public function test_accessors() { /** === Test Data === */ $NAME = 'name'; $LEVEL = 'level'; /** === Setup Mocks === */ /** === Call and asserts === */ $this->obj->setName($NAME); $this->obj->setLevel($LEVEL); $this->assertEquals($NAME, $this->obj->getName()); $this->assertEquals($LEVEL, $this->obj->getLevel()); }
public function gerateBilling() { $order = null; $customers = $this->getUserID(); $structJsonArray = array(); foreach ($customers as $customer) { $structJson = new Json(); $structJson->setCustomerId($customer['zoho_books_contact_id']); $structJson->setDate(date('d-m-Y')); $invoices_per_costumer = $this->getUserInvoice($customer['zoho_books_contact_id']); //var_dump($invoices_per_costumer); foreach ($invoices_per_costumer as $invoice_each) { $item = new Item(); $order++; $item->setItemId("460000000027017"); $item->setProjectId(""); $item->setExpenseId(""); $item->setName("Print Services"); $item->setDescription($invoice_each['description']); $item->setItemOrder($order); $item->setRate($invoice_each['rate']); $item->setUnit("Nos"); $item->setQuantity(1.0); $item->setDiscount(0.0); $item->setTaxId("460000000027005"); $structJson->setLineItems($item); $item = null; } $structJson->setNotes("Thanks for your business."); $order = null; $structJsonArray[] = $structJson; $structJson = null; } return $structJsonArray; }
/** * @return void **/ public function __construct() { $fp = fopen(ROOT . '/data/AbstractFactory/item.csv', 'r'); while ($data = fgetcsv($fp, 1000, ',')) { $item = new Item(); $item->setId($data[0]); $item->setName($data[1]); $this->items[$item->getId()] = $item; } fclose($fp); }
public function create(Category $category, $name, $price, $stock, $image, $description) { $errors = array(); $item = new Item($this->db); try { $item->setCategory($category); } catch (Exception $e) { $errors[] = $e->getMessage(); } try { $item->setName($name); } catch (Exception $e) { $errors[] = $e->getMessage(); } try { $item->setPrice($price); } catch (Exception $e) { $errors[] = $e->getMessage(); } try { $item->setStock($stock); } catch (Exception $e) { $errors[] = $e->getMessage(); } try { $item->setImage($image); } catch (Exception $e) { $errors[] = $e->getMessage(); } try { $item->setDescription($description); } catch (Exception $e) { $errors[] = $e->getMessage(); } if (count($errors) == 0) { $name = $this->db->quote($item->getName()); $price = $this->db->quote($item->getPrice()); $stock = $this->db->quote($item->getStock()); $image = $this->db->quote($item->getImage()); $description = $this->db->quote($item->getDescription()); $idCategory = $item->getCategory()->getId(); $query = ' INSERT INTO item (id_category, name, price, stock, image, description) VALUES(' . $idCategory . ',' . $name . ',' . $price . ',' . $stock . ',' . $image . ',' . $description . ')'; $res = $this->db->exec($query); if ($res) { $id = $this->db->lastInsertId(); if ($id) { return $this->readByID($id); } else { throw new Exception('Internal server Error'); } } } }
public function testSetGetName() { // Arrange $item = new Item(); $item->setName('john'); $expectedResult = 'john'; // Act $result = $item->getName(); // Assert $this->assertEquals($result, $expectedResult); }
public static function buildRawExamples() { // Order persons echo ' 8: Initial data: <pre>'; var_dump(\OrderPerson::getListOfTypeOrderPerson(array('forAutocompletion' => false))); echo '</pre>'; // Inserting an order person $newOrderPerson = new \OrderPerson(); $newOrderPerson->setEmail('*****@*****.**'); $newOrderPerson->setFirstName('lilian'); $newOrderPerson->setLastName('tikk'); $newOrderPerson->insert(); echo ' 10: After insertion: <pre>'; var_dump(\OrderPerson::getListOfTypeOrderPerson(array('forAutocompletion' => false))); echo '</pre>'; // Querying full data of an order person $orderPerson = new OrderPerson(); $orderPerson->setId(3); $orderPerson->setCompleteOrderPerson(); echo ' 20: Order person #3: <pre>'; var_dump($orderPerson); echo '</pre>'; // Updating data of an order person $orderPerson->setAddress('Pärnu, Pärnu'); $orderPerson->update(); echo ' 24: After updating the order person #3: <pre>'; var_dump(\OrderPerson::getListOfTypeOrderPerson(array('forAutocompletion' => false))); echo '</pre>'; // Deleting the order person #2 $orderPerson = new \OrderPerson(); $orderPerson->setId(2); $orderPerson->delete(); echo ' 43: After deleting the order person #2: <pre>'; var_dump(\OrderPerson::getListOfTypeOrderPerson(array('forAutocompletion' => false))); echo '</pre>'; // Items require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/Item.php'; $item = new Item(); $item->setId(1); $item->setName('õun'); $item->setPrice(1.0); $item->setAmount(20.0); $item->insertItem($item); $item = new \shiporder\Item(); $item->setId(2); $item->setName('pirn'); $item->setPrice(2.0); $item->setAmount(10.0); $item->insertItem($item); $items = $item->getItems(); var_dump($items); }
public function testIndexItemExists() { // create mocks $apiMethods = array('getUserId', 'getSystemValue', 'add3rdPartyScript', 'addStyle', 'addScript'); $api = $this->getAPIMock($apiMethods); $api->expects($this->any())->method('getUserId')->will($this->returnValue('richard')); $item = new Item(); $item->setUser('user'); $item->setPath('/path'); $item->setId(3); $item->setName('name'); $itemMapperMock = $this->getMock('ItemMapper', array('findByUserId')); $itemMapperMock->expects($this->any())->method('findByUserId')->will($this->returnValue($item)); $controller = new ItemController($api, null, $itemMapperMock); $response = $controller->index(); $params = $response->getParams(); $this->assertEquals($item, $params['item']); }
function createAction(Request $request, Application $app) { if (null === ($user = $app['session']->get('user'))) { return $app->redirect('/login'); } $newItem = new Item(); $newItem->setName($request->get('name')); $newItem->setDescription($request->get('description')); $newItem->setPrice($request->get('price')); $newItem->setCalories($request->get('calories')); $newItem->setAllergyInformation($request->get('allergyInformation')); $em = $app['orm.em']; $categoryRepository = $em->getRepository('Category'); $Category = $categoryRepository->find($request->get('category')); $newItem->setCategory($Category); $file = $request->files->get('photo'); $newItem->setPhoto($file->getClientOriginalName()); $file = $request->files->get('photo'); $file->move(__DIR__ . '/../public/img', $file->getClientOriginalName()); $em->persist($newItem); $em->flush(); return $app->redirect('/itemAdmin'); }
/** * @CSRFExcemption * @IsAdminExcemption * @IsSubAdminExcemption * * @brief renders the index page * @param array $urlParams: an array with the values, which were matched in * the routes file * @return an instance of a Response implementation */ public function index($urlParams = array()) { // thirdparty stuff $this->api->add3rdPartyScript('angular/angular.min'); // your own stuff $this->api->addStyle('style'); $this->api->addStyle('animation'); $this->api->addScript('app'); // example database access // check if an entry with the current user is in the database, if not // create a new entry try { $item = $this->itemMapper->findByUserId($this->api->getUserId()); } catch (DoesNotExistException $e) { $item = new Item(); $item->setUser($this->api->getUserId()); $item->setPath('/home/path'); $item->setName('john'); $this->itemMapper->save($item); } $templateName = 'main'; $params = array('somesetting' => $this->api->getSystemValue('somesetting'), 'item' => $item); return $this->render($templateName, $params); }
/** * @param Subcategory $subcategory * @param $name * @param $descr * @param $short_descr * @param $price * @param $stock * @return array * @throws Exception */ public function create(Subcategory $subcategory, $name, $descr, $short_descr, $price, $stock) { $errors = array(); $item = new Item($this->db); try { $item->setName($name); $item->setDescription($descr); $item->setShortDescription($short_descr); $item->setPrice($price); $item->setStock($stock); } catch (Exception $e) { $errors[] = $e->getMessage(); } if (count($errors) == 0) { $name = $this->db->quote($item->getName()); $description = $this->db->quote($item->getDescription()); $shortDescription = $this->db->quote($item->getShortDescription()); $price = $this->db->quote($item->getPrice()); $stock = $this->db->quote($item->getStock()); $query = " INSERT INTO item(id_subcategory, name, descr, short_descr, price, stock)\n VALUES(" . $subcategory->getId() . ", " . $name . ", " . $description . ", " . $shortDescription . ", " . $price . ", " . $stock . ")"; $data = $this->db->exec($query); if ($data) { $id = $this->db->lastInsertId(); if ($id) { try { return $this->findById($id); } catch (Exception $e) { $errors[] = $e->getMessage(); return $errors; } } else { throw new Exception('Last insert error'); } } else { throw new Exception('Db error'); } } else { return $errors; } }
static function getItems(Feed &$feed) { $fid = $feed->getId(); $text = $feed->getMessage(); static::doParse($text); $assocs = static::$array; $result = array(); foreach ($assocs as $index => $assoc) { $item = new Item(); $item->setId($fid . '_' . $index); $item->setFeed($feed); if (isset($assoc['type'])) { $item->setType($assoc['type']); } else { $item->setType('GLOBAL'); } if (isset($assoc['description'])) { $item->setDescription($assoc['description']); } if (isset($assoc['global'])) { $item->setGlobal($assoc['global']); } if (isset($assoc['name'])) { $item->setName($assoc['name']); } if (isset($assoc['note'])) { $item->setNote($assoc['note']); } if (isset($assoc['price_digit'])) { $item->setPrice($assoc['price_digit']); } if (isset($assoc['price'])) { $item->setPriceStr($assoc['price']); } if (isset($assoc['status'])) { $item->setStatus($assoc['status']); } $result[] = $item; } if (!$result) { $item = new Item(); $item->setId($fid . '_0'); $item->setFeed($feed); $item->setType('GLOBAL'); $item->setGlobal($text); $result[] = $item; } return $result; }
<?php $items = array(); $item = new Item(); $item->setName("RaumZeitLabor T-Shirt"); $item->setDescription("Das Super RZL Shirt"); $item->setImage("tshirt.jpg"); $item->addSizePrice(new SizePrice("XXL", 15.9)); $item->addSizePrice(new SizePrice("XL", 14.9)); $item->addSizePrice(new SizePrice("L", 13.9)); $item->addSizePrice(new SizePrice("M", 12.9)); $item->addSizePrice(new SizePrice("S", 11.9)); $items[] = $item; $item = new Item(); $item->setName("RZL LabCoat"); $item->setDescription("Das Pflichtprogramm für jeden Laboraten! Ein bestickter Labcoat, der auch " . "wunderbar für Ätzsessions geeignet ist. Die Bestickung wird von Unicorn oder Inte " . "mittels unserer Stickmaschine vorgenommen."); $item->setImage("labcoat.jpg"); $item->addSizePrice(new SizePrice("XXL", 15.9)); $item->addSizePrice(new SizePrice("XL", 14.9)); $item->addSizePrice(new SizePrice("L", 13.9)); $item->addSizePrice(new SizePrice("M", 12.9)); $item->addSizePrice(new SizePrice("S", 11.9)); $items[] = $item;
$item->addSizePrice(new SizePrice("M", 25.0)); $item->addSizePrice(new SizePrice("S", 25.0)); $items[] = $item; $item = new Item(); $item->setName("Zipper"); $item->setDescription("Wer mag es nicht, das flauschige Allwetterkleidungsstück für den Nerd von heute. " . "\n\nAuf Wunsch mit eigenem Schriftzug."); $item->setImage("zipper.jpg"); $item->addSizePrice(new SizePrice("XXL", 35.0)); $item->addSizePrice(new SizePrice("XL", 35.0)); $item->addSizePrice(new SizePrice("L", 35.0)); $item->addSizePrice(new SizePrice("M", 35.0)); $item->addSizePrice(new SizePrice("S", 35.0)); $items[] = $item; $item = new Item(); $item->setName("Laser-Foo"); $item->setDescription("Diverse Gegenstände, die wir erfolgreich einer Laserbehandlung unterzogen haben."); $item->setImage("pfannenwender.jpg"); $item->addSizePrice(new SizePrice("Pfannenwender mit Logo", 5.0)); $item->addSizePrice(new SizePrice("Minecraft-Spaten", 5.0)); $items[] = $item; $item = new Item(); $item->setName("Schürze"); $item->setDescription("Es soll auch Nerds geben, die sich in die Küche trauen. Das wollen wir natürlich " . "unterstützen! Die Bestickung wird von unseren Fachkräften Unicorn oder Inte mittels " . "unserer programmierbaren Stickmaschine vorgenommen."); $item->setImage("schuerze.jpg"); $item->addSizePrice(new SizePrice("XXL", 20.0)); $item->addSizePrice(new SizePrice("XL", 20.0)); $item->addSizePrice(new SizePrice("L", 20.0)); $item->addSizePrice(new SizePrice("M", 20.0)); $item->addSizePrice(new SizePrice("S", 20.0)); $items[] = $item; $targetMails = array("*****@*****.**", "*****@*****.**");
public function setHoldItem($hold_item) { if ($hold_item) { $item = new Item(); $item->setName($hold_item); return $item; } unset($this->hold_item); }