Example #1
 public static function get_quota($settings, $bypass_cache = false)
     $cache_time = 43200;
     // 12 hours.
     if ($bypass_cache == false) {
         $transient = get_transient('pb_backupbuddy_stashquota_' . $settings['itxapi_username']);
         if ($transient !== false) {
             pb_backupbuddy::status('details', 'Stash quota information CACHED. Returning cached version.');
             return $transient;
     } else {
         pb_backupbuddy::status('details', 'Stash bypassing cached quota information. Getting new values.');
     $itxapi_username = $settings['itxapi_username'];
     $itxapi_password = $settings['itxapi_password'];
     require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/lib/class.itx_helper.php';
     require_once dirname(dirname(__FILE__)) . '/_s3lib/aws-sdk/sdk.class.php';
     $stash = new ITXAPI_Helper(pb_backupbuddy_destination_stash::ITXAPI_KEY, pb_backupbuddy_destination_stash::ITXAPI_URL, $itxapi_username, $itxapi_password);
     $quota_url = $stash->get_quota_url();
     $request = new RequestCore($quota_url);
     $response = $request->send_request(true);
     // See if the request was successful.
     if (!$response->isOK()) {
         pb_backupbuddy::status('error', 'Stash request for quota failed.');
     // See if we got a json response.
     if (!($quota_data = json_decode($response->body, true))) {
         pb_backupbuddy::status('error', 'Stash did not get valid json response.');
     // Finally see if the API returned an error.
     if (isset($quota_data['error'])) {
         if ($quota_data['error']['code'] == '3002') {
             pb_backupbuddy::alert('Invalid iThemes.com Member account password. Unable to authenticate to Stash. Please verify your password & try again. Changing your iThemes password will require updating your Stash destination to continue using it. <a href="http://ithemes.com/member/member.php" target="_new">Forget your password?</a>');
         } else {
             pb_backupbuddy::alert(implode(' - ', $quota_data['error']));
         return false;
     set_transient('pb_backupbuddy_stashquota_' . $settings['itxapi_username'], $quota_data, $cache_time);
     return $quota_data;
Example #2
 public static function get_quota($settings, $bypass_cache = false)
     $cache_time = 43200;
     // 12 hours.
     if ($bypass_cache == false) {
         $transient = get_transient('pb_backupbuddy_stashquota_' . $settings['itxapi_username']);
         if ($transient !== false) {
             pb_backupbuddy::status('details', 'Stash quota information CACHED. Returning cached version.');
             return $transient;
     } else {
         pb_backupbuddy::status('details', 'Stash bypassing cached quota information. Getting new values.');
     $itxapi_username = $settings['itxapi_username'];
     $itxapi_password = $settings['itxapi_password'];
     pb_backupbuddy::status('details', 'Loading ITX helper file.');
     require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/lib/class.itx_helper.php';
     pb_backupbuddy::status('details', 'Loading AWS SDK file.');
     require_once dirname(dirname(__FILE__)) . '/_s3lib/aws-sdk/sdk.class.php';
     $stash = new ITXAPI_Helper(pb_backupbuddy_destination_stash::ITXAPI_KEY, pb_backupbuddy_destination_stash::ITXAPI_URL, $itxapi_username, $itxapi_password);
     $quota_url = $stash->get_quota_url();
     pb_backupbuddy::status('details', 'RequestCore getting quota.');
     $request = new RequestCore($quota_url);
     try {
         $response = $request->send_request(true);
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         $error = 'Error #32897329: Unable to get Stash quota information. Details:`' . $e->getMessage() . '`.';
         pb_backupbuddy::status('error', $error);
         echo $error;
         return false;
     // See if the request was successful.
     if (!$response->isOK()) {
         pb_backupbuddy::status('error', 'Stash request for quota failed.');
     // See if we got a json response.
     if (!($quota_data = json_decode($response->body, true))) {
         pb_backupbuddy::status('error', 'Stash did not get valid json response.');
     // Finally see if the API returned an error.
     if (isset($quota_data['error'])) {
         if ($quota_data['error']['code'] == '3002') {
             echo 'Invalid iThemes.com Member account password. Please re-authenticate to Stash from the Remote Destination Settings page.';
             return false;
         } else {
             pb_backupbuddy::alert(implode(' - ', $quota_data['error']));
         return false;
     set_transient('pb_backupbuddy_stashquota_' . $settings['itxapi_username'], $quota_data, $cache_time);
     return $quota_data;