_NAME));
         } else {
             $items = array(array('val' => '2', 'pre' => '', 'key' => 'COM_CCK_'), array('val' => '3', 'pre' => '', 'key' => ''), array('val' => '4', 'pre' => '', 'key' => 'COM_CCK_'), array('val' => '1', 'pre' => '', 'key' => ''), array('name' => $folder, 'link' => _C0_LINK, 'active' => $vName == _C0_NAME), array('val' => '5', 'pre' => '', 'key' => ''));
     self::addSubmenuEntries($option, $vName, $items, $addons);
Example #6
 public static function onCCK_Storage_LocationAfterRender(&$buffer, &$data, $uri = array())
     $app = JFactory::getApplication();
     if ($uri['layout']) {
     if ($uri['view'] == 'featured') {
         $data['return_view'] = 'featured';
         $tag = '&amp;return=featured';
     } else {
         $data['return_view'] = '';
         $tag = '';
     $class = JCck::on('3.4') ? ' class="hasTooltip"' : '';
     $data['doIntegration'] = false;
     $data['multilanguage'] = $data['options']->get('multilanguage', 0);
     if ($data['multilanguage']) {
         $data['search'] = '#<a' . $class . ' href="(.*)index.php\\?option=com_content&amp;task=article.edit' . $tag . '&amp;id=([0-9]*)" (.*)>#U';
     } else {
         $data['search'] = '#<a' . $class . ' href="(.*)index.php\\?option=com_content&amp;task=article.edit' . $tag . '&amp;id=([0-9]*)"#';
     $data['search_alt'] = '#<a href = "javascript://" onclick="listItemTask\\(\'cb([0-9]*)\', \'articles.archive\'\\)">(.*)</a>#sU';
     if (JCckDevHelper::hasLanguageAssociations() && $data['multilanguage']) {
         $query = 'SELECT a.pk, a.cck, b.key, c.language FROM #__cck_core AS a' . ' LEFT JOIN #__associations AS b ON ( b.id = a.pk AND context = "com_content.item" )' . ' LEFT JOIN #__content AS c ON c.id = a.pk' . ' WHERE storage_location="joomla_article"';
         $list_assoc = JCckDatabase::loadObjectListArray('SELECT a.id, a.key, b.language FROM #__associations AS a LEFT JOIN #__content AS b ON ( b.id = a.id AND a.context = "com_content.item" )', 'key', 'language');
     } else {
         $query = 'SELECT pk, cck FROM #__cck_core WHERE storage_location="joomla_article"';
         $list_assoc = array();
     $list = JCckDatabase::loadObjectList($query, 'pk');
     $buffer = JCckDevIntegration::rewriteBuffer($buffer, $data, $list, $list_assoc);
Example #7
 public static function g_onCCK_PaymentValidate($data, $success, &$config)
     $update = 'pay_return = "' . JCckDatabase::escape(json_encode($data['order'])) . '",' . 'pay_return_payments = "' . JCckDatabase::escape(json_encode($data['payments'])) . '",' . 'state = ' . $data['order_state'];
     JCckDatabase::execute('UPDATE #__cck_more_ecommerce_orders SET ' . $update . ' WHERE pay_key = "' . $config['pay_key'] . '"');
     if (!$success) {
     // Cart
     $cart_id = (int) JCckDatabase::loadResult('SELECT a.id FROM #__cck_more_ecommerce_carts AS a WHERE a.pay_key = "' . $config['pay_key'] . '"');
     if ($cart_id) {
         JCckDatabase::execute('UPDATE #__cck_more_ecommerce_carts SET pay_key = "" WHERE id = ' . $cart_id);
         JCckDatabase::execute('DELETE a.* FROM #__cck_more_ecommerce_cart_product AS a WHERE a.cart_id = ' . $cart_id);
     // Execute Processings (Invoice, Notifications, ...)
     if (JCckToolbox::getConfig()->get('processing', 0)) {
         $event = 'onCckPaymentSuccess';
         $processing = JCckDatabaseCache::loadObjectListArray('SELECT type, scriptfile, options FROM #__cck_more_processings WHERE published = 1 ORDER BY ordering', 'type');
         if (isset($processing[$event])) {
             foreach ($processing[$event] as $p) {
                 if (is_file(JPATH_SITE . $p->scriptfile)) {
                     $options = new JRegistry($p->options);
                     include_once JPATH_SITE . $p->scriptfile;
Example #8
 protected function prepareSidebar()
     if (!JCck::on()) {
     $buttons = array();
     if (JCck::getUIX() == 'compact') {
         $core = array(array('val' => '2', 'pre' => '', 'key' => 'COM_CCK_'));
     } else {
         $core = array(array('val' => '0', 'pre' => '', 'key' => 'COM_CCK_', 'img' => 'cck-application'), array('val' => '2', 'pre' => '-&nbsp;', 'key' => 'COM_CCK_', 'img' => 'cck-form'), array('val' => '3', 'pre' => '-&nbsp;', 'key' => '', 'img' => 'cck-plugin'), array('val' => '4', 'pre' => '-&nbsp;', 'key' => 'COM_CCK_', 'img' => 'cck-search'), array('val' => '1', 'pre' => '-&nbsp;', 'key' => '', 'img' => 'cck-template'), array('val' => '5', 'pre' => '', 'key' => '', 'img' => 'cck-multisite'));
     $components = JCckDatabase::loadObjectList('SELECT a.title, a.link, b.element' . ' FROM #__menu AS a LEFT JOIN #__extensions AS b ON b.extension_id = a.component_id' . ' WHERE a.link LIKE "index.php?option=com_cck\\_%"' . ' AND a.link NOT IN ("index.php?option=com_cck_toolbox&view=processing","index.php?option=com_cck_webservices&view=api")' . ' ORDER BY a.title ASC');
     $groupedButtons = array();
     $more = array('ADDON' => 16, 'PLUGIN_FIELD' => 19, 'PLUGIN_LINK' => 20, 'PLUGIN_LIVE' => 21, 'PLUGIN_RESTRICTION' => 112, 'PLUGIN_TYPOGRAPHY' => 24, 'PLUGIN_VALIDATION' => 25, 'TEMPLATE' => 27);
     foreach ($core as $k => $v) {
         $buttons[] = array('access' => array('core.manage', 'com_cck'), 'group' => 'COM_CCK_CORE', 'image' => $v['img'], 'link' => JRoute::_(constant('_C' . $v['val'] . '_LINK')), 'target' => '_self', 'text' => $v['pre'] . JText::_($v['key'] . constant('_C' . $v['val'] . '_TEXT') . 'S'));
     foreach ($components as $k => $v) {
         $buttons[] = array('access' => array('core.manage', $v->element), 'group' => 'COM_CCK_SEBLOD_MORE', 'image' => 'cck-addon', 'link' => JRoute::_($v->link), 'target' => '_self', 'text' => $v->title);
     foreach ($more as $k => $v) {
         $buttons[] = array('access' => array('core.manage', 'com_cck'), 'group' => 'COM_CCK_SEBLOD_COM', 'image' => 'download', 'link' => JRoute::_('http://www.seblod.com/products?seb_item_category=' . $v), 'target' => '_blank', 'text' => JText::_('COM_CCK_PANE_MORE_' . $k));
     foreach ($buttons as $button) {
         $groupedButtons[$button['group']][] = $button;
     $this->sidebar = '<div class="sidebar-nav quick-icons">' . JHtml::_('links.linksgroups', $groupedButtons) . '</div>';
Example #9
 public function save($key = null, $urlVar = null)
     JSession::checkToken() or jexit(JText::_('JINVALID_TOKEN'));
     $app = JFactory::getApplication();
     $model = $this->getModel('form');
     $preconfig = $app->input->post->get('config', array(), 'array');
     $task = $this->getTask();
     $config = $model->store($preconfig);
     $id = $config['pk'];
     if ($config['validate'] == 'retry') {
         return true;
     if ($id) {
         if ($config['stage'] > -1) {
             $link = 'index.php?option=' . CCK_COM . '&view=form&type=' . $preconfig['type'] . '&id=' . $id . $this->_getRedirectQuery();
             if ($config['stage'] > 0) {
                 $link .= '&stage=' . $config['stage'];
         if ($config['message_style']) {
             if (isset($config['message'])) {
                 $msg = $config['doTranslation'] ? JText::_('COM_CCK_' . str_replace(' ', '_', trim($config['message']))) : $config['message'];
             } else {
                 $msg = JText::_('COM_CCK_SUCCESSFULLY_SAVED');
             $msgType = $config['message_style'];
         } else {
             $msg = '';
             $msgType = '';
     } else {
         $msg = JText::_('JERROR_AN_ERROR_HAS_OCCURRED');
         $msgType = 'error';
     switch ($task) {
         case 'apply':
             $link = 'index.php?option=' . CCK_COM . '&view=form&type=' . $preconfig['type'] . '&id=' . $id . $this->_getRedirectQuery();
         case 'save2new':
             $link = 'index.php?option=' . CCK_COM . '&view=form&type=' . $preconfig['type'] . $this->_getRedirectQuery();
         case 'save2view':
             $location = JCckDatabase::loadResult('SELECT storage_location FROM #__cck_core WHERE id = ' . (int) $id);
             $sef = 0;
             $itemId2 = 0;
             if ($location) {
                 require_once JPATH_SITE . '/plugins/cck_storage_location/' . $location . '/' . $location . '.php';
                 $link = JCck::callFunc_Array('plgCCK_Storage_Location' . $location, 'getRoute', array($config['pk'], $sef, $itemId2, array('type' => $config['type'])));
                 $link = str_replace('/administrator/', '/', $link);
             $link = $this->_getRedirectQuery(true);
     $this->setRedirect(htmlspecialchars_decode($link), $msg, $msgType);
Example #10
File: cck.php Project: hamby/SEBLOD
 protected function _delete($pk, $location, $base)
     $id = JCckDatabase::loadResult('SELECT id FROM #__cck_core WHERE storage_location = "' . (string) $location . '" AND pk = ' . (int) $pk);
     if (!$id) {
         return true;
     $table = JCckTable::getInstance('#__cck_core', 'id', $id);
     $type = $table->cck;
     $pkb = (int) $table->pkb;
     if ($pkb > 0) {
         $table = JTable::getInstance('content');
     $tables = JCckDatabase::loadColumn('SHOW TABLES');
     $prefix = JFactory::getConfig()->get('dbprefix');
     if (in_array($prefix . 'cck_store_item_' . $base, $tables)) {
         $table = JCckTable::getInstance('#__cck_store_item_' . $base, 'id', $pk);
         if ($table->id) {
     if (in_array($prefix . 'cck_store_form_' . $type, $tables)) {
         $table = JCckTable::getInstance('#__cck_store_form_' . $type, 'id', $pk);
         if ($table->id) {
Example #11
 public static function getGateway()
     $user = JFactory::getUser();
     $access = implode(',', $user->getAuthorisedViewLevels());
     $name = JCckDatabase::loadResult('SELECT type' . ' FROM #__cck_more_ecommerce_gateways' . ' WHERE published = 1 AND access IN (' . $access . ')' . ' ORDER BY id DESC');
     return $name;
 public static function getCall($name)
     static $cache = array();
     if (!isset($cache[$name])) {
         $cache[$name] = JCckDatabase::loadObject('SELECT b.name, b.type, b.options, a.request, a.request_object, a.request_options, a.response' . 'FROM #__cck_more_webservices_calls AS a' . ' LEFT JOIN #__cck_more_webservices AS b ON b.id = a.webservice' . ' WHERE a.name = "' . $name . '"');
     return $cache[$name];
Example #13
 public static function onCCK_FieldExportField(&$field, &$data, &$extensions)
     $field->options = self::_exportCategories($field->options, '||', $data);
     $name = $field->storage_field2 != '' ? $field->storage_field2 : $field->storage_field;
     $sql_table = '#__cck_store_join_' . $name;
     $sql_path = $data['root_sql'] . '/' . $sql_table . '.sql';
     $sql_buffer = JCckDatabase::getTableCreate(array($sql_table));
     JFile::write($sql_path, $sql_buffer);
Example #14
 public static function loadResult($query)
     static $cache = array();
     $idx = md5($query);
     if (!isset($cache[$idx])) {
         $cache[$idx] = parent::loadResult($query);
     return $cache[$idx];
Example #15
 public static function getTargets($id)
     static $cache = array();
     if (!isset($cache[$id])) {
         $cache[$id] = JCckDatabase::loadColumn('SELECT product_id FROM #__cck_more_ecommerce_promotion_product WHERE promotion_id = ' . (int) $id);
         $cache[$id] = array_flip($cache[$id]);
     return $cache[$id];
Example #16
 public static function countItems($store_id, $object = 'joomla_article')
     $cache = array();
     $count = 0;
     $user = JFactory::getUser();
     if (!isset($cache[$store_id])) {
         $cache[$store_id] = JCckDatabase::loadResult('SELECT COUNT(a.id) FROM #__cck_core AS a' . ' LEFT JOIN #__content AS b ON (b.id = a.pk AND a.storage_location = "joomla_article")' . ' WHERE a.store_id = ' . $store_id . ' AND b.state = 1');
     return $cache[$store_id];
Example #17
 public static function countItems($definition)
     static $cache = array();
     $count = 0;
     $user = JCck::getUser();
     if (!isset($cache[$definition])) {
         $cache[$definition] = JCckDatabase::loadResult('SELECT COUNT(a.id) FROM #__cck_more_ecommerce_cart_product AS a' . ' LEFT JOIN #__cck_more_ecommerce_carts AS b ON b.id = a.cart_id WHERE b.type = "' . $definition . '" AND b.' . (string) $user->where_clause . ' AND b.state = 1');
     return $cache[$definition];
Example #18
 public static function authorise(&$field, &$config)
     $user = JCck::getUser();
     $check = JCckDatabase::loadResult('SELECT COUNT(a.id) FROM #__cck_more_ecommerce_order_product AS a LEFT JOIN #__cck_more_ecommerce_orders AS b ON b.id = a.order_id' . ' WHERE a.product_id = ' . $config['pk'] . ' AND b.user_id =' . $user->id);
     if ((int) $check > 0) {
     } else {
         $field->display = 0;
Example #19
 public static function _setMultisite()
     if ((int) self::getConfig_Param('multisite', 0)) {
         self::$_host = JURI::getInstance()->getHost();
         self::$_sites = JCckDatabase::loadObjectList('SELECT id, title, name, guest, guest_only_viewlevel, groups, viewlevels, configuration, options FROM #__cck_core_sites WHERE published = 1', 'name');
         return true;
     } else {
         return false;
Example #20
 public function getItems()
     $folders = JFolder::folders(JPATH_LIBRARIES . '/cck/rendering/variations');
     $i = 0;
     $items = array();
     $variations = array('empty' => '', 'joomla' => '', 'seb_css3' => '', 'seb_css3b' => '');
     // Filter Search
     $location = $this->getState('filter.location');
     $search = $this->getState('filter.search');
     // Library
     if (count($folders) && $location != 'template_name') {
         foreach ($folders as $k => $v) {
             if ($search && strpos($v, $search) === false) {
             $items[$i] = new stdClass();
             $items[$i]->folder = '/libraries/cck/rendering/variations/';
             $items[$i]->template = '';
             $items[$i]->title = $v;
             $items[$i]->type = isset($variations[$v]) ? 0 : 1;
             $items[$i++]->id = $i;
     // Templates
     if ($search && $location == 'template_name') {
         $templates = array(0 => $search);
         $search = '';
     } else {
         $templates = JCckDatabase::loadColumn('SELECT name FROM #__cck_core_templates');
     if (count($templates)) {
         foreach ($templates as $k => $template) {
             $path = '/templates/' . $template . '/variations';
             if (JFolder::exists(JPATH_SITE . $path)) {
                 $folders = JFolder::folders(JPATH_SITE . $path);
                 if (count($folders)) {
                     foreach ($folders as $k => $v) {
                         if ($search && strpos($v, $search) === false) {
                         $items[$i] = new stdClass();
                         $items[$i]->folder = $path;
                         $items[$i]->template = $template;
                         $items[$i]->title = $v;
                         $items[$i]->type = 1;
                         $items[$i++]->id = $i;
     return $items;
Example #21
 public static function &getUser($userid = 0, $content_type = '', $profile = true)
     if (!$userid) {
         $user = JFactory::getUser();
     } else {
         $user = JFactory::getUser($userid);
     // Core
     if ($user->id && $user->guest != 1) {
         $user->session_id = null;
         $user->where_clause = 'user_id=' . $user->id;
     } else {
         $user->session_id = JFactory::getSession()->getId();
         if (empty($user->session_id)) {
             $user->session_id = uniqid();
             /* Not good, but better than empty */
         $user->where_clause = 'session_id="' . $user->session_id . '"';
     // IP
     $user->ip = getenv('REMOTE_ADDR');
     // $_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"];
     // More
     if ($user->id && $profile) {
         if (!$content_type) {
             $content_type = '';
             // todo: config
             if (!$content_type) {
                 $content_type = JCckDatabase::loadResult('SELECT cck FROM #__cck_core WHERE storage_location = "joomla_user" AND pk = ' . (int) $user->id);
         $db = JFactory::getDbo();
         $prefix = $db->getPrefix();
         $tables = $db->getTableList();
         $tables = array_flip($tables);
         if (isset($tables[$prefix . 'cck_store_item_users'])) {
             $fields = JCckDatabase::loadObject('SELECT * FROM #__cck_store_item_users WHERE id = ' . (int) $user->id);
             if (count($fields)) {
                 foreach ($fields as $k => $v) {
                     $user->{$k} = $v;
         if (isset($tables[$prefix . 'cck_store_form_' . $content_type])) {
             $fields = JCckDatabase::loadObject('SELECT * FROM #__cck_store_form_' . $content_type . ' WHERE id = ' . (int) $user->id);
             if (count($fields)) {
                 foreach ($fields as $k => $v) {
                     $user->{$k} = $v;
     return $user;
Example #22
 function prepareDisplay()
     $app = JFactory::getApplication();
     $this->form = $this->get('Form');
     $this->item = $this->get('Item');
     $this->option = $app->input->get('option', '');
     $this->state = $this->get('State');
     // Check Errors
     if (count($errors = $this->get('Errors'))) {
         JError::raiseError(500, implode("\n", $errors));
         return false;
     $this->item->cck_type = $this->state->get('content_type', '');
     $this->item->skip = $this->state->get('skip');
     if (@$this->item->id > 0) {
         $this->isNew = 0;
         $this->panel_class = 'closed';
         $this->panel_style = 'display:none; ';
         $name = $this->item->name;
         $app->setUserState(CCK_COM . '.edit.search.client', NULL);
     } else {
         $this->isNew = 1;
         $this->panel_class = 'open';
         $this->panel_style = '';
         $name = '';
         if ($this->item->cck_type != '') {
             $this->item->storage_location = JCckDatabase::loadResult('SELECT storage_location FROM #__cck_core_types WHERE name = "' . $this->item->cck_type . '"');
             if ($this->item->storage_location == 'none') {
                 $this->item->storage_location = '';
         $this->tpl_list = $this->state->get('tpl.list');
     $this->item->folder = Helper_Admin::getSelected($this->vName, 'folder', $this->item->folder, 1);
     $this->item->published = Helper_Admin::getSelected($this->vName, 'state', $this->item->published, 1);
     if ($this->item->skip != '') {
         $this->item->client = $this->item->skip;
         $this->item->master = $this->item->client == 'list' || $this->item->client == 'item' ? 'content' : ($this->item->client == 'order' ? 'order' : 'search');
         $this->item->layer = $app->input->getString('layer', 'fields');
         $P = 'template_' . $this->item->client;
         $force_template = $this->item->client == 'list' ? $this->state->get('tpl.list') : Helper_Workshop::getDefaultTemplate();
     } else {
         $this->item->client = $this->isNew ? 'search' : $this->state->get('client', $app->input->cookie->getString('cck_search' . $name . '_client', 'search'));
         $this->item->master = $this->item->client == 'list' || $this->item->client == 'item' ? 'content' : ($this->item->client == 'order' ? 'order' : 'search');
         $this->item->layer = $app->input->getString('layer', 'fields');
         $P = 'template_' . $this->item->client;
         $force_template = $this->item->client == 'list' ? '' : Helper_Workshop::getDefaultTemplate();
     $this->style = $this->item->client != 'order' ? Helper_Workshop::getTemplateStyle($this->vName, $this->item->{$P}, $this->state->get('tpl.' . $this->item->client, $force_template)) : '';
     $this->item->template = isset($this->style->template) ? $this->style->template : '';
     $this->insidebox = Helper_Admin::addInsidebox($this->isNew);
     Helper_Admin::addToolbarEdit($this->vName, 'COM_CCK_' . _C4_TEXT, array('isNew' => $this->isNew, 'folder' => $this->state->get('filter.folder'), 'checked_out' => $this->item->checked_out), array('template' => $this->item->template));
Example #23
 protected function postSaveHook(CCKModelSite &$model, $validData = array())
     $recordId = $model->getState($this->context . '.id');
     if ($recordId == 10 || $recordId == 500) {
         $db = JFactory::getDbo();
         $params = JCckDatabase::loadResult('SELECT params FROM #__extensions WHERE element = "com_cck"');
         $config = JCckDev::fromJSON($params, 'object');
         $config->multisite = 1;
         $params = $db->escape(JCckDev::toJSON($config));
         JCckDatabase::execute('UPDATE #__extensions SET params = "' . $params . '" WHERE element = "com_cck"');
Example #24
 public function load($pk = null, $force = false)
     $return = parent::load($pk);
     $k = $this->_tbl_key;
     if (!$return) {
         if ($force === true) {
             JCckDatabase::execute('INSERT INTO ' . $this->_tbl . ' (' . $k . ') VALUES (' . (int) $pk . ')');
             $return = parent::load($pk);
     return $return;
    public static function quickSession($options, $id = 'featured_session')
        $doc = JFactory::getDocument();
        $css = '
					ul.toolbar-tiplist {padding: 0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px;}
					ul.toolbar-tiplist li { list-style: none; padding: 5px;}
					ul.toolbar-tiplist li:hover {background-color: #ffffff; -webkit-border-radius: 1px; -moz-border-radius: 1px; border-radius: 1px;}
					.ui-tooltip-grey .ui-tooltip-content{background-color: #ffffff;}
					.ui-tooltip-rounded .ui-tooltip-titlebar{-webkit-border-radius: 2px; -moz-border-radius: 2px; border-radius: 2px;}
					.ui-tooltip-rounded .ui-tooltip-titlebar + .ui-tooltip-content{-webkit-border-radius: 2px; -moz-border-radius: 2px; border-radius: 2px;}
        $doc->addStyleSheet(JURI::root(true) . '/media/cck/scripts/jquery-qtip/css/jquery.qtip.css');
        $doc->addScript(JURI::root(true) . '/media/cck/scripts/jquery-qtip/js/jquery.qtip.min.js');
        $title = JText::_('COM_CCK_SESSIONS_SAVE_SELECT');
        $html = '';
        $where = 'extension="' . $options['extension'] . '"';
        if (isset($options['folder'])) {
            $where .= 'type="' . $options['folder'] . '"';
        if (isset($options['type'])) {
            $where .= 'type="' . $options['type'] . '"';
        $items = JCckDatabase::loadObjectList('SELECT id, title, type, options FROM #__cck_more_sessions WHERE ' . $where . ' ORDER BY title');
        if (!count($items)) {
        foreach ($items as $item) {
            $html .= '<li><a class="featured_sessions" href="javascript:void(0);" mydata="' . $item->type . '"' . 'mydata2="' . htmlspecialchars($item->options) . '">' . $item->title . '</a>' . '<img class="featured_sessions_del" src="' . JROOT_MEDIA_CCK . '/images/14/icon-14-trash.png" mydata="' . $item->id . '" /></li>';
        // Tooltip
        $html = '<div><ul class="toolbar-tiplist">' . $html . '</ul></div>' . '<div class="clr"></div>';
        $search = array('.', '<', '>', '"', '%', ';');
        $replace = array('\\.', '\\<', '\\>', '\\"', '\\%', '\\;');
        $html = preg_replace("/(\r\n|\n|\r)/", " ", $html);
        $html = str_replace($search, $replace, $html);
        $js = '
					$("#' . $id . '").qtip({
						prerender: true,
						content: { text: "' . $html . '", title: { text: "' . $title . '" } },
						hide: { event: "unfocus" },
						style: { tip: true, classes: "ui-tooltip-grey ui-tooltip-rounded" },
						position: { at: "right center", my: "left center", adjust: { x: 23 } }
Example #26
 public function getItems()
     if ($items = parent::getItems()) {
         $group_map = JCckDatabase::loadObjectList('SELECT a.group_id, COUNT( DISTINCT a.user_id ) AS num FROM #__user_usergroup_map AS a GROUP BY a.group_id', 'group_id');
         foreach ($items as $item) {
             $viewlevels = $item->guest_only_viewlevel ? $item->guest_only_viewlevel . ',' . $item->viewlevels : $item->viewlevels;
             $query = 'SELECT COUNT(a.id) FROM #__cck_core AS a LEFT JOIN #__content AS b ON b.id = a.pk WHERE a.storage_location = "joomla_article" AND b.access IN (' . $viewlevels . ');';
             $item->articles = JCckDatabase::loadResult($query);
             $groups = $item->guest_only_group ? $item->guest_only_group . ',' . $item->groups : $item->groups;
             $query = 'SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT a.user_id) FROM #__user_usergroup_map AS a WHERE a.group_id IN (' . $groups . ');';
             $item->users = JCckDatabase::loadResult($query);
     return $items;
Example #27
 public function delete($pk = null)
     if ($this->id) {
         $clients = array('search', 'filter', 'list', 'item');
         foreach ($clients as $client) {
             $Pf = 'template_' . $client;
             $style = JCckDatabase::loadObject('SELECT a.id, a.template FROM #__template_styles AS a' . ' WHERE a.template IN ( SELECT b.template FROM #__template_styles as b WHERE b.id = ' . (int) $this->{$Pf} . ' )' . ' ORDER BY a.id');
             if ($style->id != $this->{$Pf}) {
                 JCckDatabase::execute('DELETE a.* FROM #__template_styles AS a WHERE a.id=' . (int) $this->{$Pf});
         JCckDatabase::execute('DELETE IGNORE a.*, b.*' . ' FROM #__cck_core_search_field AS a' . ' LEFT JOIN #__cck_core_search_position AS b ON b.searchid = a.searchid' . ' WHERE a.searchid=' . (int) $this->id);
     return parent::delete();
Example #28
 public function getItems()
     if ($items = parent::getItems()) {
         $templates = JCckDatabase::loadObjectList('SELECT a.folder, COUNT( a.folder ) AS num FROM #__cck_core_templates AS a GROUP BY a.folder', 'folder');
         $types = JCckDatabase::loadObjectList('SELECT a.folder, COUNT( a.folder ) AS num FROM #__cck_core_types AS a GROUP BY a.folder', 'folder');
         $fields = JCckDatabase::loadObjectList('SELECT a.folder, COUNT( a.folder ) AS num FROM #__cck_core_fields AS a GROUP BY a.folder', 'folder');
         $searchs = JCckDatabase::loadObjectList('SELECT a.folder, COUNT( a.folder ) AS num FROM #__cck_core_searchs AS a GROUP BY a.folder', 'folder');
         foreach ($items as $item) {
             $item->templates_nb = @$templates[$item->id]->num ? $templates[$item->id]->num : 0;
             $item->types_nb = @$types[$item->id]->num ? $types[$item->id]->num : 0;
             $item->fields_nb = @$fields[$item->id]->num ? $fields[$item->id]->num : 0;
             $item->searchs_nb = @$searchs[$item->id]->num ? $searchs[$item->id]->num : 0;
     return $items;
Example #29
 function prepareDisplay()
     $app = JFactory::getApplication();
     $model = $this->getModel();
     $this->form = $this->get('Form');
     $this->item = $this->get('Item');
     $this->option = $app->input->get('option', '');
     $this->state = $this->get('State');
     // Check Errors
     if (count($errors = $this->get('Errors'))) {
         JError::raiseError(500, implode("\n", $errors));
         return false;
     $this->isNew = @$this->item->id > 0 ? 0 : 1;
     $type = $this->item->e_type ? $this->item->e_type : 'type';
     $this->item->title = JCckDatabase::loadResult('SELECT title FROM #__cck_core_' . $type . 's WHERE id = ' . (int) $this->item->e_id);
     Helper_Admin::addToolbarEdit($this->vName, _C6_TEXT, array('isNew' => $this->isNew, 'folder' => 0, 'checked_out' => $this->item->checked_out));
Example #30
 public function onCCK_FieldPrepareForm(&$field, $value = '', &$config = array(), $inherit = array(), $return = false)
     if (self::$type != $field->type) {
     self::$path = parent::g_getPath(self::$type . '/');
     parent::g_onCCK_FieldPrepareForm($field, $config);
     // Prepare
     $app = JFactory::getApplication();
     if ($app->input->get('option') == 'com_cck' && $app->input->get('view') == 'form') {
         $form = '';
         $value = '';
     } else {
         $alter = true;
         $alter_type_default = isset($inherit['alter_type_value']) ? $inherit['alter_type_value'] : '';
         if (isset($config['item']->id) && $config['item']->id && isset($config['item']->storage_table) && $config['item']->storage_table != '') {
             $db = JFactory::getDbo();
             $prefix = $db->getPrefix();
             $table = str_replace('#__', $prefix, $config['item']->storage_table);
             $tables = $db->getTableList();
             if (in_array($table, $tables)) {
                 $column = JCckDatabase::loadObject('SHOW COLUMNS FROM ' . $table . ' WHERE field = "' . $config['item']->storage_field . '"');
                 $alter_type_value = isset($column->Type) ? strtoupper($column->Type) : $alter_type_default;
             } else {
                 $alter = false;
                 $alter_type_value = $alter_type_default;
                 $alter_type_default = '';
         } else {
             $alter_type_value = $alter_type_default;
             $alter_type_default = '';
         include_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/tmpl/form.php';
         $form = ob_get_clean();
     // Set
     $field->form = $form;
     $field->value = $value;
     // Return
     if ($return === true) {
         return $field;