public function myinbox() { $id = Account::getMyID(); $inbox = new Inbox(); $begin = isset($_GET['begin']) ? addslashes($_GET['begin']) : 0; $limit = 10; $w = isset($_GET['word']) ? addslashes($_GET['word']) : ''; //search if commbook if (isset($_GET['cb'])) { if ($w != '') { $retArr = $inbox->searchCb($w, $id, $begin, $limit); $arrMsg = $retArr['arrMsg']; $return['total'] = $retArr['total']; } else { $whereClause = "(inbox_from = '{$id}' OR inbox_to = '{$id}') AND inbox_type = 'cb' ORDER BY inbox_changedate DESC LIMIT {$begin},{$limit}"; $arrMsg = $inbox->getWhere($whereClause); $clause = " (inbox_from = '{$id}' OR inbox_to = '{$id}') AND inbox_type = 'cb' "; $return['total'] = $inbox->getJumlah($clause); } } elseif (isset($_GET['search'])) { //get search word //sementara di off in //yg bs dicari nama_depan pengirim dan judul dan msg nya saja, $retArr = $inbox->search($w, $id, $begin, $limit); $arrMsg = $retArr['arrMsg']; $return['total'] = $retArr['total']; } else { $whereClause = "inbox_from = '{$id}' OR inbox_to = '{$id}' ORDER BY inbox_changedate DESC LIMIT {$begin},{$limit}"; $arrMsg = $inbox->getWhere($whereClause); $clause = "inbox_from = '{$id}' OR inbox_to = '{$id}'"; $return['total'] = $inbox->getJumlah($clause); } //ambil last reply foreach ($arrMsg as $obja) { //ambil last conversations $reply = new InboxReply(); $reply->getLastReply($obja->inbox_id); if (isset($reply->inbox_msg) && $reply->inbox_msg != '') { $obja->inbox_msg = $reply->inbox_msg; } } $return['limit'] = $limit; $return['begin'] = $begin; $return['arrMsg'] = $arrMsg; $return['webClass'] = __CLASS__; $return['method'] = __FUNCTION__; $return['word'] = $w; $return['cb'] = isset($_GET['cb']) ? $_GET['cb'] : 0; Mold::both("inbox/myinbox", $return); //pr($arrMsg); }