function Dwoo_Plugin_spacify_caps(Dwoo $dwoo, $text) { return Inflector::spacifyCaps($text); }
public function validate($options) { // apply default $options = array_merge(array('validator' => 'string', 'required' => true), $options); // check 'field' if (empty($options['field'])) { die('FormValidator: required option "field" missing'); } // check 'id' and default to 'field' if (empty($options['id'])) { if (is_array($options['field'])) { throw new Exception('Option "id" is required when option "field" is an array'); } else { $options['id'] = $options['field']; } } // get validator if (is_string($options['validator'])) { $validator = array('Validators', $options['validator']); } else { $validator = $options['validator']; } // check validator if (!is_callable($validator)) { throw new Exception('Validator for field ' . $options['id'] . ' is not callable'); } // return false if any errors are already registered under 'id' if (array_key_exists($options['id'], $this->_errors)) { return false; } // parse 'field' for multiple values and array paths if (is_array($options['field'])) { $value = array(); foreach ($options['field'] as $field_single) { $value[] = $this->resolveValue($field_single); } // skip validation for empty fields that aren't required if (!$options['required'] && !count(array_filter($value))) { return true; } } else { $value = $this->resolveValue($options['field']); // skip validation for empty fields that aren't required if (!$options['required'] && empty($value)) { return true; } } // call validator $isValid = call_user_func($validator, $value, $options); if ($isValid == false) { if (!empty($options['errorMessage'])) { $this->_errors[$options['id']] = gettext($options['errorMessage']); } else { // default 'errorMessage' built from 'id' $this->_errors[$options['id']] = sprintf($options['required'] && empty($value) ? _('%s is missing.') : _('%s is invalid.'), Inflector::spacifyCaps($options['id'])); } return false; } else { return true; } }
public static function getColumnHeader($field) { return !empty($field['label']) ? $field['label'] : Inflector::spacifyCaps($field['columnName']); }