public static function getWarInfo($warID) { global $mdb; $warInfo = array(); if ($warID == null) { return $warInfo; } $warInfo = $mdb->findDoc('information', ['type' => 'warID', 'id' => $warID]); if (!isset($warInfo['aggressor'])) { return []; } $warInfo['warID'] = $warID; $agr = $warInfo['aggressor']['id']; $agrIsAlliance = self::isAlliance($agr); $agrName = $agrIsAlliance ? Info::getInfoField('allianceID', $agr, 'name') : Info::getInfoField('corporationID', $agr, 'name'); $warInfo['agrName'] = $agrName; $warInfo['agrLink'] = ($agrIsAlliance ? '/alliance/' : '/corporation/') . "{$agr}/"; $dfd = $warInfo['defender']['id']; $dfdIsAlliance = self::isAlliance($dfd); $dfdName = $dfdIsAlliance ? Info::getInfoField('allianceID', $dfd, 'name') : Info::getInfoField('corporationID', $dfd, 'name'); $warInfo['dfdName'] = $dfdName; $warInfo['dfdLink'] = ($dfdIsAlliance ? '/alliance/' : '/corporation/') . "{$dfd}/"; $warInfo['dscr'] = "{$agrName} vs {$dfdName}"; return $warInfo; }
private static function getInvolved(&$kills, $team) { $involved = array(); foreach ($kills as $kill) { $kill = self::$killstorage[$kill['victim']['killID']]; $attackers = $kill['involved']; array_shift($attackers); if (is_array($attackers)) { foreach ($attackers as $entry) { $add = false; if (in_array(@$entry['allianceID'], $team)) { $add = true; } if (in_array(@$entry['corporationID'], $team)) { $add = true; } if ($add) { $key = @$entry['characterID'] . ':' . @$entry['corporationID'] . ':' . @$entry['allianceID'] . ':' . @$entry['shipTypeID']; $entry['shipName'] = Info::getInfoField('typeID', @$entry['shipTypeID'], 'name'); if (!in_array($key, $involved)) { $involved[$key] = $entry; } } } } } return $involved; }
public static function saveFitting($killID) { global $mdb; $killmail = $mdb->findDoc('rawmails', ['killID' => (int) $killID]); $victim = $killmail['victim']; header('Content-Type: application/json'); $export = []; $export['name'] = @$victim['character']['name'] . "'s " . $victim['shipType']['name']; $export['description'] = "Imported from{$killID}/"; $export['ship'] = ['id' => $victim['shipType']['id']]; $export['ship']['name'] = Info::getInfoField('typeID', $victim['shipType']['id'], 'name'); $export['ship']['href'] = "" . $victim['shipType']['id'] . "/"; $items = $victim['items']; $export['items'] = []; foreach ($items as $item) { $flag = $item['flag']; if (!self::isFit($flag)) { continue; } $nextItem = []; $nextItem['flag'] = $flag; $nextItem['quantity'] = @$item['quantityDropped'] + @$item['quantityDestroyed']; $nextItem['type']['id'] = $item['itemType']['id']; $nextItem['type']['name'] = Info::getInfoField('typeID', $item['itemType']['id'], 'name'); $nextItem['type']['href'] = "" . $item['itemType']['id'] . "/"; $export['items'][] = $nextItem; } if (sizeof($export['items']) == 0) { return ['message' => 'Cannot save this fit, no hardware.']; } $decode = CrestSSO::crestGet(""); if (isset($decode['message'])) { return $decode; } $character = CrestSSO::crestGet($decode['character']['href']); $result = CrestSSO::crestPost($character['fittings']['href'], $export); if ($result['httpCode'] == 201) { return ['message' => "Fit successfully saved to your character's fittings."]; } return $result; }
/** * [getGroupID description]. * * @param int $id * * @return int */ public static function getGroupID($id) { return Info::getInfoField('typeID', $id, 'groupID'); }
public static function addItems(&$itemArray, $items, $killTime, $inContainer = 0, $parentFlag = 0) { if ($items == null) { return; } if (is_array($items)) { foreach ($items as $item) { $typeID = $item['itemType']['id']; $item['typeID'] = $typeID; $item['price'] = Price::getItemPrice($typeID, $killTime); $item['inContainer'] = $inContainer; if ($inContainer) { $item['flag'] = $parentFlag; } if ($inContainer && strpos(Info::getInfoField('typeID', $typeID, 'name'), 'Blueprint')) { $item['singleton'] = 2; } unset($item['_stringValue']); $itemArray[] = $item; $subItems = isset($item['items']) ? $item['items'] : null; unset($item['items']); if ($subItems != null) { self::addItems($itemArray, $subItems, $killTime, 1, $item['flag']); } } } }
case 'warID': continue; case 'corporationID': $flag = @$entity['ticker']; break; case 'allianceID': $flag = @$entity['ticker']; break; case 'typeID': if ($mdb->exists('killmails', ['involved.shipTypeID' => $id])) { $flag = strtolower($name); } if (@$entity['published'] != true && $flag == '') { continue; } $isShip = $flag != ''; break; case 'solarSystemID': $regionID = Info::getInfoField('solarSystemID', $id, 'regionID'); $regionName = Info::getInfoField('regionID', $regionID, 'name'); $name = "{$name} ({$regionName})"; break; } if (!$isShip) { $redis->zAdd("search:{$type}", 0, strtolower($name) . "{$id}"); } if (strlen($flag) > 0) { $redis->zAdd("search:{$type}:flag", 0, strtolower("{$flag}{$id}")); } } $redis->setex($key, 3600, true);
public static function eftarray($md5, $items, $victimID = 0) { // EFT / Fitting Wheel $eftarray['high'] = array(); // high $eftarray['mid'] = array(); // mid $eftarray['low'] = array(); // low $eftarray['rig'] = array(); // rig $eftarray['drone'] = array(); // drone $eftarray['sub'] = array(); // sub $eftammo['high'] = array(); // high ammo $eftammo['mid'] = array(); // mid ammo foreach ($items as $itm) { if (!isset($itm['inContainer'])) { $itm['inContainer'] = 0; } if ($victimID >= 2100000000 && $victimID <= 2999999999) { $itm['flagName'] = Info::getInfoField('groupID', Info::getGroupID($itm['typeID']), 'name'); } elseif (!isset($itm['flagName'])) { $itm['flagName'] = Info::getFlagName($itm['flag']); } if ($itm['flagName'] == 'Infantry Modules') { $itm['flagName'] = 'Mid Slots'; } if ($itm['flagName'] == 'Infantry Weapons') { $itm['flagName'] = 'High Slots'; } if ($itm['flagName'] == 'Infantry Equipment') { $itm['flagName'] = 'Low Slots'; } if ($itm['flag'] == 89) { $slot = Db::queryField('select coalesce(valueInt, valueFloat) slot from ccp_dgmTypeAttributes where typeID = :typeID and attributeID = 331', 'slot', array(':typeID' => $itm['typeID'])); if ($slot <= 5 && $slot >= 1) { $itm['flagName'] = 'High Slots'; $itm['flag'] = 27 + ($slot - 1); } elseif ($slot > 5 && $slot <= 10) { $itm['flagName'] = 'Low Slots'; $itm['flag'] = 11 + ($slot - 6); } $itm['fittable'] = 1; } if (!isset($itm['flag']) || $itm['flag'] == 0) { if ($itm['flagName'] == 'High Slots') { $itm['flag'] = 27; } if ($itm['flagName'] == 'Mid Slots') { $itm['flag'] = 19; } if ($itm['flagName'] == 'Low Slots') { $itm['flag'] = 11; } } $key = $itm['typeName'] . '|' . $itm['flagName']; if (isset($itm['flagName'])) { if ($itm['flagName'] == 'SubSystems' || $itm['fittable'] && $itm['inContainer'] == 0) { // not ammo or whatever $repeats = @$itm['quantityDropped'] + @$itm['quantityDestroyed']; $i = 0; while ($i < $repeats) { if ($itm['flagName'] == 'High Slots') { high: if (isset($eftarray['high'][$itm['flag']])) { $itm['flag'] = $itm['flag'] + 1; goto high; } $eftarray['high'][$itm['flag']][] = array('typeName' => $itm['typeName'], 'typeID' => $itm['typeID']); } if ($itm['flagName'] == 'Mid Slots') { mid: if (isset($eftarray['mid'][$itm['flag']])) { $itm['flag'] = $itm['flag'] + 1; goto mid; } $eftarray['mid'][$itm['flag']][] = array('typeName' => $itm['typeName'], 'typeID' => $itm['typeID']); } if ($itm['flagName'] == 'Low Slots') { low: if (isset($eftarray['low'][$itm['flag']])) { $itm['flag'] = $itm['flag'] + 1; goto low; } $eftarray['low'][$itm['flag']][] = array('typeName' => $itm['typeName'], 'typeID' => $itm['typeID']); } if ($itm['flagName'] == 'Rigs') { rigs: if (isset($eftarray['rig'][$itm['flag']])) { $itm['flag'] = $itm['flag'] + 1; goto rigs; } $eftarray['rig'][$itm['flag']][] = array('typeName' => $itm['typeName'], 'typeID' => $itm['typeID']); } if ($itm['flagName'] == 'SubSystems') { subs: if (isset($eftarray['sub'][$itm['flag']])) { $itm['flag'] = $itm['flag'] + 1; goto subs; } $eftarray['sub'][$itm['flag']][] = array('typeName' => $itm['typeName'], 'typeID' => $itm['typeID']); } ++$i; } } else { if ($itm['flagName'] == 'Drone Bay') { $eftarray['drone'][$itm['flag']][] = array('typeName' => $itm['typeName'], 'typeID' => $itm['typeID'], 'qty' => @$itm['quantityDropped'] + @$itm['quantityDestroyed']); } } } } // Ammo shit foreach ($items as $itm) { if (!isset($itm['inContainer'])) { $itm['inContainer'] = 0; } if ($itm['inContainer'] == 0 && !$itm['fittable'] && isset($itm['flagName'])) { // possibly ammo if ($itm['flagName'] == 'High Slots') { // high slot ammo $eftarray['high'][$itm['flag']][] = array('typeName' => $itm['typeName'], 'typeID' => $itm['typeID'], 'charge' => true); } if ($itm['flagName'] == 'Mid Slots') { // mid slot ammo $eftarray['mid'][$itm['flag']][] = array('typeName' => $itm['typeName'], 'typeID' => $itm['typeID'], 'charge' => true); } if ($itm['flagName'] == 'Low Slots') { // mid slot ammo $eftarray['low'][$itm['flag']][] = array('typeName' => $itm['typeName'], 'typeID' => $itm['typeID'], 'charge' => true); } } } foreach ($eftarray as $key => $value) { if (sizeof($value)) { asort($value); $eftarray[$key] = $value; } else { unset($eftarray[$key]); } } return $eftarray; }