 * Process a collection of reminders and send them to the right methods based on their 'remind_on' date. 
 Today's reminders get turned into new Instances. 
 Future reminders check their parent symbol's 'is_muted' property and set it to true if necessary.
 * @param Illuminate\Support\Collection $reminders
 public function runReminders($reminders)
     //get and process the reminders
     Log::info('runReminders(), $reminders:' . $reminders->toJson());
     //Get reminders due today
     $todays_reminders = $reminders->where('remind_on', date('Y-m-d' . ' 00:00:00'))->values();
     //Get reminders due in the future
     $future_reminders = $reminders->filter(function ($reminder) {
         if ($reminder->remind_on > date('Y-m-d' . ' 00:00:00')) {
             return $reminder;
     //If we have any reminders due today, send them off to become instances
     if (!$todays_reminders->isEmpty()) {
         Log::info('TR: ' . $todays_reminders->toJson());
     //For reminders due in the future, make sure we're muting correctly
     if (!$future_reminders->isEmpty()) {
         Log::info('FR: ' . $future_reminders->toJson());