getLocks() abstract public method

Return a list of valid locks with the option to limit the results by principal, scope and/or type.
abstract public getLocks ( string $scope = null, string $principal = null, integer $type = null ) : array
$scope string The scope of the lock. Typically the name of the application requesting the lock or some other identifier used to group locks together.
$principal string Principal for which to check for locks
$type integer Only return locks of the given type. Defaults to null, or all locks
return array Array of locks with the ID as the key and the lock details as the value. If there are no current locks this will return an empty array.
Example #1
  * Returns a list of Sabre\DAV\Locks\LockInfo objects
  * This method should return all the locks for a particular uri, including
  * locks that might be set on a parent uri.
  * If returnChildLocks is set to true, this method should also look for
  * any locks in the subtree of the uri for locks.
  * @param string $uri
  * @param bool $returnChildLocks
  * @return array
 public function getLocks($uri, $returnChildLocks)
     list($app) = explode('/', $uri);
     try {
         // @todo use $returnChildLocks when we implemented sub-tree
         // searching in Horde_Lock
         $locks = $this->_lock->getLocks($app, $uri);
     } catch (Horde_Lock_Exception $e) {
         throw new DAV\Exception($e->getMessage(), $e->getCode(), $e);
     $infos = array();
     foreach ($locks as $lock) {
         $info = new Locks\LockInfo();
         $info->owner = $lock['lock_owner'];
         $info->token = $lock['lock_id'];
         $info->timeout = $lock['lock_expiry_timestamp'];
         $info->created = $lock['lock_origin_timestamp'];
         $info->scope = $lock['lock_type'] == Horde_Lock::TYPE_EXCLUSIVE ? Locks\LockInfo::EXCLUSIVE : Locks\LockInfo::SHARED;
         $info->uri = $lock['lock_principal'];
         $infos[] = $info;
     return $infos;
Example #2
File: Base.php Project: horde/horde
  * Returns whether a user is currently locked.
  * @param string $userId         The user to check.
  * @param boolean $show_details  Return timeout too?
  * @return boolean|array  If $show_details is a true, an array with
  *                        'locked' and 'lock_timeout' values. Whether the
  *                        user is locked, otherwise.
  * @throws Horde_Auth_Exception
 public function isLocked($userId, $show_details = false)
     if (!$this->_lock_api) {
         throw new Horde_Auth_Exception('Unsupported.');
     try {
         $locks = $this->_lock_api->getLocks('horde_auth', 'login:'******'locked' => false, 'lock_timeout' => 0) : array('locked' => true, 'lock_timeout' => $locks[$lock_id]['lock_expiry_timestamp']);
     return !empty($locks);
Example #3
  * Checks for existing locks.
  * First this checks for share locks and if none exists, checks for item
  * locks (if item_uid defined).  It will return the first lock found.
  * @param Horde_Lock  $locks  The lock object.
  * @param string $item_uid    A uid of an item from this share.
  * @return array   Hash with the found lock information in 'lock' and the
  *                 lock type ('share' or 'item') in 'type', or an empty
  *                 array if there are no locks.
 public function checkLocks(Horde_Lock $locks, $item_uid = null)
     $shareid = $this->_share->getId();
     $locktype = Horde_Lock::TYPE_EXCLUSIVE;
     // Check for share locks
     try {
         $result = $locks->getLocks($this->_share->getShareOb()->getApp(), $shareid, $locktype);
     } catch (Horde_Lock_Exception $e) {
         Horde::log($e, 'ERR');
         throw new Horde_Exception_Wrapped($e);
     if (empty($result) && !empty($item_uid)) {
         // Check for item locks
         $locktargettype = 'item';
         try {
             $result = $locks->getLocks($this->_share->getShareOb()->getApp() . ':' . $shareid, $item_uid, $locktype);
         } catch (Horde_Lock_Exception $e) {
             Horde::log($e, 'ERR');
             throw new Horde_Exception($e->getMessage());
     } else {
         $locktargettype = 'share';
     if (empty($result)) {
         return array();
     return array('type' => $locktargettype, 'lock' => reset($result));
Example #4
  * Constructs a standard page class to represent a wiki page.
  * @param string $pagename The name of the page to represent.
 public function __construct($pagename)
     if (is_array($pagename)) {
         $this->_page = $pagename;
     $page = null;
     try {
         $page = $GLOBALS['wicked']->retrieveByName($pagename);
     } catch (Wicked_Exception $e) {
         // If we can't load $pagename, see if there's default data for it.
         // Protect against directory traversion.
         $pagepath = realpath(WICKED_BASE . '/data/' . $GLOBALS['conf']['wicked']['format']);
         $pagefile = realpath($pagepath . '/' . $pagename);
         if ($pagefile && Horde_String::common($pagefile, $pagepath) == $pagepath && substr($pagename, 0, 1) != '.' && file_exists($pagefile) && ($text = file_get_contents($pagefile))) {
             try {
                 $GLOBALS['wicked']->newPage($pagename, $text);
                 try {
                     $page = $GLOBALS['wicked']->retrieveByName($pagename);
                 } catch (Wicked_Exception $e) {
                     $GLOBALS['notification']->push(sprintf(_("Unable to create %s"), $pagename), 'horde.error');
             } catch (Wicked_Exception $e) {
     if ($page) {
         $this->_page = $page;
     } else {
         if ($pagename == 'Wiki/Home') {
             $GLOBALS['notification']->push(_("Unable to create Wiki/Home. The wiki is not configured."), 'horde.error');
         $this->_page = array();
     // Make sure 'wicked' permission exists. Set reasonable defaults if
     // necessary.
     $perms = $GLOBALS['injector']->getInstance('Horde_Perms');
     $corePerms = $GLOBALS['injector']->getInstance('Horde_Core_Perms');
     if (!$perms->exists('wicked')) {
         $perm = $corePerms->newPermission('wicked');
         $perm->addGuestPermission(Horde_Perms::SHOW | Horde_Perms::READ, false);
         $perm->addDefaultPermission(Horde_Perms::SHOW | Horde_Perms::READ | Horde_Perms::EDIT | Horde_Perms::DELETE, false);
     // Make sure 'wicked:pages' exists. Copy from 'wicked' if it does not
     // exist.
     if (!$perms->exists('wicked:pages')) {
         $perm = $corePerms->newPermission('wicked:pages');
         $copyFrom = $perms->getPermission('wicked');
         $perm->addGuestPermission($copyFrom->getGuestPermissions(), false);
         $perm->addDefaultPermission($copyFrom->getDefaultPermissions(), false);
         $perm->addCreatorPermission($copyFrom->getCreatorPermissions(), false);
         foreach ($copyFrom->getUserPermissions() as $user => $uperm) {
             $perm->addUserPermission($user, $uperm, false);
         foreach ($copyFrom->getGroupPermissions() as $group => $gperm) {
             $perm->addGroupPermission($group, $gperm, false);
     if ($GLOBALS['conf']['lock']['driver'] != 'none') {
         $this->supportedModes[Wicked::MODE_LOCKING] = $this->supportedModes[Wicked::MODE_UNLOCKING] = true;
         $this->_locks = $GLOBALS['injector']->getInstance('Horde_Lock');
         $locks = $this->_locks->getLocks('wicked', $pagename, Horde_Lock::TYPE_EXCLUSIVE);
         if ($locks) {
             $this->_lock = reset($locks);