Example #1
  * {@inheritdoc}
 public function search(array $criteria)
     if (!empty($criteria)) {
         $lastItem = end($criteria);
         if (strpos($lastItem, '"') === 0 && substr($lastItem, -strlen('"')) === '"') {
             array_unshift($criteria, 'X-GM-RAW');
     return parent::search($criteria);
Example #2
 * @param type $encryptedPassword
 * @param type $rsaTime
 * @return boolean
function authSteam($encryptedPassword, $rsaTime, $debug = false)
    include_once _SYSDIR_ . 'private/libs/phpseclib/Math/BigInteger.php';
    include_once _SYSDIR_ . 'private/libs/phpseclib/Crypt/RSA.php';
    include_once _SYSDIR_ . 'system/inc/Imap.php';
    $login = STEAM_LOGIN;
    $password = STEAM_PASSWORD;
    $cookies = _SYSDIR_ . 'private/cookies/cookies.txt';
    if ($debug) {
        echo "[" . date("H:i:s") . "] " . "Auth manager loaded. Sleeping for 10 s." . "\n";
    if ($debug) {
        echo "[" . date("H:i:s") . "] " . "Opening IMAP." . "\n";
        //connection to emailbox
        return false;
    if ($debug) {
        echo "[" . date("H:i:s") . "] " . "Opened. Ping Steam." . "\n";
    if (!geturl("https://steamcommunity.com", null, $cookies, null, 0, $info)) {
        //ping Steam
        return false;
    if ($debug) {
        echo "[" . date("H:i:s") . "] " . "Steam accessible." . "\n";
    if (!$encryptedPassword) {
        return false;
    $captchaGid = -1;
    $emailSteamId = null;
    $captchaText = null;
    if ($debug) {
        echo "[" . date("H:i:s") . "] " . "Searching list on email server via IMAP." . "\n";
    Imap::search('BODY "Steam Guard code"');
    $array = Imap::getMail();
    $codes = array();
    if ($debug) {
        echo "[" . date("H:i:s") . "] " . "Found " . count($array) . " emails in INBOX." . "\n";
    foreach ($array as $row) {
        //if ($row['from'] == '*****@*****.**') {
        //if (preg_match("/Here\'s the Steam Guard code you\'ll need to complete the process\:/", $row['plain'])) {
        if (preg_match("/need to complete the process\\:/", $row['plain'])) {
            if (preg_match("/\\<h2\\>([A-Z0-9]{5})\\<\\/h2\\>/", $row['html'], $code)) {
                $codes[strtotime($row['date'])] = $code[1];
    if ($debug) {
        echo "[" . date("H:i:s") . "] " . "Found " . count($codes) . " codes in INBOX." . "\n";
        echo "\n";
        echo "\n";
        echo "\n";
    if ($codes && count($codes) > 0) {
        if (krsort($codes)) {
            $emailAuth = $codes[key($codes)];
    if (!$emailAuth) {
        return false;
    if ($debug) {
        echo "[" . date("H:i:s") . "] " . "Found last code - " . $emailAuth . "." . "\n";
    $params = array('username' => $login, 'password' => $encryptedPassword, 'rsatimestamp' => $rsaTime, 'captcha_gid' => $captchaGid, 'captcha_text' => $captchaText, 'emailauth' => $emailAuth, 'emailsteamid' => $emailSteamId);
    if ($debug) {
        echo "[" . date("H:i:s") . "] " . "Sending AUTH CODE to Steam." . "\n";
    $output = geturl("https://steamcommunity.com/login/dologin/", null, $cookies, $params, 0, $info);
    $data = json_decode($output, true);
    if ($data['captcha_needed']) {
        return false;
    } else {
        if ($data['success'] && $data['login_complete']) {
            $output = geturl($data['transfer_url'], null, $cookies, $data['transfer_parameters'], 0, $info);
            //ping Steam
            return true;
        } elseif (!$data['login_complete']) {
            if (!$data['success'] && $data['emailauth_needed']) {
                return false;
            //authSteam($encryptedPassword, $rsaTime);
    return false;
Example #3
  * This function returns an array of ImapMessage object for emails that fit the criteria passed. The criteria string
  * should be formatted according to the imap search standard, which can be found on the php "imap_search" page or in
  * section 6.4.4 of RFC 2060
  * @link http://us.php.net/imap_search
  * @link http://www.faqs.org/rfcs/rfc2060
  * @param string $criteria
  * @param null|int $limit
  * @return array An array of ImapMessage objects
 public function search($criteria = 'ALL', $limit = null)
     $results = $this->imap->search($this->getImapStream(), $criteria, SE_UID, 'UTF-8');
     if (!empty($results)) {
         $limit = intval($limit);
         if ($limit > 0 && count($results) > $limit) {
             $results = array_slice($results, 0, $limit);
         $messages = array();
         foreach ($results as $message_id) {
             $messages[] = new Message($message_id, $this);
         $results = $messages;
     return $results;