function getSubContent($keyword) { $keywords = array($keyword); if (!is_array($keywords)) { throw new Exception('parameter should be an array with keywords'); } $keyword_ids = array(); foreach ($keywords as $keyword) { $keyword_object = new Ilib_Keyword(new VIH_News()); // @todo: This is not really good, but the only way to identify keyword on name! $keyword_ids[] = $keyword_object->save(array('keyword' => $keyword)); } $this->getDBQuery()->setKeyword((array) $keyword_ids); $this->getDBQuery()->setSorting('nyhed.date_publish DESC'); $db = $this->getDBQuery()->getRecordset("", "", false); $news = array(); $i = 0; while ($db->nextRecord()) { if ($i > 5) { break; } $news[] = new VIH_News($db->f('id')); $i++; } $data = array('nyheder' => $news); $tpl = $this->template->create('News/sidebar-featured'); return $tpl->render($this, $data); }
function getHighlight() { $keywords = array('topbar'); if (!is_array($keywords)) { throw new Exception('parameter should be an array with keywords'); } $keyword_ids = array(); foreach ($keywords as $keyword) { $keyword_object = new Ilib_Keyword(new VIH_News()); // @todo: This is not really good, but the only way to identify keyword on name! $keyword_ids[] = $keyword_object->save(array('keyword' => $keyword)); } $this->getDBQuery()->setKeyword((array) $keyword_ids); $db = $this->getDBQuery()->getRecordset("", "", false); $news = array(); while ($db->nextRecord()) { $news[] = new VIH_News($db->f('id')); } if (empty($news)) { return '<p>Spørgsmål til højskoleophold eller rundvisning<span>Kontakt Peter Sebastian på 2929 6387 eller</span></p>'; } else { return '<p>' . $news[0]->get('title') . '<span>' . $news[0]->get('tekst') . '</span></p>'; } }