$response = array(); } break; case 'REMOVE': break; case 'EDIT': break; case 'ADD': $action = new Household(); $action->create((array) $request['info']); $insert = new Request(); $request['info']->hid = $insert->insert($action->sql); // Now that I have HID, I need to add current user to member list of hhold, and then return the HoseHold with member list. $ident = new Identity(); $query = new Request(); $name = $query->query($ident->getname($request['info']['id'])->sql); $response = (array) $request['info']; break; default: # code... break; } echo json_encode($response); }); $app->post('/members', function () use($app) { $request = (array) json_decode($app->request->getBody()); switch ($request['action']) { case 'GET': $action = new Members(); $action->get((array) $request['info']); $insert = new Request();