Example #1
					  AND itc_coll_ID = ' . $DB->quote($blog));
                $Messages->add(T_('Post type has been disabled for this collection.'), 'success');
        // Redirect so that a reload doesn't write to the DB twice:
        header_redirect($admin_url . '?ctrl=itemtypes&blog=' . $blog . '&tab=' . $tab . '&tab3=' . $tab3 . '', 303);
        // Will EXIT
        // We have EXITed already at this point!!
    case 'default':
        // Set default item type for the selected collection:
        // Check that this action request is not a CSRF hacked request:
        // Check permission:
        $current_User->check_perm('blog_properties', 'edit', true, $blog);
        if ($edited_Itemtype && !ItemType::is_reserved($edited_Itemtype->ID)) {
            // Do only when item type exists in DB:
            // Update default item type to new selected:
            $Blog->set_setting('default_post_type', $edited_Itemtype->ID);
            // Enable new default item type for the selected collection automatically:
            $DB->query('REPLACE INTO T_items__type_coll
								 ( itc_ityp_ID, itc_coll_ID )
					VALUES ( ' . $DB->quote($edited_Itemtype->ID) . ', ' . $DB->quote($blog) . ' )');
            $Messages->add(T_('The item type has been set as the default for this collection.'), 'success');
        // Redirect so that a reload doesn't write to the DB twice:
        header_redirect($admin_url . '?ctrl=itemtypes&blog=' . $blog . '&tab=' . $tab . '&tab3=' . $tab3 . '', 303);
        // Will EXIT
        // We have EXITed already at this point!!
Example #2
function ityp_row_perm_level($level, $id)
    if (ItemType::is_reserved($id)) {
        // It is reserved item type, Don't display perm level
        return '';
    $perm_levels = array('standard' => T_('Standard'), 'restricted' => T_('Restricted'), 'admin' => T_('Admin'));
    return isset($perm_levels[$level]) ? $perm_levels[$level] : $level;
Example #3
 * Assert that the supplied post type can be used by the current user in
 * the post's extra categories' context.
 * @param integer Item type ID
 * @param array The extra cats of the post.
function check_perm_posttype($item_typ_ID, $post_extracats)
    global $Blog, $current_User;
    $ItemTypeCache =& get_ItemTypeCache();
    $ItemType =& $ItemTypeCache->get_by_ID($item_typ_ID);
    if (ItemType::is_reserved($ItemType->ID)) {
        // Don't allow to use a reserved post type:
        debug_die('This post type is reserved and cannot be used. Please choose another one.');
    if (!$Blog->is_item_type_enabled($ItemType->ID)) {
        // Don't allow to use a not enabled post type:
        debug_die('This post type is not enabled. Please choose another one.');
    // Check permission:
    $current_User->check_perm('cats_item_type_' . $ItemType->perm_level, 'edit', true, $post_extracats);