Example #1
  * Attempts to return a reference to a concrete Horde_Form_Renderer
  * instance based on $renderer. It will only create a new instance if no
  * Horde_Form_Renderer instance with the same parameters currently exists.
  * This should be used if multiple types of form renderers (and,
  * thus, multiple Horde_Form_Renderer instances) are required.
  * This method must be invoked as: $var = &Horde_Form_Renderer::singleton()
  * @param mixed $renderer  The type of concrete Horde_Form_Renderer
  *                         subclass to return. The code is dynamically
  *                         included. If $renderer is an array, then we will
  *                         look in $renderer[0]/lib/Form/Renderer/ for the
  *                         subclass implementation named $renderer[1].php.
  * @param array $params  A hash containing any additional configuration a
  *                       form might need.
  * @return Horde_Form_Renderer  The concrete Horde_Form_Renderer reference,
  *                              or false on an error.
 function &singleton($renderer, $params = null)
     static $instances = array();
     $signature = serialize(array($renderer, $params));
     if (!isset($instances[$signature])) {
         $instances[$signature] = Horde_Form_Renderer::factory($renderer, $params);
     return $instances[$signature];