/** * Comma-separated list of files and directories to ignore * * This uses wildcards * and ? to remove extra files/directories that are * not part of the package or release * @global string $ignore */ $ignore = array('CVS/'); /****************************************************************************** * Don't change anything below here unless you're adventuresome * *******************************************************************************/ /** * @global Io $files */ $files = new Io(); $allfiles = $files->dirList($cvsadd_directory); /**#@+ * Sorting functions for the file list * @param string * @param string */ function sortfiles($a, $b) { return strnatcasecmp($a['file'], $b['file']); } function mystrucsort($a, $b) { if (is_numeric($a) && is_string($b)) { return 1; } if (is_numeric($b) && is_string($a)) {
function createDocs($title = false) { $this->parse_start_time = time(); global $_phpDocumentor_setting; if (!$this->render) { $this->render = new phpDocumentor_IntermediateParser($title); } // setup ignore list $this->ignore_files = array(); if (isset($_phpDocumentor_setting['ignore'])) { $this->setIgnore($_phpDocumentor_setting['ignore']); } $this->parse->subscribe("*", $this->render); // parse the directory if (!empty($this->files)) { $files = explode(",", $this->files); foreach ($files as $file) { $file = trim($file); $test = $this->setup->getAllFiles($file); if ($test) { foreach ($test as $file) { $file = trim($file); $dir = realpath(dirname($file)); $dir = strtr($dir, "\\", "/"); $dir = str_replace('//', '/', $dir); // strip trailing directory seperator if (substr($dir, -1) == "/" || substr($dir, -1) == "\\") { $dir = substr($dir, 0, -1); } $file = strtr(realpath($file), "\\", "/"); $file = str_replace('//', '/', $file); if (!$this->setup->checkIgnore(basename($file), dirname($file), $this->ignore_files, true, $this->ignoresymlinks)) { $filelist[] = str_replace('\\', '/', $file); } else { phpDocumentor_out("File {$file} Ignored\n"); flush(); } } } else { $dir = dirname(realpath($file)); $dir = strtr($dir, "\\", "/"); $dir = str_replace('//', '/', $dir); // strip trailing directory seperator if (substr($dir, -1) == "/" || substr($dir, -1) == "\\") { $dir = substr($dir, 0, -1); } $base = count(explode("/", $dir)); $file = strtr(realpath($file), "\\", "/"); $file = str_replace('//', '/', $file); flush(); if (!$this->setup->checkIgnore(basename($file), dirname($file), $this->ignore_files, true, $this->ignoresymlinks)) { $filelist[] = str_replace('\\', '/', $file); } else { phpDocumentor_out("File {$file} Ignored\n"); flush(); } } } } if (!empty($this->dirs)) { $dirs = explode(",", $this->dirs); foreach ($dirs as $dir) { $olddir = $dir; $dir = realpath($dir); if (!$dir) { phpDocumentor_out('ERROR: "' . $olddir . '" does not exist, skipping'); continue; } $dir = trim($dir); $dir = strtr($dir, "\\", "/"); $dir = str_replace('//', '/', $dir); // strip trailing directory seperator if (substr($dir, -1) == "/" || substr($dir, -1) == "\\") { $dir = substr($dir, 0, -1); } $files = $this->setup->dirList($dir, $this->hidden, $this->ignoresymlinks); if (is_array($files)) { foreach ($files as $file) { $file = strtr($file, '\\', '/'); // file's subpath, relative to $dir $file_subpath = str_replace('\\', '/', realpath(dirname($file))); $file_subpath = preg_replace('[\\/]', DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, $file_subpath); $file_subpath = preg_replace('~^' . preg_quote($dir, '~') . '~', '', $file_subpath); if (!$this->setup->checkIgnore(basename($file), $file_subpath, $this->ignore_files, true, $this->ignoresymlinks)) { $filelist[] = $file; } else { phpDocumentor_out("File {$file} Ignored\n"); flush(); } } } } } if (isset($filelist)) { if (PHPDOCUMENTOR_WINDOWS) { // case insensitive array_unique usort($filelist, 'strnatcasecmp'); reset($filelist); $newarray = array(); $i = 0; $element = current($filelist); for ($n = 0; $n < sizeof($filelist); $n++) { if (strtolower(next($filelist)) != strtolower($element)) { $newarray[$i] = $element; $element = current($filelist); $i++; } } $filelist = $newarray; } else { $filelist = array_unique($filelist); } $base = count(explode("/", $source_base = $this->setup->getBase($filelist))); define("PHPDOCUMENTOR_BASE", $source_base); list($filelist, $ric) = $this->setup->getReadmeInstallChangelog($source_base, $filelist); phpDocumentor_out("\n\nGrabbing README/INSTALL/CHANGELOG\n"); flush(); foreach ($ric as $file) { phpDocumentor_out(basename($file) . '...'); flush(); $fp = fopen($file, 'r'); $contents = fread($fp, filesize($file)); $this->render->HandleEvent(PHPDOCUMENTOR_EVENT_README_INSTALL_CHANGELOG, array(basename($file), $contents)); fclose($fp); } phpDocumentor_out("\ndone\n"); flush(); list($filelist, $tutorials) = $this->setup->getTutorials($filelist); phpDocumentor_out("\n\nTutorial/Extended Documentation Parsing Stage\n\n"); flush(); if (count($tutorials)) { $tuteparser = new XMLPackagePageParser(); $tuteparser->subscribe('*', $this->render); foreach ($tutorials as $tutorial) { switch ($tutorial['tutetype']) { case 'pkg': case 'cls': case 'proc': switch ($tutorial['tutetype']) { case 'pkg': $ptext = 'Package-level Docs '; if (!empty($tutorial['subpackage'])) { $ptext = 'Sub-Package Docs '; } break; case 'cls': $ptext = 'Class-level Docs '; break; case 'proc': $ptext = 'Procedural-level Docs '; break; } $fp = @fopen($tutorial['path'], "r"); if ($fp) { $ret = fread($fp, filesize($tutorial['path'])); // fix 1151650 if (stristr($ret, "utf-8") !== "") { $ret = utf8_decode($ret); } fclose($fp); unset($fp); phpDocumentor_out('Parsing ' . $ptext . $tutorial['path'] . '...'); flush(); $tuteparser->parse($ret, $tutorial); phpDocumentor_out("done\n"); flush(); } else { phpDocumentor_out('Error ' . $ptext . $tutorial['path'] . ' doesn\'t exist' . "\n"); flush(); } default: break; } } } phpDocumentor_out("done\n"); flush(); phpDocumentor_out("\n\nGeneral Parsing Stage\n\n"); flush(); foreach ($filelist as $file) { phpDocumentor_out("Reading file {$file}"); flush(); $this->parse->parse($a = $this->setup->readPhpFile($file, $this->render->quietMode), $file, $base, $this->packages); } $b = time() - $this->parse_start_time; phpDocumentor_out("done\n"); flush(); // render output phpDocumentor_out("\nConverting From Abstract Parsed Data\n"); flush(); $this->render->output(); $a = time() - $this->parse_start_time; $c = $a - $b; phpDocumentor_out("\nParsing time: {$b} seconds\n"); phpDocumentor_out("\nConversion time: {$c} seconds\n"); phpDocumentor_out("\nTotal Documentation Time: {$a} seconds\n"); phpDocumentor_out("done\n"); flush(); } else { print "\nERROR: nothing parsed\n"; exit; } }