Example #1
 * 2) Copy and rename this file, to whatever name you want, in the same directoyr,
 * to avoid having your changes overwritten next time you update Fabrik.
 * 3) Modify the REQUIRED 'changethis' options below to match your full element names.
 * 4) Set any of the OPTIONAL options below.
 * 5) On your Table plugin settings for Table CSV, select the renamed file from step 2
 * 6) Run your CSV import.  This plugin will run once for each row being imported, and
 * attempt to either create or modify a J! user accordingly.
defined('_JEXEC') or die;
require_once COM_FABRIK_FRONTEND . DS . 'plugins' . DS . 'table' . DS . 'tablecsv' . DS . 'scripts' . DS . 'csv_import_user_class.php';
$csv_user = new ImportCSVCreateUser();
 * The full Fabrik element names for the username, email, name and J! userid.
 * The plugin will write the newly created J! userid to the userid element.
 * These four are REQUIRED and the code will fail if they are missing or wrong.
$csv_user->username_element = 'changethis___username';
$csv_user->email_element = 'changethis___email';
$csv_user->name_element = 'changethis___name';
$csv_user->userid_element = 'changethis_userid';
 * The following are optional:
 * 2) Copy and rename this file, to whatever name you want, in the same directory,
 * to avoid having your changes overwritten next time you update Fabrik.
 * 3) Modify the REQUIRED 'changethis' options below to match your full element names.
 * 4) Set any of the OPTIONAL options below.
 * 5) On your List plugin settings for the List CSV plugin, select the renamed file from step 2
 * 6) Run your CSV import.  This plugin will run once for each row being imported, and
 * attempt to either create or modify a J! user accordingly. Modification occurs if username already exists
defined('_JEXEC') or die;
require_once JPATH_SITE . '/plugins/fabrik_list/listcsv/scripts/csv_import_user_class.php';
$csv_user = new ImportCSVCreateUser();
 * The full Fabrik element names for the username, email, name and J! userid.
 * The plugin will write the newly created J! userid to the userid element.
 * These four are REQUIRED and the code will fail if they are missing or wrong.
$csv_user->username_element = 'changethis___username';
$csv_user->email_element = 'changethis___email';
$csv_user->name_element = 'changethis___name';
$csv_user->userid_element = 'changethis_userid';
 * The following are optional: