Example #1
                    <td><span id="subLogoText">Applicant Tracking System</span></td>
        <br />
        <p class="note">CATS Installation Test</p>
echo '<table class="test_output">';
$proceed = true;
$warningsOccurred = false;
$proceed = $proceed && InstallationTests::runCoreTests();
$proceed = $proceed && InstallationTests::checkMySQL(DATABASE_HOST, DATABASE_USER, DATABASE_PASS, DATABASE_NAME);
$proceed = $proceed && InstallationTests::checkAttachmentsDir();
$proceed = $proceed && InstallationTests::checkAntiword();
echo '</table>';
if (!$proceed) {
    echo '<p id="footer_fail">One ore more tests failed. Please fix the problem and refresh this page.</p>';
    if ($warningsOccurred) {
        echo '<p id="footer_warning">One or more tests issued a warning. Once the fatal errors (red) are fixed, you may still proceed, but read the warnings carefully and address them if you can.</p>';
} else {
    if ($warningsOccurred) {
        echo '<p id="footer_warning">One or more tests issued a warning. You may still proceed, but read the warnings carefully and address them if you can.</p>';
    echo '<p id="footer_pass">All tests passed successfully! Proceed to the next step.</p>';
Example #2
     CATSUtility::changeConfigSetting('ANTIWORD_PATH', '"' . $antiwordWithSlashes . '"');
     $pdftotextPath = $_REQUEST['pdfExecutable'];
     $pdftotextWithSlashes = str_replace('\\', '\\\\', $pdftotextPath);
     CATSUtility::changeConfigSetting('PDFTOTEXT_PATH', '"' . $pdftotextWithSlashes . '"');
     $html2textPath = $_REQUEST['htmlExecutable'];
     $html2textWithSlashes = str_replace('\\', '\\\\', $html2textPath);
     CATSUtility::changeConfigSetting('HTML2TEXT_PATH', '"' . $html2textWithSlashes . '"');
     $unrtfPath = $_REQUEST['rtfExecutable'];
     $unrtfWithSlashes = str_replace('\\', '\\\\', $unrtfPath);
     CATSUtility::changeConfigSetting('UNRTF_PATH', '"' . $unrtfWithSlashes . '"');
 case 'testResumeParsing2':
     echo '<script type="text/javascript">showTextBlock(\'resumeParsing\');</script>';
     $result = true;
     echo '<br />', '<span style="font-weight: bold;">Test Results</span>', '<table class="test_output">';
     $antiwordResults = !(ANTIWORD_PATH != '' && !InstallationTests::checkAntiword());
     $pdftotextResults = !(PDFTOTEXT_PATH != '' && !InstallationTests::checkPdftotext());
     $html2textResults = !(HTML2TEXT_PATH != '' && !InstallationTests::checkHtml2text());
     if (UNRTF_PATH != '' && !$html2textResults) {
         echo '<tr class="fail"><td>UnRTF depends on Html2Text and can not execute.</td></tr>';
         $unrtfResults = false;
     } else {
         $unrtfResults = !(UNRTF_PATH != '' && !InstallationTests::checkUnrtf());
     if (!$antiwordResults || !$pdftotextResults) {
         echo '<script type="text/javascript">showTextBlock(\'testFailed\');</script>';
     } else {
         echo '<script type="text/javascript">showTextBlock(\'testPassedParsing\');</script>';
 case 'optionalComponents':