Example #1
  * Returns array of serial ports. Can return fake list for testing purposes.
  * @return array Array of serial ports.
 public static function getAvailableComPortsList()
     if (Yii::app()->params['show_fake_com_ports']) {
         return array('COM1' => 'COM1', 'COM2' => 'COM2');
     $output = null;
     $result = array();
     if (It::isLinux()) {
         exec('setserial -g /dev/ttyS*', $output);
         if (is_array($output)) {
             foreach ($output as $line) {
                 $matches = array();
                 if (preg_match('/\\/dev\\/ttyS([0-9])/', $line, $matches)) {
                     $serialPort = 'COM' . ($matches[1] + 1);
                     $result[$serialPort] = $matches[0];
         $result = array_unique($result);
     } else {
         if (it::isWindows()) {
             exec('wmic path Win32_SerialPort get Description, DeviceID /format:csv', $output);
             if (is_array($output) && count($output) > 1) {
                 $output = array_slice($output, 2);
                 foreach ($output as $line) {
                     $values = explode(',', $line);
                     $result[$values[2]] = $values[1];
     return $result;
 protected function _sendInMessageBody()
     $stationsIdCodesArray = array();
     $reportStationsMessage = '';
     foreach ($this->scheduleProcessedReports as $process) {
         $file_path = dirname(Yii::app()->request->scriptFile) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . "files" . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . "schedule_reports" . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $process->schedule_processed_id;
         $report_type = strtoupper($this->schedule_report->report_type);
         $fileArray['file_name'] = $process->ScheduleReportToStation->realStation->station_id_code . '_' . $report_type . '_' . gmdate('Y-m-d_Hi', strtotime($process->check_period_end)) . '.' . $this->schedule_report->report_format;
         $fileArray['file_string'] = file_get_contents($file_path);
         $attachments[] = $fileArray;
         $reportStationsMessage .= '<b>' . $process->ScheduleReportToStation->realStation->station_id_code . ' ';
         $reportStationsMessage .= $report_type . ' </b><br> ';
         $reportStationsMessage .= $fileArray['file_string'];
         $reportStationsMessage .= "<br>=====================================================<br><br>";
         $stationsIdCodesArray[] = $process->ScheduleReportToStation->realStation->station_id_code;
     $this->_logger->log(__METHOD__ . ' stations: ' . print_r($stationsIdCodesArray, 1));
     $mail_params = array('{report_id}' => $this->schedule_report->schedule_id, '{stations_id_code}' => implode(', ', $stationsIdCodesArray), '{actuality_time}' => $this->scheduleProcessedReports[0]->created, '{schedule_period}' => Yii::app()->params['schedule_generation_period'][$this->schedule_report->period], '{link}' => Yii::app()->params['site_url_for_console'] . '/site/schedulehistory/schedule_id/' . $this->schedule_report->schedule_id, '{report_type}' => $report_type, '{messages_content}' => $reportStationsMessage);
     $subject = Yii::t('letter', 'scheduled_report_allstations_mail_subject', $mail_params, null, 'en');
     $body = Yii::t('letter', 'scheduled_report_allstations_messages_inside_mail_message', $mail_params, null, 'en');
     if (count($this->destinations) > 0) {
         foreach ($this->destinations as $i => $destination) {
             if ($destination->method === 'mail') {
                 It::sendLetter($destination->destination_email, $subject, $body);
 public function _prepareDataPairs()
     $body = str_replace('MM', '00', $this->incoming_sensor_value);
     $length = strlen($body);
     if ($length != 123 && $length != 7) {
         return false;
     if ($length == 7) {
         return true;
     $message = substr($body, 3, 120);
     $rain_data_minutes = str_split($message, 2);
     $event_period_sum = 0;
     $initial_time = $this->incoming_measuring_timestamp;
     $needed_feature = array();
     foreach ($this->sensor_features_info as $feature) {
         if ($feature['feature_code'] == 'rain') {
             $needed_feature = $feature;
     foreach ($rain_data_minutes as $rain_key => $rain_value) {
         $rain_value = $rain_value == 'MM' ? 0 : intval($rain_value);
         $initial_time_shifted = $initial_time - 60 * $rain_key;
         $this->prepared_pairs[] = array('feature_code' => 'rain', 'period' => 1, 'value' => $rain_value, 'measuring_timestamp' => $initial_time_shifted, 'metric_id' => $needed_feature['metric_id'], 'normilized_value' => It::convertMetric($rain_value, $needed_feature['metric_code'], $needed_feature['general_metric_code']));
     return true;
Example #4
 public function test_SerialPortList_Windows()
     Yii::app()->params['show_fake_com_ports'] = false;
     $result = SysFunc::getAvailableComPortsList();
     $expected = array('COM1' => 'Последовательный порт', 'COM2' => 'Последовательный порт');
     $this->assertEquals($expected, $result);
 public function setTimeStep()
     $this->parse_time = false;
     $nextTimeSeconds = ScheduleTypeReports::getNextPeriodTime($this->period * 60, It::timeToUnixTimestamp($this->next_run_planned));
     $this->next_run_planned = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $nextTimeSeconds);
     $nextTimeSeconds = ScheduleTypeReports::getNextPeriodTime($this->period * 60, It::timeToUnixTimestamp($this->start_datetime));
     $this->start_datetime = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $nextTimeSeconds);
Example #6
  * Kills process with PID = $pid
  * @param int $pid
  * @return boolean 
 public static function killProcess($pid)
     if (It::isLinux()) {
         exec('kill -s KILL ' . $pid);
     } else {
         if (It::isWindows()) {
             exec("taskkill /pid " . $pid . " /f");
 public function generateMessage()
     $station = Station::model()->findByPk($this->station_id);
     $command = 'C';
     $command .= $station->station_id_code;
     $command .= $this->sms_command_code;
     $command .= implode($this->sms_command_params ? $this->sms_command_params : []);
     $command .= It::prepareCRC($command);
     $command = '@' . $command . '$';
     return $command;
 public function prepareXMLValue($xml_data, $db_features)
     if ($xml_data['water_level'][0] == 'M') {
         $direction = 'M';
         $data = 'MMM';
     } else {
         $tmp = 10 * It::convertMetric($xml_data['water_level'], 'mm', $db_features['water_level']);
         $direction = $tmp > 0 ? '1' : '0';
         $data = str_pad(abs(round($tmp)), 3, "0", STR_PAD_LEFT);
     return $direction . $data;
Example #9
 public function rules()
     $res = array(array('overwrite_data_on_import,overwrite_data_on_listening', 'boolean', 'falseValue' => 0, 'trueValue' => 1, 'on' => 'other'), array('current_company_name', 'required', 'on' => 'other'), array('current_company_name', 'length', 'max' => 50, 'allowEmpty' => false, 'on' => 'other'), array('xml_check_frequency', 'numerical', 'integerOnly' => true, 'on' => 'other'), array('local_timezone_id', 'length', 'allowEmpty' => false, 'on' => 'other'), array('mail__use_fake_sendmail', 'boolean', 'allowEmpty' => false, 'trueValue' => 1, 'falseValue' => 0, 'on' => 'mail'), array('mail__sender_address', 'email', 'allowEmpty' => false, 'on' => 'mail'), array('mail__sender_address,mail__sender_name,mail__sender_password,mail__smtp_server', 'length', 'max' => 255, 'allowEmpty' => false, 'on' => 'mail'), array('mail__smtp_port', 'numerical', 'integerOnly' => true, 'on' => 'mail'), array('mail__smtps_support', 'in', 'range' => array('auto', 'ssl', 'tls', 'none'), 'allowEmpty' => false, 'on' => 'mail'), array('db_exp_enabled', 'boolean', 'allowEmpty' => false, 'trueValue' => 1, 'falseValue' => 0, 'on' => 'dbexport'), array('db_exp_period', 'numerical', 'integerOnly' => true, 'on' => 'dbexport'), array('db_exp_frequency', 'numerical', 'integerOnly' => true, 'on' => 'dbexport'), array('db_exp_sql_host', 'checkHost', 'on' => 'dbexport'), array('db_exp_sql_host', 'checkHostExists', 'on' => 'dbexport'), array('db_exp_sql_port', 'numerical', 'integerOnly' => true, 'allowEmpty' => false, 'min' => 1, 'on' => 'dbexport'), array('db_exp_sql_dbname', 'match', 'pattern' => '/^[A-Z,a-z,0-9,_,-]{0,30}$/', 'on' => 'dbexport'), array('db_exp_sql_dbname,db_exp_sql_login', 'required', 'on' => 'dbexport'), array('db_exp_sql_dbname,db_exp_sql_login', 'length', 'allowEmpty' => false, 'max' => 255, 'on' => 'dbexport'), array('db_exp_sql_password', 'checkUser', 'on' => 'dbexport'), array('scheduled_reports_path', 'safe', 'on' => 'other'));
     if (It::isLinux()) {
         $pattern = '/^[\\/]([A-Za-z0-9-_\\s\\/\\.]){1,251}$/';
         //$res[] = array('scheduled_reports_path, xml_messages_path', 'match', 'pattern' => $pattern, 'on' => 'other');
     } elseif (It::isWindows()) {
         $pattern = '/^([A-Z]{1})(:\\\\)([A-Za-z0-9-_\\s\\.]+[\\\\]?){1,251}$/';
         $res[] = array('scheduled_reports_path, xml_messages_path', 'match', 'pattern' => $pattern, 'on' => 'other');
     return $res;
 public function _prepareDataPairs()
     $length = strlen($this->incoming_sensor_value);
     $initial_time = $this->incoming_measuring_timestamp;
     $needed_feature = array();
     foreach ($this->sensor_features_info as $feature) {
         if ($feature['feature_code'] == 'rain') {
             $needed_feature = $feature;
     $this->prepared_pairs[] = array('feature_code' => 'rain', 'period' => 1, 'value' => $this->incoming_sensor_value, 'measuring_timestamp' => $this->incoming_measuring_timestamp, 'metric_id' => $needed_feature['metric_id'], 'normilized_value' => It::convertMetric($this->incoming_sensor_value, $needed_feature['metric_code'], $needed_feature['general_metric_code']));
     return true;
 function actionCheckExtraUpdate()
     ini_set('memory_limit', '-1');
     //        $version = getConfigValue('version');
     $version = array();
     $method_name = 'm_' . $version['stage'] . '_' . $version['sprint'] . '_' . $version['update'];
     $form = new UpdateScriptForm();
     if (method_exists($form, $method_name)) {
     //print ('<script type="text/javascript"> setTimeout(function(){document.location.href="'.Yii::app()->controller->createUrl('update/index').'"}, 500)</script>');
Example #12
 public function run($args)
     if (empty($args[0])) {
     $logger = LoggerFactory::getFileLogger('listener/' . $args[0]);
     //        $logger = LoggerFactory::getConsoleLogger();
     $logger->log(__METHOD__ . ' args:' . print_r($args, 1));
     // creates object of ProcessListen class, which duty is listening
     try {
         (new ProcessListen($logger, $args[0], $args[1], $args[2]))->run();
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         It::sendLetter(Yii::app()->params['developer_email'], 'Problem', $e->getMessage());
 public function run($args)
     // don't run backup at the most busy minutes
     if (in_array(date('i'), array('00', '01', '15', '16', '30', '31', '45', '46'))) {
     if (Yii::app()->mutex->lock('BackupOldData', 60 * 60)) {
         try {
             $obj = new BackupOldData();
         } catch (Exception $e) {
             It::debug('BackupOldDataCommand: backup old data process was failed: ' . $e->getMessage(), 'backup_database');
Example #14
 public function actionImportMessage()
     if (It::isGuest()) {
         print json_encode(array('errors' => array('Sign in first.'), 'ok' => 0));
     $message = isset($_POST['message']) ? trim($_POST['message']) : null;
     if ($message) {
         $st = time();
         $settings = Settings::model()->find();
         ListenerLogTemp::addNew($message, 0, $settings->overwrite_data_on_import, 'import', 0);
         //			ListenerLog::addNew($message, 0, $settings->overwrite_data_on_import, 'import', 0);
         print json_encode(array('ok' => 1));
     } else {
         print json_encode(array('ok' => 0));
Example #15
 public function createSync()
     $applicationsPaths = $this->getConfigFile('application_params');
     if (TaskManager::check($this->sync_id) === false) {
         $command = $applicationsPaths['php_exe_path'] . " -f  " . dirname(Yii::app()->request->scriptFile) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . "console.php syncdb";
         TaskManager::create($this->sync_id, $command, $this->sync_periodicity, $this->sync_interval, $this->sync_startTime);
     if (TaskManager::check($this->db_backup_id) === false) {
         $backup_path = Yii::app()->params['backups_path'] . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . (It::isLinux() ? '`echo "$""(date +\\%a)"`' : '%DATE:~0,3%') . '_long.sql';
         // Schedule daily database backup
         //                $command = $install->getConfigSection('path','mysqldump_exe_path') .
         $command = $applicationsPaths['mysqldump_exe_path'] . ' --user="******"' . ' --password="******"' . ' --result-file="' . $backup_path . '" ' . $this->dbname;
         TaskManager::create($this->db_backup_id, $command, 'daily', 1, '4:00');
     if (TaskManager::check($this->heartbeat_id) === false) {
         $command = $applicationsPaths['php_exe_path'] . " -f  " . dirname(Yii::app()->request->scriptFile) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . "console.php heartbeatreport";
         TaskManager::create($this->heartbeat_id, $command, 'minutely', 10);
 function actionIndex()
     ini_set('memory_limit', '-1');
     print 'Checking `listener_log` table upgrade....<br/>';
     $sql = "SHOW COLUMNS FROM `" . ListenerLog::model()->tableName() . "` LIKE 'is_last'";
     $res = Yii::app()->db->createCommand($sql)->queryAll();
     if (!$res) {
         print '<br/><br/>Checked - requires update.<br/><br/>Attention! Script going to make small update to your database.... Please, be patient, don\'t use system before script is completed.';
         $sql = "ALTER TABLE `" . ListenerLog::model()->tableName() . "` ADD `is_last` tinyint(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' AFTER `is_processed`";
         $sql = "SELECT * FROM `" . Station::model()->tableName() . "`";
         $stations = Yii::app()->db->createCommand($sql)->queryAll();
         if ($stations) {
             foreach ($stations as $key => $value) {
         print '<br><br>.....<br><br>Done!. <br/><br/>You can continue work with <a href="' . It::baseUrl() . '">Delairco</a>';
     } else {
         print '<br/>Checked - doesn\'t require update. <br/><br/>You can continue work with <a href="' . It::baseUrl() . '">Delairco</a>';
 public function prepareFormulaParams()
     $this->formula_params['h_station_above_sea'] = $this->station_obj->altitude;
     // h_barometer_above_station
     $sensor_id_codes = $this->getUsedSensors($this->station_obj->station_id);
     $sensor_id_code = array_shift(preg_grep('/^PR.$/', $sensor_id_codes));
     $qb = new CDbCriteria();
     $qb->with = ['sensor.handler', 'metric'];
     $qb->addCondition('sensor.sensor_id_code LIKE \'' . $sensor_id_code . '\'');
     $qb->addCondition('sensor.station_id = ' . $this->station_obj->station_id);
     $qb->addCondition('handler.handler_id_code LIKE \'Pressure\'');
     $qb->addCondition('t.feature_code LIKE \'height\'');
     $res = StationSensorFeature::model()->find($qb);
     $h_barometer_above_station = 0;
     if ($res && !is_null($res->feature_constant_value) && !is_null($res->metric->code)) {
         $h_barometer_above_station = It::convertMetric($res->feature_constant_value, $res->metric->code, 'meter');
     $this->formula_params['h_barometer_above_station'] = $h_barometer_above_station;
     // coefficient_from_station_gravity
     $station_gravity = floatval($this->station_obj->station_gravity);
     $this->formula_params['coefficient_from_station_gravity'] = ($station_gravity > 0 ? $station_gravity : array_shift(array_keys(yii::app()->params['station_gravity']))) / 0.0065 / 287;
     return parent::prepareFormulaParams();
 public function prepareXMLValue($xml_data, $db_features)
     if ($xml_data['wind_speed_1'][0] == 'M') {
         $data_1 = '3MMMM';
     } else {
         $tmp = It::convertMetric(round($xml_data['wind_speed_1'] * 10), 'knot', $db_features['wind_speed_1']);
         $data_1 = "3" . str_pad(round($tmp), 4, "0", STR_PAD_LEFT);
     if ($xml_data['wind_speed_2'][0] == 'M') {
         $data_2 = 'MMMM';
     } else {
         $tmp = It::convertMetric(round($xml_data['wind_speed_2'] * 10), 'knot', $db_features['wind_speed_2']);
         $data_2 = str_pad(round($tmp), 4, "0", STR_PAD_LEFT);
     $data_3 = 'MMMM';
     return $data_1 . $data_2 . $data_3;
Example #19
<div class="middlenarrow"><div id="autorefreshedPageError"></div></div>
<div class="middlenarrow"><div class="small" style="text-align:right;"><?php 
echo It::t('site_label', 'page_is_autorefreshing');
<div id="autorefreshedPpage_5min">
$this->renderPartial($template, array('render_data' => $render_data));
Example #20
    if (isset($item['label'])) {
                            <a class="<?php 
        if (isset($item['active'])) {
" href="<?php 
        echo Yii::app()->createUrl($controller . '/' . $action);
        echo It::t('menu_label', $item['label']);
                            <li class="delimiter">&nbsp;</li>
            <div class="clear"></div>
Example #21
 function checkIntegrity()
     // sometimes arrived message can contain casual symbols before @ or after $
     // we should strip them to work with clear message
     $occurances_at = strpos($this->message_obj->message, '@');
     $occurances_dl = strpos($this->message_obj->message, '$');
     if ($occurances_at !== false && $occurances_dl !== false) {
         $this->message_obj->message = substr($this->message_obj->message, $occurances_at);
         $len = strlen($this->message_obj->message);
         $occurances_dl = ($len - strpos($this->message_obj->message, '$') - 1) * -1;
         if ($occurances_dl) {
             $this->message_obj->message = substr($this->message_obj->message, 0, $occurances_dl);
     // check if arrived message - is line from Rain Datalogger's log OR is regular message
     $rg_log_pattern = '/^\\d{2}\\/\\d{2}\\/\\d{2},\\d{2}:\\d{2},\\d{3},\\d{0,5}$/';
     if (preg_match($rg_log_pattern, $this->message_obj->message)) {
         $this->_message_type = 'rg_log';
         $this->_type = 'rain';
     } else {
         $this->_message_type = 'message';
     $this->_logger->log(__METHOD__ . ' Message type detected', array('type' => $this->_message_type));
     // if arrived message - is regular message
     if ($this->_message_type == 'message') {
         // message must start with @
         if (substr($this->message_obj->message, 0, 1) != '@') {
             $this->pushError('start_missed', 'Record does not start with @');
         // message must end with $
         if (substr($this->message_obj->message, -1, 1) != '$') {
             $this->pushError('end_missed', 'Record does not end with $');
         if (!$this->errors) {
             // Rain DataLogger's message has R at 22nd position
             if (substr($this->message_obj->message, 21, 1) == 'R') {
                 $this->_type = 'rain';
                 $this->_header = substr($this->message_obj->message, 0, 21);
             } else {
                 $this->_type = 'aws';
                 $this->_header = substr($this->message_obj->message, 0, 19);
             // footer - is last 8 symbols of message without first and last symbols
             $this->_footer = substr($this->message_obj->message, -9, -1);
             // crc source - is CRC code of other part of the message
             $compare_with_crc = substr($this->message_obj->message, 1, -9);
             $check_str = It::prepareCRC($compare_with_crc);
             if ($check_str !== $this->_footer) {
                 $this->pushError('crc_wrong', 'CRC code is incorrect');
     if (!$this->errors) {
         // RG log line, AWS and Rain messages have different position of date and time
         // RG message also has battery voltage value without specific sensor
         // station ID is located just after date and time substrings, so we can get it by the way
         if ($this->_message_type == 'rg_log') {
             $this->_tx_date = str_replace('/', '', substr($this->message_obj->message, 0, 8));
             $this->_tx_time = str_replace(':', '', substr($this->message_obj->message, 9, 5));
             $this->rg_battery_voltage = substr($this->message_obj->message, 15, 3);
             $this->_body = substr($this->message_obj->message, 19);
             $this->getStation('', $this->message_obj->station_id);
         } else {
             if ($this->_type == 'aws') {
                 // starts from 20s symbol and discards 9 symbols from end (CRC)
                 $this->_body = substr($this->message_obj->message, 19, -9);
                 $this->_tx_date = substr($this->message_obj->message, 7, 6);
                 $this->_tx_time = substr($this->message_obj->message, 13, 4);
                 $station_id = substr($this->message_obj->message, 2, 5);
             } else {
                 // starts from 22d symbol and discards 9 symbols from end (CRC)
                 $this->_body = substr($this->message_obj->message, 21, -9);
                 $this->_tx_date = substr($this->message_obj->message, 6, 6);
                 $this->_tx_time = substr($this->message_obj->message, 12, 4);
                 $this->rg_battery_voltage = substr($this->message_obj->message, 16, 3);
                 $station_id = substr($this->message_obj->message, 2, 4);
         // Check length string of DATE & TIME
         // Good if strlen(date + time) == 6 + 4 and date + time is numeric
         if (empty($this->_tx_date) || empty($this->_tx_time) || strlen($this->_tx_date . $this->_tx_time) != 10 || !is_numeric($this->_tx_date . $this->_tx_time)) {
             $this->pushError('date_format', 'Time or date is incorrect:' . $this->_tx_date . $this->_tx_time);
Example #22
echo CHtml::activeTextField($form, 'time_to', array('style' => 'width: 50px;'));
echo CHtml::error($form, 'time_to');
                        <td class="buttons">
                            <input type="submit" name="filter" value="<?php 
echo It::t('site_label', 'do_filter');
" />
                            <input type="submit" name="clear" value="<?php 
echo It::t('site_label', 'do_reset');
" />



                <div class="clear"></div>
            </div><!-- div.middlenarrow -->
            <div class="spacer"></div>
 public static function getTypes()
     return array('mail' => It::t('home_schedule', 'type_mail'), 'ftp' => It::t('home_schedule', 'type_ftp'));
 public static function parseUID($uid)
     $res = explode("_", $uid);
     $result['check_period_start'] = It::UnixTimestampToTime($res[0]);
     $result['ex_schedule_ident'] = $res[1];
     return $result;

$importAdminsSettings->result_success === true ? It::memStatus('admin_imports_occurred_successfully') : "";
$importAdminsSettings->result_success === false ? It::memStatus('admin_import_was_fail') : "";

<div class="middlenarrow" style="padding-top: -100px">

echo CHtml::errorSummary($importAdminsSettings);

    <h1>Export settings</h1>
echo CHtml::beginForm($this->createUrl('superadmin/exportadminssettings'), 'post', array('id' => 'formexportadminssettings'));
    <table class="">
echo CHtml::activeCheckBox($exportAdminsSettings, 'user_settings');
echo CHtml::activeLabel($exportAdminsSettings, 'user_settings');
echo CHtml::hiddenField('type', 'export');
  * Format: NsNsNsHsHsHs or VVHsHsHs or SKC
 protected function writeSkyCodition()
     $exitLoop = false;
     $needToCheckLayer4 = false;
     // for 1 to 4
     for ($group = 1; $group < 5; $group++) {
         $cloudAmount = $this->getCloudAmount($group);
         $cloudHeight = $this->getCloudHeight($group);
         if ($group === 4 && $needToCheckLayer4 === false) {
         if (!is_null($cloudAmount['source_value']) && $cloudAmount['source_value'] !== 'M') {
             $cloudInfo = null;
             // Layer 1 is lower than Layer 2 etc. So, check only 1st layer.
             if ($group === 1 && $cloudAmount['source_value'] === 0) {
                 $cloudInfo = 'NCD';
                 $exitLoop = true;
             } else {
                 if ($group === 1 && It::convertMetric($cloudHeight['source_value'], $cloudHeight['source_metric'], 'meter') > 1500) {
                     $cloudInfo = 'NSC';
                     $exitLoop = true;
                 } else {
                     if ($this->getCloudAmountLimitForGroup($group) < $cloudAmount['source_value']) {
                         $cloudInfo = $cloudAmount['value'] . $cloudHeight['value'];
                     } else {
                         if ($group === 3) {
                             $needToCheckLayer4 = true;
             if (!is_null($cloudInfo)) {
                 if (isset($this->report_parts[$this->_section][$this->_subsection])) {
                     $this->report_parts[$this->_section][$this->_subsection] .= ' ' . $cloudInfo;
                 } else {
                     $this->report_parts[$this->_section][$this->_subsection] = $cloudInfo;
                 if ($exitLoop) {
         $this->explanations[$this->_section][$this->_subsection][] = $cloudAmount['description'];
         $this->explanations[$this->_section][$this->_subsection][] = $cloudHeight['description'];
Example #27
 public static function runAsynchCommand($command)
     if (It::isLinux()) {
         $output = null;
         $return = null;
         exec('nohup ' . $command . ' > /dev/null 2> /dev/null &', $output, $return);
     } else {
         if (It::isWindows()) {
             @pclose(@popen('start /B ' . $command, 'r'));
Example #28

/** @var $form SuperAdminConfigForm */

<div class="middlenarrow">
echo It::t('menu_label', 'superadmin_config');

echo CHtml::beginForm($this->createUrl('superadmin/config'), 'post');

echo CHtml::errorSummary($form);

<table class="formtable">
foreach ($form->getConfig() as $config) {
    echo CHtml::activeLabel($form, "config[{$config->key}]");
    echo CHtml::activeTextField($form, "config[{$config->key}]");
Example #29
  * Deletes task by name.
  * @param string $name
 public static function delete($name)
     if (It::isLinux()) {
         exec('crontab -l | grep -v ' . $name . ' | crontab -');
     } else {
         if (It::isWindows()) {
             exec('schtasks /delete /tn ' . $name . ' /f');
Example #30
 public function attributeLabels()
     return array('station_id' => It::t('site_label', 'filter_select_stations'), 'sensor_feature_code' => It::t('site_label', 'filter_select_features'), 'date_from' => It::t('site_label', 'filter_date_from'), 'date_to' => It::t('site_label', 'filter_date_to'), 'time_from' => It::t('site_label', 'filter_time_from'), 'time_to' => It::t('site_label', 'filter_time_to'), 'accumulation_period' => It::t('site_label', 'filter_accumulation_period'));