Example #1
* GetLang
* Returns the defined language variable based on the name passed in.
* If a default value is NOT specified (or specified to NULL), the function WILL STOP execution
* whenever a language definition is NOT found. If it is specified, the function will
* return the specified default value instead.
* @param String $langvar Name of the language variable to retrieve.
* @param String $default Default value to be returned if language definition does not exists
* @return String Returns the defined string, if it doesn't exist (and default is not specified) the script execution will be halted.
function GetLang($langvar = false, $default = null)
    static $array_to_replace_from = false;
    static $array_to_replace_to = false;
    if (!$langvar) {
        return '';
    if (!defined('LNG_' . $langvar)) {
        // Language definition is not found, return a default value if it is defined
        if (!is_null($default)) {
            return strval($default);
        // Make note of where the error occured
        $message = '';
        if (function_exists('debug_backtrace')) {
            $btrace = debug_backtrace();
            $called_from = $btrace[0];
            $message = ' (Called from ' . basename($called_from['file']) . ', line ' . $called_from['line'] . ')';
        trigger_error("Langvar '{$langvar}' doesn't exist: " . $message, E_USER_NOTICE);
        return $langvar;
    $var = constant('LNG_' . $langvar);
    if (!$array_to_replace_from || !$array_to_replace_to) {
        $agency_edition_info = get_agency_license_variables();
        defined('LNG_NumberFormat_Thousands') or define('LNG_NumberFormat_Thousands', ',');
        defined('LNG_NumberFormat_Dec') or define('LNG_NumberFormat_Dec', '.');
        $array_to_replace_to = array(IEM::enableInfoTipsGet(), $agency_edition_info['trial_days'], number_format((double) $agency_edition_info['trial_email_limit'], 0, LNG_NumberFormat_Dec, LNG_NumberFormat_Thousands));
    return str_replace($array_to_replace_from, $array_to_replace_to, $var);
  * Enter description here...
  * @return Void Does not return anything
  * @todo phpdoc
 private function IEM_DefaultVariables()
     static $variables = null;
     if (is_null($variables)) {
         $IEM = array('User' => GetUser(), 'ApplicationTitle' => GetLang('ApplicationTitle'), 'PageTitle' => GetLang('PageTitle'), 'CurrentPage' => IEM::requestGetGET('Page', IEM::requestGetGET('page', '')), 'ApplicationLogoImage' => APPLICATION_LOGO_IMAGE, 'ApplicationFavicon' => APPLICATION_FAVICON, 'InfoTips' => IEM::enableInfoTipsGet());
         list($IEM['LicenseError'], $IEM['LicenseMessage']) = sesion_start();
         IEM::sessionSet('LicenseError', $IEM['LicenseError']);
         if (!$IEM['LicenseError'] && isset($GLOBALS['ProductEdition'])) {
             $IEM['ApplicationTitle'] .= sprintf(GetLang('ApplicationTitleEdition'), $GLOBALS['ProductEdition']);
         list($IEM['MenuLinks'], $IEM['TextLinks']) = $this->IEM_Menu();
         $variables = $IEM;
     return $variables;
Example #3
	 * PrintInterspireRSS
	 * Print the latest info from an rss feed.
	 * This also caches the feed for 24 hours so it's not going to constantly cause a remote hit
	 * and should also mean subsequent views are a little faster.
	 * If a url can't be fetched, the box on the front appears empty.
	 * @param String $rss_url The RSS URL to read in and process.
	 * @param Int $number_to_display The number of entries to display from the rss feed.
	 * @return Void Doesn't return anything, just prints the top 5 entries from the feed.
	function PrintRSS($rss_url=false, $number_to_display=5)
		if (!$rss_url) {

		// make sure number_to_display is >= 1.
		if ((int)$number_to_display < 1) {
			$number_to_display = 5;

		$check_version = false;
		$cache_file = TEMP_DIRECTORY . '/' . str_replace(array('/', '\\', '.', ';', '"', "'"), '', base64_encode($rss_url)).'.xml';
		if (!is_file($cache_file)) {
			$check_version = true;

		if (is_file($cache_file)) {
			$last_hit = filemtime($cache_file);
			if ($last_hit === false) {
				$check_version = true;
			if ($last_hit < (time() - 86400)) {
				$check_version = true;
			// if the file is empty..
			if (filesize($cache_file) == 0) {
				$check_version = true;

		if ($check_version) {
			list($content, $error) = $this->GetPageContents($rss_url);
			if ($content !== false) {
				if (is_writable(TEMP_DIRECTORY)) {
					$fp = fopen($cache_file, 'w');
					fputs($fp, $content);
		} else {
			$content = file_get_contents($cache_file);

		if ($content !== false) {
			$items = $this->FetchXMLNode('item',$content,true);
			$i = 0;
			foreach ($items as $item) {
				$url = $this->FetchXMLNode('link',$item);
				$title = $this->FetchXMLNode('title',$item);

				preg_match('%<\!\[cdata\[(.*?)\]\]>%is', $title, $matches);
				if (isset($matches[1])) {
					echo '<li><a href="' . $url . '" target="_blank" title="' . htmlspecialchars($matches[1], ENT_QUOTES, SENDSTUDIO_CHARSET) . '">' . $this->TruncateInMiddle($matches[1]) . '</a></li>';
				} else {
					preg_match('/http:\/\/www\.viewkb\.com\/questions\/(\d*)\//is', $url, $matches);
					if (count($matches) == 2) {
						echo '<li><a href="#" onClick="LaunchHelp(\''.IEM::enableInfoTipsGet().'\',\'' . $matches[1] . '\');" title="' . htmlspecialchars($title, ENT_QUOTES, SENDSTUDIO_CHARSET) . '">' . $this->TruncateInMiddle($title) . '</a></li>';
					} else {
						echo '<li><a href="' . $url . '" target="_blank" title="' . htmlspecialchars($title, ENT_QUOTES, SENDSTUDIO_CHARSET) . '">' . $this->TruncateInMiddle($title) . '</a></li>';
				if ($i >= $number_to_display) {
Example #4
	* GenerateTextMenuLinks
	* Generates the text links at the top of the page - which include the home, "users" or "my account", logout links.
	* This is used by the template system when it prints out the header.
	* If a license key error occurs, then this only shows the settings, logout and help links at the top.
	* It will not trigger an event to occur either (which addons will use to add themselves to the text links).
	* Link areas are arrays which can be manipulated by addons if they are installed/enabled.
	* A menu item can either be singular:
	* <code>
	* $links['area_name'] = array (
	* 	array (
	* 		'text' => 'This is the link to click',
	* 		'link' => 'index.php?Page=MyPage',
	* 		'show' => true,
	* 		'description' => 'This is the long description. It is used for the title tag and only shows when you hover over the link'
	* 	)
	* );
	* </code>
	* or contain a dropdown menu:
	* <code>
	* $links['area_name'] = array (
	* 	'menudetails' => array (
	* 		'width' => 100, // this is the width in pixels for the dropdown menu
	*		'title' => 'What the dropdown menu is called',
	*		'description' => 'Long description which shows up when you hover over the dropdown link',
	* 	),
	* 	array (
	* 		'text' => 'This is the first item in the menu',
	* 		'link' => 'index.php?Page=MyPage',
	* 		'show' => true,
	* 		'description' => 'This is the long description. It is used for the title tag and only shows when you hover over the link'
	* 	),
	* 	array (
	* 		'text' => 'This is the second item in the menu',
	* 		'link' => 'index.php?Page=MyPage',
	* 		'show' => true,
	* 		'description' => 'This is the long description. It is used for the title tag and only shows when you hover over the link'
	* 	),
	* );
	* </code>
	* The 'menudetails' are used to create the dropdown menu base.
	* @see InterspireTemplate::IEM_Menu
	* @return String Returns the string to display up the top.
	static function GenerateTextMenuLinks()
		$user = IEM::getCurrentUser();

		$lke = IEM::sessionGet('LicenseError', false);

		// if there's an error with the lk, then just show the links to the settings page, logout & help.
		if ($lke && (!isset($_GET['Page']) || strtolower($_GET['Page']) == 'settings')) {
			$textlinks = '';
			if ($user->HasAccess('Settings')) {
				$textlinks .= '<a href="index.php?Page=Settings" class="MenuText" title="' . GetLang('Menu_Settings_Description') . '">' . GetLang('Settings') . '</a>|';
			$textlinks .= '<a href="index.php?Page=Logout" class="MenuText" title="' . GetLang('Menu_Logout_Description') . '">' . GetLang('Logout') . '</a>|';
			$textlinks .= '<a href="JavaScript:LaunchHelp(\''.IEM::enableInfoTipsGet().'\');" class="MenuText" title="' . GetLang('Menu_Help_Description') . '">' . GetLang('ShowHelp') . '</a>';
			return $textlinks;

		$links = array();

		$links['home'] = array (
			array (
				'text' => GetLang('Home'),
				'link' => 'index.php',
				'show' => true,
				'description' => GetLang('Menu_Home_Description'),

		$links['templates'] = array (
			'menudetails' => array (
				'width' => '185',
				'title' => GetLang('Menu_Templates'),
				'description' => GetLang('Menu_Templates_Description'),
			array (
				'text' => GetLang('Menu_Templates_Manage'),
				'link' => 'index.php?Page=Templates&amp;Action=Manage',
				'show' => $user->HasAccess('Templates', 'Manage'),
				'description' => GetLang('Menu_Templates_Description'),
				'image' => 'templates_view.gif'
			array (
				'text' => GetLang('Menu_Templates_Create'),
				'link' => 'index.php?Page=Templates&amp;Action=Create',
				'show' => $user->HasAccess('Templates', 'Create'),
				'description' => GetLang('Menu_Templates_Create_Description'),
				'image' => 'templates_add.gif'
			array (
				'text' => GetLang('Menu_Templates_Manage_BuiltIn'),
				'link' => 'index.php?Page=Templates&amp;Action=BuiltIn',
				'show' => $user->HasAccess('Templates', 'BuiltIn'),
				'description' => GetLang('Menu_Templates_Manage_Description'),
				'image' => 'templates_builtin.gif'


		$links['forms'] = array (
			'menudetails' => array(
				'width' => '145',
				'title' => GetLang('Menu_Forms'),
				'show' => $user->HasAccess('Forms'),
				'description' => GetLang('Menu_Website_Forms_Description'),
			array (
				'text' => GetLang('Menu_Website_Forms'),
				'link' => 'index.php?Page=Forms',
				'show' => $user->HasAccess('Forms'),
				'description' => GetLang('Menu_Website_Forms_Description'),
				'image' => 'forms_view.gif'
			array (
				'text' => GetLang('Menu_Create_Form'),
				'link' => 'index.php?Page=Forms&Action=create',
				'show' => $user->HasAccess('Forms','Create'),
				'description' => GetLang('Menu_Create_Form_Description'),
				'image' => 'forms_add.gif'

		if (!$user->isAdmin() && $user->EditOwnSettings()) {
			$links['manageaccount'] = array (
				array (
					'text' => GetLang('MyAccount'),
					'link' => 'index.php?Page=ManageAccount',
					'show' => true,
					'description' => GetLang('Menu_Users_Own_Description'),

		if ($user->isUserAdmin()) {
			$add_user_disabled = false;
			$temp              = get_available_user_count();
			if ($temp['normal'] == 0 && $temp['trial'] == 0) {
				$add_user_disabled = true;

			$links['users'] = array (
				'menudetails' => array(
					'width' => '140',
					'title' => GetLang('Menu_UsersGroups'),
					'show' => true,
					'description' => GetLang('MenuDescription_UsersGroups'),
				array (
					'text' => GetLang('Menu_UsersGroups_ManageUsers'),
					'link' => 'index.php?Page=Users',
					'show' => true,
				array (
					'text' => GetLang('Menu_UsersGroups_CreateUser'),
					'link' => 'index.php?Page=Users&Action=Add',
					'show' => !$add_user_disabled,
				array (
					'text' => GetLang('Menu_UsersGroups_ManageGroups'),
					'link' => 'index.php?Page=UsersGroups',
					'show' => true,
				array (
					'text' => GetLang('Menu_UsersGroups_CreateGroup'),
					'link' => 'index.php?Page=UsersGroups&Action=createGroup',
					'show' => true,

		if ($user->Admin()) {
			$links['settings'] = array (
				'menudetails' => array(
					'width' => '145',
					'title' => GetLang('Settings'),
					'show' => true,
					'description' => GetLang('Menu_Settings_Description'),
				array (
					'text' => GetLang('ApplicationSettings_Heading'),
					'link' => 'index.php?Page=Settings&Tab=1',
					'show' => true,
				array (
					'text' => GetLang('EmailSettings_Heading'),
					'link' => 'index.php?Page=Settings&Tab=2',
					'show' => true,
				array (
					'text' => GetLang('BounceSettings_Heading'),
					'link' => 'index.php?Page=Settings&Tab=7',
					'show' => true,
				array (
					'text' => GetLang('CreditSettings_Heading'),
					'link' => 'index.php?Page=Settings&Tab=3',
					'show' => true,
				array (
					'text' => GetLang('CronSettings_Heading'),
					'link' => 'index.php?Page=Settings&Tab=4',
					'show' => true,
				array (
					'text' => GetLang('PrivateLabelSettings_Heading'),
					'link' => 'index.php?Page=Settings&Tab=8',
				array (
					'text' => GetLang('SecuritySettings_Heading'),
					'link' => 'index.php?Page=Settings&Tab=5',
					'show' => true,
				array (
					'text' => GetLang('AddonsSettings_Heading'),
					'link' => 'index.php?Page=Settings&Tab=6',
					'show' => true,

			$links['tools'] = array (
				'menudetails' => array (
					'width' => '140',
					'title' => GetLang('Menu_Tools'),
					'description' => GetLang('Menu_Tools_Description')
				array (
					'text' => GetLang('Menu_Tools_SystemInformation'),
					'link' => 'index.php?Page=Settings&Action=SystemInfo',
					'show' => true,
					'description' => GetLang('Menu_Tools_SystemInformation_Description'),

		$links['logout'] = array (
			array (
				'text' => GetLang('Logout'),
				'link' => 'index.php?Page=Logout',
				'description' => GetLang('Menu_Logout_Description'),

		$links['help'] = array (
			array (
				'text' => GetLang('ShowHelp'),
				'link' => 'JavaScript:LaunchHelp(\''.IEM::enableInfoTipsGet().'\');',
				'description' => GetLang('Menu_Help_Description')

		 * Trigger event
			$tempEventData->data = &$links;

		 * -----

		$textlinks = '';

		 * Go through the link areas and work out if it's a normal link or whether it should be a menu.
		 * If it has a 'menudetails' section set, then it's going to be a dropdown menu.
		 * The menudetails array must contain:
		 * - title (used as the link name)
		 * - description (used as the link title)
		 * - width of the menu (in px)
		 * If those details are found, then it's turned into a dropdown menu rather than just a link.
		foreach ($links as $link_area => $sublinks) {
		    $has_submenu = false;
			if (isset($sublinks['menudetails'])) {
				$has_submenu = true;

			if (isset($sublinks['show']) && $sublinks['show'] == false) {

			if (!$has_submenu) {
				$link_details  = array_pop($sublinks);
				$textlinks    .= '<a href="' . $link_details['link'] . '" class="MenuText" title="' . htmlspecialchars($link_details['description'], ENT_QUOTES, SENDSTUDIO_CHARSET) . '">' . htmlspecialchars($link_details['text'], ENT_QUOTES, SENDSTUDIO_CHARSET) . '</a>|';

			$id = ucfirst($link_area);

			$width = '100';
			$width = (int) $sublinks['menudetails']['width'];

			$sublink = '<a href="#" title="' . htmlspecialchars($links[$link_area]['menudetails']['description'], ENT_QUOTES, SENDSTUDIO_CHARSET) . '" id="' . $id . 'MenuButton" class="PopDownMenu MenuText">' . htmlspecialchars($links[$link_area]['menudetails']['title'], ENT_QUOTES, SENDSTUDIO_CHARSET) . '<img src="images/arrow_down_white.gif" border="0" style="position: relative;" /></a><div id="' . $id . 'Menu" style="display: none; width: ' . $width . 'px;" class="DropDownMenu DropShadow">' .  '<ul>';


			foreach ($sublinks as $link_details) {
    			if (is_null($link_details)) {
    			    $sublink .= '<li><hr /></li>';
				if (isset($link_details['show']) && $link_details['show'] == false) {

				$sublink .= '<li><a href="' . $link_details['link'] . '">' . $link_details['text'] . '</a></li>';
			$sublink   .= '</ul></div>|';
			$textlinks .= $sublink;
		$textlinks = rtrim($textlinks, '|');
		return $textlinks;
Example #5
	 * handle
	 * Perform the appropriate action after the Bounce Test popup has completed.
	 * For manual bounce processing, this will redirect to the next step.
	 * For other cases it will either report success and close or display the error.
	 * @param string $type One of 'next_combo', 'error_report' or 'success'.
	 * @param boolean $in_place Whether the action should take place in the popup (true) or redirect.
	 * @return void Does not return anything. It prints JavaScript (ugh!).
	private static function handle($type, $in_place)
		$bd = self::hold('TestBounceDetails');
		$root = 'index.php?Page=Bounce&Action=';
		$urls = array(
			'next_combo' => array('TestBounceSettings', 'window', 150),
			'error_report' => array('BounceStep2Warning', 'self.parent.parent', 0),
			'success' => array('BounceStep3', 'self.parent.parent', 0)
		if (!$in_place || $type == 'next_combo') {
			$url = $root . $urls[$type][0];
			$url .= $in_place ? '&InPlace=true' : '';
			self::setJSRedirect($url, $urls[$type][1], $urls[$type][2]);
		// Replace the progress bar with a message.
		// TODO: work out some nicer way to do this.
		echo "<script src=\"includes/js/jquery.js\"></script>\n";
		if ($type == 'error_report') {
			// Alert the appropriate error.
			$error = self::getRealError(self::hold('ConnectionErrors'));
			$tpl = GetTemplateSystem();
			$GLOBALS['Error'] = "<strong>" . $error['name'] . "</strong>";
			$GLOBALS['Error'] .= "<ul style=\"padding-left:2em;\">";
			foreach ($error['advice'] as $title => $article) {
				$GLOBALS['Error'] .= "<li><a href=\"javascript:LaunchHelp('".IEM::enableInfoTipsGet()."',{$article});\">{$title}</a></li>\n";
			$GLOBALS['Error'] .= "</ul>";
			$msg = $tpl->ParseTemplate('ErrorMsg', true);
		} elseif ($type == 'success') {
			// Set the combo in the UI and disappear.
			$msg = self::PrintSuccess('BounceLogin_Successful');
		$msg = str_replace("\n", '\n', addslashes($msg));
		echo "<script>
			parent.$('#ProgressReportContainer > div').hide();
		if ($type == 'success') {
			echo "self.parent.parent.$('#bounce_extrasettings').val('{$bd['extra_settings']}');\n";
			echo "self.parent.parent.Application.Page.BounceInfo.evaluateCheckboxes();\n";
			echo "setTimeout(function() { self.parent.parent.tb_remove(); }, 1500);\n";
		} else {
			echo "parent.$('#ProgressReportWindow_Close').show();\n";
		echo "</script>\n";