Example #1
  * Create a status update for a member
  * @param	array	[Array of member data for member updating their status - will use ->getAuthor() if null]
  * @param	array	[Array of status information OR status ID OR uses $this->_internalData['StatusData'] if none]
  * @return	array	Reply information
 public function reply($author = null, $status = null)
     $author = $author === null ? $this->getAuthor() : $author;
     $status = $status === null ? $this->_internalData['StatusData'] : (is_array($status) ? $status : $this->_loadStatus($status));
     $data = array();
     if ($this->canReply($author, $status, $status)) {
         if ($this->getContent() and $status['status_id']) {
             $data = array('reply_status_id' => $status['status_id'], 'reply_member_id' => $author['member_id'], 'reply_date' => time(), 'reply_content' => $this->_cleanContent($this->getContent()));
             /* Data Hook Location */
             IPSLib::doDataHooks($data, 'statusCommentNew');
             $this->DB->insert('member_status_replies', $data);
             $data['reply_id'] = $this->DB->getInsertId();
             $this->_recordAction('reply', $author, $status, $data);
             $this->_sendNotification($author, $status, $data);
         return $data;
     return FALSE;
Example #2
  * Import and parse an iCalendar feed
  * @param	string		$content	Feed content
  * @param	int			$member_id	Member to save events under
  * @param	int			$feed_id	Feed id
  * @return	mixed		False on failure, otherwise an array with keys 'skipped' and 'imported'
 public function import($content, $member_id = 0, $feed_id = 0)
     // Init
     $this->lang->loadLanguageFile(array('admin_calendar'), 'calendar');
     // Error checking
     if (!$content) {
         $this->_error = $this->lang->words['icali_nocontent'];
     $_raw = preg_replace("#(\n\r|\r|\n){1,}#", "\n", $content);
     $_raw = explode("\n", $_raw);
     if (!count($_raw)) {
         $this->_error = $this->lang->words['icali_nocontent'];
     if ($_raw[0] != 'BEGIN:VCALENDAR') {
         $this->_error = $this->lang->words['icali_badcontent'];
     $this->_rawIcsData = $_raw;
     // Loop and start parsing
     foreach ($this->_rawIcsData as $k => $v) {
         $line = explode(':', $v);
         switch ($line[0]) {
             case 'BEGIN':
                 $this->_parseBeginBlock($line[1], $k);
                 /* Unsupported at this time */
             /* Unsupported at this time */
             case 'CALSCALE':
             case 'METHOD':
             case 'X-WR-TIMEZONE':
             case 'X-WR-RELCALID':
     // Process raw ICS data now
     if (count($this->_parsedIcsData)) {
         $this->_parsedIcsData = $this->_convertToGmt($this->_parsedIcsData);
     // And loop over results to insert
     $_imported = 0;
     $_skipped = 0;
     // Leave this here - useful for debugging
     if (count($this->_parsedIcsData)) {
         // Get member data
         $_member = IPSMember::load($member_id);
         if (!$_member) {
             $this->_error = $this->lang->words['icali_nomember'];
             return false;
         // Get like class for notifications
         require_once IPS_ROOT_PATH . 'sources/classes/like/composite.php';
         $_like = classes_like::bootstrap('calendar', 'calendars');
         // Loop over the events
         foreach ($this->_parsedIcsData['events'] as $event) {
             $event['uid'] = $event['uid'] ? $event['uid'] : md5(implode(',', $event));
             $event_unix_from = $event['start']['gmt_ts'];
             $event_unix_to = $event['end']['gmt_ts'];
             $event_all_day = $event['start']['type'] == 'DATE' ? 1 : 0;
             // End dates are "exclusive" in iCalendar format, meaning
             // they are actually the day ahead.
             // @link	http://microformats.org/wiki/dtend-issue
             if ($event_unix_to and $event['end']['type'] == 'DATE') {
                 $event_unix_to -= 86400;
             // If end date is same as start date, it's a single day event
             if ($event_unix_from == $event_unix_to) {
                 $event_unix_to = 0;
             // If no end date, but we have a duration, calculate end date
             if (!$event_unix_to and $event['duration']) {
                 preg_match("#(\\d+?)H#is", $event['duration'], $match);
                 $hour = $match[1] ? $match[1] : 0;
                 preg_match("#(\\d+?)M#is", $event['duration'], $match);
                 $minute = $match[1] ? $match[1] : 0;
                 preg_match("#(\\d+?)S#is", $event['duration'], $match);
                 $second = $match[1] ? $match[1] : 0;
                 $event_unix_to = $event_unix_from + $hour * 3600 + $minute * 60 + $second;
             // Recurring...
             $recurring = 0;
             if (isset($event['recurr']['FREQ'])) {
                 if ($event['recurr']['FREQ'] == 'MONTHLY' and $event['recurr']['INTERVAL'] == 12) {
                     $event['recurr']['FREQ'] = 'YEARLY';
                 switch ($event['recurr']['FREQ']) {
                     case 'WEEKLY':
                         $recurring = 1;
                     case 'MONTHLY':
                         $recurring = 2;
                     case 'YEARLY':
                         $recurring = 3;
                 $event_unix_to = $event['recurr']['until_ts'] ? $event['recurr']['until_ts'] : time() + 86400 * 365 * 10;
             // Adjust timestamps if all day event
             if ($event_all_day) {
                 $event_unix_from = gmmktime(0, 0, 0, gmstrftime('%m', $event_unix_from), gmstrftime('%d', $event_unix_from), gmstrftime('%Y', $event_unix_from));
                 $event_unix_to = $event_unix_to ? gmmktime(0, 0, 0, gmstrftime('%m', $event_unix_to), gmstrftime('%d', $event_unix_to), gmstrftime('%Y', $event_unix_to)) : 0;
             // If we are missing crucial data, skip
             if (!($event['description'] or $event['summary']) or !$event_unix_from) {
             // Skip previously imported events
             if ($event['uid']) {
                 $_check = $this->DB->buildAndFetch(array('select' => 'import_id', 'from' => 'cal_import_map', 'where' => "import_guid='" . $this->DB->addSlashes($event['uid']) . "'"));
                 if ($_check['import_id']) {
             // Format array for storage
             $_eventData = array('event_calendar_id' => $this->calendar['cal_id'], 'event_member_id' => $_member['member_id'], 'event_content' => $event['description'] ? nl2br($event['description']) : $event['summary'], 'event_title' => $event['summary'] ? $event['summary'] : IPSText::truncate($event['description'], 100), 'event_title_seo' => IPSText::makeSeoTitle($event['summary']), 'event_smilies' => 1, 'event_comments' => 0, 'event_rsvp' => count($event['attendee']) ? 1 : 0, 'event_perms' => '*', 'event_private' => 0, 'event_approved' => 1, 'event_saved' => $event['created'] ? $event['created'] : time(), 'event_lastupdated' => $event['last_modified'] ? $event['last_modified'] : ($event['created'] ? $event['created'] : time()), 'event_recurring' => $recurring, 'event_start_date' => strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:00", $event_unix_from), 'event_end_date' => $event_unix_to ? strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:00", $event_unix_to) : 0, 'event_post_key' => md5(uniqid(microtime(), true)), 'event_sequence' => intval($event['sequence']), 'event_all_day' => $event_all_day);
             // Data hooks
             IPSLib::doDataHooks($_eventData, 'calendarAddEvent');
             // Insert
             $this->DB->insert('cal_events', $_eventData);
             $event_id = $this->DB->getInsertId();
             // Insert mapping
             $this->DB->insert('cal_import_map', array('import_feed_id' => $feed_id, 'import_event_id' => $event_id, 'import_guid' => $event['uid']));
             // If we have attendees that are members, insert them
             if (isset($event['attendee']) and count($event['attendee'])) {
                 foreach ($event['attendee'] as $attendee) {
                     if ($attendee['email']) {
                         $_loadedMember = IPSMember::load($attendee['email']);
                         if ($_loadedMember['member_id']) {
                             $this->DB->insert('cal_event_rsvp', array('rsvp_member_id' => $_loadedMember['member_id'], 'rsvp_event_id' => $event_id, 'rsvp_date' => time()));
             // Send notifications
             $_url = $this->registry->output->buildSEOUrl('app=calendar&module=calendar&section=view&do=showevent&event_id=' . $event_id, 'public', $_eventData['event_title_seo'], 'cal_event');
             $_like->sendNotifications($_eventData['event_calendar_id'], array('immediate', 'offline'), array('notification_key' => 'new_event', 'notification_url' => $_url, 'email_template' => 'add_event_follow', 'email_subject' => sprintf($this->lang->words['add_event_follow_subject'], $_url, $_eventData['event_title']), 'build_message_array' => array('NAME' => '-member:members_display_name-', 'AUTHOR' => $_member['members_display_name'], 'TITLE' => $_eventData['event_title'], 'URL' => $_url)));
     // Rebuild cache
     $this->cache->rebuildCache('calendar_events', 'calendar');
     // Return
     return array('skipped' => $_skipped, 'imported' => $_imported);
Example #3
  * Action: Issue Warning
 public function save()
     // Init
     $points = 0;
     $mq = 0;
     $mq_unit = 'd';
     $rpa = 0;
     $rpa_unit = 'd';
     $suspend = 0;
     $suspend_unit = 'd';
     $banGroup = 0;
     $removePoints = 0;
     $removePointsUnit = 'd';
     // Validate
     $errors = array();
     if ($this->request['reason'] === '') {
         /* No reason selected */
         $errors['reason'] = $this->lang->words['warnings_err_reason'];
     } else {
         $reason = intval($this->request['reason']);
         /* "Other" reason selected */
         if (!$reason) {
             /* Check we're actually allowed to use it */
             if (!$this->memberData['g_access_cp'] and !$this->settings['warnings_enable_other']) {
                 /* Nope */
                 $errors['reason'] = $this->lang->words['warnings_err_reason'];
             } else {
                 /* If we select "Other", we determine the number of points and when they expire */
                 $points = floatval($this->request['points']);
                 $removePoints = intval($this->request['remove']);
                 $removePointsUnit = $this->request['remove_unit'] == 'h' ? 'h' : 'd';
         } else {
             $reason = $this->reasons[$reason];
             /* Check it's valid */
             if (!$reason['wr_id']) {
                 /* Nope */
                 $errors['reason'] = $this->lang->words['warnings_err_reason'];
             } else {
                 /* Can we override the number of points for this reason? */
                 if ($this->memberData['g_access_cp'] or $reason['wr_points_override']) {
                     // Yes, get value from input
                     $points = floatval($this->request['points']);
                 } else {
                     // No, take whatever the reason has set
                     $points = $reason['wr_points'];
                 /* Can we override when the points expire? */
                 if ($this->memberData['g_access_cp'] or $reason['wr_remove_override']) {
                     // Yes, get value from input
                     $removePoints = intval($this->request['remove']);
                     $removePointsUnit = $this->request['remove_unit'] == 'h' ? 'h' : 'd';
                 } else {
                     // No, take whatever the reason has set
                     $removePoints = intval($reason['wr_remove']);
                     $removePointsUnit = $reason['wr_remove_unit'];
             $reason = $reason['wr_id'];
         /* Now let's get the action */
         $newPointLevel = floatval($this->_member['warn_level'] + $points);
         $action = $this->DB->buildAndFetch(array('select' => '*', 'from' => 'members_warn_actions', 'where' => "wa_points<={$newPointLevel}", 'order' => 'wa_points DESC', 'limit' => 1));
         if ($action) {
             /* We have an action. Can we override it's punishment? */
             if ($action['wa_override']) {
                 // Yes, get values from input
                 $mq = $this->request['mq_perm'] ? -1 : intval($this->request['mq']);
                 $mq_unit = $this->request['mq_unit'];
                 $rpa = $this->request['rpa_perm'] ? -1 : intval($this->request['rpa']);
                 $rpa_unit = $this->request['rpa_unit'];
                 $suspend = $this->request['suspend_perm'] ? -1 : intval($this->request['suspend']);
                 $suspend_unit = $this->request['suspend_unit'];
                 $banGroup = $this->request['ban_group'] ? intval($this->request['ban_group_id']) : 0;
             } else {
                 // No, do whatever the action says
                 $mq = intval($action['wa_mq']);
                 $mq_unit = $action['wa_mq_unit'];
                 $rpa = intval($action['wa_rpa']);
                 $rpa_unit = $action['wa_rpa_unit'];
                 $suspend = intval($action['wa_suspend']);
                 $suspend_unit = $action['wa_suspend_unit'];
                 $banGroup = intval($action['wa_ban_group']);
         } else {
             /* We don't have an action - are we allowed to give a custom punishment? */
             if ($this->memberData['g_access_cp'] or $this->settings['warning_custom_noaction']) {
                 // Yes, get values from input
                 $mq = $this->request['mq_perm'] ? -1 : intval($this->request['mq']);
                 $mq_unit = $this->request['mq_unit'];
                 $rpa = $this->request['rpa_perm'] ? -1 : intval($this->request['rpa']);
                 $rpa_unit = $this->request['rpa_unit'];
                 $suspend = $this->request['suspend_perm'] ? -1 : intval($this->request['suspend']);
                 $suspend_unit = $this->request['suspend_unit'];
                 $banGroup = $this->request['ban_group'] ? intval($this->request['ban_group_id']) : 0;
             } else {
                 // We're not allowed to give a punishment so this is a verbal warning only.
                 // The values we set earlier during init are fine
     if (!empty($errors)) {
         return $this->form($errors);
     // Parse
     $classToLoad = IPSLib::loadLibrary(IPS_ROOT_PATH . 'sources/classes/editor/composite.php', 'classes_editor_composite');
     $editor = new $classToLoad();
     $noteForMember = $editor->process($_POST['note_member']);
     $noteForMods = $editor->process($_POST['note_mods']);
     // Save Log
     /* If our points are going to expire, woprk out exactly when */
     $expireDate = 0;
     if ($removePoints) {
         if ($removePointsUnit == 'h') {
         } else {
         $expireDate = IPSTime::getTimestamp();
     /* Log */
     $warning = array('wl_member' => $this->_member['member_id'], 'wl_moderator' => $this->memberData['member_id'], 'wl_date' => time(), 'wl_reason' => $reason, 'wl_points' => $points, 'wl_note_member' => $noteForMember, 'wl_note_mods' => $noteForMods, 'wl_mq' => $mq, 'wl_mq_unit' => $mq_unit, 'wl_rpa' => $rpa, 'wl_rpa_unit' => $rpa_unit, 'wl_suspend' => $suspend, 'wl_suspend_unit' => $suspend_unit, 'wl_ban_group' => $banGroup, 'wl_expire' => $removePoints, 'wl_expire_unit' => $removePointsUnit, 'wl_acknowledged' => $this->settings['warnings_acknowledge'] ? 0 : 1, 'wl_content_app' => trim($this->request['from_app']), 'wl_content_id1' => $this->request['from_id1'], 'wl_content_id2' => $this->request['from_id2'], 'wl_expire_date' => $expireDate);
     /* Data Hook Location */
     $warning['actionData'] = $action;
     $warning['reasonsData'] = $this->reasons;
     IPSLib::doDataHooks($warning, 'memberWarningPre');
     unset($warning['actionData'], $warning['reasonsData']);
     $this->DB->insert('members_warn_logs', $warning);
     $warning['wl_id'] = $this->DB->getInsertId();
     /* Data Hook Location */
     $warning['actionData'] = $action;
     $warning['reasonsData'] = $this->reasons;
     IPSLib::doDataHooks($warning, 'memberWarningPost');
     unset($warning['actionData'], $warning['reasonsData']);
     // Actually do it
     $update = array();
     /* Add Points */
     if ($points) {
         $update['warn_level'] = $this->_member['warn_level'] + $points;
     /* Set Punishments */
     if ($mq) {
         $update['mod_posts'] = $mq == -1 ? 1 : IPSMember::processBanEntry(array('unit' => $mq_unit, 'timespan' => $mq));
     if ($rpa) {
         $update['restrict_post'] = $rpa == -1 ? 1 : IPSMember::processBanEntry(array('unit' => $rpa_unit, 'timespan' => $rpa));
     if ($suspend) {
         if ($suspend == -1) {
             $update['member_banned'] = 1;
         } else {
             $update['temp_ban'] = IPSMember::processBanEntry(array('unit' => $suspend_unit, 'timespan' => $suspend));
     if ($banGroup > 0) {
         if (!$this->caches['group_cache'][$banGroup]['g_access_cp'] and !$this->caches['group_cache'][$banGroup]['g_is_supmod'] and $banGroup != $this->settings['guest_group']) {
             $update['member_group_id'] = $banGroup;
     if ($this->settings['warnings_acknowledge']) {
         $update['unacknowledged_warnings'] = 1;
     /* Save */
     if (!empty($update)) {
         IPSMember::save($this->_member['member_id'], array('core' => $update));
     // Work out where this warning came from
     if ($warning['wl_content_app'] and IPSLib::appIsInstalled($warning['wl_content_app'])) {
         $file = IPSLib::getAppDir($warning['wl_content_app']) . '/extensions/warnings.php';
         if (is_file($file)) {
             $classToLoad = IPSLib::loadLibrary($file, 'warnings_' . $warning['wl_content_app'], $warning['wl_content_app']);
             if (class_exists($classToLoad) and method_exists($classToLoad, 'getContentUrl')) {
                 $object = new $classToLoad();
                 $content = $object->getContentUrl($warning);
     // Send notifications
     /* Init */
     $classToLoad = IPSLib::loadLibrary(IPS_ROOT_PATH . '/sources/classes/member/notifications.php', 'notifications');
     $notifyLibrary = new $classToLoad($this->registry);
     /* Send to member being warned */
     if ($this->settings['warnings_acknowledge'] or $noteForMember) {
         try {
             $notifyLibrary->setNotificationTitle(sprintf($this->lang->words['warnings_notify'], $this->registry->output->buildUrl("app=members&module=profile&section=warnings&member={$this->_member['member_id']}")));
             $notifyLibrary->setNotificationText(sprintf($this->lang->words['warnings_notify_text'], $this->_member['members_display_name'], $this->memberData['members_display_name'], $reason ? $this->reasons[$reason]['wr_name'] : $this->lang->words['warnings_reasons_other'], $noteForMember ? sprintf($this->lang->words['warnings_notify_member_note'], $noteForMember) : '', $this->settings['warn_show_own'] ? sprintf($this->lang->words['warnings_notify_view_link'], $this->registry->output->buildUrl("app=members&module=profile&section=warnings&member={$this->_member['member_id']}")) : ''));
         } catch (Exception $e) {
     /* And all mods that can warn and are super_mods (split this up because of: @link http://community.invisionpower.com/tracker/issue-36960-bad-warn-query/ */
     $mods = array();
     $mids = array();
     $gids = array();
     $canWarnMids = array();
     $canWarnGids = array();
     $this->DB->build(array('select' => 'member_id, allow_warn', 'from' => 'moderators', 'where' => 'is_group=0'));
     while ($row = $this->DB->fetch()) {
         $mids[$row['member_id']] = $row['member_id'];
         if ($row['allow_warn']) {
             $canWarnMids[] = $row['member_id'];
     $this->DB->build(array('select' => 'group_id', 'from' => 'moderators', 'where' => 'is_group=1 AND allow_warn=1'));
     while ($row = $this->DB->fetch()) {
         $gids[] = $row['group_id'];
         $canWarnGids[] = $row['group_id'];
     foreach ($this->caches['group_cache'] as $id => $row) {
         if ($row['g_is_supmod']) {
             $gids[] = $row['g_id'];
     /* Limit this because it could go a bit wrong innit */
     if (count($gids)) {
         $this->DB->build(array('select' => 'member_id', 'from' => 'members', 'where' => 'member_group_id IN (' . implode(',', $gids) . ')', 'limit' => array(0, 750)));
         while ($row = $this->DB->fetch()) {
             $mids[$row['member_id']] = $row['member_id'];
     $_mods = IPSMember::load($mids, 'all');
     if (count($_mods)) {
         foreach ($_mods as $id => $row) {
             if ($row['member_id'] == $this->memberData['member_id']) {
             if ($row['g_is_supmod'] or in_array($row['member_id'], $canWarnMids) or in_array($row['member_group_id'], $canWarnGids)) {
                 $mods[$row['member_id']] = $row;
     if (count($mods)) {
         $notifyLibrary = new $classToLoad($this->registry);
         $notifyLibrary->setNotificationTitle(sprintf($this->lang->words['warnings_notify_mod'], $this->_member['members_display_name'], $this->registry->output->buildUrl("app=members&module=profile&section=warnings&member={$this->_member['member_id']}"), $this->memberData['members_display_name']));
         $notifyLibrary->setNotificationText(sprintf($this->lang->words['warnings_notify_text_mod'], $this->_member['members_display_name'], $this->memberData['members_display_name'], $this->registry->output->buildUrl("app=members&module=profile&section=warnings&member={$this->_member['member_id']}")));
         try {
         } catch (Exception $e) {
     // Boink
     if (empty($content['url'])) {
         $this->registry->getClass('output')->redirectScreen($this->lang->words['warnings_done'], $this->settings['base_url'] . 'app=members&amp;module=profile&amp;section=warnings&amp;member=' . $this->_member['member_id']);
     } else {
         $this->registry->getClass('output')->redirectScreen($this->lang->words['warnings_done'], $content['url']);
Example #4
  * Update forum's last post information
  * @param	array 	$topic
  * @param	string	$type
  * @return	@e void
 protected function updateForumAndStats($topic, $type = 'new')
     $moderated = 0;
     $stat_cache = $this->registry->cache()->getCache('stats');
     $forum_data = $this->getForumData();
     // Moderated?
     $moderate = 0;
     if ($this->getPublished() === false) {
         $moderate = 1;
     // Add to forum's last post?
     if (!$moderate) {
         if ($topic['approved']) {
             $dbs = array('last_title' => $topic['title'], 'seo_last_title' => IPSText::makeSeoTitle($topic['title']), 'last_id' => $topic['tid'], 'last_post' => IPS_UNIX_TIME_NOW, 'last_poster_name' => $this->getAuthor('member_id') ? $this->getAuthor('members_display_name') : $this->request['UserName'], 'seo_last_name' => IPSText::makeSeoTitle($this->getAuthor('member_id') ? $this->getAuthor('members_display_name') : $this->request['UserName']), 'last_poster_id' => $this->getAuthor('member_id'), 'last_x_topic_ids' => $this->registry->class_forums->lastXFreeze($this->registry->class_forums->buildLastXTopicIds($forum_data['id'], FALSE)));
             if ($type == 'new') {
                 $forum_data['topics'] = intval($forum_data['topics']);
                 $dbs['topics'] = ++$forum_data['topics'];
                 $dbs['newest_id'] = $topic['tid'];
                 $dbs['newest_title'] = $topic['title'];
             } else {
                 $forum_data['posts'] = intval($forum_data['posts']);
                 $dbs['posts'] = ++$forum_data['posts'];
     } else {
         if ($type == 'new') {
             $forum_data['queued_topics'] = intval($forum_data['queued_topics']);
             $dbs['queued_topics'] = ++$forum_data['queued_topics'];
         } else {
             $forum_data['queued_posts'] = intval($forum_data['queued_posts']);
             $dbs['queued_posts'] = ++$forum_data['queued_posts'];
     // Merging posts?
     // Don't update counter
     if ($this->_isMergingPosts) {
         $stat_cache['total_replies'] -= 1;
     // Update
     if (is_array($dbs) and count($dbs)) {
         $this->DB->setDataType(array('last_poster_name', 'seo_last_name', 'seo_last_title', 'last_title'), 'string');
         /* Data Hook Location */
         IPSLib::doDataHooks($dbs, 'updateForumLastPostData');
         $this->DB->update('forums', $dbs, "id=" . intval($forum_data['id']));
     // Update forum cache
     $this->registry->cache()->setCache('stats', $stat_cache, array('array' => 1, 'donow' => 0));
  * Sends a new personal message. Very simple.
  * @param	int				TO Member ID
  * @param	int				FROM Member ID
  * @param	array 			Array of InviteUser Names (display name)
  * @param	string			Message Title
  * @param	string			Message Content
  * @param	array 			Options array[ 'isSystem' (if true, then user will have no record of sending this PM) postKey, 'isDraft', 'sendMode' (invite/copy), 'topicID' ] If a topicID is passed, it's presumed that it was a draft....
  * @return	mixed			TRUE or FALSE or Exception
  * <code>
  * Exception Codes:
  * TOPIC_ID_NOT_EXISTS:				Topic ID does not exist (re-sending a draft)
  * NOT_ALL_INVITE_USERS_EXIST: 		Not all invite users exist (check $this->exceptionData for a list of names)
  * NOT_ALL_INVITE_USERS_CAN_PM:		Not all invite users can PM (check $this->exceptionData for a list of names)
  * INVITE_USERS_BLOCKED:			Some invite users have been blocked (check $this->exceptionData for a list of names)
  * TO_USER_DOES_NOT_EXIST:		    The 'to' user ID does not exist
  * FROM_USER_DOES_NOT_EXIST:		The 'from' user ID does not exist
  * TO_USER_CANNOT_USE_PM:		    The 'to' user does not have access to PM system
  * TO_USER_FULL:					The 'to' user cannot accept any more PMs (inbox full)
  * FROM_USER_BLOCKED:			    The 'from' user has been blocked by the 'to' user
  * CANNOT_SAVE_TO_SENT_FOLDER:	    The 'from' user does not have space to store a copy of the message in their sent folder
  * MSG_TITLE_EMPTY:				    The 'msgTitle' variable is empty
  * MSG_CONTENT_EMPTY:			    The 'msgContent' varable is empty
  * CANT_SEND_TO_SELF:				The main recipient and sender are the same
  * CANT_INVITE_SELF:				The sender is in the invite list
  * CANT_INVITE_RECIPIENT:			The main recipient is in the invite list
  * FLOOD_STOP						Flood control will not allow this message to send
  * </code>
 public function sendNewPersonalTopic($toMemberID, $fromMemberID, $inviteUsers, $msgTitle, $msgContent, $options = array())
     // INIT
     $toMemberData = array();
     $fromMemberData = array();
     $inviteUsersData = array();
     $isDraft = $options['isDraft'] ? TRUE : FALSE;
     $isCopyTo = $options['sendMode'] == 'copy' ? TRUE : FALSE;
     $isSystem = $options['isSystem'] === TRUE || $options['isSystem'] == 1 ? 1 : 0;
     $options['postKey'] = $options['postKey'] ? $options['postKey'] : md5(microtime());
     /* Set up force message*/
     $this->forceMessageToSend = $this->forceMessageToSend ? $this->forceMessageToSend : ($options['forcePm'] ? TRUE : FALSE);
     // Check content
     if ($toMemberID == $fromMemberID) {
         throw new Exception('CANT_SEND_TO_SELF');
     if (!$msgTitle) {
         throw new Exception('MSG_TITLE_EMPTY');
     if (!$msgContent) {
         throw new Exception('MSG_CONTENT_EMPTY');
     // Format content
     try {
         $_originalMessageContent = $msgContent;
         $msgContent = $this->_formatMessageForSaving($msgContent);
     } catch (Exception $error) {
         throw new Exception($error->getMessage());
     // First off, load the to and from members
     $_members = IPSMember::load(array($toMemberID, $fromMemberID), 'groups,extendedProfile');
     $toMemberData = $this->_setMaxMessages($_members[$toMemberID]);
     $fromMemberData = $this->_setMaxMessages($_members[$fromMemberID]);
     if (empty($toMemberData['member_id']) and $this->forceMessageToSend !== TRUE) {
         throw new Exception('TO_USER_DOES_NOT_EXIST');
     if (empty($fromMemberData['member_id']) and $this->forceMessageToSend !== TRUE) {
         throw new Exception('FROM_USER_DOES_NOT_EXIST');
     if ($this->floodControlCheck() !== TRUE) {
         throw new Exception('FLOOD_STOP');
     // Sort out invite users
     if (is_array($inviteUsers) and count($inviteUsers)) {
         try {
             if ($fromMemberData['g_max_mass_pm'] > 0 or $this->forceMessageToSend === TRUE) {
                 $inviteUsersData = $this->checkAndReturnInvitedUsers($inviteUsers);
         } catch (Exception $error) {
             if ($this->forceMessageToSend !== TRUE) {
                 throw new Exception($error->getMessage());
         if (isset($inviteUsersData[$fromMemberID])) {
             throw new Exception('CANT_INVITE_SELF');
         if (isset($inviteUsersData[$toMemberID])) {
             throw new Exception('CANT_INVITE_RECIPIENT');
     // Can the 'to' user accept a PM?
     if ($this->canUsePMSystem($toMemberData) !== TRUE) {
         if ($this->forceMessageToSend !== TRUE) {
             throw new Exception('TO_USER_CANNOT_USE_PM');
     // Does the 'to' user have enough space?
     if ($this->withinPMQuota($toMemberData) !== TRUE) {
         if ($this->forceMessageToSend !== TRUE) {
             throw new Exception('TO_USER_FULL');
     // Has the 'to' use blocked us?
     if (count($this->blockedByUser($fromMemberData, $toMemberData))) {
         if ($this->forceMessageToSend !== TRUE) {
             throw new Exception('FROM_USER_BLOCKED');
     // Is this simply a copy-to?
     if ($isCopyTo === TRUE and !$isDraft) {
         /* Send out the main one */
         $this->sendNewPersonalTopic($toMemberID, $fromMemberID, array(), $msgTitle, $_originalMessageContent, array('postKey' => $options['postKey']));
         /* Send out copy-tos */
         foreach ($inviteUsersData as $id => $toMember) {
             $_newPostKey = md5(microtime());
             $_newContent = $_originalMessageContent;
             /* We need to duplicate the attachment record for each copy sent */
             $this->DB->build(array('select' => '*', 'from' => 'attachments', 'where' => "attach_post_key='{$options['postKey']}'"));
             $outer = $this->DB->execute();
             $idRemap = array();
             while ($attachData = $this->DB->fetch($outer)) {
                 $attachData['attach_post_key'] = $_newPostKey;
                 $_oldAttachId = $attachData['attach_id'];
                 $this->DB->insert('attachments', $attachData);
                 $idRemap[$_oldAttachId] = $this->DB->getInsertId();
             if (count($idRemap)) {
                 foreach ($idRemap as $_oldId => $_newId) {
                     $_newContent = str_replace('=' . $_oldId . ':', '=' . $_newId . ':', $_newContent);
             $this->sendNewPersonalTopic($toMember['member_id'], $fromMemberID, array(), $msgTitle, $_newContent, array('postKey' => $_newPostKey));
         /* Done */
         return TRUE;
     // Insert the user data
     $_count = count($inviteUsersData);
     // Got a topic ID?
     if ($options['topicID']) {
         /* Fetch topic data */
         $_topicData = $this->fetchTopicData($options['topicID']);
         if (!$_topicData['mt_id'] and $this->forceMessageToSend !== TRUE) {
             throw new Exception('TOPIC_ID_NOT_EXISTS');
         $this->DB->setDataType('mt_title', 'string');
         /* First off, update message_topics and message_posts... */
         $this->DB->update('message_topics', array('mt_date' => time(), 'mt_title' => $msgTitle, 'mt_starter_id' => $fromMemberData['member_id'], 'mt_start_time' => time(), 'mt_last_post_time' => time(), 'mt_invited_members' => serialize(array_keys($inviteUsersData)), 'mt_to_count' => count(array_keys($inviteUsersData)) + 1, 'mt_to_member_id' => $toMemberData['member_id'], 'mt_is_draft' => intval($isDraft)), 'mt_id=' . $_topicData['mt_id']);
         /* Now the posts ... */
         $this->DB->update('message_posts', array('msg_date' => time(), 'msg_topic_id' => $_topicData['mt_id'], 'msg_post' => $msgContent, 'msg_author_id' => $fromMemberData['member_id'], 'msg_is_first_post' => 1, 'msg_ip_address' => $this->member->ip_address), 'msg_id=' . $_topicData['mt_first_msg_id']);
         /* Delete any current user mapping as this will be sorted out below */
         $this->DB->delete('message_topic_user_map', 'map_topic_id=' . $_topicData['mt_id']);
         /* Reset variable IDs */
         $msg_topic_id = $_topicData['mt_id'];
         $msg_id = $_topicData['mt_first_msg_id'];
     } else {
         $_messageTopicData = array('mt_date' => time(), 'mt_title' => $msgTitle, 'mt_starter_id' => $fromMemberData['member_id'], 'mt_start_time' => IPS_UNIX_TIME_NOW, 'mt_last_post_time' => IPS_UNIX_TIME_NOW, 'mt_invited_members' => serialize(array_keys($inviteUsersData)), 'mt_to_count' => count(array_keys($inviteUsersData)) + 1, 'mt_to_member_id' => $toMemberData['member_id'], 'mt_is_draft' => $isDraft ? 1 : 0, 'mt_is_system' => $isSystem, 'mt_replies' => 0);
         /* Create topic entry */
         $this->DB->setDataType('mt_title', 'string');
         /* Data Hook Location */
         IPSLib::doDataHooks($_messageTopicData, 'messengerSendTopicData');
         $this->DB->insert('message_topics', $_messageTopicData);
         $msg_topic_id = $this->DB->getInsertId();
         $_messagePostData = array('msg_date' => time(), 'msg_topic_id' => $msg_topic_id, 'msg_post' => $msgContent, 'msg_post_key' => $options['postKey'], 'msg_author_id' => $fromMemberData['member_id'], 'msg_is_first_post' => 1, 'msg_ip_address' => $this->member->ip_address);
         /* Data Hook Location */
         IPSLib::doDataHooks($_messagePostData, 'messengerSendTopicFirstPostData');
         $this->DB->insert('message_posts', $_messagePostData);
         $msg_id = $this->DB->getInsertId();
     // Update with last / first msg ID
     $this->DB->update('message_topics', array('mt_last_msg_id' => $msg_id, 'mt_first_msg_id' => $msg_id, 'mt_hasattach' => intval($this->_makeAttachmentsPermanent($options['postKey'], $msg_id, $msg_topic_id))), 'mt_id=' . $msg_topic_id);
     // Not a draft?
     if ($isDraft !== TRUE) {
         // Add in 'to user' and 'from user' to the cc array
         $inviteUsersData[$toMemberData['member_id']] = $toMemberData;
         $inviteUsersData[$fromMemberData['member_id']] = $fromMemberData;
         // Loop....
         foreach ($inviteUsersData as $id => $toMember) {
             // Enter the info into the DB
             // Target user side.
             $_isStarter = $fromMemberData['member_id'] == $toMember['member_id'] ? 1 : 0;
             $_isSystem = ($fromMemberData['member_id'] == $toMember['member_id'] and $isSystem) ? 1 : 0;
             $_isActive = $_isSystem ? 0 : 1;
             /* Create user map entry */
             $this->DB->insert('message_topic_user_map', array('map_user_id' => $toMember['member_id'], 'map_topic_id' => $msg_topic_id, 'map_folder_id' => 'myconvo', 'map_user_active' => $_isActive, 'map_is_starter' => $fromMemberData['member_id'] == $toMember['member_id'] ? 1 : 0, 'map_has_unread' => $fromMemberData['member_id'] == $toMember['member_id'] ? 0 : 1, 'map_read_time' => $fromMemberData['member_id'] == $toMember['member_id'] ? IPS_UNIX_TIME_NOW : 0, 'map_is_system' => $_isSystem, 'map_user_banned' => 0, 'map_left_time' => 0, 'map_ignore_notification' => 0, 'map_last_topic_reply' => IPS_UNIX_TIME_NOW));
             // Notifications library
             if ($fromMemberData['member_id'] != $toMember['member_id']) {
                 $classToLoad = IPSLib::loadLibrary(IPS_ROOT_PATH . '/sources/classes/member/notifications.php', 'notifications');
                 $notifyLibrary = new $classToLoad($this->registry);
                 $toMember['language'] = $toMember['language'] == "" ? IPSLib::getDefaultLanguage() : $toMember['language'];
                 $buildMessage = array('NAME' => $toMember['members_display_name'], 'POSTER' => $fromMemberData['members_display_name'], 'TITLE' => $msgTitle, 'TEXT' => $msgContent, 'LINK' => "?app=members&module=messaging&section=view&do=showConversation&topicID={$msg_topic_id}#msg{$msg_id}");
                 IPSText::getTextClass('email')->setPlainTextTemplate(IPSText::getTextClass('email')->getTemplate('personal_convo_new_convo', $toMember['language']));
                 IPSText::getTextClass('email')->subject = sprintf(IPSText::getTextClass('email')->subject, $this->registry->output->buildSEOUrl('showuser='******'member_id'], 'public', $fromMemberData['members_seo_name'], 'showuser'), $fromMemberData['members_display_name'], $this->registry->output->buildUrl("app=members&module=messaging&section=view&do=showConversation&topicID={$msg_topic_id}#msg{$msg_id}", 'public'));
                 $notifyLibrary->setNotificationUrl($this->registry->output->buildUrl("app=members&module=messaging&section=view&do=showConversation&topicID={$msg_topic_id}#msg{$msg_id}", 'public'));
                 $notifyLibrary->setMetaData(array('meta_area' => 'pm', 'meta_id' => $msg_topic_id, 'meta_app' => 'members'));
                 try {
                 } catch (Exception $e) {
                 IPSMember::save($toMember['member_id'], array('core' => array('msg_count_total' => 'plus:1', 'msg_count_new' => 'plus:1', 'msg_count_reset' => 1)));
             } else {
                 IPSMember::save($toMember['member_id'], array('core' => array('msg_count_total' => 'plus:1')));
     } else {
         // Is a draft
         /* Create user map entry */
         $this->DB->insert('message_topic_user_map', array('map_user_id' => $fromMemberData['member_id'], 'map_topic_id' => $msg_topic_id, 'map_folder_id' => 'drafts', 'map_user_active' => 1, 'map_has_unread' => 0, 'map_user_banned' => 0, 'map_read_time' => 0, 'map_left_time' => 0, 'map_ignore_notification' => 0, 'map_last_topic_reply' => IPS_UNIX_TIME_NOW));
         if (!$options['topicID']) {
             // Update profile
             $this->rebuildFolderCount($fromMemberData['member_id'], array('drafts' => 'plus:1'), TRUE, array('core' => array('msg_count_total' => 'plus:1')));
     return TRUE;
Example #6
  * Get Topic Data
  * @return	array
 public function _getPosts()
     /* Init */
     $topicData = $this->registry->getClass('topics')->getTopicData();
     $forumData = $this->forumClass->getForumById($topicData['forum_id']);
     $permissionData = $this->registry->getClass('topics')->getPermissionData();
     $first = $this->registry->getClass('topics')->pageToSt($this->request['page']);
     /* Default - just see all visible posts */
     $queued_query_bit = ' AND ' . $this->registry->class_forums->fetchPostHiddenQuery('visible', '');
     /* Can we deal with hidden posts? */
     if ($this->registry->class_forums->canQueuePosts($topicData['forum_id'])) {
         if ($permissionData['softDeleteSee']) {
             /* See queued and soft deleted */
             $queued_query_bit = ' AND ' . $this->registry->class_forums->fetchPostHiddenQuery(array('visible', 'hidden', 'sdeleted'), '');
         } else {
             /* Otherwise, see queued and approved */
             $queued_query_bit = ' AND ' . $this->registry->class_forums->fetchPostHiddenQuery(array('visible', 'hidden'), '');
         /* Specifically requesting to see queued posts only */
         if ($this->request['modfilter'] and $this->request['modfilter'] == 'invisible_posts') {
             $queued_query_bit = ' AND ' . $this->registry->class_forums->fetchPostHiddenQuery('hidden', '');
     } else {
         /* We cannot see hidden posts */
         if ($permissionData['softDeleteSee']) {
             /* See queued and soft deleted */
             $queued_query_bit = ' AND ' . $this->registry->class_forums->fetchPostHiddenQuery(array('approved', 'sdeleted'), '');
     /* Did we specifically want to see soft deleted posts? */
     if ($this->request['modfilter'] == 'deleted_posts' and $permissionData['softDeleteSee']) {
         $queued_query_bit = ' AND ' . $this->registry->class_forums->fetchPostHiddenQuery('sdeleted', '');
     /* Data Hook Location */
     $dataHook = array('members' => array(), 'postJoins' => array());
     IPSLib::doDataHooks($dataHook, 'topicViewQuery');
     // Joins
     $_extraMember = is_array($dataHook['members']) && count($dataHook['members']) ? ',m.' . implode(',m.', $dataHook['members']) : '';
     $_post_joins = array(array('select' => '', 'from' => array('posts' => 'p'), 'where' => 'p.pid=z.pid'), array('select' => 'm.member_id as mid,m.name,m.member_group_id,m.email,m.joined,m.posts, m.last_visit, m.last_activity,m.login_anonymous,m.title as member_title, m.warn_level, m.warn_lastwarn, m.members_display_name, m.members_seo_name, m.member_banned, m.has_gallery, m.has_blog, m.members_bitoptions,m.mgroup_others' . $_extraMember, 'from' => array('members' => 'm'), 'where' => 'm.member_id=p.author_id', 'type' => 'left'), array('select' => 'pp.*', 'from' => array('profile_portal' => 'pp'), 'where' => 'm.member_id=pp.pp_member_id', 'type' => 'left'));
     /* Warn system enabled? */
     if ($this->settings['warn_on'] == 1) {
         $_post_joins[] = array('select' => 'w.wl_id', 'from' => array('members_warn_logs' => 'w'), 'where' => 'w.wl_content_app=\'forums\' and w.wl_content_id1=p.pid');
     /* Add data hook joins */
     if (is_array($dataHook['postJoins']) && count($dataHook['postJoins'])) {
         $_post_joins = array_merge($_post_joins, $dataHook['postJoins']);
     /* Add custom fields join? */
     if ($this->settings['custom_profile_topic'] == 1) {
         $_post_joins[] = array('select' => 'pc.*', 'from' => array('pfields_content' => 'pc'), 'where' => 'pc.member_id=p.author_id', 'type' => 'left');
     /* Reputation system enabled? */
     if ($this->settings['reputation_enabled']) {
         /* Add the join to figure out if the user has already rated the post */
         $_post_joins[] = $this->registry->repCache->getUserHasRatedJoin('pid', 'p.pid', 'forums');
         /* Add the join to figure out the total ratings for each post */
         if ($this->settings['reputation_show_content']) {
             $_post_joins[] = $this->registry->repCache->getTotalRatingJoin('pid', 'p.pid', 'forums');
     /* Cache? */
     if (IPSContentCache::isEnabled()) {
         if (IPSContentCache::fetchSettingValue('post')) {
             $_post_joins[] = IPSContentCache::join('post', 'p.pid');
         if (IPSContentCache::fetchSettingValue('sig')) {
             $_post_joins[] = IPSContentCache::join('sig', 'm.member_id', 'ccb', 'left', 'ccb.cache_content as cache_content_sig, ccb.cache_updated as cache_updated_sig');
     /* Ignored Users */
     $ignored_users = array();
     foreach ($this->member->ignored_users as $_i) {
         if ($_i['ignore_topics']) {
             $ignored_users[] = $_i['ignore_ignore_id'];
     // Get posts
     // See http://community.invisionpower.com/resources/bugs.html/_/ip-board/big-topics-i-mean-big-topics-r36577 for an explanation why this a bit odd
     $this->DB->build(array('select' => 'p.*', 'from' => array('( ****FROM**** )' => 'z'), 'add_join' => $_post_joins));
     $query = $this->DB->fetchSqlString();
     $this->DB->build(array('select' => 'pid, post_date', 'from' => 'posts', 'where' => 'topic_id=' . $topicData['tid'] . $queued_query_bit, 'order' => $this->settings['post_order_column'] . ' ' . $this->settings['post_order_sort'], 'limit' => array($first, $this->settings['display_max_posts'])));
     $query = str_replace('****FROM****', $this->DB->fetchSqlString(), $query) . " ORDER BY z." . $this->settings['post_order_column'] . " " . $this->settings['post_order_sort'];
     $query = str_replace($this->settings['sql_tbl_prefix'] . '(', '(', $query);
     $this->DB->allow_sub_select = TRUE;
     $oq = $this->DB->query($query);
     if (!$this->DB->getTotalRows()) {
         if ($first >= $this->settings['display_max_posts']) {
             // AUTO FIX: Get the correct number of replies...
             $this->DB->build(array('select' => 'COUNT(*) as pcount', 'from' => 'posts', 'where' => "topic_id=" . $topicData['tid'] . " and queued=0"));
             $newq = $this->DB->execute();
             $pcount = $this->DB->fetch($newq);
             $pcount['pcount'] = $pcount['pcount'] > 0 ? $pcount['pcount'] - 1 : 0;
             // Update the post table...
             if ($pcount['pcount'] > 1) {
                 $this->DB->update('topics', array('posts' => $pcount['pcount']), "tid=" . $topicData['tid']);
             // This is now handled in app_class_forums::incorrectPageCallback to redirect to correct post */
     // Render the page top
     $topicData['go_new'] = isset($topicData['go_new']) ? $topicData['go_new'] : '';
     // Format and print out the topic list
     $modAll = ($this->memberData['g_is_supmod'] or isset($this->memberData['forumsModeratorData'][$forumData['id']]) and ($this->memberData['forumsModeratorData'][$forumData['id']]['delete_post'] or $this->memberData['forumsModeratorData'][$forumData['id']]['split_move']));
     $this->registry->getClass('topics')->setTopicData('adCodeSet', false);
     $this->registry->getClass('topics')->setTopicData('ignoredUsers', $ignored_users);
     $posts = array();
     $this->DB->allow_sub_select = TRUE;
     while ($row = $this->DB->fetch($oq)) {
         /* Should we display the moderate checkbox for this post? */
         $row['moddable'] = FALSE;
         if ($modAll or isset($this->memberData['forumsModeratorData'][$forumData['id']]) and ($row['approved'] == 0 and $this->memberData['forumsModeratorData'][$forumData['id']]['post_q'] or $row['queued'] == 2 and $this->memberData['forumsModeratorData'][$forumData['id']]['bw_mod_un_soft_delete'] or $row['queued'] == 0 and $this->memberData['forumsModeratorData'][$forumData['id']]['bw_mod_soft_delete'])) {
             $row['moddable'] = TRUE;
         /* Add to array */
         $row['member_id'] = $row['mid'];
         $posts[$row['pid']] = $row;
     /* Return */
     return $posts;
  * Adds a friend to the account that is logged in or specified
  * @param	integer	$friend_id			The friend being added to the account
  * @param	integer	$from_id			The requesting member, defaults to current member
  * @param	boolean	$forceApproval		Automatically approve, regardless of setting
  * @param	boolean	$sendNotification	If false, no notification will be sent to the member being added
  * @return	string						Error Key or blank for success
 public function addFriend($friend_id, $from_id = 0, $forceApproval = false, $sendNotification = true)
     /* INIT */
     $friend_id = intval($friend_id);
     $from_id = $from_id ? intval($from_id) : $this->memberData['member_id'];
     $friend = array();
     $member = array();
     $friends_approved = 1;
     $message = '';
     $subject = '';
     $to = array();
     $from = array();
     $return_msg = '';
     /* Can't add yourself */
     if ($from_id == $friend_id) {
         return 'error';
     /* Load our friends account */
     $friend = IPSMember::load($friend_id);
     /* Load our account */
     $member = IPSMember::load($from_id);
     /* This group not allowed to add friends */
     if (!$member['g_can_add_friends']) {
         return 'error';
     /* Make sure we found ourselves and our friend */
     if (!$friend['member_id'] or !$member['member_id']) {
         return 'error';
     /* Are we already friends? */
     $friend_check = $this->DB->buildAndFetch(array('select' => 'friends_id', 'from' => 'profile_friends', 'where' => "friends_member_id={$from_id} AND friends_friend_id={$friend_id}"));
     if ($friend_check['friends_id']) {
         return 'pp_friend_already';
     /* Check flood table */
     if ($this->_canAddFriend($from_id, $friend['member_id']) !== TRUE) {
         return 'pp_friend_timeflood';
     /* Do we approve our friends first? */
     if (!$forceApproval and $friend['pp_setting_moderate_friends']) {
         $friends_approved = 0;
         $this->pendingApproval = true;
     $_profileFriendsData = array('friends_member_id' => $member['member_id'], 'friends_friend_id' => $friend['member_id'], 'friends_approved' => $friends_approved, 'friends_added' => time());
     /* Data Hook Location */
     IPSLib::doDataHooks($_profileFriendsData, 'profileFriendsNew');
     /* Insert the friend */
     $this->DB->insert('profile_friends', $_profileFriendsData);
     /* Do we need to send notifications? */
     if (!$friends_approved) {
         // Notifications library
         if ($sendNotification) {
             $classToLoad = IPSLib::loadLibrary(IPS_ROOT_PATH . '/sources/classes/member/notifications.php', 'notifications');
             $notifyLibrary = new $classToLoad($this->registry);
             IPSText::getTextClass('email')->getTemplate("new_friend_request", $friend['language']);
             IPSText::getTextClass('email')->buildMessage(array('MEMBERS_DISPLAY_NAME' => $friend['members_display_name'], 'FRIEND_NAME' => $member['members_display_name'], 'LINK' => "{$this->settings['board_url']}/index.{$this->settings['php_ext']}?app=members&amp;section=friends&amp;module=profile&amp;do=list&amp;tab=pending"));
             IPSText::getTextClass('email')->subject = sprintf(IPSText::getTextClass('email')->subject, $this->registry->output->buildSEOUrl('showuser='******'member_id'], 'public', $member['members_seo_name'], 'showuser'), $member['members_display_name'], "{$this->settings['board_url']}/index.{$this->settings['php_ext']}?app=members&amp;section=friends&amp;module=profile&amp;do=list&amp;tab=pending");
             try {
             } catch (Exception $e) {
         $return_msg = 'pp_friend_added_mod';
     } else {
         /* Don't notify yourself */
         if ($sendNotification and $friend['member_id'] != $this->memberData['member_id']) {
             // Notifications library
             $classToLoad = IPSLib::loadLibrary(IPS_ROOT_PATH . '/sources/classes/member/notifications.php', 'notifications');
             $notifyLibrary = new $classToLoad($this->registry);
             IPSText::getTextClass('email')->getTemplate("new_friend_added", $friend['language']);
             IPSText::getTextClass('email')->buildMessage(array('MEMBERS_DISPLAY_NAME' => $friend['members_display_name'], 'FRIEND_NAME' => $member['members_display_name'], 'LINK' => "{$this->settings['board_url']}/index.{$this->settings['php_ext']}?app=members&amp;section=friends&amp;module=profile&amp;do=list"));
             IPSText::getTextClass('email')->subject = sprintf(IPSText::getTextClass('email')->subject, $this->registry->output->buildSEOUrl('showuser='******'member_id'], 'public', $member['members_seo_name'], 'showuser'), $member['members_display_name']);
             $notifyLibrary->setNotificationUrl($this->registry->output->buildSEOUrl('showuser='******'member_id'], 'public', $member['members_seo_name'], 'showuser'));
             try {
             } catch (Exception $e) {
         $return_msg = 'pp_friend_added';
     /* Reache */
     return '';
Example #8
  * Toggles visibility
  * @param	string	on/off
  * @param	array	Array of comment IDs to be deleted
  * @param	int		Parent ID
  * @return 	void
 public function postVisibility($toggle, $commentIds, $parentId)
     $_dataHook = array('toggle' => $toggle, 'commentIds' => $commentIds, 'parentId' => $parentId);
     /* Data Hook Location */
     IPSLib::doDataHooks($_dataHook, 'calendarCommentToggleVisibility');
Example #9
  * Saves the add/edit calendar event form
  * @param	string	$type	Either add or edit
  * @return	@e void
 public function calendarEventSave($type = 'add')
     // Check permissions
     if ($this->request['auth_key'] != $this->member->form_hash) {
         $this->registry->output->showError('no_permission', 10410, null, null, 403);
     if ($this->request['preview']) {
         return $this->calendarEventForm($type);
     // Init
     $event_id = intval($this->request['event_id']);
     $calendar_id = intval($this->request['event_calendar_id']);
     $_calendar = $this->functions->getCalendar($calendar_id);
     $event_title = IPSText::getTextClass('bbcode')->stripBadWords(trim($this->request['event_title']));
     $start_date = '';
     $end_date = '';
     $recurring = 0;
     // Verify start date/time
     switch ($this->settings['cal_date_format']) {
         case 'american':
             $_startBits = explode('/', $this->request['start_date']);
             if ($this->request['set_enddate']) {
                 $_endBits = $this->request['end_date'] ? explode('/', $this->request['end_date']) : array();
         case 'danish':
             $_inputStart = explode('/', $this->request['start_date']);
             $_startBits = array(0 => $_inputStart[1], 1 => $_inputStart[2], 2 => $_inputStart[0]);
             if ($this->request['set_enddate']) {
                 $_inputEnd = $this->request['end_date'] ? explode('/', $this->request['end_date']) : array();
                 $_endBits = array(0 => $_inputEnd[1], 1 => $_inputEnd[2], 2 => $_inputEnd[0]);
         case 'italian':
             $_inputStart = explode('/', $this->request['start_date']);
             $_startBits = array(0 => $_inputStart[1], 1 => $_inputStart[0], 2 => $_inputStart[2]);
             if ($this->request['set_enddate']) {
                 $_inputEnd = $this->request['end_date'] ? explode('/', $this->request['end_date']) : array();
                 $_endBits = array(0 => $_inputEnd[1], 1 => $_inputEnd[0], 2 => $_inputEnd[2]);
         case 'db':
             $_inputStart = explode('-', $this->request['start_date']);
             $_startBits = array(0 => $_inputStart[1], 1 => $_inputStart[2], 2 => $_inputStart[0]);
             if ($this->request['set_enddate']) {
                 $_inputEnd = $this->request['end_date'] ? explode('-', $this->request['end_date']) : array();
                 $_endBits = array(0 => $_inputEnd[1], 1 => $_inputEnd[2], 2 => $_inputEnd[0]);
     if (!$this->request['start_date'] or count($_startBits) != 3) {
         $this->registry->output->showError('calendar_invalid_date', 10427.0);
     } else {
         if (!@checkdate($_startBits[0], $_startBits[1], $_startBits[2])) {
             $this->registry->output->showError('calendar_invalid_date', 10427.1);
     if ($this->request['all_day']) {
         $start_date = gmmktime(0, 0, 0, $_startBits[0], $_startBits[1], $_startBits[2]);
     } else {
         $_time = explode(':', $this->request['start_time']);
         if ($this->settings['cal_time_format'] == 'standard') {
             if (count($_time) != 2 or $_time[0] > 12 or $_time[1] > 59) {
                 $this->registry->output->showError('calendar_invalid_time', 10427.2);
             if ($this->request['start_time_ampm'] == 'PM' and $_time[0] < 12) {
                 $_time[0] += 12;
             } else {
                 if ($this->request['start_time_ampm'] == 'AM' and $_time[0] == 12) {
                     $_time[0] = 0;
         } else {
             if (count($_time) != 2 or $_time[0] > 23 or $_time[1] > 59) {
                 $this->registry->output->showError('calendar_invalid_time', 10427.2);
         $start_date = gmmktime($_time[0], $_time[1], 0, $_startBits[0], $_startBits[1], $_startBits[2]);
     // Verify end date/time
     if ($this->request['set_enddate']) {
         if (count($_endBits) != 3) {
             $this->registry->output->showError('calendar_invalid_date', 10427.3);
         } else {
             if (!@checkdate($_endBits[0], $_endBits[1], $_endBits[2])) {
                 $this->registry->output->showError('calendar_invalid_date', 10427.4);
         if ($this->request['all_day']) {
             $end_date = gmmktime(0, 0, 0, $_endBits[0], $_endBits[1], $_endBits[2]);
         } else {
             $_time = explode(':', $this->request['end_time']);
             if ($this->settings['cal_time_format'] == 'standard') {
                 if (count($_time) != 2 or $_time[0] > 12 or $_time[1] > 59) {
                     $this->registry->output->showError('calendar_invalid_date', 10427.5);
                 if ($this->request['end_time_ampm'] == 'PM') {
                     $_time[0] += 12;
             } else {
                 if (count($_time) != 2 or $_time[0] > 23 or $_time[1] > 59) {
                     $this->registry->output->showError('calendar_invalid_date', 10427.5);
             $end_date = gmmktime($_time[0], $_time[1], 0, $_endBits[0], $_endBits[1], $_endBits[2]);
     if ($end_date and $end_date < $start_date) {
         $this->registry->output->showError('calendar_range_wrong', 10421);
     } else {
         if ($this->request['end_date'] and $this->request['set_enddate'] and !$end_date) {
             $this->registry->output->showError('calendar_range_wrong', 10421.1);
     // Set recurring flag
     if ($this->request['set_recurfields']) {
         if (!$end_date) {
             $this->registry->output->showError('recurring_requires_enddate', 10427.6);
         $recurring = intval($this->request['recur_unit']);
     // Adjust to GMT
     if ($this->request['event_timezone'] and !$this->request['all_day']) {
         $start_date = $start_date - $this->request['event_timezone'] * 3600;
         if ($end_date) {
             $end_date = $end_date - $this->request['event_timezone'] * 3600;
     $start_date = gmstrftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:00", $start_date);
     $end_date = $end_date ? gmstrftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:00", $end_date) : 0;
     // Check posted content for errors
     if (strlen(trim(IPSText::removeControlCharacters(IPSText::br2nl($_POST['Post'])))) < 1) {
         $this->registry->output->showError('calendar_post_too_short', 10417, null, null, 403);
     $this->settings['max_post_length'] = $this->settings['max_post_length'] ? $this->settings['max_post_length'] : 2140000;
     if (IPSText::mbstrlen($_POST['Post']) > $this->settings['max_post_length'] * 1024) {
         $this->registry->output->showError('calendar_post_too_long', 10418, null, null, 403);
     if (!$event_title or IPSText::mbstrlen($event_title) < 2) {
         $this->registry->output->showError('calendar_no_title', 10419, null, null, 403);
     if (IPSText::mbstrlen($event_title) > 200) {
         $this->registry->output->showError('calendar_title_too_long', 10420, null, null, 403);
     // Adding or editing?
     if ($type == 'edit') {
         // Get event
         if (!$event_id) {
             $this->registry->output->showError('calendar_event_not_found', 10414, null, null, 404);
         $event = $this->DB->buildAndFetch(array('select' => '*', 'from' => 'cal_events', 'where' => 'event_id=' . $event_id));
         if (!$event['event_id']) {
             $this->registry->output->showError('calendar_event_not_found', 10415, null, null, 404);
         // Do we have permission to edit?
         if (!$this->memberData['g_is_supmod'] and $this->memberData['member_id'] != $event['event_member_id']) {
             $this->registry->output->showError('calendar_no_edit_perm', 10416, null, null, 403);
     // Set event view permissions
     if ($this->memberData['g_access_cp']) {
         if (is_array($this->request['e_groups'])) {
             foreach ($this->cache->getCache('group_cache') as $group) {
                 if ($group['g_access_cp']) {
                     $this->request['e_groups'][] = $group['g_id'];
             $read_perms = implode(",", $this->request['e_groups']);
     $read_perms = $read_perms ? $read_perms : '*';
     // Get editor and format post
     $classToLoad = IPSLib::loadLibrary(IPS_ROOT_PATH . 'sources/classes/editor/composite.php', 'classes_editor_composite');
     $editor = new $classToLoad();
     $event_content = $editor->process($_POST['Post']);
     IPSText::getTextClass('bbcode')->parse_html = 0;
     IPSText::getTextClass('bbcode')->parse_smilies = intval($this->request['enableemo']);
     IPSText::getTextClass('bbcode')->parse_bbcode = 1;
     IPSText::getTextClass('bbcode')->parsing_section = 'calendar';
     $event_content = IPSText::getTextClass('bbcode')->preDbParse($event_content);
     // Event approved?
     if ($this->request['e_type'] == 'private') {
         $event_approved = 1;
     } else {
         $event_approved = $this->registry->permissions->check('nomod', $_calendar) ? 1 : ($_calendar['cal_moderate'] ? 0 : 1);
     // Store the event
     if ($type == 'add') {
         // Format array for storage
         $_eventData = array('event_calendar_id' => $calendar_id, 'event_member_id' => $this->memberData['member_id'], 'event_content' => $event_content, 'event_title' => $event_title, 'event_title_seo' => IPSText::makeSeoTitle($event_title), 'event_smilies' => intval($this->request['enableemo']), 'event_comments' => 0, 'event_perms' => $read_perms, 'event_private' => $this->request['e_type'] == 'private' ? 1 : 0, 'event_approved' => $event_approved, 'event_saved' => time(), 'event_lastupdated' => time(), 'event_recurring' => $recurring, 'event_start_date' => $start_date, 'event_end_date' => $end_date, 'event_post_key' => $this->request['post_key'], 'event_rsvp' => $this->registry->permissions->check('askrsvp', $_calendar) ? intval($this->request['event_rsvp']) : 0, 'event_sequence' => 0, 'event_all_day' => intval($this->request['all_day']));
         // Data hooks
         IPSLib::doDataHooks($_eventData, 'calendarAddEvent');
         // Insert
         $this->DB->insert('cal_events', $_eventData);
         $event_id = $this->DB->getInsertId();
         // Set language strings
         $_langString = $event_approved ? $this->lang->words['new_event_redirect'] : $this->lang->words['new_event_mod'];
     } else {
         // Format array for storage
         $_eventData = array('event_calendar_id' => $calendar_id, 'event_content' => $event_content, 'event_title' => $event_title, 'event_title_seo' => IPSText::makeSeoTitle($event_title), 'event_smilies' => intval($this->request['enableemo']), 'event_perms' => $read_perms, 'event_private' => $this->request['e_type'] == 'private' ? 1 : 0, 'event_approved' => $event_approved, 'event_lastupdated' => time(), 'event_recurring' => $recurring, 'event_start_date' => $start_date, 'event_end_date' => $end_date, 'event_post_key' => $this->request['post_key'], 'event_rsvp' => $this->registry->permissions->check('askrsvp', $_calendar) ? intval($this->request['event_rsvp']) : $event['event_rsvp'], 'event_sequence' => intval($event['event_rsvp']) + 1, 'event_all_day' => intval($this->request['all_day']));
         // Data hooks
         IPSLib::doDataHooks($_eventData, 'calendarEditEvent');
         // Update database
         $this->DB->update('cal_events', $_eventData, 'event_id=' . $event_id);
         // Set language strings
         $_langString = $event_approved ? $this->lang->words['edit_event_redirect'] : $this->lang->words['new_event_mod'];
     // Upload attachments
     if ($this->memberData['g_attach_max'] != -1) {
         $classToLoad = IPSLib::loadLibrary(IPSLib::getAppDir('core') . '/sources/classes/attach/class_attach.php', 'class_attach');
         $class_attach = new $classToLoad($this->registry);
         $class_attach->type = 'event';
         $class_attach->attach_post_key = $_eventData['event_post_key'];
         $class_attach->attach_rel_id = $event_id;
     // Send notifications
     if ($event_approved) {
         require_once IPS_ROOT_PATH . 'sources/classes/like/composite.php';
         $_like = classes_like::bootstrap('calendar', $type == 'edit' ? 'events' : 'calendars');
         $_url = $this->registry->output->buildSEOUrl('app=calendar&amp;module=calendar&amp;section=view&amp;do=showevent&amp;event_id=' . $event_id, 'public', $_eventData['event_title_seo'], 'cal_event');
         $_like->sendNotifications($type == 'edit' ? $event_id : $_eventData['event_calendar_id'], array('immediate', 'offline'), array('notification_key' => $type == 'edit' ? 'updated_event' : 'new_event', 'notification_url' => $_url, 'email_template' => $type . '_event_follow', 'email_subject' => sprintf($this->lang->words[$type . '_event_follow_subject'], $_url, $_eventData['event_title']), 'build_message_array' => array('NAME' => '-member:members_display_name-', 'AUTHOR' => $this->memberData['members_display_name'], 'TITLE' => $_eventData['event_title'], 'URL' => $_url)));
     // Rebuild cache
     $this->cache->rebuildCache('calendar_events', 'calendar');
     // Redirect
     if ($event_approved) {
         $this->registry->output->redirectScreen($_langString, $this->settings['base_url'] . "app=calendar&amp;module=calendar&amp;section=view&amp;do=showevent&amp;event_id=" . $event_id, $_eventData['event_title_seo'], 'cal_event');
     } else {
         $this->registry->output->redirectScreen($_langString, $this->settings['base_url'] . "app=calendar&amp;module=calendar&amp;section=view&amp;cal_id=" . $calendar_id, $this->caches['calendars'][$calendar_id]['cal_title_seo'], 'cal_calendar');