  * @author Okan CIRAN
  * @ Quest için npk lı firmanın danısman tarafından onaylanmış kayıtların sayısını döndürür !!
  * @version v 1.0  24.06.2016
  * @param array | null $args
  * @return array
  * @throws \PDOException
 public function fillUserProductsServicesNpkQuestRtc($params = array())
     try {
         $pdo = $this->slimApp->getServiceManager()->get('pgConnectFactory');
         $getUserIdValue = NULL;
         $getUser = InfoUsers::getUserIdsForNetworkKey(array('network_key' => $params['network_key']));
         if (\Utill\Dal\Helper::haveRecord($getUser)) {
             $getUserIdValue = $getUser['resultSet'][0]['user_id'];
             $sql = " \n                    SELECT \n                       COUNT(a.id) AS count\n                    FROM info_users_products_services a\n                    INNER JOIN info_users_detail iud ON iud.root_id = a.user_id AND iud.active = 0 AND iud.deleted = 0 AND iud.language_parent_id =0\n                    INNER JOIN sys_language l ON l.id = iud.language_id AND l.deleted =0 AND l.active =0                    \n                    INNER JOIN info_users iu ON iu.id = a.user_id \n\t\t    INNER JOIN sys_unspsc_codes suc ON suc.id = a.unspsc_codes_id AND suc.active = 0 AND suc.deleted = 0 AND suc.language_id =l.id AND suc.language_parent_id =0 \t\t    \n\t\t    WHERE \n                        a.user_id = " . intval($getUserIdValue) . " AND\n                        a.cons_allow_id =2 AND \n\t\t\ta.profile_public = 0 \n\t\t    ORDER BY unspsc_name\n                ";
             $statement = $pdo->prepare($sql);
             //echo debugPDO($sql, $params);
             $result = $statement->fetchAll(\PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
             $errorInfo = $statement->errorInfo();
             if ($errorInfo[0] != "00000" && $errorInfo[1] != NULL && $errorInfo[2] != NULL) {
                 throw new \PDOException($errorInfo[0]);
             return array("found" => true, "errorInfo" => $errorInfo, "resultSet" => $result);
         } else {
             $errorInfo = '23502';
             // 23502  not_null_violation
             $errorInfoColumn = 'unpk';
             return array("found" => false, "errorInfo" => $errorInfo, "resultSet" => '', "errorInfoColumn" => $errorInfoColumn);
     } catch (\PDOException $e) {
         return array("found" => false, "errorInfo" => $e->getMessage());