Example #1
 /* ===================================================[ DATABASE CONNECTION ]=================================================== */
 if ($steps[STEP_DBCONNECT]['enabled']) {
     // Try to connect to database
     $login = $keywords['connection'];
     // Clear the plain-text password if encryption is enabled
     if ($steps[STEP_DBCONNECT]['encryptlogin']) {
         $login['password'] = '';
     // If connection cannot be made, force show "connection" step!
     if (!$dbase->IsConnected() || $step == STEP_DBCONNECT) {
         $page->MainTitle($steps[STEP_DBCONNECT]['title'], 'connection');
         // If the step is not STEP_DBCONNECT, then the installer was going
         // somewhere else - so error message should be displayed
         if ($step != STEP_DBCONNECT) {
             $page->WarningBox('Unable to establish a connection to <b>' . $login['hostname'] . '</b>. ' . 'Please fill in <i>hostname</i>, <i>username</i> and <i>password</i>.');
             if ($config['show_database_error_messages']) {
         } else {
             if ($step == STEP_DBCONNECT && $dbase->IsConnected()) {
                 $page->SuccessBox('Connection to database server is successful with login ' . 'provided. Proceed to the next step');
         // If the port is optional and the port value contains
         // non-digits then display warning message
         if ($steps[STEP_DBCONNECT]['portoptional'] && !$dbase->IsConnected() && strlen($login['dbport']) > 0 && !IsNumericOnly($login['dbport'])) {
             $page->WarningBox('The port value <b>' . $login['dbport'] . '</b> is not a valid numeric value');
         // If the password is encrypted and connection has been made successfully - then pressing NEXT
         // in the 'else' clause below would send an empty string and reset the password to nothing. So,
Example #2
                $str = '';
                foreach ($counts as $word => $count) {
                    $str .= "\n" . '<br /><tt><b>' . $keywords['open_bracket'] . $word . $keywords['close_bracket'] . '</b></tt> = <b>' . $count . '</b>';
                $page->SuccessBox('The mask file contains the following keywords:' . $str);
            } else {
                $page->InfoBox('This mask file does not contain any keywords to replace.');
            // Check if there is SEPARATOR KEYWORD in the sql file
            $ext = $mask->GetMaskExtension($sett['maskname'], true);
            if ($ext == 'sql') {
                $counts = $mask->GetSqlSeparatorCount($maskContent);
                if ($counts > 0) {
                    $page->SuccessBox('The SQL mask has <b>' . $counts . '</b> occurences of the <i>SQL Query Separator</i>');
                } else {
                    $page->WarningBox('There is no occurence of the <i>SQL Query Separator</i>! If your "Installation SQL Script" contains ' . 'more than one query, <b>the installation will fail!</b>  <br />&nbsp;<br />' . 'PHP does not support multiple queries, unless <tt>mysqli</tt> is used. Because we cannot be certain ' . 'that <tt>mysqli</tt> will be installed, the Installer does not support that extension, but rather ' . 'requires that the <tt>' . $keywords['next_query'] . '</tt> separator is placed in between all queries.');
        } else {
            $page->WarningBox('The mask file <b>' . $sett['maskname'] . '</b> does not exists, make sure filenames are correct!');
// Create a new array with the configuration overview as first element
// and copy the rest of the $steps array into the new array
$newSteps = array(STEP_SETTOVERVIEW => array('title' => 'Configuration Overview'));
foreach ($steps as $key => $value) {
    $newSteps[$key] = $value;
// Clear the original steps and update with the modified version
$steps = array();
Example #3
			$verStr = '<br />&nbsp;<br />PHP Version: '.phpversion().'<br />PHP Required: '.implode('.', $bounds['lower']).$maxStr;

			// If minimum is above maximum!
			if($MinMax == 1)
				$page->ErrorBox('Minimum version requirements are higher than maximum requirements. '.
				                'This check will always fail due to incorrect configuration! <br />&nbsp;<br />'.
								'This must be corrected: [min '.$steps[$step]['phpversion'].' &gt; '.$steps[$step]['maxversion'].' max]');

			// If current version is equal or higher than lower bound
			// and is below the upper bound - then accepted!
			if ($CurLow >= 0 && $CurHig < 0)
				$page->SuccessBox('Current PHP version is supported!'.$verStr);			
			else if($CurLow < 0)
				$page->WarningBox('Current PHP version is below minimum requirements!'.$verStr);
			else if($CurHig > 0)
				$page->WarningBox('Current PHP version is above maximum requirements!'.$verStr);
			else if($CurHig == 0)
				$page->WarningBox('Current PHP version is the same as the maximum requirement, which is not supported!'.$verStr);
				$page->WarningBox('Current PHP version not supported!'.$verStr);

		/* -----------------------( VERIFY FORM STRUCTURE )----------------------- */
		if($step == STEP_ADDEDINFO)
			$page->MainTitle('Your custom form', 'userinfo');

			// Construct a form based on the setup in $steps