Example #1
 public function onAfterInitialise()
     // No remember me for admin
     if (!App::isSite()) {
     if (User::isGuest()) {
         $hash = App::hash('JLOGIN_REMEMBER');
         if ($str = Request::getString($hash, '', 'cookie', 1 | 2)) {
             $credentials = array();
             $goodCookie = true;
             $filter = JFilterInput::getInstance();
             // Create the encryption key, apply extra hardening using the user agent string.
             // Since we're decoding, no UA validity check is required.
             $privateKey = App::hash(@$_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']);
             $crypt = new \Hubzero\Encryption\Encrypter(new \Hubzero\Encryption\Cipher\Simple(), new \Hubzero\Encryption\Key('simple', $privateKey, $privateKey));
             try {
                 $str = $crypt->decrypt($str);
                 if (!is_string($str)) {
                     throw new Exception('Decoded cookie is not a string.');
                 $cookieData = json_decode($str);
                 if (null === $cookieData) {
                     throw new Exception('JSON could not be docoded.');
                 if (!is_object($cookieData)) {
                     throw new Exception('Decoded JSON is not an object.');
                 // json_decoded cookie could be any object structure, so make sure the
                 // credentials are well structured and only have user and password.
                 if (isset($cookieData->username) && is_string($cookieData->username)) {
                     $credentials['username'] = $filter->clean($cookieData->username, 'username');
                 } else {
                     throw new Exception('Malformed username.');
                 if (isset($cookieData->password) && is_string($cookieData->password)) {
                     $credentials['password'] = $filter->clean($cookieData->password, 'string');
                 } else {
                     throw new Exception('Malformed password.');
                 // We're only doing this for the site app, so we explicitly set the action here
                 $return = App::get('auth')->login($credentials, array('silent' => true, 'action' => 'core.login.site'));
                 if (!$return) {
                     throw new Exception('Log-in failed.');
             } catch (Exception $e) {
                 $cookie_domain = Config::get('cookie_domain', '');
                 $cookie_path = Config::get('cookie_path', '/');
                 // Clear the remember me cookie
                 setcookie(App::hash('JLOGIN_REMEMBER'), false, time() - 86400, $cookie_path, $cookie_domain);
                 Log::warning('A remember me cookie was unset for the following reason: ' . $e->getMessage());
Example #2
  * Retrieve a cookie
  * @param  (string) $namespace - make sure the cookie name is unique
  * @return (object) $cookie data
 public static function eat($namespace)
     $hash = \App::hash(\App::get('client')->name . ':' . $namespace);
     $key = \App::hash('');
     $crypt = new \Hubzero\Encryption\Encrypter(new \Hubzero\Encryption\Cipher\Simple(), new \Hubzero\Encryption\Key('simple', $key, $key));
     if ($str = \App::get('request')->getString($hash, '', 'cookie', JREQUEST_ALLOWRAW | JREQUEST_NOTRIM)) {
         $sstr = $crypt->decrypt($str);
         $cookie = @unserialize($sstr);
         return (object) $cookie;
     return false;
Example #3
  * Hook for after app initialization
  * @return   void
 public function onAfterInitialise()
     // Get the session object
     $session = App::get('session');
     if ($session->isNew()) {
         $tracker = array();
         // Transfer tracking cookie data to session
         $hash = App::hash(App::get('client')->name . ':tracker');
         $key = App::hash('');
         $crypt = new \Hubzero\Encryption\Encrypter(new \Hubzero\Encryption\Cipher\Simple(), new \Hubzero\Encryption\Key('simple', $key, $key));
         if ($str = Request::getString($hash, '', 'cookie', 1 | 2)) {
             $sstr = $crypt->decrypt($str);
             $tracker = @unserialize($sstr);
             if ($tracker === false) {
                 //Create the encryption key, apply extra hardening using the user agent string
                 $key = App::hash(@$_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']);
                 $crypt = new \Hubzero\Encryption\Encrypter(new \Hubzero\Encryption\Cipher\Simple(), new \Hubzero\Encryption\Key('simple', $key, $key));
                 $sstr = $crypt->decrypt($str);
                 $tracker = @unserialize($sstr);
         if (!is_array($tracker)) {
             $tracker = array();
         if (empty($tracker['user_id'])) {
         } else {
             $session->set('tracker.user_id', $tracker['user_id']);
         if (empty($tracker['username'])) {
         } else {
             $session->set('tracker.username', $tracker['username']);
         if (empty($tracker['sid'])) {
         } else {
             $session->set('tracker.psid', $tracker['sid']);
         $session->set('tracker.sid', $session->getId());
         if (empty($tracker['ssid'])) {
             $session->set('tracker.ssid', $session->getId());
         } else {
             $session->set('tracker.ssid', $tracker['ssid']);
         if (empty($tracker['rsid'])) {
             $session->set('tracker.rsid', $session->getId());
         } else {
             $session->set('tracker.rsid', $tracker['rsid']);
         // log tracking cookie detection to auth log
         $username = empty($tracker['username']) ? '-' : $tracker['username'];
         $user_id = empty($tracker['user_id']) ? 0 : $tracker['user_id'];
         App::get('log')->logger('auth')->info($username . ' ' . (isset($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']) ? $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] : '') . ' detect');
         // set new tracking cookie with current data
         $tracker = array();
         $tracker['user_id'] = $session->get('tracker.user_id');
         $tracker['username'] = $session->get('tracker.username');
         $tracker['sid'] = $session->get('tracker.sid');
         $tracker['rsid'] = $session->get('tracker.rsid');
         $tracker['ssid'] = $session->get('tracker.ssid');
         $cookie = $crypt->encrypt(serialize($tracker));
         $lifetime = time() + 365 * 24 * 60 * 60 * 10;
         // Determine whether cookie should be 'secure' or not
         $secure = false;
         $forceSsl = \Config::get('force_ssl', false);
         if (\App::isAdmin() && $forceSsl >= 1) {
             $secure = true;
         } else {
             if (\App::isSite() && $forceSsl == 2) {
                 $secure = true;
         setcookie($hash, $cookie, $lifetime, '/', '', $secure, true);
     // all page loads set apache log data
     if (strpos(php_sapi_name(), 'apache') !== false) {
         apache_note('jsession', $session->getId());
         if (User::get('id') != 0) {
             apache_note('auth', 'session');
             apache_note('userid', User::get('id'));
         } else {
             if (!empty($tracker['user_id'])) {
                 apache_note('auth', 'cookie');
                 apache_note('userid', $tracker['user_id']);
                 apache_note('tracker', $tracker['rsid']);
Example #4
  * Download a file
  * Runs through various permissions checks to ensure user has access
  * @return     void
 public function downloadTask()
     // Incoming
     $id = Request::getInt('id', 0);
     $alias = Request::getVar('alias', '');
     $d = Request::getVar('d', 'inline');
     //make sure we have a proper disposition
     if ($d != "inline" && $d != "attachment") {
         $d = "inline";
     // Load the resource
     $resource = new Resource($this->database);
     if ($alias && !$resource->loadAlias($alias)) {
         App::abort(404, Lang::txt('COM_RESOURCES_RESOURCE_NOT_FOUND'));
     } elseif (substr($id, 0, 4) == '9999') {
         $resource->id = $id;
         $resource->standalone = 1;
         $resource->path = null;
         $resource->created = Date::of('now')->format('Y-m-d 00:00:00');
     } elseif (!$resource->load($id)) {
         App::abort(404, Lang::txt('COM_RESOURCES_RESOURCE_NOT_FOUND'));
     // Check if the resource is for logged-in users only and the user is logged-in
     if ($token = Request::getVar('token', '', 'get')) {
         $token = base64_decode($token);
         $key = App::hash(@$_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']);
         $crypter = new \Hubzero\Encryption\Encrypter(new \Hubzero\Encryption\Cipher\Simple(), new \Hubzero\Encryption\Key('simple', $key, $key));
         $session_id = $crypter->decrypt($token);
         $session = \Hubzero\Session\Helper::getSession($session_id);
         $user = User::getInstance($session->userid);
         $user->guest = 0;
         $user->id = $session->userid;
         $user->usertype = $session->usertype;
     } else {
         $user = User::getRoot();
     if ($resource->access == 1 && $user->get('guest')) {
         App::abort(403, Lang::txt('COM_RESOURCES_ALERTNOTAUTH'));
     // Check if the resource is "private" and the user is allowed to view it
     if ($resource->access == 4 || $resource->access == 3 || !$resource->standalone) {
         if ($this->checkGroupAccess($resource, $user)) {
             App::abort(403, Lang::txt('COM_RESOURCES_ALERTNOTAUTH'));
     if ($resource->standalone && !$resource->path) {
         $resource->path = DS . trim($this->config->get('uploadpath', '/site/resources'), DS) . Html::build_path($resource->created, $resource->id, '') . DS . 'media' . DS . Request::getVar('file');
     $resource->path = trim($resource->path);
     // Ensure we have a path
     // Ensure resource is published - stemedhub #472
     if (empty($resource->path) && $resource->published != 1) {
         App::abort(404, Lang::txt('COM_RESOURCES_FILE_NOT_FOUND'));
     // Get the configured upload path
     $base_path = $this->config->get('uploadpath', '/site/resources');
     if ($base_path) {
         $base_path = DS . trim($base_path, DS);
     // Does the path start with a slash?
     if (substr($resource->path, 0, 1) != DS) {
         $resource->path = DS . $resource->path;
         // Does the beginning of the $resource->path match the config path?
         if (substr($resource->path, 0, strlen($base_path)) == $base_path) {
             // Yes - this means the full path got saved at some point
         } else {
             // No - append it
             $resource->path = $base_path . $resource->path;
     // Add root path
     $filename = PATH_APP . $resource->path;
     // Ensure the file exist
     if (!file_exists($filename)) {
         App::abort(404, Lang::txt('COM_RESOURCES_FILE_NOT_FOUND') . ' ' . $filename);
     $ext = strtolower(\Filesystem::extension($filename));
     if (!in_array($ext, array('jpg', 'jpeg', 'jpe', 'gif', 'png', 'pdf', 'htm', 'html', 'txt', 'json', 'xml'))) {
         $d = 'attachment';
     // Initiate a new content server and serve up the file
     $xserver = new \Hubzero\Content\Server();
     // @TODO fix byte range support
     if (!$xserver->serve()) {
         // Should only get here on error
         throw new Exception(Lang::txt('COM_RESOURCES_SERVER_ERROR'), 500);
     } else {
Example #5
  * Generate a Windows tool invoke URL to redirect to
  * @param   string  $option  Name of the component
  * @return  void
 public function invoke($option)
     $no_html = Request::getInt('no_html', 0);
     $response = new StdClass();
     $response->success = false;
     $response->message = Lang::txt('No invoke URL found.');
     // Check for an imconing token.
     if ($token = Request::getVar('token', '', 'get')) {
         $dtoken = base64_decode($token);
         $key = App::hash(@$_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']);
         $crypter = new \Hubzero\Encryption\Encrypter(new \Hubzero\Encryption\Cipher\Simple(), new \Hubzero\Encryption\Key('simple', $key, $key));
         $session_id = $crypter->decrypt($dtoken);
         $session = \Hubzero\Session\Helper::getSession($session_id);
         $user = User::getInstance($session->userid);
         $user->set('guest', 0);
         $user->set('id', $session->userid);
         $user->set('username', $session->username);
         $ip = $session->ip;
     } else {
         $user = User::getInstance();
         $ip = Request::ip();
     // Is the user validated?
     if ($user->isGuest()) {
         $response->message = Lang::txt('Login is required to perform this action.');
     } else {
         $appid = Request::getVar('appid');
         // Generate the URL
         $url = $this->generateInvokeUrl($option, $appid, $user, $ip);
         if ($url) {
             if (!$token) {
                 $session = App::get('session');
                 $session_id = $session->getId();
                 $key = App::hash(@$_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']);
                 $crypter = new \Hubzero\Encryption\Encrypter(new \Hubzero\Encryption\Cipher\Simple(), new \Hubzero\Encryption\Key('simple', $key, $key));
                 $token = base64_encode($crypter->encrypt($session_id));
             $rurl = rtrim($this->params->get('invoke_url', 'http://wapps.hubzero.org'), '/') . '/v1?';
             //standaloneUrl=' . $url;
             $params = array();
             $params[] = 'token=' . $token;
             if ($appid) {
                 $params[] = 'appid=' . $appid;
             $params[] = 'standaloneUrl=' . $url;
             $rurl .= implode('&', $params);
             $response->success = true;
             $response->message = $rurl;
             if (!$no_html) {
                 $this->view('invoke', 'display')->set('url', $rurl)->set('rurl', $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'])->display();
     if (!$no_html) {
         App::abort(404, Lang::txt('No invoke URL found.'));
     $response = json_encode($response);
     if ($callback = Request::getVar('callback')) {
         $response = $callback . '(' . $response . ')';
     echo $response;