Example #1
 public function testOtherSpecialChars()
     $m = new Horde_Routes_Mapper();
     $m->connect('/:year/:(slug).:(format),:(locale)', array('locale' => 'en', 'format' => 'html'));
     $this->assertEquals('/2007/test', $m->generate(array('year' => 2007, 'slug' => 'test')));
     $this->assertEquals('/2007/test.xml', $m->generate(array('year' => 2007, 'slug' => 'test', 'format' => 'xml')));
     $this->assertEquals('/2007/test.xml,ja', $m->generate(array('year' => 2007, 'slug' => 'test', 'format' => 'xml', 'locale' => 'ja')));
     $this->assertNull($m->generate(array('year' => 2007, 'format' => 'html')));
Example #2
  * Generates a URL.
  * All keys given to urlFor are sent to the Routes Mapper instance for
  * generation except for::
  *     anchor          specified the anchor name to be appened to the path
  *     host            overrides the default (current) host if provided
  *     protocol        overrides the default (current) protocol if provided
  *     qualified       creates the URL with the host/port information as
  *                     needed
  * The URL is generated based on the rest of the keys. When generating a new
  * URL, values will be used from the current request's parameters (if
  * present). The following rules are used to determine when and how to keep
  * the current requests parameters:
  * * If the controller is present and begins with '/', no defaults are used
  * * If the controller is changed, action is set to 'index' unless otherwise
  *   specified
  * For example, if the current request yielded a dict (associative array) of
  * array('controller'=>'blog', 'action'=>'view', 'id'=>2), with the standard
  * ':controller/:action/:id' route, you'd get the following results::
  *     urlFor(array('id'=>4))                    =>  '/blog/view/4',
  *     urlFor(array('controller'=>'/admin'))     =>  '/admin',
  *     urlFor(array('controller'=>'admin'))      =>  '/admin/view/2'
  *     urlFor(array('action'=>'edit'))           =>  '/blog/edit/2',
  *     urlFor(array('action'=>'list', id=NULL))  =>  '/blog/list'
  * **Static and Named Routes**
  * If there is a string present as the first argument, a lookup is done
  * against the named routes table to see if there's any matching routes. The
  * keyword defaults used with static routes will be sent in as GET query
  * arg's if a route matches.
  * If no route by that name is found, the string is assumed to be a raw URL.
  * Should the raw URL begin with ``/`` then appropriate SCRIPT_NAME data will
  * be added if present, otherwise the string will be used as the url with
  * keyword args becoming GET query args.
 public function urlFor($first = array(), $second = array())
     if (is_array($first)) {
         // urlFor(array('controller' => 'foo', ...))
         $routeName = null;
         $kargs = $first;
     } else {
         // urlFor('named_route')
         // urlFor('named_route', array('id' => 3, ...))
         // urlFor('static_path')
         $routeName = $first;
         $kargs = $second;
     $anchor = isset($kargs['anchor']) ? $kargs['anchor'] : null;
     $host = isset($kargs['host']) ? $kargs['host'] : null;
     $protocol = isset($kargs['protocol']) ? $kargs['protocol'] : null;
     $qualified = isset($kargs['qualified']) ? $kargs['qualified'] : null;
     // Remove special words from kargs, convert placeholders
     foreach (array('anchor', 'host', 'protocol') as $key) {
         if (array_key_exists($key, $kargs)) {
         if (array_key_exists($key . '_', $kargs)) {
             $kargs[$key] = $kargs[$key . '_'];
             unset($kargs[$key . '_']);
     $route = null;
     $static = false;
     $encoding = $this->mapper->encoding;
     $environ = $this->mapper->environ;
     $url = '';
     if (isset($routeName)) {
         if (isset($this->mapper->routeNames[$routeName])) {
             $route = $this->mapper->routeNames[$routeName];
         if ($route && array_key_exists('_static', $route->defaults)) {
             $static = true;
             $url = $route->routePath;
         // No named route found, assume the argument is a relative path
         if ($route === null) {
             $static = true;
             $url = $routeName;
         if (substr($url, 0, 1) == '/' && isset($environ['SCRIPT_NAME'])) {
             $url = $environ['SCRIPT_NAME'] . $url;
         if ($static) {
             if (!empty($kargs)) {
                 $url .= '?';
                 $query_args = array();
                 foreach ($kargs as $key => $val) {
                     $query_args[] = urlencode(utf8_decode($key)) . '=' . urlencode(utf8_decode($val));
                 $url .= implode('&', $query_args);
     if (!$static) {
         if ($route) {
             $newargs = $route->defaults;
             foreach ($kargs as $key => $value) {
                 $newargs[$key] = $value;
             // If this route has a filter, apply it
             if (!empty($route->filter)) {
                 $newargs = call_user_func($route->filter, $newargs);
             $newargs = $this->_subdomainCheck($newargs);
         } else {
             $newargs = $this->_screenArgs($kargs);
         $anchor = isset($newargs['_anchor']) ? $newargs['_anchor'] : $anchor;
         $host = isset($newargs['_host']) ? $newargs['_host'] : $host;
         $protocol = isset($newargs['_protocol']) ? $newargs['_protocol'] : $protocol;
         $url = $this->mapper->generate($newargs);
     if (!empty($anchor)) {
         $url .= '#' . self::urlQuote($anchor, $encoding);
     if (!empty($host) || !empty($qualified) || !empty($protocol)) {
         $http_host = isset($environ['HTTP_HOST']) ? $environ['HTTP_HOST'] : null;
         $server_name = isset($environ['SERVER_NAME']) ? $environ['SERVER_NAME'] : null;
         $fullhost = !is_null($http_host) ? $http_host : $server_name;
         if (empty($host) && empty($qualified)) {
             $host = explode(':', $fullhost);
             $host = $host[0];
         } else {
             if (empty($host)) {
                 $host = $fullhost;
         if (empty($protocol)) {
             if (!empty($environ['HTTPS']) && $environ['HTTPS'] != 'off') {
                 $protocol = 'https';
             } else {
                 $protocol = 'http';
         if ($url !== null) {
             $url = $protocol . '://' . $host . $url;
     return $url;