Example #1
    var countErrorFiles = 0;
    var countFiles      = 0;

    $(function () {
        "use strict";
            url: "../../system/file_upload.php?module=' . $getModule . '&mode=upload_files&id=' . $getId . '",
            sequentialUploads: true,
            dataType: "json",
            add: function (e, data) {
                countErrorFiles = 0;
                countFiles = 0;
            done: function (e, data) {
                $.each(data.result.files, function (index, file) {
                    if(typeof file.error !== "undefined") {
                        $("<p/>").html("<div class=\\"alert alert-danger\\"><span class=\\"glyphicon glyphicon-exclamation-sign\\"></span>"
                            + file.name + " - <strong>" + file.error + "</strong></div>").appendTo("#files");
                    } else {
                        var message = "' . $textFileUploaded . '";
                        var newMessage = message.replace("#VAR1_BOLD#", "<strong>" + file.name + "</strong>");
            progressall: function (e, data) {
                var progress = parseInt(data.loaded / data.total * 100, 10);
                $("#progress .progress-bar").css(
                    progress + "%"
            stop: function (e, data) {
                if(countErrorFiles === 0 && countFiles > 0) {
                    $("<p/>").html("<div class=\\"alert alert-success\\"><span class=\\"glyphicon glyphicon-ok\\"></span>' . $textUploadSuccessful . '</div>").appendTo("#files");
                } else {
                    $("<p/>").html("<div class=\\"alert alert-danger\\"><span class=\\"glyphicon glyphicon-exclamation-sign\\"></span>' . $textUploadNotSuccessful . '</div>").appendTo("#files");
        }).prop("disabled", !$.support.fileInput)
            .parent().addClass($.support.fileInput ? undefined : "disabled");
    });', true);
Example #2
                            checkbox.prop("checked", false);
                            if(checkbox.hasClass("memlist_leader")) {
                                $("input[type=checkbox]#member_"+userid).prop("checked", false);
                        } else {
                            checkbox.prop("checked", true);

                        return false;
                    return true;
    $page->addJavascript($javascriptCode, true);
    // get module menu
    $membersAssignmentMenu = $page->getMenu();
    $membersAssignmentMenu->addItem('menu_item_back', $gNavigation->getPreviousUrl(), $gL10n->get('SYS_BACK'), 'back.png');
    if ($gCurrentUser->editUsers()) {
        $membersAssignmentMenu->addItem('menu_item_create_user', $g_root_path . '/adm_program/modules/members/members_new.php', $gL10n->get('MEM_CREATE_USER'), 'add.png');
    $navbarForm = new HtmlForm('navbar_show_all_users_form', '', $page, array('type' => 'navbar', 'setFocus' => false));
    $sql = 'SELECT rol_id, rol_name, cat_name FROM ' . TBL_ROLES . ', ' . TBL_CATEGORIES . '
             WHERE rol_valid   = 1
               AND rol_visible = 1
               AND rol_cat_id  = cat_id
               AND (  cat_org_id  = ' . $gCurrentOrganization->getValue('org_id') . '
                   OR cat_org_id IS NULL )
             ORDER BY cat_sequence, rol_name';
    $navbarForm->addSelectBoxFromSql('filter_rol_id', $gL10n->get('SYS_ROLE'), $gDb, $sql, array('defaultValue' => $getFilterRoleId, 'firstEntry' => $gL10n->get('SYS_ALL')));
Example #3
        // Foto aus PHP-Temp-Ordner einlesen
        $user_image_data = fread(fopen($_FILES['userfile']['tmp_name'][0], 'r'), $_FILES['userfile']['size'][0]);
        // Zwischenspeichern des neuen Fotos in der Session
        $gCurrentSession->setValue('ses_binary', $user_image_data);
    //Image-Objekt löschen
    if ($getItemId == $gCurrentUser->getValue('inv_id')) {
        $headline = $gL10n->get('PRO_EDIT_MY_PROFILE_PICTURE');
    } else {
        $headline = $gL10n->get('PRO_EDIT_PROFILE_PIC_FROM', $inventory->getValue('FIRST_NAME'), $inventory->getValue('LAST_NAME'));
    // create html page object
    $page = new HtmlPage($headline);
    $page->addJavascript('$("#btn_cancel").click(function() {
        self.location.href=\'' . $g_root_path . '/adm_program/modules/inventory/item_photo_edit.php?mode=dont_save&inv_id=' . $getItemId . '\';
    });', true);
    // show form
    $form = new HtmlForm('show_new_profile_picture_form', $g_root_path . '/adm_program/modules/inventory/item_photo_edit.php?mode=save&amp;inv_id=' . $getItemId, $page);
    $form->addCustomContent($gL10n->get('PRO_CURRENT_PICTURE'), '<img class="imageFrame" src="item_photo_show.php?inv_id=' . $getItemId . '" alt="' . $gL10n->get('PRO_CURRENT_PICTURE') . '" />');
    $form->addCustomContent($gL10n->get('PRO_NEW_PICTURE'), '<img class="imageFrame" src="item_photo_show.php?inv_id=' . $getItemId . '&new_photo=1" alt="' . $gL10n->get('PRO_NEW_PICTURE') . '" />');
    $form->addButton('btn_cancel', $gL10n->get('SYS_ABORT'), array('icon' => THEME_PATH . '/icons/error.png'));
    $form->addSubmitButton('btn_update', $gL10n->get('SYS_APPLY'), array('icon' => THEME_PATH . '/icons/database_in.png'));
    // add form to html page and show page
Example #4
    // durch fehlerhafte Eingabe ist der User zu diesem Formular zurueckgekehrt
    // nun die vorher eingegebenen Inhalte ins Objekt schreiben
// holt eine Liste der ausgewaehlten abhaengigen Rolen
$childRoles = RoleDependency::getChildRoles($gDb, $getRoleId);
$childRoleObjects = array();
// create html page object
$page = new HtmlPage($headline);
    $("#rol_assign_roles").change(function() {
        markRoleRight("rol_assign_roles", "rol_all_lists_view", true);
    $("#rol_all_lists_view").change(function() {
        markRoleRight(\'rol_all_lists_view\', \'rol_assign_roles\', false);
    $("#rol_max_members").change(function() {
    });', true);
    // show/hide role dependencies if max count members will be changed
    function checkMaxMemberCount() {
        // Wenn eine Maximale Mitgliederzahl angeben wurde, duerfen keine Rollenabhaengigkeiten bestehen
        if($("#rol_max_members").val() > 0) {
            // Die Box zum konfigurieren der Rollenabhängig wird ausgeblendet

            // Alle Abhängigen Rollen werden markiert und auf unabhängig gesetzt
Example #5
    $gNavigation->addStartUrl(CURRENT_URL, $dates->getHeadline($getHeadline));
// create html page object
$page = new HtmlPage($dates->getHeadline($getHeadline));
if ($getViewMode === 'html') {
    $datatable = true;
    $hoverRows = true;
    $classTable = 'table';
    if ($gPreferences['enable_rss'] == 1 && $gPreferences['enable_dates_module'] == 1) {
        $page->addRssFile($g_root_path . '/adm_program/modules/dates/rss_dates.php?headline=' . $getHeadline, $gL10n->get('SYS_RSS_FEED_FOR_VAR', $gCurrentOrganization->getValue('org_longname') . ' - ' . $getHeadline));
        $("#sel_change_view").change(function () {
            self.location.href = "dates.php?view=" + $("#sel_change_view").val() + "&mode=' . $getMode . '&headline=' . $getHeadline . '&date_from=' . $dates->getParameter('dateStartFormatAdmidio') . '&date_to=' . $dates->getParameter('dateEndFormatAdmidio') . '&cat_id=' . $getCatId . '";

        $("#menu_item_print_view").click(function () {
            window.open("' . $g_root_path . '/adm_program/modules/dates/dates.php?view_mode=print&view=' . $getView . '&mode=' . $getMode . '&headline=' . $getHeadline . '&cat_id=' . $getCatId . '&date_from=' . $dates->getParameter('dateStartFormatEnglish') . '&date_to=' . $dates->getParameter('dateEndFormatEnglish') . '", "_blank");
        });', true);
    // If default view mode is set to compact we need a back navigation if one date is selected for detail view
    if ($getId > 0) {
        // add back link to module menu
        $datesMenu = $page->getMenu();
        $datesMenu->addItem('menu_item_back', $gNavigation->getPreviousUrl(), $gL10n->get('SYS_BACK'), 'back.png');
    // get module menu
    $DatesMenu = $page->getMenu();
    // Add new event
    if ($gCurrentUser->editDates() && $getId === 0) {
        $DatesMenu->addItem('admMenuItemAdd', $g_root_path . '/adm_program/modules/dates/dates_new.php?headline=' . $getHeadline, $gL10n->get('SYS_CREATE_VAR', $getHeadline), 'add.png');
Example #6
    $page->addRssFile($g_root_path . '/adm_program/modules/guestbook/rss_guestbook.php?headline=' . $getHeadline, $gL10n->get('SYS_RSS_FEED_FOR_VAR', $gCurrentOrganization->getValue('org_longname') . ' - ' . $getHeadline));
    function getComments(commentId) {
        // RequestObjekt abschicken und Kommentar laden
        $.get("' . $g_root_path . '/adm_program/modules/guestbook/get_comments.php?cid=" + commentId + "&moderation=" + ' . $getModeration . ',
        function(data) {
            $("#comments_" + commentId).html(data);

    function toggleComments(commentId) {
        toggleDiv("admCommentsInvisible_" + commentId);
        toggleDiv("admCommentsVisible_" + commentId);

        if (document.getElementById("comments_" + commentId).innerHTML.length === 0) {
        } else {
            toggleDiv("comments_" + commentId);

    function toggleDiv(objectId) {
        if($("#" + objectId).is(":hidden")) {
            $("#" + objectId).show();
        } else {
            $("#" + objectId).hide();
// add headline and title of module
if ($getModeration == 1) {
Example #7
                    document.getElementById("mylist_configuration_form").action  = gRootPath + "/adm_program/modules/lists/mylist_function.php?lst_id=' . $getListId . '&mode=3";

            case "system":
                var msg_result = confirm("' . $gL10n->get('LST_WANT_CONFIGURATION_FOR_ALL_USERS') . '");
                    document.getElementById("mylist_configuration_form").action  = gRootPath + "/adm_program/modules/lists/mylist_function.php?lst_id=' . $getListId . '&mode=4";
$page->addJavascript('$(document).ready(function() {
    $("#sel_select_configuation").change(function() { loadList(); });
    $("#btn_show_list").click(function() { send("show"); });
    $("#btn_add_column").click(function() { addColumn(); });
    $("#btn_save").click(function() { send("save_as"); });
    $("#btn_save_changes").click(function() { send("save"); });
    $("#btn_delete").click(function() { send("delete"); });
    $("#btn_copy").click(function() { send("save_as"); });

    for(var counter = 0; counter < ' . $defaultColumnRows . '; counter++) {
});', true);
// get module menu
$myListMenu = $page->getMenu();
Example #8
                $memberElements[$date->getValue('dat_rol_id')] = $participants->getParticipantsArray($date->getValue('dat_rol_id'));
// create html page object
$page = new HtmlPage($getHeadline);
if ($getViewMode === 'html' || $getViewMode === 'compact') {
    if ($gPreferences['enable_rss'] == 1 && $gPreferences['enable_dates_module'] == 1) {
        $page->addRssFile($g_root_path . '/adm_program/modules/dates/rss_dates.php?headline=' . $getHeadline, $gL10n->get('SYS_RSS_FEED_FOR_VAR', $gCurrentOrganization->getValue('org_longname') . ' - ' . $getHeadline));
        $("#admCalendar").change(function () {
            var calendarId = "";
            if ($("#admCalendar").selectedIndex != 0) {
                var calendarId = $("#admCalendar").val();
            self.location.href = "dates.php?mode=' . $getMode . '&headline=' . $getHeadline . '&date_from=' . $dates->getParameter('dateStartFormatAdmidio') . '&date_to=' . $dates->getParameter('dateEndFormatAdmidio') . '&cat_id=" + calendarId;
        });', true);
        function Datefilter() {
            var field_error = "' . $gL10n->get('ECA_FIELD_ERROR') . '";

            if (document.Formular.date_from.value == ""
            ||  document.Formular.date_to.value   == "") {
                return false;
    // If default view mode is set to compact we need a back navigation if one date is selected for detail view
Example #9
        if (isset($_SESSION['profile_request'][$field_name])) {
            $inventory->setValue($field->getValue('inf_name_intern'), $_SESSION['profile_request'][$field_name]);
    if (isset($_SESSION['profile_request']['usr_login_name'])) {
        $inventory->setArray(array('usr_login_name' => $_SESSION['profile_request']['usr_login_name']));
    if (isset($_SESSION['profile_request']['reg_org_id'])) {
        $registrationOrgId = $_SESSION['profile_request']['reg_org_id'];
// create html page object
$page = new HtmlPage($headline);
    var profileJS = new profileJSClass();
    profileJS.init();', true);
// add back link to module menu
$profileEditMenu = $page->getMenu();
$profileEditMenu->addItem('menu_item_back', $gNavigation->getPreviousUrl(), $gL10n->get('SYS_BACK'), 'back.png');
// create html form
$form = new HtmlForm('edit_item_form', $g_root_path . '/adm_program/modules/inventory/item_save.php?item_id=' . $getItemId . '&amp;new_item=' . $getNewItem, $page);
// *******************************************************************************
// Schleife ueber alle Kategorien und Felder ausser den Stammdaten
// *******************************************************************************
$category = '';
foreach ($gInventoryFields->mInventoryFields as $field) {
    // Kategorienwechsel den Kategorienheader anzeigen
    // bei schneller Registrierung duerfen nur die Pflichtfelder ausgegeben werden
    if ($category != $field->getValue('cat_name')) {
        if ($category !== '') {
Example #10
    $page->addHtml('<h4 id="album-overview"><ol class="breadcrumb">
	            <li><a href="' . $g_root_path . '/adm_program/modules/photos/photos.php"></a>
	            <a href="' . $g_root_path . '/adm_program/modules/photos/photos.php">' . $gL10n->get('PHO_PHOTO_ALBUMS') . '</a></li>' . $navilink . '<li>' . $photoAlbum->getValue('pho_name') . '</li>
// add rss feed to announcements
if ($gPreferences['enable_rss'] == 1) {
    $page->addRssFile($g_root_path . '/adm_program/modules/photos/rss_photos.php?headline=' . $getHeadline, $gL10n->get('SYS_RSS_FEED_FOR_VAR', $gCurrentOrganization->getValue('org_longname') . ' - ' . $getHeadline));
if ($gCurrentUser->editPhotoRight()) {
        // rotate image
        function imgrotate(img, direction) {
            $.get("' . $g_root_path . '/adm_program/modules/photos/photo_function.php", {pho_id: ' . $getPhotoId . ', photo_nr: img, job: "rotate", direction: direction}, function(data) {
                // Anhängen der Zufallszahl ist nötig um den Browsercache zu überlisten
                $("#img_"+img).attr("src", "photo_show.php?pho_id=' . $getPhotoId . '&photo_nr="+img+"&thumb=1&rand="+Math.random());
                return false;
// integrate bootstrap ekko lightbox addon
if ($gPreferences['photo_show_mode'] == 1) {
    $page->addJavascript('$(document).delegate("*[data-toggle=\\"lightbox\\"]", "click", function(event) { event.preventDefault(); $(this).ekkoLightbox(); });', true);
    $("body").on("hidden.bs.modal", ".modal", function () { $(this).removeData("bs.modal"); location.reload(); });
    $("#menu_item_upload_photo").attr("data-toggle", "modal");
    $("#menu_item_upload_photo").attr("data-target", "#admidio_modal");
Example #11
    var profileJS = new profileJSClass();
    profileJS.deleteRole_ConfirmText  = "' . $gL10n->get('ROL_MEMBERSHIP_DEL', '[rol_name]') . '";
    profileJS.deleteFRole_ConfirmText = "' . $gL10n->get('ROL_LINK_MEMBERSHIP_DEL', '[rol_name]') . '";
    profileJS.setBy_Text              = "' . $gL10n->get('SYS_SET_BY') . '";
    profileJS.usr_id                  = ' . $user->getValue('usr_id') . ';

    function showHideMembershipInformation(element) {
        id = "#" + element.attr("id") + "_Content";

        if($(id).css("display") === "none") {
        } else {

    function callbackProfilePhoto() {
        var img_src = $("#profile_photo").attr("src");
        var timestamp = new Date().getTime();

    function callbackRoles() {
        if(profileJS) {

    function callbackFormerRoles() {
        if(profileJS) {
            if(profileJS.formerRoleCount === 0) {

    function callbackFutureRoles() {
        if(profileJS) {
            if(profileJS.futureRoleCount === 0) {

    function formSubmitEvent()
        $(".button-membership-period-form").click(function(event) {
            var memberId  = $(this).attr("data-admidio");
            var dateStart = $("#membership_start_date_"+memberId).val();
            var dateEnd   = $("#membership_end_date_"+memberId).val();
            var action    = $("#membership_period_form_"+memberId).attr("action")+"&membership_start_date_"+memberId+"="+dateStart+"&membership_end_date_"+memberId+"="+dateEnd;

            $("#membership_period_form_"+memberId+" .form-alert").hide();

                type:    "GET",
                url:     action,
                success: function(data) {
                    if(data === "success") {
                        $("#membership_period_form_"+memberId+" .form-alert").attr("class", "alert alert-success form-alert");
                        $("#membership_period_form_"+memberId+" .form-alert").html("<span class=\\"glyphicon glyphicon-ok\\"></span><strong>' . $gL10n->get('SYS_SAVE_DATA') . '</strong>");
                        $("#membership_period_form_"+memberId+" .form-alert").fadeIn("slow");
                        $("#membership_period_form_"+memberId+" .form-alert").animate({opacity: 1.0}, 2500);
                        $("#membership_period_form_"+memberId+" .form-alert").fadeOut("slow");
                        $("#membership_period_"+memberId).animate({opacity: 1.0}, 2500);
                    } else {
                        $("#membership_period_form_"+memberId+" .form-alert").attr("class", "alert alert-danger form-alert");
                        $("#membership_period_form_"+memberId+" .form-alert").fadeIn();
                        $("#membership_period_form_"+memberId+" .form-alert").html("<span class=\\"glyphicon glyphicon-exclamation-sign\\"></span>"+data);

Example #12
// set headline
if ($getActiveRole) {
    $headline = $gL10n->get('LST_ACTIVE_ROLES');
} else {
    $headline = $gL10n->get('LST_INACTIVE_ROLES');
if ($getCatId > 0) {
    $category = new TableCategory($gDb, $getCatId);
    $headline .= ' - ' . $category->getValue('cat_name');
// Navigation of the module starts here
$gNavigation->addStartUrl(CURRENT_URL, $headline);
// create html page object
$page = new HtmlPage($headline);
if ($gPreferences['lists_hide_overview_details'] == 0) {
    $page->addJavascript('$(".collapse").collapse();', true);
    $(".panel-collapse select").change(function () {
        elementId = $(this).attr("id");
        roleId    = elementId.substr(elementId.search(/_/)+1);

        if($(this).val() === "mylist") {
            self.location.href = gRootPath + "/adm_program/modules/lists/mylist.php?rol_id=" + roleId + "&active_role=' . $getActiveRole . '";
        } else {
            self.location.href = gRootPath + "/adm_program/modules/lists/lists_show.php?mode=html&lst_id=" + $(this).val() + "&rol_id=" + roleId;
    });', true);
// add headline and title of module
$page->addHtml('<div id="lists_overview">');
// get module menu
Example #13

    <div class="modal-header">
        <button type="button" class="close" data-dismiss="modal" aria-label="Close"><span aria-hidden="true">&times;</span></button>
        <h4 class="modal-title">' . $headline . '</h4>
    <div class="modal-body">';
} else {
    // create html page object
    $page = new HtmlPage($headline);
    $page->addJavascriptFile($g_root_path . '/adm_program/modules/profile/profile.js');
    $page->addJavascript('var profileJS = new profileJSClass();');
    // add back link to module menu
    $rolesMenu = $page->getMenu();
    $rolesMenu->addItem('menu_item_back', $gNavigation->getPreviousUrl(), $gL10n->get('SYS_BACK'), 'back.png');
// show headline of module
$html .= '<form id="roles_assignment_form" action="' . $g_root_path . '/adm_program/modules/profile/roles_save.php?usr_id=' . $getUserId . '&amp;new_user='******'&amp;inline=' . $getInline . '" method="post">';
// Create table
$table = new HtmlTable('role_assignment_table');
$columnHeading = array('&nbsp;', $gL10n->get('ROL_ROLE'), $gL10n->get('SYS_DESCRIPTION'), $gL10n->get('SYS_LEADER'));
$table->setColumnAlignByArray(array('center', 'left', 'left', 'left'));
if ($gCurrentUser->manageRoles()) {
    // Benutzer mit Rollenrechten darf ALLE Rollen zuordnen
    $sql = 'SELECT cat_id, cat_name, rol_name, rol_description, rol_id, rol_visible, rol_leader_rights,
                     mem_rol_id, mem_usr_id, mem_leader
Example #14
$page = new HtmlPage($headline);
$page->addCssFile(THEME_PATH . '/css/chat.css');
    // kick off chat
    var chat = new Chat();


    $(function() {
        // watch textarea for release of key press [enter]
        $("#sendie").keyup(function(e) {
            if (e.keyCode === 13) {
                var text = $(this).val().trim();
                if (text.length > 0)

        var intervalID = setInterval(chat.update, 2500);

// add back link to module menu
$messagesChatMenu = $page->getMenu();
$messagesChatMenu->addItem('menu_item_back', $gNavigation->getPreviousUrl(), $gL10n->get('SYS_BACK'), 'back.png');
Example #15
        $_SESSION['fields_request']['usf_hidden'] = 1;
    // durch fehlerhafte Eingabe ist der User zu diesem Formular zurueckgekehrt
    // nun die vorher eingegebenen Inhalte ins Objekt schreiben
// create html page object
$page = new HtmlPage($headline);
    function setValueList() {
        if ($("#usf_type").val() === "DROPDOWN" || $("#usf_type").val() === "RADIO_BUTTON") {
            $("#usf_value_list").attr("required", "required");
        } else {

    $("#usf_type").click(function() { setValueList(); });', true);
// add back link to module menu
$profileFieldsEditMenu = $page->getMenu();
$profileFieldsEditMenu->addItem('menu_item_back', $gNavigation->getPreviousUrl(), $gL10n->get('SYS_BACK'), 'back.png');
// show form
$form = new HtmlForm('profile_fields_edit_form', $g_root_path . '/adm_program/modules/preferences/fields_function.php?usf_id=' . $getUsfId . '&amp;mode=1', $page);
$form->openGroupBox('gb_designation', $gL10n->get('SYS_DESIGNATION'));
if ($userField->getValue('usf_system') == 1) {
    $form->addInput('usf_name', $gL10n->get('SYS_NAME'), $userField->getValue('usf_name', 'database'), array('maxLength' => 100, 'property' => FIELD_DISABLED));
} else {
Example #16
require_once '../../system/common.php';
require_once '../../system/login_valid.php';
// nur berechtigte User duerfen die Profilfelder bearbeiten
if (!$gCurrentUser->isWebmaster()) {
// set module headline
$headline = $gL10n->get('ORG_PROFILE_FIELDS');
$gNavigation->addUrl(CURRENT_URL, $headline);
// create html page object
$page = new HtmlPage($headline);
    $(".admidio-group-heading").click(function() {
    });', true);
    function moveCategory(direction, usfID) {
        var actRow = document.getElementById("row_usf_" + usfID);
        var childs = actRow.parentNode.childNodes;
        var prevNode    = null;
        var nextNode    = null;
        var actRowCount = 0;
        var actSequence = 0;
        var secondSequence = 0;

        // erst einmal aktuelle Sequenz und vorherigen/naechsten Knoten ermitteln
        for (i=0; i < childs.length; i++) {
            if(childs[i].tagName === "TR") {
Example #17
// read organization values into form array
foreach ($gCurrentOrganization->dbColumns as $key => $value) {
    $form_values[$key] = $value;
// read all system preferences into form array
foreach ($gPreferences as $key => $value) {
    $form_values[$key] = $value;
// create html page object
$page = new HtmlPage($headline);
$showOptionValidModules = array('announcements', 'downloads', 'guestbook', 'ecards', 'lists', 'messages', 'photos', 'profile', 'events', 'links', 'user_management');
// open the modules tab if the options of a module should be shown
if (in_array($showOption, $showOptionValidModules) == true) {
    $page->addJavascript('$("#tabs_nav_modules").attr("class", "active");
        $("#tabs-modules").attr("class", "tab-pane active");
        $("#collapse_' . $showOption . '").attr("class", "panel-collapse collapse in");
        location.hash = "#" + "panel_' . $showOption . '";', true);
} else {
    $page->addJavascript('$("#tabs_nav_common").attr("class", "active");
        $("#tabs-common").attr("class", "tab-pane active");
        $("#collapse_' . $showOption . '").attr("class", "panel-collapse collapse in");
        location.hash = "#" + "panel_' . $showOption . '";', true);
    $(".form-preferences").submit(function(event) {
        var id = $(this).attr("id");
        var action = $(this).attr("action");
        $("#"+id+" .form-alert").hide();

        // disable default form submit
    // Funktion blendet Zeitfelder ein/aus
    function setAllDay() {
        if ($("#dat_all_day:checked").val() !== undefined) {
        } else {

    function setDateParticipation() {
        if ($("#date_registration_possible:checked").val() !== undefined) {
        } else {

    // Funktion belegt das Datum-bis entsprechend dem Datum-Von
    function setDateTo() {
        var dateFrom = Date.parseDate($("#date_from").val(), "' . $gPreferences['system_date'] . '");
        var dateTo   = Date.parseDate($("#date_to").val(), "' . $gPreferences['system_date'] . '");

        if(dateFrom.getTime() > dateTo.getTime()) {

    function setLocationCountry() {
        if($("#dat_location").val().length > 0) {
        } else {
Example #19
// create html page object
$page = new HtmlPage($headline);
    $(document).delegate("*[data-toggle=\\"lightbox\\"]", "click", function(event) { event.preventDefault(); $(this).ekkoLightbox(); });

    $("#admidio_modal").on("show.bs.modal", function () {
        $(this).find(".modal-dialog").css({width: "800px"});

    $("#btn_ecard_preview").click(function(event) {
        $("#ecard_form input[id=\'submit_action\']").val("preview");
        $("#ecard_form textarea[name=\'ecard_message\']").text( CKEDITOR.instances.ecard_message.getData() );

        $.ajax({ // create an AJAX call...
            data: $("#ecard_form").serialize(), // get the form data
            type: "POST", // GET or POST
            url: "ecard_preview.php", // the file to call
            success: function(response) { // on success..

        return false;
    }); ', true);
// add back link to module menu
$ecardMenu = $page->getMenu();
$ecardMenu->addItem('menu_item_back', $gNavigation->getPreviousUrl(), $gL10n->get('SYS_BACK'), 'back.png');
if ($gCurrentUser->isWebmaster()) {
Example #20
    function moveCategory(direction, catID) {
        var actRow = document.getElementById("row_" + catID);
        var childs = actRow.parentNode.childNodes;
        var prevNode    = null;
        var nextNode    = null;
        var actRowCount = 0;
        var actSequence = 0;
        var secondSequence = 0;

        // erst einmal aktuelle Sequenz und vorherigen/naechsten Knoten ermitteln
        for (i=0; i < childs.length; i++) {
            if (childs[i].tagName === "TR") {
                if (actSequence > 0 && nextNode === null) {
                    nextNode = childs[i];

                if (childs[i].id === "row_" + catID) {
                    actSequence = actRowCount;

                if (actSequence === 0) {
                    prevNode = childs[i];

        // entsprechende Werte zum Hoch- bzw. Runterverschieben ermitteln
        if (direction === "up") {
            if (prevNode !== null) {
                actRow.parentNode.insertBefore(actRow, prevNode);
                secondSequence = actSequence - 1;
        } else {
            if (nextNode !== null) {
                actRow.parentNode.insertBefore(nextNode, actRow);
                secondSequence = actSequence + 1;

        if (secondSequence > 0) {
            // Nun erst mal die neue Position von der gewaehlten Kategorie aktualisieren
            $.get(gRootPath + "/adm_program/modules/categories/categories_function.php?cat_id=" + catID + "&type=' . $getType . '&mode=4&sequence=" + direction);
        // Foto in PHP-Temp-Ordner übertragen
        $userImage->copyToFile(null, $_FILES['userfile']['tmp_name'][0]);
        // Foto aus PHP-Temp-Ordner einlesen
        $userImageData = fread(fopen($_FILES['userfile']['tmp_name'][0], 'r'), $_FILES['userfile']['size'][0]);
        // Zwischenspeichern des neuen Fotos in der Session
        $gCurrentSession->setValue('ses_binary', $userImageData);
    // Image-Objekt löschen
    if ($getUserId == $gCurrentUser->getValue('usr_id')) {
        $headline = $gL10n->get('PRO_EDIT_MY_PROFILE_PICTURE');
    } else {
        $headline = $gL10n->get('PRO_EDIT_PROFILE_PIC_FROM', $user->getValue('FIRST_NAME'), $user->getValue('LAST_NAME'));
    // create html page object
    $page = new HtmlPage($headline);
    $page->addJavascript('$("#btn_cancel").click(function() {
        self.location.href=\'' . $g_root_path . '/adm_program/modules/profile/profile_photo_edit.php?mode=dont_save&usr_id=' . $getUserId . '\';
    });', true);
    // show form
    $form = new HtmlForm('show_new_profile_picture_form', $g_root_path . '/adm_program/modules/profile/profile_photo_edit.php?mode=save&amp;usr_id=' . $getUserId, $page);
    $form->addCustomContent($gL10n->get('PRO_CURRENT_PICTURE'), '<img class="imageFrame" src="profile_photo_show.php?usr_id=' . $getUserId . '" alt="' . $gL10n->get('PRO_CURRENT_PICTURE') . '" />');
    $form->addCustomContent($gL10n->get('PRO_NEW_PICTURE'), '<img class="imageFrame" src="profile_photo_show.php?usr_id=' . $getUserId . '&new_photo=1" alt="' . $gL10n->get('PRO_NEW_PICTURE') . '" />');
    $form->addSubmitButton('btn_update', $gL10n->get('SYS_APPLY'), array('icon' => THEME_PATH . '/icons/database_in.png'));
    $form->addButton('btn_cancel', $gL10n->get('SYS_ABORT'), array('icon' => THEME_PATH . '/icons/error.png'));
    // add form to html page and show page
Example #22
                    document.getElementById("form_mylist").action  = gRootPath + "/adm_program/modules/lists/mylist_function.php?lst_id=' . $getListId . '&mode=4";

            case "default":
                var msg_result = confirm("' . $gL10n->get('LST_CONFIGURATION_DEFAULT') . '");
                    document.getElementById("form_mylist").action  = gRootPath + "/adm_program/modules/lists/mylist_function.php?lst_id=' . $getListId . '&mode=5";
$page->addJavascript('$(document).ready(function() {
    $("form:first *:input[type!=hidden]:first").focus();
    $("#btn_show_list").click(function() {send("show");});

    for(var counter = 0; counter < ' . $default_column_rows . '; counter++) {
});', true);
// if mylist was not called directly then show link to navigate to previous page
if ($gNavigation->count() > 1) {
    // add back link to module menu
    $myListMenu = $page->getMenu();
    $myListMenu->addItem('menu_item_back', $gNavigation->getPreviousUrl(), $gL10n->get('SYS_BACK'), 'back.png');
Example #23
 var countErrorFiles = 0;
 $(function () {
     "use strict";
         url: "photoupload.php?mode=upload_files&pho_id=' . $getPhotoId . '",
         sequentialUploads: true,
         dataType: "json",
         done: function (e, data) {
             $.each(data.result.files, function (index, file) {
                 if(typeof file.error != "undefined") {
                     $("<p/>").html("<div class=\\"alert alert-danger\\"><span class=\\"glyphicon glyphicon-exclamation-sign\\"></span>"
                         + file.name + " - <strong>" + file.error + "</strong></div>").appendTo("#files");
                 else {
                     var message = "' . $gL10n->get('PHO_FILE_UPLOADED') . '";
                     var newMessage = message.replace("%VAR1%", "<strong>" + file.name + "</strong>");
         progressall: function (e, data) {
             var progress = parseInt(data.loaded / data.total * 100, 10);
             $("#progress .progress-bar").css(
                 progress + "%"
         stop: function (e, data) {
             if(countErrorFiles == 0) {
                 $("<p/>").html("<div class=\\"alert alert-success\\"><span class=\\"glyphicon glyphicon-ok\\"></span>' . $gL10n->get('PHO_PHOTO_UPLOAD_SUCCESSFUL') . '</div>").appendTo("#files");
             else {
                 $("<p/>").html("<div class=\\"alert alert-danger\\"><span class=\\"glyphicon glyphicon-exclamation-sign\\"></span>' . $gL10n->get('PHO_PHOTO_UPLOAD_NOT_SUCCESSFUL') . '</div>").appendTo("#files");
     }).prop("disabled", !$.support.fileInput)
         .parent().addClass($.support.fileInput ? undefined : "disabled");
 });', true);
Example #24
$weblink = new TableWeblink($gDb, $getLinkId);
// Wenn kein Link gefunden wurde Fehler ausgeben
if (strlen($weblink->getValue('lnk_url')) === 0 || !$gValidLogin && $weblink->getValue('cat_hidden') == 1) {
// Wenn Link gültig ist, Counter um eine Position erhöhen
$weblink->setValue('lnk_counter', $weblink->getValue('lnk_counter') + 1);
// MR: Neue Prüfung für direkte Weiterleitung oder mit Anzeige
if ($gPreferences['weblinks_redirect_seconds'] > 0) {
    // create html page object
    $page = new HtmlPage($gL10n->get('LNK_REDIRECT'));
    // add special header for automatic redirection after x seconds
    $page->addHeader('<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="' . $gPreferences['weblinks_redirect_seconds'] . '; url=' . $weblink->getValue('lnk_url') . '">');
    // Counter zählt die sekunden bis zur Weiterleitung runter
        function countDown(init) {
            if (init || --document.getElementById("counter").firstChild.nodeValue > 0 ) {
                window.setTimeout( "countDown()" , 1000 );
    // Html des Modules ausgeben
    <p class="lead">' . $gL10n->get('LNK_REDIRECT_DESC', $gCurrentOrganization->getValue('org_longname'), '<span id="counter">' . $gPreferences['weblinks_redirect_seconds'] . '</span>', '<strong>' . $weblink->getValue('lnk_name') . '</strong> (' . $weblink->getValue('lnk_url') . ')', '<a href="' . $weblink->getValue('lnk_url') . '" target="_self">hier</a>') . '
    // show html of complete page
} else {
    header('Location:' . $weblink->getValue('lnk_url'));
Example #25
$gNavigation->addUrl(CURRENT_URL, $headline);
// create html page object
$page = new HtmlPage($headline);
$page->addCssFile($g_root_path . '/adm_program/libs/bootstrap-datepicker/css/datepicker3.css');
$page->addJavascriptFile($g_root_path . '/adm_program/modules/profile/profile.js');
$page->addJavascriptFile($g_root_path . '/adm_program/libs/bootstrap-datepicker/js/bootstrap-datepicker.js');
$page->addJavascriptFile($g_root_path . '/adm_program/libs/bootstrap-datepicker/js/locales/bootstrap-datepicker.' . $gPreferences['system_language'] . '.js');
    var profileJS = new profileJSClass();
    profileJS.deleteRole_ConfirmText    = "' . $gL10n->get('ROL_MEMBERSHIP_DEL', '[rol_name]') . '";
    profileJS.deleteFRole_ConfirmText   = "' . $gL10n->get('ROL_LINK_MEMBERSHIP_DEL', '[rol_name]') . '";
    profileJS.setBy_Text                = "' . $gL10n->get('SYS_SET_BY') . '";
    profileJS.inv_id                    = ' . $inventory->getValue('inv_id') . ';

    function showHideMembershipInformation(element) {
        id = "#" + element.attr("id") + "_Content";

        if($(id).css("display") === "none") {
        } else {
    $(".admidio-icon-link-popup").colorbox({rel:\'nofollow\', scrolling:false, onComplete:function() { $("#admButtonNo").focus(); }});
    $(".admMemberInfo").click(function () { showHideMembershipInformation($(this)); });
    $("#profile_authorizations_box_body").mouseout(function () { profileJS.deleteShowInfo(); });

    $(".admidio-form-membership-period").submit(function(event) {
        var id = $(this).attr("id");
Example #26
  * Create a html page if necessary and show the message with the configured buttons.
  * @param string $content  The message text that should be shown. The content could have html.
  * @param string $headline Optional a headline for the message. Default will be SYS_NOTE.
 public function show($content, $headline = '')
     // noetig, da dies bei den includes benoetigt wird
     global $gDb, $gL10n, $page;
     $html = '';
     // first perform a rollback in database if there is an open transaction
     // Ueberschrift setzen, falls diese vorher nicht explizit gesetzt wurde
     if ($headline === '') {
         $headline = $gL10n->get('SYS_NOTE');
     // Variablen angeben
     if (!$this->inline) {
         // nur pruefen, wenn vorher nicht schon auf true gesetzt wurde
         $this->inline = headers_sent();
     if (!$this->inline) {
         // create html page object
         $page = new HtmlPage($headline);
         if (!$this->includeThemeBody) {
             // don't show custom html of the current theme
         // forward to next page after x seconds
         if ($this->timer > 0) {
             $page->addJavascript('window.setTimeout("window.location.href=\'' . $this->forwardUrl . '\'", ' . $this->timer . ');');
     } elseif (!$this->modalWindowMode) {
         header('Content-type: text/html; charset=utf-8');
         $html .= '<h1>' . $headline . '</h1>';
     // create html for buttons
     $htmlButtons = '';
     if ($this->showButtons) {
         if ($this->forwardUrl !== '') {
             if ($this->showYesNoButtons) {
                 $htmlButtons .= '
                     <button id="admButtonYes" class="btn" type="button" onclick="self.location.href=\'' . $this->forwardUrl . '\'">
                         <img src="' . THEME_PATH . '/icons/ok.png" alt="' . $gL10n->get('SYS_YES') . '" />
                         &nbsp;&nbsp;' . $gL10n->get('SYS_YES') . '&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
                     <button id="admButtonNo" class="btn" type="button" onclick="history.back()">
                         <img src="' . THEME_PATH . '/icons/error.png" alt="' . $gL10n->get('SYS_NO') . '" />
                         &nbsp;' . $gL10n->get('SYS_NO') . '
             } else {
                 // Wenn weitergeleitet wird, dann auch immer einen Weiter-Button anzeigen
                 $htmlButtons .= '
                     <a class="btn" href="' . $this->forwardUrl . '">' . $gL10n->get('SYS_NEXT') . '
                         <img src="' . THEME_PATH . '/icons/forward.png" alt="' . $gL10n->get('SYS_NEXT') . '"
                             title="' . $gL10n->get('SYS_NEXT') . '" />
         } else {
             // Wenn nicht weitergeleitet wird, dann immer einen Zurueck-Button anzeigen
             // bzw. ggf. einen Fenster-Schließen-Button
             if (!$this->modalWindowMode) {
                 $htmlButtons .= '
                     <a class="btn" href="javascript:history.back()">
                         <img src="' . THEME_PATH . '/icons/back.png" alt="' . $gL10n->get('SYS_BACK') . '"
                             title="' . $gL10n->get('SYS_BACK') . '" />' . $gL10n->get('SYS_BACK') . '</a>';
     if ($this->modalWindowMode) {
         $html .= '
             <div class="modal-header">
                 <button type="button" class="close" data-dismiss="modal" aria-label="Close">
                     <span aria-hidden="true">&times;</span>
                 <h4 class="modal-title">' . $headline . '</h4>
             <div class="modal-body">' . $content . '</div>
             <div class="modal-footer">' . $htmlButtons . '</div>';
     } else {
         $html .= '
             <div class="message">
                 <p class="lead">' . $content . '</p>
                 ' . $htmlButtons . '
     if ($this->showTextOnly) {
         // show the pure message text without any html
         echo strip_tags($content);
     } elseif ($this->showHtmlTextOnly) {
         // show the pure message text with their html
         echo $content;
     } elseif ($this->inline) {
         // show the message in html but without the theme specific header and body
         echo $html;
     } else {
         // show a Admidio html page with complete theme header and body
Example #27
            $form->addInput('date_to', $gL10n->get('LST_ROLE_MEMBERSHIP_TO'), $dateTo, array('type' => 'date', 'maxLength' => 10));
            $form->addInput('lst_id', '', $getListId, array('property' => FIELD_HIDDEN));
            $form->addInput('rol_ids', '', $getRoleIds, array('property' => FIELD_HIDDEN));
            $form->addInput('show_members', '', $getShowMembers, array('property' => FIELD_HIDDEN));
            $form->addSubmitButton('btn_send', $gL10n->get('SYS_OK'));
        $page->addHtml('<h5>' . $htmlSubHeadline . '</h5>');
            $("#export_list_to").change(function () {
                if($(this).val().length > 1) {
                    var result = $(this).val();
                    self.location.href = "' . $g_root_path . '/adm_program/modules/lists/lists_show.php?" +
                        "lst_id=' . $getListId . '&rol_ids=' . $getRoleIds . '&mode=" + result + "&show_members=' . $getShowMembers . '&date_from=' . $getDateFrom . '&date_to=' . $getDateTo . '";

            $("#menu_item_print_view").click(function () {
                window.open("' . $g_root_path . '/adm_program/modules/lists/lists_show.php?lst_id=' . $getListId . '&rol_ids=' . $getRoleIds . '&mode=print&show_members=' . $getShowMembers . '&date_from=' . $getDateFrom . '&date_to=' . $getDateTo . '", "_blank");
            });', true);
        // get module menu
        $listsMenu = $page->getMenu();
        $listsMenu->addItem('menu_item_back', $gNavigation->getPreviousUrl(), $gL10n->get('SYS_BACK'), 'back.png');
        if ($getFullScreen) {
            $listsMenu->addItem('menu_item_normal_picture', $g_root_path . '/adm_program/modules/lists/lists_show.php?lst_id=' . $getListId . '&amp;rol_ids=' . $getRoleIds . '&amp;mode=html&amp;show_members=' . $getShowMembers . '&amp;full_screen=false&amp;date_from=' . $getDateFrom . '&date_to=' . $getDateTo . '', $gL10n->get('SYS_NORMAL_PICTURE'), 'arrow_in.png');
        } else {
            $listsMenu->addItem('menu_item_full_screen', $g_root_path . '/adm_program/modules/lists/lists_show.php?lst_id=' . $getListId . '&amp;rol_ids=' . $getRoleIds . '&amp;mode=html&amp;show_members=' . $getShowMembers . '&amp;full_screen=true&amp;date_from=' . $getDateFrom . '&date_to=' . $getDateTo . '', $gL10n->get('SYS_FULL_SCREEN'), 'arrow_out.png');
        if ($numberRoles === 1) {
Example #28
} else {
    $headline = $gL10n->get('DOW_DOWNLOADS') . ' - ' . $currentFolder->getValue('fol_name');
// Navigation of the module starts here
$gNavigation->addStartUrl(CURRENT_URL, $headline);
$getFolderId = $currentFolder->getValue('fol_id');
// Get folder content for style
$folderContent = $currentFolder->getFolderContentsForDownload();
// Keep navigation link
$navigationBar = $currentFolder->getNavigationForDownload();
// create html page object
$page = new HtmlPage($headline);
    $("body").on("hidden.bs.modal", ".modal", function () { $(this).removeData("bs.modal"); location.reload(); });
    $("#menu_item_upload_files").attr("data-toggle", "modal");
    $("#menu_item_upload_files").attr("data-target", "#admidio_modal");
    ', true);
// get module menu
$DownloadsMenu = $page->getMenu();
if ($gCurrentUser->editDownloadRight()) {
    // upload only possible if upload filesize > 0
    if ($gPreferences['max_file_upload_size'] > 0) {
        // show links for upload, create folder and folder configuration
        $DownloadsMenu->addItem('menu_item_create_folder', $g_root_path . '/adm_program/modules/downloads/folder_new.php?folder_id=' . $getFolderId, $gL10n->get('DOW_CREATE_FOLDER'), 'folder_create.png');
        $DownloadsMenu->addItem('menu_item_upload_files', $g_root_path . '/adm_program/system/file_upload.php?module=downloads&id=' . $getFolderId, $gL10n->get('DOW_UPLOAD_FILES'), 'page_white_upload.png');
    $DownloadsMenu->addItem('menu_item_config_folder', $g_root_path . '/adm_program/modules/downloads/folder_config.php?folder_id=' . $getFolderId, $gL10n->get('SYS_AUTHORIZATION'), 'lock.png');
if ($gCurrentUser->isWebmaster()) {
    // show link to system preferences of weblinks
Example #29
$sql = 'SELECT inv_id, item_name.ind_value as item_name, room_id.ind_value as room_id,
               COALESCE(inv_timestamp_change, inv_timestamp_create) as timestamp
          FROM ' . TBL_INVENT . '
    INNER JOIN ' . TBL_INVENT_DATA . ' as item_name
            ON item_name.ind_itm_id = inv_id
           AND item_name.ind_inf_id = ' . $gInventoryFields->getProperty('ITEM_NAME', 'inf_id') . '
    INNER JOIN ' . TBL_INVENT_DATA . ' as room_id
            ON room_id.ind_itm_id = inv_id
           AND room_id.ind_inf_id = ' . $gInventoryFields->getProperty('ROOM_ID', 'inf_id') . '
         WHERE inv_valid = 1
      ORDER BY item_name.ind_value, room_id.ind_value ';
$mglStatement = $gDb->query($sql);
// create html page object
$page = new HtmlPage($headline);
        $(".admidio-icon-link-popup").colorbox({rel:\'nofollow\', scrolling:false, onComplete:function() { $("#admButtonNo").focus(); }});
        ', true);
// get module menu
$itemsAdministrationMenu = $page->getMenu();
$itemsAdministrationMenu->addItem('menu_item_create_user', $g_root_path . '/adm_program/modules/inventory/item_new.php', $gL10n->get('INV_CREATE_ITEM'), 'add.png');
// show link to room management
$itemsAdministrationMenu->addItem('menu_item_manage_rooms', $g_root_path . '/adm_program/modules/rooms/rooms.php', $gL10n->get('DAT_SWITCH_TO_ROOM_ADMINISTRATION'), 'home.png');
if ($gCurrentUser->isWebmaster()) {
    // show link to maintain profile fields
    $itemsAdministrationMenu->addItem('menu_item_maintain_inventory_fields', $g_root_path . '/adm_program/modules/inventory/fields.php', $gL10n->get('PRO_MAINTAIN_ITEM_FIELDS'), 'application_form_edit.png');
// Create table object
$itemsTable = new HtmlTable('tbl_invent', $page, true, true, 'table table-condensed');
// create array with all column heading values
$columnHeading = array($gL10n->get('SYS_ABR_NO'), $gL10n->get('SYS_NAME'), $gL10n->get('SYS_ROOM'), $gL10n->get('MEM_UPDATED_ON'), '&nbsp;');
$itemsTable->setColumnAlignByArray(array('left', 'left', 'left', 'left', 'right'));
Example #30
if ($getInvisible == true) {
    $visibleRolesLinkDescription = $gL10n->get('ROL_VISIBLE_ROLES');
    $listDescription = $gL10n->get('ROL_INVISIBLE_ROLES');
    $visibleRolesImage = 'light_on.png';
    $visibleRolesFlag = '0';
    // in invisible mode show active and inactive invisible roles
    $sqlRolesStatus = ' AND rol_visible = \'0\' ';
} else {
    $visibleRolesLinkDescription = $gL10n->get('ROL_INVISIBLE_ROLES');
    $visibleRolesImage = 'light_off.png';
    $visibleRolesFlag = '1';
// create html page object
$page = new HtmlPage($headline);
$page->addJavascript('$(".admidio-group-heading").click(function() {showHideBlock($(this).attr("id"));});', true);
// get module menu
$rolesMenu = $page->getMenu();
// define link to create new profile field
$rolesMenu->addItem('menu_item_new_role', $g_root_path . '/adm_program/modules/roles/roles_new.php', $gL10n->get('SYS_CREATE_ROLE'), 'add.png');
// define link to maintain categories
$rolesMenu->addItem('menu_item_maintain_category', $g_root_path . '/adm_program/modules/categories/categories.php?type=ROL', $gL10n->get('SYS_MAINTAIN_CATEGORIES'), 'edit.png');
// define link to show inactive roles
$rolesMenu->addItem('menu_item_inactive_role', $g_root_path . '/adm_program/modules/roles/roles.php?inactive=' . $activeRolesFlag, $activeRolesLinkDescription, $activeRolesImage);
// define link to show hidden roles
$rolesMenu->addItem('menu_item_hidden_role', $g_root_path . '/adm_program/modules/roles/roles.php?invisible=' . $visibleRolesFlag, $visibleRolesLinkDescription, $visibleRolesImage);
// Create table
$table = new HtmlTable('roles_table', $page, true, true);
// create array with all column heading values
$columnHeading = array($gL10n->get('SYS_CATEGORY'), 'ORDER', $listDescription, $gL10n->get('SYS_AUTHORIZATION'), $gL10n->get('ROL_PREF'), $gL10n->get('SYS_FEATURES'));
$table->setColumnAlignByArray(array('left', 'left', 'left', 'left', 'left', 'right'));