Example #1
  * @brief load up the installer lib
  * The installer uses a lib that is shared between the frontend and shell
  * installer.
  * @access public
 public function __construct($request = null, $response = null)
     parent::__construct($request, $response);
     App::uses('InstallerLib', 'Installer.Lib');
     $this->InstallerLib = new InstallerLib();
Example #2
 public function __construct($stdout = null, $stderr = null, $stdin = null)
     App::import('Core', 'Router');
     parent::__construct($stdout, $stderr, $stdin);
     $this->__verbose = isset($this->params['verbose']) && $this->params['verbose'];
Example #3
 public function testGetPlugins()
     $_allPlugins = InfinitasPlugin::listPlugins('all');
     $allPlugins = array() + array('' => 'None');
     foreach ($_allPlugins as $k => $v) {
         $allPlugins[Inflector::underscore($v)] = $v;
     // need to see how to do this
     //$this->assertEqual(count($this->Infinitas->getPlugins($this->AppModel, true)), count($allPlugins));
  * @brief change the template if there is one available
  * If a template is found for the current exception then it is set 
  * @param string $exceptionClass The name of the exception class
  * @param string $plugin The plugin the exception belongs to
 private function __changeTemplate($exceptionClass, $plugin)
     $view = Inflector::underscore(str_replace(array('Exception', $plugin), '', $exceptionClass));
     try {
         $path = InfinitasPlugin::path($plugin) . 'View' . DS . 'Errors' . DS . $view . '.ctp';
         if (is_file($path)) {
             $this->method = '_infinitasError';
             $this->template = sprintf('%s.%s', $plugin, $view);
     } catch (Exception $e) {
     $path = APP . 'View' . DS . 'Errors' . DS . $view . '.ctp';
     if (is_file($path)) {
         $this->method = '_infinitasError';
         $this->template = $view;
Example #5
  * @brief generate the path to a plugins theme dir
  * If the specific theme is available it will return the path to the 
  * theme, if not it will return the path to where the themes for that plugin 
  * are kept
  * If no plugin is null, it is assumed that the path for app themes are required
  * @access public
  * @param string $plugin the name of the plugin
  * @param string $theme the name of the theme
  * @return string the path that is requested 
 public static function themePath($plugin = null, $theme = null)
     if (!$plugin) {
         if (!$theme) {
             return APP . 'View' . DS . 'Themed';
         return APP . 'View' . DS . 'Themed' . DS . $theme;
     if (!$theme) {
         return InfinitasPlugin::path($plugin) . 'View' . DS . 'Themed';
     return InfinitasPlugin::path($plugin) . 'View' . DS . 'Themed' . DS . $theme;
Example #6
$cachedConfigs = Cache::read('global_configs');
if (!empty($cachedConfigs)) {
    foreach ($cachedConfigs as $k => $v) {
        Configure::write($k, $v);
unset($cacheEngine, $cachedConfigs);
EventCore::trigger(new StdClass(), 'requireLibs');
 * @todo cake2.0
 * Cache::write('global_configs', Configure::getInstance());
configureCache(EventCore::trigger(new StdClass(), 'setupCache'));
 * Make sure the json defines are loaded.
if (!defined('JSON_ERROR_NONE')) {
    define('JSON_ERROR_NONE', 0);
if (!defined('JSON_ERROR_DEPTH')) {
    define('JSON_ERROR_DEPTH', 1);
if (!defined('JSON_ERROR_CTRL_CHAR')) {
    define('JSON_ERROR_CTRL_CHAR', 3);
if (!defined('JSON_ERROR_SYNTAX')) {
    define('JSON_ERROR_SYNTAX', 4);
Example #7
  * Build routes for the app.
  * Allows other plugins to register routes to be used in the app and builds
  * the routes from the database.
 private static function __buildRoutes()
     App::uses('ClassRegistry', 'Utility');
     EventCore::trigger(new StdClass(), 'setupRoutes');
     if (InfinitasPlugin::infinitasInstalled()) {
         $routes = ClassRegistry::init('Routes.Route')->getRoutes();
         if (!empty($routes)) {
             foreach ($routes as $route) {
                 if (false) {
                 call_user_func_array(array('InfinitasRouter', 'connect'), $route['Route']);
         if (!defined('INFINITAS_ROUTE_HASH')) {
             define('INFINITAS_ROUTE_HASH', md5(serialize($routes)));
Example #8
  * @brief get all the places plugins are found and tell cake about them
  * Get the paths out of cache if there are any or get them with Folder::read
  * They are used with App::build() to make any extra folders  in APP be plugin
  * folders. This can help if you want to keep plugins outside of /plugins
 private static function __findPlugins()
     if (!empty(self::$__pluginPaths)) {
         return true;
     self::$__pluginPaths = Cache::read('plugin_paths');
     if (self::$__pluginPaths === false) {
         $Folder = new Folder(APP);
         $folders = $Folder->read();
         $folders = array_flip($folders[0]);
         unset($Folder, $folders['.git'], $folders['Config'], $folders['Locale'], $folders['nbproject'], $folders['Console'], $folders['tmp'], $folders['View'], $folders['Controller'], $folders['Lib'], $folders['webroot'], $folders['Test'], $folders['Model']);
         self::$__pluginPaths = array();
         foreach (array_flip($folders) as $folder) {
             self::$__pluginPaths[] = APP . $folder . DS;
         Cache::write('plugin_paths', self::$__pluginPaths);
         unset($Folder, $folders);
         // @todo trigger event to get oter plugin paths
     return App::build(array('Plugin' => self::$__pluginPaths));
 private function __getPlugins()
     $plugins = InfinitasPlugin::listPlugins('loaded');
     foreach ($plugins as &$plugin) {
         $plugin = InfinitasPlugin::path($plugin) . 'webroot' . DS . 'img' . DS;
     $plugins[] = APP . DS . 'webroot' . DS . 'img' . DS;
     return $plugins;
Example #10
  * @brief get a list of themes that are not yet installed
  * @access public
  * @return array list of themes that are not installed
 public function notInstalled()
     App::uses('InstallerLib', 'Installer.Lib');
     $installed = $this->installed();
     $notInstalled = array();
     foreach (InfinitasPlugin::listPlugins('loaded') as $plugin) {
         foreach (InstallerLib::findThemes($plugin) as $theme) {
             if (!array_key_exists($theme, $installed)) {
                 $notInstalled[$plugin . '.' . $theme] = Inflector::humanize(Inflector::underscore($plugin . Inflector::camelize($theme)));
     foreach (InstallerLib::findThemes() as $theme) {
         if (!linkinfo(InstallerLib::themePath(null, $theme)) && !array_key_exists($theme, $installed)) {
             $notInstalled[$theme] = Inflector::humanize(Inflector::underscore($theme));
     return $notInstalled;
Example #11
  * Dispatch Event
  * @param string $eventName
  * @param array $data (optional)
  * @return array
 protected static function _dispatchEvent(&$HandlerObject, $scope, $eventName, $data = array())
     $_this = EventCore::getInstance();
     $eventHandlerMethod = $_this->_handlerMethodName($eventName);
     $return = array();
     if (isset($_this->_eventHandlerCache[$eventName])) {
         foreach ($_this->_eventHandlerCache[$eventName] as $eventClass) {
             $pluginName = EventCore::_extractPluginName($eventClass);
             $pluginType = 'loaded';
             if (isset($_this->__pluginsMap[$eventName])) {
                 $pluginType = $_this->__pluginsMap[$eventName];
             if (!in_array(Inflector::camelize($pluginName), (array) InfinitasPlugin::listPlugins($pluginType))) {
             if ($scope == 'Global' || $scope == $pluginName) {
                 $Event = new Event($eventName, $HandlerObject, $pluginName);
                 $return[$pluginName] = call_user_func_array(array($_this->_eventClasses[$eventClass], $eventHandlerMethod), array($Event, $data));
     return $return;