Example #1
 function save_module($module)
     global $adb;
     //in ajax save we should not call this function, because this will delete all the existing product values
     if ($_REQUEST['action'] != 'PurchaseOrderAjax' && $_REQUEST['ajxaction'] != 'DETAILVIEW' && $_REQUEST['action'] != 'MassEditSave' && $_REQUEST['action'] != 'ProcessDuplicates') {
         //Based on the total Number of rows we will save the product relationship with this entity
         saveInventoryProductDetails($this, 'PurchaseOrder', $this->update_prod_stock);
         if (vtlib_isModuleActive("InventoryDetails")) {
             InventoryDetails::createInventoryDetails($this, 'PurchaseOrder');
     //In Ajax edit, if the status changed to Received Shipment then we have to update the product stock
     if ($_REQUEST['action'] == 'PurchaseOrderAjax' && $this->update_prod_stock == 'true') {
         $inventory_res = $this->db->pquery("select productid, quantity from vtiger_inventoryproductrel where id=?", array($this->id));
         $noofproducts = $this->db->num_rows($inventory_res);
         //We have to update the stock for all the products in this PO
         for ($prod_count = 0; $prod_count < $noofproducts; $prod_count++) {
             $productid = $this->db->query_result($inventory_res, $prod_count, 'productid');
             $quantity = $this->db->query_result($inventory_res, $prod_count, 'quantity');
             $this->db->println("Stock is going to be updated for the productid - {$productid} with quantity - {$quantity}");
             addToProductStock($productid, $quantity);
     // Update the currency id and the conversion rate for the purchase order
     $update_query = "update vtiger_purchaseorder set currency_id=?, conversion_rate=? where purchaseorderid=?";
     $update_params = array($this->column_fields['currency_id'], $this->column_fields['conversion_rate'], $this->id);
     $adb->pquery($update_query, $update_params);
Example #2
 function save_module()
     global $adb;
     //in ajax save we should not call this function, because this will delete all the existing product values
     if ($_REQUEST['action'] != 'QuotesAjax' && $_REQUEST['ajxaction'] != 'DETAILVIEW' && $_REQUEST['action'] != 'MassEditSave' && $_REQUEST['action'] != 'ProcessDuplicates') {
         //Based on the total Number of rows we will save the product relationship with this entity
         saveInventoryProductDetails($this, 'Quotes');
         if (vtlib_isModuleActive("InventoryDetails")) {
             InventoryDetails::createInventoryDetails($this, 'Quotes');
     // Update the currency id and the conversion rate for the quotes
     $update_query = "update vtiger_quotes set currency_id=?, conversion_rate=? where quoteid=?";
     $update_params = array($this->column_fields['currency_id'], $this->column_fields['conversion_rate'], $this->id);
     $adb->pquery($update_query, $update_params);
Example #3
 function save_module($module)
     global $adb;
     if ($this->HasDirectImageField) {
         $this->insertIntoAttachment($this->id, $module);
     //in ajax save we should not call this function, because this will delete all the existing product values
     if (inventoryCanSaveProductLines($_REQUEST)) {
         //Based on the total Number of rows we will save the product relationship with this entity
         saveInventoryProductDetails($this, 'PurchaseOrder');
         if (vtlib_isModuleActive("InventoryDetails")) {
             InventoryDetails::createInventoryDetails($this, 'PurchaseOrder');
     // Update the currency id and the conversion rate for the purchase order
     $update_query = "update vtiger_purchaseorder set currency_id=?, conversion_rate=? where purchaseorderid=?";
     $update_params = array($this->column_fields['currency_id'], $this->column_fields['conversion_rate'], $this->id);
     $adb->pquery($update_query, $update_params);
 function save_module($module)
     global $updateInventoryProductRel_deduct_stock;
     if ($this->HasDirectImageField) {
         $this->insertIntoAttachment($this->id, $module);
     $updateInventoryProductRel_deduct_stock = true;
     //in ajax save we should not call this function, because this will delete all the existing product values
     if (inventoryCanSaveProductLines($_REQUEST, 'Issuecards')) {
         //Based on the total Number of rows we will save the product relationship with this entity
         saveInventoryProductDetails($this, 'Issuecards');
         if (vtlib_isModuleActive("InventoryDetails")) {
             InventoryDetails::createInventoryDetails($this, 'Issuecards');
     } else {
         if ($_REQUEST['action'] == 'IssuecardsAjax' || $_REQUEST['action'] == 'MassEditSave') {
             $updateInventoryProductRel_deduct_stock = false;
     // Update the currency id and the conversion rate for the invoice
     $update_query = "update vtiger_issuecards set currency_id=?, conversion_rate=? where issuecardid=?";
     $update_params = array($this->column_fields['currency_id'], $this->column_fields['conversion_rate'], $this->id);
     $this->db->pquery($update_query, $update_params);
Example #5
 function createInventoryDetails($related_focus, $module)
     require_once 'modules/InventoryDetails/InventoryDetails.php';
     global $adb, $log, $current_user, $currentModule;
     $save_currentModule = $currentModule;
     $currentModule = 'InventoryDetails';
     $related_to = $related_focus->id;
     $taxtype = getInventoryTaxType($module, $related_to);
     if ($taxtype == 'group') {
         $query = "SELECT id as related_to , productid , sequence_no ,lineitem_id,quantity , listprice , comment as description , \n\t\t\tquantity * listprice AS extgross, \n\t\t\tCOALESCE( discount_percent, COALESCE( discount_amount *100 / ( quantity * listprice ) , 0 ) ) AS discount_percent, \n\t\t\tCOALESCE( discount_amount, COALESCE( discount_percent * quantity * listprice /100, 0 ) ) AS discount_amount, \n\t\t\t(quantity * listprice) - COALESCE( discount_amount, COALESCE( discount_percent * quantity * listprice /100, 0 )) AS extnet, \n\t\t\t((quantity * listprice) - COALESCE( discount_amount, COALESCE( discount_percent * quantity * listprice /100, 0 ))) AS linetotal \n\t\t\tFROM vtiger_inventoryproductrel \n\t\t\tWHERE id = ?";
     } elseif ($taxtype == 'individual') {
         $query = "SELECT id as related_to , productid , sequence_no ,lineitem_id,quantity , listprice , comment as description , \n\t\t\tcoalesce( tax1 , 0 ) AS tax1, coalesce( tax2 , 0 ) AS tax2, coalesce( tax3 , 0 ) AS tax3, \n\t\t\t( COALESCE( tax1, 0 ) + COALESCE( tax2, 0 ) + COALESCE( tax3, 0 ) ) as tax_percent, \n\t\t\tquantity * listprice AS extgross, \n\t\t\tCOALESCE( discount_percent, COALESCE( discount_amount *100 / ( quantity * listprice ) , 0 ) ) AS discount_percent, \n\t\t\tCOALESCE( discount_amount, COALESCE( discount_percent * quantity * listprice /100, 0 ) ) AS discount_amount, \n\t\t\t(quantity * listprice) - COALESCE( discount_amount, COALESCE( discount_percent * quantity * listprice /100, 0 )) AS extnet, \n\t\t\t((quantity * listprice) - COALESCE( discount_amount, COALESCE( discount_percent * quantity * listprice /100, 0 ))) * ( COALESCE( tax1, 0 ) + COALESCE( tax2, 0 ) + COALESCE( tax3, 0 ) ) /100 AS linetax, \n\t\t\t((quantity * listprice) - COALESCE( discount_amount, COALESCE( discount_percent * quantity * listprice /100, 0 ))) * ( 1 + ( COALESCE( tax1, 0 ) + COALESCE( tax2, 0 ) + COALESCE( tax3, 0 )) /100) AS linetotal \n\t\t\tFROM vtiger_inventoryproductrel \n\t\t\tWHERE id = ?";
     $res_inv_lines = $adb->pquery($query, array($related_to));
     $accountid = '0';
     $contactid = '0';
     switch ($module) {
         case 'Quotes':
             $accountid = $related_focus->column_fields['account_id'];
             $contactid = $related_focus->column_fields['contact_id'];
         case 'SalesOrder':
             $accountid = $related_focus->column_fields['account_id'];
             $contactid = $related_focus->column_fields['contact_id'];
         case 'Invoice':
             $accountid = $related_focus->column_fields['account_id'];
             $contactid = $related_focus->column_fields['contact_id'];
         case 'PurchaseOrder':
             $contactid = $related_focus->column_fields['contact_id'];
     // Delete all InventoryDetails where related with $related_to
     $res_to_del = $adb->pquery("SELECT inventorydetailsid FROM vtiger_inventorydetails \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tINNER JOIN vtiger_crmentity ON vtiger_crmentity.crmid = vtiger_inventorydetails.inventorydetailsid \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tWHERE deleted = 0 AND related_to = ?", array($related_to));
     while ($invdrow = $adb->getNextRow($res_to_del, false)) {
         $invdet_focus = new InventoryDetails();
         $invdet_focus->id = $invdrow['inventorydetailsid'];
         $invdet_focus->trash('InventoryDetails', $invdet_focus->id);
     // read $res_inv_lines result to create a new InventoryDetail for each register.
     // Remember to take the Vendor if the Product is related with this.
     while ($row = $adb->getNextRow($res_inv_lines, false)) {
         $invdet_focus = array();
         $invdet_focus = new InventoryDetails();
         $invdet_focus->id = '';
         $invdet_focus->mode = '';
         foreach ($invdet_focus->column_fields as $fieldname => $val) {
             $invdet_focus->column_fields[$fieldname] = $row[$fieldname];
         $_REQUEST['assigntype'] == 'U';
         $invdet_focus->column_fields['assigned_user_id'] = $current_user->id;
         $invdet_focus->column_fields['account_id'] = $accountid;
         $invdet_focus->column_fields['contact_id'] = $contactid;
         //Search if the product is related with a Vendor.
         $vendorid = '0';
         $result = $adb->pquery("SELECT vendor_id FROM vtiger_products WHERE productid = ?", array($row['productid']));
         if ($adb->num_rows($result) > 0) {
             $vendorid = $adb->query_result($result, 0, 0);
         $invdet_focus->column_fields['vendor_id'] = $vendorid;
         if ($taxtype == 'group') {
             $invdet_focus->column_fields['tax_percent'] = 0;
             $invdet_focus->column_fields['linetax'] = 0;
     $currentModule = $save_currentModule;
Example #6
 function save_module($module)
     global $updateInventoryProductRel_deduct_stock;
     if ($this->HasDirectImageField) {
         $this->insertIntoAttachment($this->id, $module);
     $updateInventoryProductRel_deduct_stock = true;
     //Checking if quote_id is present and updating the quote status
     if ($this->column_fields['quote_id'] != '') {
         $newStatus = GlobalVariable::getVariable('QuoteStatusOnSalesOrderSave', 'Accepted');
         if ($newStatus != 'DoNotChange') {
             $qt_id = $this->column_fields['quote_id'];
             $query1 = 'update vtiger_quotes set quotestage=? where quoteid=?';
             $this->db->pquery($query1, array($newStatus, $qt_id));
     //in ajax save we should not call this function, because this will delete all the existing product values
     if ($_REQUEST['action'] != 'SalesOrderAjax' && $_REQUEST['ajxaction'] != 'DETAILVIEW' && $_REQUEST['action'] != 'MassEditSave' && $_REQUEST['action'] != 'ProcessDuplicates') {
         //Based on the total Number of rows we will save the product relationship with this entity
         saveInventoryProductDetails($this, 'SalesOrder');
         if (vtlib_isModuleActive("InventoryDetails")) {
             InventoryDetails::createInventoryDetails($this, 'SalesOrder');
     } else {
         if ($_REQUEST['action'] == 'SalesOrderAjax' || $_REQUEST['action'] == 'MassEditSave') {
             $updateInventoryProductRel_deduct_stock = false;
     // Update the currency id and the conversion rate for the sales order
     $update_query = "update vtiger_salesorder set currency_id=?, conversion_rate=? where salesorderid=?";
     $update_params = array($this->column_fields['currency_id'], $this->column_fields['conversion_rate'], $this->id);
     $this->db->pquery($update_query, $update_params);
Example #7
 function save_module($module)
     global $updateInventoryProductRel_deduct_stock;
     $updateInventoryProductRel_deduct_stock = true;
     //Checking if salesorderid is present and updating the SO status
     if (!empty($this->column_fields['salesorder_id'])) {
         $newStatus = GlobalVariable::getVariable('SalesOrderStatusOnInvoiceSave', 'Approved');
         if ($newStatus != 'DoNotChange') {
             $so_id = $this->column_fields['salesorder_id'];
             $query1 = 'update vtiger_salesorder set sostatus=? where salesorderid=?';
             $this->db->pquery($query1, array($newStatus, $so_id));
     //in ajax save we should not call this function, because this will delete all the existing product values
     if (isset($this->_recurring_mode) && $this->_recurring_mode == 'recurringinvoice_from_so' && isset($this->_salesorderid) && $this->_salesorderid != '') {
         // We are getting called from the RecurringInvoice cron service!
         if (vtlib_isModuleActive("InventoryDetails")) {
             InventoryDetails::createInventoryDetails($this, 'Invoice');
     } else {
         if (isset($_REQUEST)) {
             if ($_REQUEST['action'] != 'InvoiceAjax' && $_REQUEST['ajxaction'] != 'DETAILVIEW' && $_REQUEST['action'] != 'MassEditSave' && $_REQUEST['action'] != 'ProcessDuplicates') {
                 //Based on the total Number of rows we will save the product relationship with this entity
                 saveInventoryProductDetails($this, 'Invoice');
                 if (vtlib_isModuleActive("InventoryDetails")) {
                     InventoryDetails::createInventoryDetails($this, 'Invoice');
             } else {
                 if ($_REQUEST['action'] == 'InvoiceAjax' || $_REQUEST['action'] == 'MassEditSave') {
                     $updateInventoryProductRel_deduct_stock = false;
     // Update the currency id and the conversion rate for the invoice
     $update_query = "update vtiger_invoice set currency_id=?, conversion_rate=? where invoiceid=?";
     $update_params = array($this->column_fields['currency_id'], $this->column_fields['conversion_rate'], $this->id);
     $this->db->pquery($update_query, $update_params);
Example #8
    public static function createInventoryDetails($related_focus, $module)
        global $adb, $log, $current_user, $currentModule;
        $save_currentModule = $currentModule;
        $currentModule = 'InventoryDetails';
        $related_to = $related_focus->id;
        $taxtype = getInventoryTaxType($module, $related_to);
        if ($taxtype == 'group') {
            $query = "SELECT id as related_to, vtiger_inventoryproductrel.productid, sequence_no, lineitem_id, quantity, listprice, comment as description,\n\t\t\tquantity * listprice AS extgross,\n\t\t\tCOALESCE( discount_percent, COALESCE( discount_amount *100 / ( quantity * listprice ) , 0 ) ) AS discount_percent,\n\t\t\tCOALESCE( discount_amount, COALESCE( discount_percent * quantity * listprice /100, 0 ) ) AS discount_amount,\n\t\t\t(quantity * listprice) - COALESCE( discount_amount, COALESCE( discount_percent * quantity * listprice /100, 0 )) AS extnet,\n\t\t\t((quantity * listprice) - COALESCE( discount_amount, COALESCE( discount_percent * quantity * listprice /100, 0 ))) AS linetotal,\n\t\t\tcase when vtiger_products.productid != '' then vtiger_products.cost_price else vtiger_service.cost_price end as cost_price,\n\t\t\tcase when vtiger_products.productid != '' then vtiger_products.vendor_id else 0 end as vendor_id\n\t\t\tFROM vtiger_inventoryproductrel\n\t\t\tLEFT JOIN vtiger_products ON vtiger_products.productid=vtiger_inventoryproductrel.productid\n\t\t\tLEFT JOIN vtiger_service ON vtiger_service.serviceid=vtiger_inventoryproductrel.productid\n\t\t\tWHERE id = ?";
        } elseif ($taxtype == 'individual') {
            $query = "SELECT id as related_to, vtiger_inventoryproductrel.productid, sequence_no, lineitem_id, quantity, listprice, comment as description,\n\t\t\tcoalesce( tax1 , 0 ) AS tax1, coalesce( tax2 , 0 ) AS tax2, coalesce( tax3 , 0 ) AS tax3,\n\t\t\t( COALESCE( tax1, 0 ) + COALESCE( tax2, 0 ) + COALESCE( tax3, 0 ) ) as tax_percent,\n\t\t\tquantity * listprice AS extgross,\n\t\t\tCOALESCE( discount_percent, COALESCE( discount_amount *100 / ( quantity * listprice ) , 0 ) ) AS discount_percent,\n\t\t\tCOALESCE( discount_amount, COALESCE( discount_percent * quantity * listprice /100, 0 ) ) AS discount_amount,\n\t\t\t(quantity * listprice) - COALESCE( discount_amount, COALESCE( discount_percent * quantity * listprice /100, 0 )) AS extnet,\n\t\t\t((quantity * listprice) - COALESCE( discount_amount, COALESCE( discount_percent * quantity * listprice /100, 0 ))) * ( COALESCE( tax1, 0 ) + COALESCE( tax2, 0 ) + COALESCE( tax3, 0 ) ) /100 AS linetax,\n\t\t\t((quantity * listprice) - COALESCE( discount_amount, COALESCE( discount_percent * quantity * listprice /100, 0 ))) * ( 1 + ( COALESCE( tax1, 0 ) + COALESCE( tax2, 0 ) + COALESCE( tax3, 0 )) /100) AS linetotal,\n\t\t\tcase when vtiger_products.productid != '' then vtiger_products.cost_price else vtiger_service.cost_price end as cost_price,\n\t\t\tcase when vtiger_products.productid != '' then vtiger_products.vendor_id else 0 end as vendor_id\n\t\t\tFROM vtiger_inventoryproductrel\n\t\t\tLEFT JOIN vtiger_products ON vtiger_products.productid=vtiger_inventoryproductrel.productid\n\t\t\tLEFT JOIN vtiger_service ON vtiger_service.serviceid=vtiger_inventoryproductrel.productid\n\t\t\tWHERE id = ?";
        $res_inv_lines = $adb->pquery($query, array($related_to));
        $accountid = '0';
        $contactid = '0';
        switch ($module) {
            case 'Quotes':
                $accountid = $related_focus->column_fields['account_id'];
                $contactid = $related_focus->column_fields['contact_id'];
            case 'SalesOrder':
                $accountid = $related_focus->column_fields['account_id'];
                $contactid = $related_focus->column_fields['contact_id'];
            case 'Invoice':
                $accountid = $related_focus->column_fields['account_id'];
                $contactid = $related_focus->column_fields['contact_id'];
            case 'PurchaseOrder':
                $contactid = $related_focus->column_fields['contact_id'];
        // Delete all InventoryDetails where related with $related_to
        $res_to_del = $adb->pquery('SELECT inventorydetailsid FROM vtiger_inventorydetails
			INNER JOIN vtiger_crmentity ON vtiger_crmentity.crmid = vtiger_inventorydetails.inventorydetailsid
			WHERE deleted = 0 AND related_to = ? and lineitem_id not in (select lineitem_id from vtiger_inventoryproductrel where id=?)', array($related_to, $related_to));
        while ($invdrow = $adb->getNextRow($res_to_del, false)) {
            $invdet_focus = new InventoryDetails();
            $invdet_focus->id = $invdrow['inventorydetailsid'];
            $invdet_focus->trash('InventoryDetails', $invdet_focus->id);
        $requestindex = 1;
        while (isset($_REQUEST['deleted' . $requestindex]) and $_REQUEST['deleted' . $requestindex] == 1) {
        // read $res_inv_lines result to create a new InventoryDetail for each register.
        // Remember to take the Vendor if the Product is related with this.
        while ($row = $adb->getNextRow($res_inv_lines, false)) {
            $invdet_focus = array();
            $invdet_focus = new InventoryDetails();
            $rec_exists = $adb->pquery('SELECT inventorydetailsid FROM vtiger_inventorydetails
				INNER JOIN vtiger_crmentity ON vtiger_crmentity.crmid = vtiger_inventorydetails.inventorydetailsid
				WHERE deleted = 0 AND lineitem_id = ?', array($row['lineitem_id']));
            if ($adb->num_rows($rec_exists) > 0) {
                $invdet_focus->id = $adb->query_result($rec_exists, 0, 0);
                $invdet_focus->retrieve_entity_info($invdet_focus->id, 'InventoryDetails');
                $invdet_focus->mode = 'edit';
            } else {
                $invdet_focus->id = '';
                $invdet_focus->mode = '';
            foreach ($invdet_focus->column_fields as $fieldname => $val) {
                if (isset($_REQUEST[$fieldname . $requestindex])) {
                    $invdet_focus->column_fields[$fieldname] = vtlib_purify($_REQUEST[$fieldname . $requestindex]);
                } elseif (isset($row[$fieldname])) {
                    $invdet_focus->column_fields[$fieldname] = $row[$fieldname];
            $invdet_focus->column_fields['lineitem_id'] = $row['lineitem_id'];
            $_REQUEST['assigntype'] = 'U';
            $invdet_focus->column_fields['assigned_user_id'] = $current_user->id;
            $invdet_focus->column_fields['account_id'] = $accountid;
            $invdet_focus->column_fields['contact_id'] = $contactid;
            if ($taxtype == 'group') {
                $invdet_focus->column_fields['tax_percent'] = 0;
                $invdet_focus->column_fields['linetax'] = 0;
            $handler = vtws_getModuleHandlerFromName('InventoryDetails', $current_user);
            $meta = $handler->getMeta();
            $invdet_focus->column_fields = DataTransform::sanitizeRetrieveEntityInfo($invdet_focus->column_fields, $meta);
            while (isset($_REQUEST['deleted' . $requestindex]) and $_REQUEST['deleted' . $requestindex] == 1) {
        $currentModule = $save_currentModule;
Example #9
 function save_module($module)
     //Checking if quote_id is present and updating the quote status
     if ($this->column_fields["quote_id"] != '') {
         $qt_id = $this->column_fields["quote_id"];
         $query1 = "update vtiger_quotes set quotestage='Accepted' where quoteid=?";
         $this->db->pquery($query1, array($qt_id));
     //in ajax save we should not call this function, because this will delete all the existing product values
     if ($_REQUEST['action'] != 'SalesOrderAjax' && $_REQUEST['ajxaction'] != 'DETAILVIEW' && $_REQUEST['action'] != 'MassEditSave' && $_REQUEST['action'] != 'ProcessDuplicates') {
         //Based on the total Number of rows we will save the product relationship with this entity
         saveInventoryProductDetails($this, 'SalesOrder');
         if (vtlib_isModuleActive("InventoryDetails")) {
             InventoryDetails::createInventoryDetails($this, 'SalesOrder');
     // Update the currency id and the conversion rate for the sales order
     $update_query = "update vtiger_salesorder set currency_id=?, conversion_rate=? where salesorderid=?";
     $update_params = array($this->column_fields['currency_id'], $this->column_fields['conversion_rate'], $this->id);
     $this->db->pquery($update_query, $update_params);