  * gernate 
  * 生成验证码
  * @access public
  * @return void
 public function gernate()
     $image = new Image();
     $valid = $image->imageValidate(64, 21, $_SERVER['ENV']['params']['VALID_CODE_LENGTH'], $_SERVER['ENV']['params']['VALID_CODE_TYPE'], '#3e3e3e', '#B6B6B6');
     $this->ci->session->set_userdata('vidfy', $valid);
Example #2
function resizeImage()
    //lay duong dan file duoc request
    $request = $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'];
    //lay ten file
    $tmp_request = explode('/', $request);
    $case = count($tmp_request);
    $image_name = $tmp_request[$case - 1];
    //type resize
    $resize_type = $tmp_request[$case - 2];
    //echo $image_name;
    $resource_img = get_picture_dir($image_name) . '/' . $image_name;
    $resource_img = '..' . $resource_img;
    if (!file_exists($resource_img)) {
    //echo file_get_contents($resource_img);exit();
    $images = new Image($resource_img);
    $imageinfo = $images->getImageInfo();
    if ($imageinfo['height'] == null || $imageinfo['height'] == 0) {
    //kich thuoc resize
    $array_resize = array('large' => array(480, 360), 'medium' => array(240, 180), 'medium2' => array(145, 95), 'small' => array(106, 80), 'thumb' => array(50, 50), 'mobile' => array(640, 400), 'mobile_medium' => array(320, 200), 'mobile_small' => array(120, 75), 'mobile_low' => array(640, 400, 30), 'mobile_medium_low' => array(320, 200, 30), 'mobile_small_low' => array(120, 75, 30));
    if (!isset($array_resize[$resize_type])) {
    //image name file no extension
    $filesavename = explode('.', $image_name);
    $count3 = count($filesavename);
    if ($count3 > 1) {
        unset($filesavename[$count3 - 1]);
    $filesavename = implode('.', $filesavename);
    $pathsave = '..' . get_picture_dir($image_name, $resize_type);
    //nếu thư mục ảnh không tồn tại thì tạo mới
    if (!file_exists($pathsave)) {
        mkdir($pathsave, 0755, 1);
    //echo $pathsave;die();
    //kich thuoc resize ok -> tao file voi kich thuoc phu hop
    $r_width = $array_resize[$resize_type][0];
    $r_height = $array_resize[$resize_type][1];
    if (isset($array_resize[$resize_type][2])) {
        $r_quality = $array_resize[$resize_type][2];
    } else {
        $r_quality = 100;
    if ($resize_type == 'organic') {
        $images->resize($r_width, $r_height, 'fit', 'c', 'c', $r_quality);
    } else {
        $images->resize($r_width, $r_height, 'crop', 'c', 'c', $r_quality);
    $images->save($filesavename, $pathsave);
    header("HTTP/1.0 200 OK");
Example #3
 function thumbnail()
     $video = new Video($_GET['id']);
     $img = Config::get("basedir") . "/public/video/" . $video->user_id . "/" . $video->id . "/thumb" . $video->thumb . ".png";
     $thumb = str_replace(".png", "-" . $_GET['width'] . "x" . $_GET['height'] . ".png", $img);
     header("Pragma: public");
     //get the last-modified-date of this very file
     $lastModified = filemtime($img);
     //get a unique hash of this file (etag)
     $etagFile = md5_file($img);
     $ifModifiedSince = isset($_SERVER['HTTP_IF_MODIFIED_SINCE']) ? $_SERVER['HTTP_IF_MODIFIED_SINCE'] : false;
     $etagHeader = isset($_SERVER['HTTP_IF_NONE_MATCH']) ? trim($_SERVER['HTTP_IF_NONE_MATCH']) : false;
     header("Last-Modified: " . gmdate("D, d M Y H:i:s", $lastModified) . " GMT");
     header("Expires: " . gmdate("D, d M Y H:i:s", date("U") + 60 * 60 * 24) . " GMT");
     header("Etag: {$etagFile}");
     header('Cache-Control: public');
     if (@strtotime($_SERVER['HTTP_IF_MODIFIED_SINCE']) == $lastModified || $etagHeader == $etagFile) {
         header("HTTP/1.1 304 Not Modified");
     if (file_exists($thumb)) {
         header("Content-Type: image/png");
         echo file_get_contents($thumb);
     $image = new Image($img);
     if (isset($_GET['width']) && is_numeric($_GET['width']) && isset($_GET['height']) && is_numeric($_GET['height'])) {
         $image->resize($_GET['width'], $_GET['height'], "crop");
         $img = str_replace(".png", "-" . $_GET['width'] . "x" . $_GET['height'] . ".png", $img);
         $parts = pathinfo($img);
         $image->save($parts['filename'], $parts['dirname'], $parts['extension']);
Example #4

include '../class.Images.php';
//Create a new object, send relative or absolut path to your image
$image = new Image('pngWithTransparency.png');
//We can rotate the image
//and we can resize and crop it to have a nice thumbnail
$image->resize(150, 150, 'crop');
//lets see what we have!
Example #5
                 // We resize to a preview size if needed
                 $resize = true;
             // We change the image format if needed
             if (isset($_GET['format']) && $image->is_supported($_GET['format'])) {
             } elseif (isset($_GET['thumbnail']) && $image->format != 'svg') {
                 // Or, if no format is explicitely specified and a thumbnail has to be created, we convert the image to the $thumbnail_format
                 if ($image->format == 'png') {
                     $thumbnail_format = 'png';
                     // preserves transparency
             $content = $image->display();
             // If the new image creating has failed, fallback to an icon
             if (!isset($_GET['icon']) && ($content === null || $content === false)) {
                 $tryIconFallback = true;
                 $_GET['icon'] = 'y';
                 $_GET['max'] = 32;
             } else {
                 $info['filetype'] = $image->get_mimetype();
     } while ($tryIconFallback);
 if (strpos($info['filetype'], 'image/svg') !== false) {
     $info['filetype'] = 'image/svg+xml';
     $content = '<!DOCTYPE svg PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD SVG 1.1//EN" "http://www.w3.org/Graphics/SVG/1.1/DTD/svg11.dtd">' . "\n" . $content;
Example #6
  *	Proccess Image
  *	Generate a image the first time is requested to be served by apache later
  *	To take advantage of this service, you should use Apache Header module width Header set Cache-Control
  *	@return void
 public static function ProcessImage()
     $id = Util::getvalue('id');
     $args = Util::getvalue('params');
     $ext = Util::getvalue('ext');
     $options = array('id' => $id, 'width' => false, 'height' => false, 'quality' => false, 'type' => 'resize');
     // Parametro Ancho
     if (preg_match('/w([0-9]+)/i', $args, $outputWidth)) {
         $options['width'] = $outputWidth[1];
     // Parametro Alto
     if (preg_match('/h([0-9]+)/i', $args, $outputHeight)) {
         $options['height'] = $outputHeight[1];
     // Parametro calidad
     if (preg_match('/q(100|\\d{1,2})/i', $args, $outputHeight)) {
         $options['quality'] = $outputHeight[1];
     // Type Crop / Resize
     $arr = explode('.', $args);
     if (strpos($arr[0], 'c') !== false) {
         $options['type'] = 'crop';
     // Extension del archivo solicitado
     $fileType = $ext ? strtolower($ext) : 'jpg';
     $fileType = substr($fileType, 0, 3);
     $fileType = $fileType == 'jpe' ? 'jpg' : $fileType;
     $fileType = '.' . $fileType;
     // Ruta del a imagen origina en disco
     $sourceOpt = array('module' => 'image', 'folderoption' => 'target');
     $sourceDir = PathManager::GetContentTargetPath($sourceOpt);
     $sourcePath = PathManager::GetDirectoryFromId($sourceDir, $id);
     $source = $sourcePath . '/' . $id . $fileType;
     $imageDir = PathManager::GetApplicationPath() . Configuration::Query('/configuration/images_bucket')->item(0)->nodeValue;
     if (!is_dir($imageDir)) {
         mkdir($imageDir, 0777);
     $imagePath = PathManager::GetDirectoryFromId($imageDir, $id);
     $image = $imagePath . '/' . $id;
     // El nombre del archivo contendrá los parametros para ser servida de manera estatica
     if ($options['width']) {
         $image .= 'w' . $options['width'];
     if ($options['height']) {
         $image .= 'h' . $options['height'];
     if ($options['quality'] !== false) {
         $image .= 'q' . $options['quality'];
     if ($options['type'] == 'crop') {
         $image .= 'c';
     if (!file_exists($source)) {
         $source = PathManager::GetApplicationPath() . '/content/not-found' . $fileType;
     list($sourceWidth, $sourceHeight) = getimagesize($source);
     	Si no esta definido el ancho o el alto
     	debemos asignar limites por defecto para la generación de la imagen
     $options['width'] = $options['width'] ? $options['width'] : $sourceWidth;
     $options['height'] = $options['height'] ? $options['height'] : $sourceHeight;
     // Generar la imagen
     $img = new Image();
     $img->{$options}['type']($options['width'], $options['height']);
     	Guardar la imagen en disco
     	el próximo pedido será servido estáticamente por apache
     $quality = $options['quality'] !== false ? $options['quality'] : '80';
     $img->save($image, $quality);
     /* Mostrar la imagen */
        echo "Display {$this->filename}\n";
class ProxyImage implements ImageInterface
    protected $image;
    public function __construct($filename)
        $this->filename = $filename;
    public function display()
        if (null === $this->image) {
            $this->image = new Image($this->filename);
        return $this->image->display();
// Usage example
$filename = 'test.png';
$image1 = new Image($filename);
// loading necessary
echo $image1->display();
// loading unnecessary
$image2 = new ProxyImage($filename);
// loading unnecessary
echo $image2->display();
// loading necessary
echo $image2->display();
// loading unnecessary
Example #8
 public function display_image()
     // Make sure code has access to my image class (temp solution)
     #echo "You are looking at test1.";
     #echo APP_PATH."<br>";
     #echo DOC_ROOT."<br>";
     // Once we have access, we instantiate an object from that class
     // and pass the parameter to the construct
     $imageObj = new Image('http://placekitten.com/1000/1000');
     // Then we have access to all the methods within that object
     // and we can point to the methods in that class
     $imageObj->resize(500, 500);
 public function test1()
     #echo "testing!";
     $imgObj = new Image('images/placeholder.png');
     $imgObj->resize(200, 200);
Example #10
  * @param $extension
  * @param int $x
  * @param int $y
  * @return bool|null|string
 function icon($extension, $x = 0, $y = 0)
     $keep_original = $x == 0 && $y == 0;
     $format = $this->get_icon_default_format();
     $icon_format = '';
     if (!$keep_original) {
         $icon_format = $format;
         if ($this->is_supported('png')) {
             $format = 'png';
         } elseif ($this->is_supported('svg')) {
             $format = 'svg';
         } else {
             return false;
     $name = "lib/images/icons/{$extension}.{$format}";
     if (!file_exists($name)) {
         $name = "lib/images/icons/unknown.{$format}";
     if (!$keep_original && $format != 'svg') {
         $icon = new Image($name, true, $format);
         if ($format != $icon_format) {
         $icon->resize($x, $y);
         return $icon->display();
     } else {
         return $this->get_from_file($name);
Example #11
 public function display_image()
     // Make sure code has access to my image class (temp solution)
     require APP_PATH . '/libraries/Image.php';
     #echo "You are looking at test1.";
     #echo APP_PATH."<br>";
     #echo DOC_ROOT."<br>";
     // Once we have access, we instantiate an object from that class
     // and pass the parameter to the construct
     $imageObj = new Image('http://placekitten.com/1000/1000');
     // Then we have access to all the methods within that object
     // and we can point to the methods in that class
     $imageObj->resize(500, 500);
     /* from A's section 10/22
     		$imageObj = new Image('img/kitten.jpg');
     		$image_class = get_class($imageObj);
     		$reflector = new ReflectionClass($image_class);
     		$fn = $reflector->getFileName();
     		echo dirname($fn);
Example #12
    // if blank then die, otherwise we offer to download strangeness
    // this also catches invalid id's
    if (!$storedData) {
    $type = $storedData["image_type"];
    $data =& $storedData["image_data"];
    header("Content-type: " . $type);
    if (!empty($_REQUEST['width'])) {
        require_once 'lib/images/images.php';
        $image = new Image($data);
        if ($image->get_width() > $_REQUEST['width']) {
            $image->resize($_REQUEST['width'], 0);
            $data = $image->display();
        if (empty($data)) {
    if ($useCache && $data) {
        $fp = fopen($temporaryFile, "wb");
        fputs($fp, $data);
    echo $data;
} else {
    $size = getimagesize($temporaryFile);
    header("Content-type: " . $size['mime']);
Example #13
global $registry;
DEFINE('DESIGNPATH', App::getURLForDesignDirectory());
DEFINE('URL', App::getHost(1) . '/' . LOCAL_CATALOG);
$registry = new registry();
if (!@(include_once ROOTPATH . 'config' . DS . 'settings.php')) {
    include ROOTPATH . 'includes' . DS . 'install.php';
$registry->router = new Router($registry);
try {
    $registry->db = Db::getInstance($Config['database']);
} catch (Exception $e) {
    echo $e->getMessage();
$registry->session = new session($registry);
$registry->loader = new Loader($registry);
$registry->core = new Core($registry);
$layer = $registry->loader->getCurrentLayer();
$path = ROOTPATH . 'design' . DS . '_gallery' . DS . '_orginal' . DS . $_GET['image'];
if (is_file($path)) {
    $objImage = new Image($path);
    if (isset($layer['watermark']) && !is_null($layer['watermark']) && strlen($layer['watermark']) > 4) {
        $watermark = new Image(ROOTPATH . 'design/_images_frontend/core/logos/' . $layer['watermark']);
Example #14
$config['thumb_width'] = 200;
$img = new Image($config);
foreach ($obj_array as $index => $m) {
                <li class="list-item clear">
                    <a class="fancybox-alt" title="<?php 
    echo $m->title;
" href="<?php 
    echo $img->orig_src;
                    <div class="list-content">
    echo $img->title;
                        <p class="technology"><?php 
    echo $m->technology;
                        <p class="description"><?php 
    echo $m->description;
Example #15
 private function resizeImage($image_temp)
     $image = new Image($image_temp);
     list($width, $height) = getimagesize($image_temp);
     //640 * 480
     if ($width + $height > 1120) {
         if ($width > $height) {
             $width = $image->getWidth() * 640 / $image->getHeight();
             $image->resize(640, $width, 'fit');
         } else {
             $height = $image->getHeight() * 480 / $image->getWidth();
             $image->resize(640, $height, 'fit');