Example #1
  * Gets domains from driver for which the user has the specified
  * permission.
  * @param int $perms  Permissions filter for domain result set
  * @return array  Possibly empty array of domain information
 function getDomains($perms = Horde_Perms::SHOW)
     try {
         $domains = $this->_getDomains();
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         $GLOBALS['notification']->push($e->getMessage(), 'horde.warning');
         return array();
     if (empty($domains)) {
         return array();
     if (!$GLOBALS['registry']->isAdmin() && !$GLOBALS['injector']->getInstance('Horde_Perms')->hasPermission('beatnik:domains', $GLOBALS['registry']->getAuth(), $perms)) {
         foreach ($domains as $id => $domain) {
             if (!$GLOBALS['injector']->getInstance('Horde_Perms')->hasPermission('beatnik:domains:' . $domain['zonename'], $GLOBALS['registry']->getAuth(), $perms)) {
     if (empty($domains)) {
         $GLOBALS['notification']->push(_("You are not permitted to view any domains."), 'horde.warning');
         return array();
     // Sort the resulting list by domain name
     // TODO: Allow sorting by other columns
     Horde_Array::arraySort($domains, 'zonename');
     return $domains;
Example #2
 public function configSpecialValues($what)
     switch ($what) {
         case 'apps':
             $apps = Horde_Array::valuesToKeys($GLOBALS['registry']->listApps(array('active')));
             return $apps;
         case 'languages':
             $convert_numeric = function ($num) {
                 return Horde_String::convertCharset(pack('H*', $num[1]), 'ucs-2', 'UTF-8');
             $convert_symbolic = function ($symbol) {
                 return Horde_String::convertCharset(html_entity_decode($symbol[1], ENT_COMPAT, 'iso-8859-1'), 'iso-8859-1', 'UTF-8');
             return array_map(function ($val) {
                 return preg_replace_callback(array('/&#x([0-9a-f]{4});/i', '/(&[^;]+;)/'), array($convert_numeric, $convert_symbolic), $val);
             }, $GLOBALS['registry']->nlsconfig->languages);
         case 'blocks':
             return $GLOBALS['injector']->getInstance('Horde_Core_Factory_BlockCollection')->create()->getBlocksList();
         case 'mapsources':
             return array('Google' => 'Google', 'Bing' => 'Bing', 'Cloudmade' => 'CloudMade', 'Mytopo' => 'MyTopo', 'Osm' => 'OpenStreetMap', 'Ocm' => 'OpenCycleMap', 'Mapquest' => 'OpenMapquest');
         case 'geocoders':
             return array('None' => null, 'Google' => 'Google');
Example #3
  * Fetch the field values from a given array of variables.
  * @access private
  * @param array  $variables  An array of Horde_Form_Variable objects to
  *                           fetch from.
  * @param object $vars       The Variables object.
  * @param array  $info       The array to be filled with the submitted
  *                           field values.
 function _getInfoFromVariables($variables, &$vars, &$info)
     foreach ($variables as $var) {
         $value = $var->getValue($vars);
         if (empty($value)) {
         require_once 'Horde/Array.php';
         if (Horde_Array::getArrayParts($var->getVarName(), $base, $keys)) {
             if (!isset($info[$base])) {
                 $info[$base] = array();
             $pointer =& $info[$base];
             while (count($keys)) {
                 $key = array_shift($keys);
                 if (!isset($pointer[$key])) {
                     $pointer[$key] = array();
                 $pointer =& $pointer[$key];
             $var->getInfo($vars, $pointer);
         } else {
             $var->getInfo($vars, $info[$var->getVarName()]);
Example #4
  * List Stock items as versions for a queue (category)
  * @param integer $queue_id  The category id (queue) for which we want to fetch versions
  * @return array  A hash containing stock id as id, stock name as name, stock note as description
 public function listVersions($queue_id)
     $inventory = $GLOBALS['backend']->findStock(array('categories' => $queue_id));
     $versions = array();
     foreach ($inventory as $item) {
         $versions[] = array('id' => $item->stock_id, 'name' => $item->stock_name, 'description' => $item->note, 'readonly' => true);
     Horde_Array::arraySort($versions, 'name', 0, false);
     return $versions;
Example #5
 public function __construct($vars)
     /* Check if a form is being edited. */
     $editing = $vars->exists('domain_id');
     $domain = $GLOBALS['session']->get('vilma', 'domain');
     parent::__construct($vars, $editing ? _("Edit Domain") : _("New Domain"));
     if ($editing && !$this->isSubmitted()) {
         $domain = $GLOBALS['vilma']->driver->getDomain($vars->get('domain_id'));
     $vars->add('name', $domain['domain_name']);
     $vars->add('transport', $domain['domain_transport']);
     $vars->add('max_users', $domain['domain_max_users']);
     $vars->add('quota', $domain['domain_quota']);
     /* Set up the form. */
     $this->setButtons(true, true);
     $this->addHidden('', 'domain_id', 'text', false);
     $this->addVariable(_("Domain"), 'name', 'text', true);
     $this->addVariable(_("Transport"), 'transport', 'enum', false, false, null, array(Horde_Array::valuesToKeys($GLOBALS['conf']['mta']['transports'])));
     $this->addVariable(_("Max users"), 'max_users', 'int', false);
     $this->addVariable(_("Quota"), 'quota', 'int', false, false, _("Value in MB"));
Example #6
  * Returns the available permissions for a given level.
  * @param string $name  The permission's name.
  * @return array  An array of available permissions and their titles or
  *                false if not sub permissions exist for this level.
  * @throws Horde_Perms_Exception
 public function getAvailable($name)
     if ($name == Horde_Perms::ROOT) {
         $name = '';
     if (empty($name)) {
         /* No name passed, so top level permissions are requested. These
          * can only be applications. */
         $apps = $this->_registry->listApps(array('notoolbar', 'active', 'hidden'), true);
         foreach (array_keys($apps) as $app) {
             $apps[$app] = $this->_registry->get('name', $app) . ' (' . $app . ')';
         return $apps;
     /* Name has been passed, explode the name to get all the levels in
      * permission being requisted, with the app as the first level. */
     $levels = explode(':', $name);
     /* First level is always app. */
     $app = $levels[0];
     /* Call the app's permission function to return the permissions
      * specific to this app. */
     $perms = $this->getApplicationPermissions($app);
     if (!count($perms)) {
         return false;
     /* Get the part of the app's permissions based on the permission
      * name requested. */
     $children = Horde_Array::getElement($perms['tree'], $levels);
     if ($children === false || !is_array($children) || !count($children)) {
         /* No array of children available for this permission name. */
         return false;
     $perms_list = array();
     foreach (array_keys($children) as $perm_key) {
         $perms_list[$perm_key] = $perms['title'][$name . ':' . $perm_key];
     return $perms_list;
Example #7
  * Determines if the file was uploaded or not.  If not, will return the
  * appropriate error message.
  * @param string $field  The name of the field containing the uploaded
  *                       file.
  * @param string $name   The file description string to use in the error
  *                       message.  Default: 'file'.
  * @throws Horde_Browser_Exception
 public function wasFileUploaded($field, $name = null)
     if (is_null($name)) {
         $name = 'file';
     if (!($uploadSize = self::allowFileUploads())) {
         throw new Horde_Browser_Exception(Horde_Browser_Translation::t("File uploads not supported."));
     /* Get any index on the field name. */
     $index = Horde_Array::getArrayParts($field, $base, $keys);
     if ($index) {
         /* Index present, fetch the error var to check. */
         $keys_path = array_merge(array($base, 'error'), $keys);
         $error = Horde_Array::getElement($_FILES, $keys_path);
         /* Index present, fetch the tmp_name var to check. */
         $keys_path = array_merge(array($base, 'tmp_name'), $keys);
         $tmp_name = Horde_Array::getElement($_FILES, $keys_path);
     } else {
         /* No index, simple set up of vars to check. */
         if (!isset($_FILES[$field])) {
             throw new Horde_Browser_Exception(Horde_Browser_Translation::t("No file uploaded"), UPLOAD_ERR_NO_FILE);
         $error = $_FILES[$field]['error'];
         $tmp_name = $_FILES[$field]['tmp_name'];
     if (empty($_FILES) || $error == UPLOAD_ERR_NO_FILE) {
         throw new Horde_Browser_Exception(sprintf(Horde_Browser_Translation::t("There was a problem with the file upload: No %s was uploaded."), $name), UPLOAD_ERR_NO_FILE);
     } elseif ($error == UPLOAD_ERR_OK && is_uploaded_file($tmp_name)) {
         if (!filesize($tmp_name)) {
             throw new Horde_Browser_Exception(Horde_Browser_Translation::t("The uploaded file appears to be empty. It may not exist on your computer."), UPLOAD_ERR_NO_FILE);
         // SUCCESS
     } elseif ($error == UPLOAD_ERR_INI_SIZE || $error == UPLOAD_ERR_FORM_SIZE) {
         throw new Horde_Browser_Exception(sprintf(Horde_Browser_Translation::t("There was a problem with the file upload: The %s was larger than the maximum allowed size (%d bytes)."), $name, $uploadSize), $error);
     } elseif ($error == UPLOAD_ERR_PARTIAL) {
         throw new Horde_Browser_Exception(sprintf(Horde_Browser_Translation::t("There was a problem with the file upload: The %s was only partially uploaded."), $name), $error);
Example #8
File: Ui.php Project: horde/horde
  * Return a Horde_Tree representation of the permissions tree.
  * @return string  The html showing the permissions as a Horde_Tree.
  * @throws Horde_Perms_Exception
 public function renderTree($current = Horde_Perms::ROOT)
     /* Get the perms tree. */
     $nodes = $this->_perms->getTree();
     $perms_node = array('icon' => Horde_Themes::img('perms.png'));
     $add = Horde::url('admin/perms/addchild.php');
     $add_img = Horde_Themes_Image::tag('plus.png', array('alt' => Horde_Core_Translation::t("Add Permission")));
     $edit = Horde::url('admin/perms/edit.php');
     $delete = Horde::url('admin/perms/delete.php');
     $edit_img = Horde_Themes_Image::tag('edit.png', array('alt' => Horde_Core_Translation::t("Edit Permission")));
     $delete_img = Horde_Themes_Image::tag('delete.png', array('alt' => Horde_Core_Translation::t("Delete Permission")));
     $blank_img = Horde_Themes_Image::tag('blank.gif', array('attr' => array('width' => 16, 'height' => 16)));
     /* Set up the tree. */
     $tree = $GLOBALS['injector']->getInstance('Horde_Core_Factory_Tree')->create('perms_ui', 'Javascript', array('alternate' => true, 'hideHeaders' => true));
     $tree->setHeader(array(array('class' => 'horde-tree-spacer')));
     foreach ($nodes as $perm_id => $node) {
         $node_class = $current == $perm_id ? array('class' => 'selected') : array();
         if ($perm_id == Horde_Perms::ROOT) {
             $add_link = $add->add('perm_id', $perm_id)->link(array('class' => 'permsAdd', 'title' => Horde_Core_Translation::t("Add New Permission"))) . $add_img . '</a>';
             $base_node_params = array('icon' => Horde_Themes::img('administration.png'));
             $tree->addNode(array('id' => $perm_id, 'label' => Horde_Core_Translation::t("All Permissions"), 'expanded' => true, 'params' => $base_node_params + $node_class, 'right' => array($add_link)));
         } else {
             $parent_id = $this->_perms->getParent($node);
             $perms_extra = array();
             $parents = explode(':', $node);
             if (!in_array($parents[0], $GLOBALS['registry']->listApps(array('notoolbar', 'active', 'hidden')))) {
                 // This backend has permissions for an application that is
                 // not installed.  Perhaps the application has been removed
                 // or the backend is shared with other Horde installations.
                 // Skip this app and do not include it in the tree.
             try {
                 $app_perms = $this->_corePerms->getApplicationPermissions($parents[0]);
             } catch (Horde_Perms_Exception $e) {
             if (isset($app_perms['tree']) && is_array(Horde_Array::getElement($app_perms['tree'], $parents))) {
                 $add_link = $add->add('perm_id', $perm_id)->link(array('class' => 'permsAdd', 'title' => Horde_Core_Translation::t("Add Child Permission"))) . $add_img . '</a>';
                 $perms_extra[] = $add_link;
             } else {
                 $perms_extra[] = $blank_img;
             $edit_link = $edit->add('perm_id', $perm_id)->link(array('class' => 'permsEdit', 'title' => Horde_Core_Translation::t("Edit Permission"))) . $edit_img . '</a>';
             $perms_extra[] = $edit_link;
             $delete_link = $delete->add('perm_id', $perm_id)->link(array('class' => 'permsDelete', 'title' => Horde_Core_Translation::t("Delete Permission"))) . $delete_img . '</a>';
             $perms_extra[] = $delete_link;
             $name = $this->_corePerms->getTitle($node);
             $expanded = isset($nodes[$current]) && strpos($nodes[$current], $node) === 0 && $nodes[$current] != $node;
             $tree->addNode(array('id' => $perm_id, 'parent' => $parent_id, 'label' => $name, 'expanded' => $expanded, 'params' => $perms_node + $node_class, 'right' => $perms_extra));
     return $tree->renderTree();
Example #9
  * Returns a list of all users, aliases, or groups and forwards for a
  * domain.
  * @param string $domain      Domain on which to search.
  * @param string $type        Only return a specific type. One of 'all',
  *                            'user', 'alias', 'forward', or 'group'.
  * @param string $key         Sort list by this key.
  * @param integer $direction  Sort direction.
  * @return array  Account information for this domain.
 public function getAddresses($domain, $type = 'all', $key = 'user_name', $direction = 0)
     $addresses = $this->_getAddresses($domain, $type);
     Horde_Array::arraySort($addresses, $key, $direction, true);
     return $addresses;
Example #10
  * Parses one level of the configuration XML tree into the associative
  * array containing the traversed configuration tree.
  * @param array &$conf           The already existing array where the
  *                               processed XML tree portion should be
  *                               appended to.
  * @param DOMNodeList $children  The XML nodes of the level that should
  *                               be parsed.
  * @param string $ctx            A string representing the current
  *                               position (context prefix) inside the
  *                               configuration XML file.
 protected function _parseLevel(&$conf, $children, $ctx)
     foreach ($children as $node) {
         if ($node->nodeType != XML_ELEMENT_NODE) {
         $name = $node->getAttribute('name');
         $desc = $GLOBALS['injector']->getInstance('Horde_Core_Factory_TextFilter')->filter($node->getAttribute('desc'), 'linkurls');
         $required = !($node->getAttribute('required') == 'false');
         $quote = !($node->getAttribute('quote') == 'false');
         $curctx = empty($ctx) ? $name : $ctx . '|' . $name;
         switch ($node->tagName) {
             case 'configdescription':
                 if (empty($name)) {
                     $name = uniqid(mt_rand());
                 $conf[$name] = array('_type' => 'description', 'desc' => $GLOBALS['injector']->getInstance('Horde_Core_Factory_TextFilter')->filter($this->_default($curctx, $this->_getNodeOnlyText($node)), 'linkurls'));
             case 'configheader':
                 if (empty($name)) {
                     $name = uniqid(mt_rand());
                 $conf[$name] = array('_type' => 'header', 'desc' => $this->_default($curctx, $this->_getNodeOnlyText($node)));
             case 'configswitch':
                 $values = $this->_getSwitchValues($node, $ctx);
                 list($default, $isDefault) = $quote ? $this->__default($curctx, $this->_getNodeOnlyText($node)) : $this->__defaultRaw($curctx, $this->_getNodeOnlyText($node));
                 if ($default === '') {
                     $default = key($values);
                 if (is_bool($default)) {
                     $default = $default ? 'true' : 'false';
                 $conf[$name] = array('desc' => $desc, 'switch' => $values, 'default' => $default, 'is_default' => $isDefault, 'quote' => $quote);
             case 'configenum':
                 $values = $this->_getEnumValues($node);
                 list($default, $isDefault) = $quote ? $this->__default($curctx, $this->_getNodeOnlyText($node)) : $this->__defaultRaw($curctx, $this->_getNodeOnlyText($node));
                 if ($default === '') {
                     $default = key($values);
                 if (is_bool($default)) {
                     $default = $default ? 'true' : 'false';
                 $conf[$name] = array('_type' => 'enum', 'required' => $required, 'quote' => $quote, 'values' => $values, 'desc' => $desc, 'default' => $default, 'is_default' => $isDefault);
             case 'configlist':
                 list($default, $isDefault) = $this->__default($curctx, null);
                 if (is_null($default)) {
                     $default = $this->_getNodeOnlyText($node);
                 } elseif (is_array($default)) {
                     $default = implode(', ', $default);
                 $conf[$name] = array('_type' => 'stringlist', 'required' => $required, 'desc' => $desc, 'default' => $default, 'is_default' => $isDefault);
             case 'configmultienum':
                 $default = $this->_getNodeOnlyText($node);
                 if (strlen($default)) {
                     $default = explode(',', $default);
                 } else {
                     $default = array();
                 list($default, $isDefault) = $this->__default($curctx, $default);
                 $conf[$name] = array('_type' => 'multienum', 'required' => $required, 'values' => $this->_getEnumValues($node), 'desc' => $desc, 'default' => Horde_Array::valuesToKeys($default), 'is_default' => $isDefault);
             case 'configpassword':
                 $conf[$name] = array('_type' => 'password', 'required' => $required, 'desc' => $desc, 'default' => $this->_default($curctx, $this->_getNodeOnlyText($node)), 'is_default' => $this->_isDefault($curctx, $this->_getNodeOnlyText($node)));
             case 'configstring':
                 $conf[$name] = array('_type' => 'text', 'required' => $required, 'desc' => $desc, 'default' => $this->_default($curctx, $this->_getNodeOnlyText($node)), 'is_default' => $this->_isDefault($curctx, $this->_getNodeOnlyText($node)));
                 if ($conf[$name]['default'] === false) {
                     $conf[$name]['default'] = 'false';
                 } elseif ($conf[$name]['default'] === true) {
                     $conf[$name]['default'] = 'true';
             case 'configboolean':
                 $default = $this->_getNodeOnlyText($node);
                 $default = !(empty($default) || $default === 'false');
                 $conf[$name] = array('_type' => 'boolean', 'required' => $required, 'desc' => $desc, 'default' => $this->_default($curctx, $default), 'is_default' => $this->_isDefault($curctx, $default));
             case 'configinteger':
                 $values = $this->_getEnumValues($node);
                 $conf[$name] = array('_type' => 'int', 'required' => $required, 'values' => $values, 'desc' => $desc, 'default' => $this->_default($curctx, $this->_getNodeOnlyText($node)), 'is_default' => $this->_isDefault($curctx, $this->_getNodeOnlyText($node)));
                 if ($node->getAttribute('octal') == 'true' && $conf[$name]['default'] != '') {
                     $conf[$name]['_type'] = 'octal';
                     $conf[$name]['default'] = sprintf('0%o', $this->_default($curctx, octdec($this->_getNodeOnlyText($node))));
             case 'configldap':
                 $conf[$node->getAttribute('switchname')] = $this->_configLDAP($ctx, $node);
             case 'configldapuser':
                 $conf = array_merge($conf, $this->_configLDAPUser($ctx, $node));
             case 'configphp':
                 $conf[$name] = array('_type' => 'php', 'required' => $required, 'quote' => false, 'desc' => $desc, 'default' => $this->_defaultRaw($curctx, $this->_getNodeOnlyText($node)), 'is_default' => $this->_isDefaultRaw($curctx, $this->_getNodeOnlyText($node)));
             case 'configsecret':
                 $conf[$name] = array('_type' => 'text', 'required' => true, 'desc' => $desc, 'default' => $this->_default($curctx, strval(new Horde_Support_Uuid())), 'is_default' => $this->_isDefault($curctx, $this->_getNodeOnlyText($node)));
             case 'configsql':
                 $conf[$node->getAttribute('switchname')] = $this->configSQL($ctx, $node);
             case 'confignosql':
                 $conf[$node->getAttribute('switchname')] = $this->configNoSQL($ctx, $node);
             case 'configvfs':
                 $conf[$node->getAttribute('switchname')] = $this->_configVFS($ctx, $node);
             case 'configsection':
                 $conf[$name] = array();
                 $cur =& $conf[$name];
                 if ($node->hasChildNodes()) {
                     $this->_parseLevel($cur, $node->childNodes, $curctx);
             case 'configtab':
                 $key = uniqid(mt_rand());
                 $conf[$key] = array('tab' => $name, 'desc' => $desc);
                 if ($node->hasChildNodes()) {
                     $this->_parseLevel($conf, $node->childNodes, $ctx);
             case 'configplaceholder':
                 $conf[uniqid(mt_rand())] = 'placeholder';
                 $conf[$name] = array();
                 $cur =& $conf[$name];
                 if ($node->hasChildNodes()) {
                     $this->_parseLevel($cur, $node->childNodes, $curctx);
Example #11
  * Returns the driver parameters for the specified backend.
  * @param mixed $backend  The backend system (e.g. 'prefs', 'categories',
  *                        'contacts') being used.
  *                        The used configuration array will be
  *                        $conf[$backend]. If an array gets passed, it will
  *                        be $conf[$key1][$key2].
  * @param string $type    The type of driver.
  * @return array  The connection parameters.
 function getDriverConfig($backend, $type = 'sql')
     global $conf;
     $c = null;
     if (is_array($backend)) {
         require_once 'Horde/Array.php';
         $c = Horde_Array::getElement($conf, $backend);
     } elseif (isset($conf[$backend])) {
         $c = $conf[$backend];
     if (!is_null($c) && isset($c['params'])) {
         $c['params']['umask'] = $conf['umask'];
         if (isset($conf[$type])) {
             return array_merge($conf[$type], $c['params']);
         } else {
             return $c['params'];
     return isset($conf[$type]) ? $conf[$type] : array();
Example #12
 public function getCostObjectType($vars)
     global $registry;
     $clients = $vars->get('clients');
     if (count($clients) == 0) {
         $clients = array('');
     $costobjects = array();
     foreach ($clients as $client) {
         $criteria = array('user' => $GLOBALS['registry']->getAuth(), 'active' => true, 'client_id' => $client);
         foreach ($registry->listApps() as $app) {
             if ($registry->hasMethod('listCostObjects', $app)) {
                 try {
                     $res = $registry->callByPackage($app, 'listCostObjects', array($criteria));
                 } catch (Horde_Exception $e) {
                     $GLOBALS['notification']->push(sprintf(_("Error retrieving cost objects from \"%s\": %s"), $registry->get('name', $app), $res->getMessage()), 'horde.error');
                 foreach (array_keys($res) as $catkey) {
                     foreach (array_keys($res[$catkey]['objects']) as $okey) {
                         $res[$catkey]['objects'][$okey]['id'] = $app . ':' . $res[$catkey]['objects'][$okey]['id'];
                 $costobjects = array_merge($costobjects, $res);
     $elts = array();
     $counter = 0;
     foreach ($costobjects as $category) {
         Horde_Array::arraySort($category['objects'], 'name');
         foreach ($category['objects'] as $object) {
             $name = $object['name'];
             if (Horde_String::length($name) > 80) {
                 $name = Horde_String::substr($name, 0, 76) . ' ...';
             $elts[$object['id']] = $name;
     return $elts;
Example #13
        $apps[$i]['dbstatus'] = $apps[$i]['db'] = array();
        $apps[$i]['status'] = $apps[$i]['icon'] = $apps[$i]['conf'] = '';
        if (!isset($versions[$app])) {
            $apps[$i]['load'] = $warning;
            $apps[$i]['vstatus'] = _("No stable version exists yet.");
        } elseif (version_compare(preg_replace('/H\\d \\((.*)\\)/', '$1', $versions[$app]['version']), $apps[$i]['version'], '>')) {
            $apps[$i]['load'] = $error;
            $apps[$i]['vstatus'] = Horde::link($versions[$app]['url'], sprintf(_("Download %s"), $app), '', '_blank') . sprintf(_("A newer version (%s) exists."), $versions[$app]['version']) . '</a> ';
        } else {
            $apps[$i]['load'] = $success;
            $apps[$i]['vstatus'] = _("Module is up-to-date.");
/* Sort the apps by name. */
Horde_Array::arraySort($apps, 'sort');
/* Set up any actions that may be offered. */
$actions = array();
$ftpform = '';
if ($session->get('horde', 'config/')) {
    $url = Horde::url('admin/config/diff.php');
    $action = _("Show differences between currently saved and the newly generated configuration.");
    $actions[] = array('icon' => Horde_Themes_Image::tag('search.png', array('attr' => array('align' => 'middle'))), 'link' => Horde::link('#', '', '', '', Horde::popupJs($url, array('height' => 480, 'width' => 640, 'urlencode' => true)) . 'return false;') . $action . '</a>');
    /* Action to download the configuration upgrade PHP script. */
    $url = Horde::url('admin/config/scripts.php')->add(array('setup' => 'conf', 'type' => 'php'));
    $action = _("Download generated configuration as PHP script.");
    $actions[] = array('icon' => Horde_Themes_Image::tag('download.png', array('attr' => array('align' => 'middle'))), 'link' => Horde::link($url) . $action . '</a>');
    /* Action to save the configuration upgrade PHP script. */
    $action = _("Save generated configuration as a PHP script to your server's temporary directory.");
    $actions[] = array('icon' => Horde_Themes_Image::tag('save.png', array('attr' => array('align' => 'middle'))), 'link' => Horde::link($url->add('save', 'tmp')) . $action . '</a>');
    /* Set up the form for FTP upload of scripts. */
Example #14
  * Returns the driver parameters for the specified backend.
  * @param mixed $backend  The backend system (e.g. 'prefs', 'categories',
  *                        'contacts') being used.
  *                        The used configuration array will be
  *                        $conf[$backend]. If an array gets passed, it will
  *                        be $conf[$key1][$key2].
  * @param string $type    The type of driver. If null, will not merge with
  *                        base config.
  * @return array  The connection parameters.
 public static function getDriverConfig($backend, $type = 'sql')
     global $conf;
     if (!is_null($type)) {
         $type = Horde_String::lower($type);
     if (is_array($backend)) {
         $c = Horde_Array::getElement($conf, $backend);
     } elseif (isset($conf[$backend])) {
         $c = $conf[$backend];
     } else {
         $c = null;
     if (!is_null($c) && isset($c['params'])) {
         $c['params']['umask'] = $conf['umask'];
         return !is_null($type) && isset($conf[$type]) ? array_merge($conf[$type], $c['params']) : $c['params'];
     return !is_null($type) && isset($conf[$type]) ? $conf[$type] : array();
Example #15
  * Return data for costobjects, optionally filtered by client_ids.
  * @param mixed $client_ids  A client id or an array of client ids to
  *                           filter cost obejcts by.
  * @return array  An array of cost objects data.
 public static function getCostObjectType($client_ids = null)
     $elts = array('' => _("--- No Cost Object ---"));
     $counter = 0;
     foreach (self::getCostObjects($client_ids) as $category) {
         Horde_Array::arraySort($category['objects'], 'name');
         $elts['category%' . $counter++] = sprintf('--- %s ---', $category['category']);
         foreach ($category['objects'] as $object) {
             $name = Horde_String::truncate($object['name'], 80);
             $hours = 0.0;
             $filter = array('costobject' => $object['id']);
             if (!empty($GLOBALS['conf']['time']['sum_billable_only'])) {
                 $filter['billable'] = true;
             $result = $GLOBALS['injector']->getInstance('Hermes_Driver')->getHours($filter, array('hours'));
             foreach ($result as $entry) {
                 if (!empty($entry['hours'])) {
                     $hours += $entry['hours'];
             /* Show summary of hours versus estimate for this
              * deliverable. */
             if (empty($object['estimate'])) {
                 $name .= sprintf(_(" (%0.2f hours)"), $hours);
             } else {
                 $name .= sprintf(_(" (%d%%, %0.2f of %0.2f hours)"), (int) ($hours / $object['estimate'] * 100), $hours, $object['estimate']);
             $elts[$object['id']] = $name;
     return $elts;
Example #16
  * Fetch the requested variable ($varname) into $value, and return
  * whether or not the variable was set in $array.
  * @param array $array     The array to search in (usually either
  *                         $this->_vars or $this->_expected).
  * @param string $varname  The name of the variable to look for.
  * @param mixed &$value    $varname's value gets assigned to this variable.
  * @return boolean  Whether or not the variable was set (or, if we've
  *                  checked $this->_expected, should have been set).
 protected function _getExists($array, $varname, &$value)
     if (Horde_Array::getArrayParts($varname, $base, $keys)) {
         if (!isset($array[$base])) {
             $value = null;
             return false;
         $searchspace =& $array[$base];
         $i = count($keys);
         while ($i--) {
             $key = array_shift($keys);
             if (!isset($searchspace[$key])) {
                 $value = null;
                 return false;
             $searchspace =& $searchspace[$key];
         $value = $searchspace;
         return true;
     $value = isset($array[$varname]) ? $array[$varname] : null;
     return !is_null($value);
Example #17
  * Fetch the field values from a given array of variables.
  * @access private
  * @param array  $variables  An array of Horde_Form_Variable objects to
  *                           fetch from.
  * @param object $vars       The Variables object.
  * @param array  $info       The array to be filled with the submitted
  *                           field values.
 function _getInfoFromVariables($variables, &$vars, &$info)
     foreach ($variables as $var) {
         if ($var->isDisabled()) {
             // Disabled fields are not submitted by some browsers, so don't
             // pretend they were.
         if ($var->isArrayVal()) {
             $var->getInfo($vars, $values);
             if (is_array($values)) {
                 $varName = str_replace('[]', '', $var->getVarName());
                 foreach ($values as $i => $val) {
                     $info[$i][$varName] = $val;
         } else {
             if (Horde_Array::getArrayParts($var->getVarName(), $base, $keys)) {
                 if (!isset($info[$base])) {
                     $info[$base] = array();
                 $pointer =& $info[$base];
                 while (count($keys)) {
                     $key = array_shift($keys);
                     if (!isset($pointer[$key])) {
                         $pointer[$key] = array();
                     $pointer =& $pointer[$key];
                 $var->getInfo($vars, $pointer);
             } else {
                 $var->getInfo($vars, $info[$var->getVarName()]);
Example #18
  * Get the list of Hermes-only deliverables for the requested client.
  *  - c:   The client id
  *  - id:  The optional deliverable id, if requesting a specific deliverable.
 public function listDeliverables()
     global $injector;
     if (!empty($this->vars->id)) {
         $params = array('id' => $this->vars->id);
         return array_values($injector->getInstance('Hermes_Driver')->listDeliverables($params));
     // Only poll Hermes' deliverables if we have a client id since they
     // are ALWAYS tied to a client. Otherwise, just return the list of
     // external cost objects.
     $client_id = !empty($this->vars->c) ? $this->vars->c : null;
     if (!empty($client_id)) {
         $objs = array_values($injector->getInstance('Hermes_Driver')->listDeliverables(array('client_id' => $client_id)));
         foreach ($objs as &$obj) {
             $obj['id'] = 'hermes:' . $obj['id'];
             $obj['hours'] = 0;
             foreach ($injector->getInstance('Hermes_Driver')->getHours(array('costobject' => $obj['id'])) as $slice) {
                 $obj['hours'] += $slice['hours'];
         return $objs;
     $elts = array();
     foreach (Hermes::getCostObjects($client_id, true) as $category) {
         Horde_Array::arraySort($category['objects'], 'name');
         foreach ($category['objects'] as $object) {
             $hours = 0;
             foreach ($injector->getInstance('Hermes_Driver')->getHours(array('costobject' => $object['id'])) as $slice) {
                 $hours += $slice['hours'];
             $elts[] = array('id' => $object['id'], 'client_id' => false, 'name' => sprintf('%s (%s)', htmlspecialchars(Horde_String::truncate($object['name'], 80)), htmlspecialchars($category['category'])), 'parent' => empty($object['parent']) ? 0 : $object['parent'], 'estimate' => empty($object['estimate']) ? 0 : $object['estimate'], 'active' => true, 'is_external' => true, 'hours' => $hours);
     return array_values($elts);
Example #19
 function _renderVarInput_mlenum($form, $var, $vars)
     $varname = $var->getVarName();
     $values = $var->getValues();
     $prompts = $var->type->prompts;
     $selected = $var->getValue($vars);
     /* If passing a non-array value need to get the keys. */
     if (!is_array($selected)) {
         foreach ($values as $key_1 => $values_2) {
             if (isset($values_2[$selected])) {
                 $selected = array('1' => $key_1, '2' => $selected);
     /* Hidden tag to store the current first level. */
     $html = sprintf('    <input type="hidden" name="%1$s[old]" id="%1$s[old]" value="%2$s" />', $varname, htmlspecialchars($selected['1']));
     /* First level. */
     $values_1 = Horde_Array::valuesToKeys(array_keys($values));
     $html .= sprintf('    <select id="%1$s[1]" name="%1$s[1]" onchange="%2$s"%3$s>', $varname, 'if (this.value) { document.' . $form->getName() . '.formname.value=\'\';' . 'document.' . $form->getName() . '.submit() }', $var->hasAction() ? ' ' . $this->_genActionScript($form, $var->_action, $varname) : '');
     if (!empty($prompts)) {
         $html .= '<option value="">' . htmlspecialchars($prompts[0]) . '</option>';
     $html .= $this->_selectOptions($values_1, $selected['1']);
     $html .= '    </select>';
     /* Second level. */
     $html .= sprintf('    <select id="%1$s[2]" name="%1$s[2]"%2$s>', $varname, $var->hasAction() ? ' ' . $this->_genActionScript($form, $var->_action, $varname) : '');
     if (!empty($prompts)) {
         $html .= '<option value="">' . htmlspecialchars($prompts[1]) . '</option>';
     $values_2 = array();
     if (!empty($selected['1'])) {
         $values_2 = $values[$selected['1']];
     return $html . $this->_selectOptions($values_2, $selected['2']) . '    </select>';
Example #20
  * Moves a block one column right.
  * @param integer $row  A layout row.
  * @param integer $col  A layout column.
  * @throws Horde_Exception
 public function moveRight($row, $col)
     $height = $this->getHeight($row, $col);
     $lastcol = $col + $this->getWidth($row, $col);
     if ($this->colExists($lastcol)) {
         // See if there's room to move into.
         for ($i = 0; $i < $height; $i++) {
             if (!$this->isEmpty($row + $i, $lastcol)) {
                 $in_way = $this->getBlockAt($row + $i, $lastcol);
                 if (!is_null($in_way) && $in_way[0] == $row && $this->getHeight($in_way[0], $in_way[1]) == $height) {
                     // We need to swap the blocks.
                     $rec1 = Horde_Array::getRectangle($this->_layout, $row, $col, $this->getHeight($row, $col), $this->getWidth($row, $col));
                     $rec2 = Horde_Array::getRectangle($this->_layout, $in_way[0], $in_way[1], $this->getHeight($in_way[0], $in_way[1]), $this->getWidth($in_way[0], $in_way[1]));
                     for ($j = 0; $j < count($rec2); $j++) {
                         for ($k = 0; $k < count($rec2[$j]); $k++) {
                             $this->_layout[$row + $j][$col + $k] = $rec2[$j][$k];
                     for ($j = 0; $j < count($rec1); $j++) {
                         for ($k = 0; $k < count($rec1[$j]); $k++) {
                             $this->_layout[$row + $j][$col + count($rec2[$j]) + $k] = $rec1[$j][$k];
                     $this->_changedRow = $in_way[0];
                     $this->_changedCol = $in_way[1];
                 // No where to go
                 throw new Horde_Exception('Shrink or move neighboring block(s) out of the way first');
     } else {
         // Make room to move into.
     for ($i = 0; $i < $height; $i++) {
         if (!isset($this->_layout[$row + $i][$col])) {
         $prev = $this->_layout[$row + $i][$col];
         // Move right hand edge
         $this->_layout[$row + $i][$lastcol] = 'covered';
         // Move left hand edge
         $this->_layout[$row + $i][$col + 1] = $prev;
         $this->_layout[$row + $i][$col] = 'empty';
     $this->_changedRow = $row;
     $this->_changedCol = $col + 1;
Example #21
File: Form.php Project: horde/horde
  * Fetch the field values from a given array of variables.
  * @access private
  * @param array  $variables  An array of Horde_Core_Form_Variable objects to
  *                           fetch from.
  * @param array  $info       The array to be filled with the submitted
  *                           field values.
 protected function _getInfoFromVariables($variables, &$info)
     foreach ($variables as $var) {
         if ($var->isArrayVal()) {
             $var->getInfo($this->_vars, $values);
             if (is_array($values)) {
                 $varName = str_replace('[]', '', $var->getVarName());
                 foreach ($values as $i => $val) {
                     $info[$i][$varName] = $val;
         } else {
             if (Horde_Array::getArrayParts($var->getVarName(), $base, $keys)) {
                 if (!isset($info[$base])) {
                     $info[$base] = array();
                 $pointer =& $info[$base];
                 while (count($keys)) {
                     $key = array_shift($keys);
                     if (!isset($pointer[$key])) {
                         $pointer[$key] = array();
                     $pointer =& $pointer[$key];
                 $var->getInfo($this->_vars, $pointer);
             } else {
                 $var->getInfo($this->_vars, $info[$var->getVarName()]);
Example #22
 public function testArraySortKey()
     Horde_Array::arraySort($this->array, 'desc');
     $this->assertEquals(array(1 => array('name' => 'aaaa', 'desc' => 'aaa foo long desc'), 0 => array('name' => 'foo', 'desc' => 'foo long desc'), 4 => array('name' => 'umbrage', 'desc' => 'resentment'), 3 => array('name' => 'zebra', 'desc' => 'Striped armadillos'), 2 => array('name' => 'baby', 'desc' => 'The test data was boring')), $this->array);
Example #23
  * Determines if the file was uploaded or not.  If not, will return the
  * appropriate error message.
  * @param string $field  The name of the field containing the uploaded
  *                       file.
  * @param string $name   The file description string to use in the error
  *                       message.  Default: 'file'.
  * @throws Horde_Browser_Exception
 public function wasFileUploaded($field, $name = null)
     if (is_null($name)) {
         $name = 'file';
     if (!($uploadSize = self::allowFileUploads())) {
         throw new Horde_Browser_Exception(Horde_Browser_Translation::t("File uploads not supported."));
     /* Get any index on the field name. */
     $index = Horde_Array::getArrayParts($field, $base, $keys);
     if ($index) {
         /* Index present, fetch the error var to check. */
         $keys_path = array_merge(array($base, 'error'), $keys);
         $error = Horde_Array::getElement($_FILES, $keys_path);
         /* Index present, fetch the tmp_name var to check. */
         $keys_path = array_merge(array($base, 'tmp_name'), $keys);
         $tmp_name = Horde_Array::getElement($_FILES, $keys_path);
     } else {
         /* No index, simple set up of vars to check. */
         if (!isset($_FILES[$field])) {
             throw new Horde_Browser_Exception(Horde_Browser_Translation::t("No file uploaded"), UPLOAD_ERR_NO_FILE);
         $error = $_FILES[$field]['error'];
         if (is_array($error)) {
             $error = reset($error);
         $tmp_name = $_FILES[$field]['tmp_name'];
         if (is_array($tmp_name)) {
             $tmp_name = reset($tmp_name);
     if (empty($_FILES)) {
         $error = UPLOAD_ERR_NO_FILE;
     switch ($error) {
         case UPLOAD_ERR_NO_FILE:
             throw new Horde_Browser_Exception(sprintf(Horde_Browser_Translation::t("There was a problem with the file upload: No %s was uploaded."), $name), UPLOAD_ERR_NO_FILE);
         case UPLOAD_ERR_OK:
             if (is_uploaded_file($tmp_name) && !filesize($tmp_name)) {
                 throw new Horde_Browser_Exception(Horde_Browser_Translation::t("The uploaded file appears to be empty. It may not exist on your computer."), UPLOAD_ERR_NO_FILE);
             // SUCCESS
         case UPLOAD_ERR_INI_SIZE:
         case UPLOAD_ERR_FORM_SIZE:
             throw new Horde_Browser_Exception(sprintf(Horde_Browser_Translation::t("There was a problem with the file upload: The %s was larger than the maximum allowed size (%d bytes)."), $name, $uploadSize), $error);
         case UPLOAD_ERR_PARTIAL:
             throw new Horde_Browser_Exception(sprintf(Horde_Browser_Translation::t("There was a problem with the file upload: The %s was only partially uploaded."), $name), $error);
         case UPLOAD_ERR_NO_TMP_DIR:
             throw new Horde_Browser_Exception(Horde_Browser_Translation::t("There was a problem with the file upload: The temporary folder used to store the upload data is missing."), $error);
         case UPLOAD_ERR_CANT_WRITE:
             // No reason to try to explain to user what a "PHP extension" is.
         // No reason to try to explain to user what a "PHP extension" is.
             throw new Horde_Browser_Exception(Horde_Browser_Translation::t("There was a problem with the file upload: Can't write the uploaded data to the server."), $error);
Example #24
    $sorted[$decl['declaration']][] = array('filename' => $decl['filename'], 'line' => $decl['line']);
$ds = array();
foreach ($sorted as $type => $locations) {
    $d = array();
    $d['title'] = sprintf(_("Declared as a %s"), $type);
    $d['files'] = array();
    Horde_Array::arraySort($locations, 'filename', 0, false);
    foreach ($locations as $loc) {
        $href = Luxor::url($loc['filename'], array(), 'l' . $loc['line']);
        $d['files'][] = '<a href="' . $href . '">' . $loc['filename'] . ' ' . sprintf(_("Line %s"), $loc['line']) . '</a>';
    $ds[] = $d;
$references = $index->getReference($ident);
Horde_Array::arraySort($references, 'filename', 0, false);
$curfile = '';
$rs = array();
$r = array();
foreach ($references as $info) {
    if ($curfile != $info['filename']) {
        if ($r) {
            $rs[] = $r;
        $curfile = $info['filename'];
        $r = array();
        $r['file'] = '<a href="' . Luxor::url($info['filename']) . '">' . htmlspecialchars($info['filename']) . '</a>';
        $r['lines'] = array();
    $r['lines'][] = '<a href="' . Luxor::url($info['filename'], array(), 'l' . $info['line']) . '">' . sprintf(_("Line %s"), $info['line']) . '</a>';
Example #25
 function getUploadedFileType($field)
     /* Get any index on the field name. */
     $index = Horde_Array::getArrayParts($field, $base, $keys);
     if ($index) {
         /* Index present, fetch the mime type var to check. */
         $keys_path = array_merge(array($base, 'type'), $keys);
         $type = Horde_Array::getElement($_FILES, $keys_path);
         $keys_path = array_merge(array($base, 'tmp_name'), $keys);
         $tmp_name = Horde_Array::getElement($_FILES, $keys_path);
     } else {
         /* No index, simple set up of vars to check. */
         $type = $_FILES[$field]['type'];
         $tmp_name = $_FILES[$field]['tmp_name'];
     if (empty($type) || $type == 'application/octet-stream') {
         /* Type wasn't set on upload, try analising the upload. */
         if (!($type = Horde_Mime_Magic::analyzeFile($tmp_name, isset($GLOBALS['conf']['mime']['magic_db']) ? $GLOBALS['conf']['mime']['magic_db'] : null))) {
             if ($index) {
                 /* Get the name value. */
                 $keys_path = array_merge(array($base, 'name'), $keys);
                 $name = Horde_Array::getElement($_FILES, $keys_path);
                 /* Work out the type from the file name. */
                 $type = Horde_Mime_Magic::filenameToMime($name);
                 /* Set the type. */
                 $keys_path = array_merge(array($base, 'type'), $keys);
                 Horde_Array::getElement($_FILES, $keys_path, $type);
             } else {
                 /* Work out the type from the file name. */
                 $type = Horde_Mime_Magic::filenameToMime($_FILES[$field]['name']);
                 /* Set the type. */
                 $_FILES[$field]['type'] = Horde_Mime_Magic::filenameToMime($_FILES[$field]['name']);
     return $type;
Example #26
function xtract()
    global $cmd_options, $apps, $dirs, $debug, $test, $c, $gettext_version, $silence, $curdir;
    foreach ($cmd_options[0] as $option) {
        switch ($option[0]) {
            case 'h':
            case 'm':
            case '--module':
                $module = $option[1];
    require_once HORDE_LIBS . 'Horde/Array.php';
    if ($GLOBALS['php_support']) {
        $language = 'PHP';
    } else {
        $language = 'C++';
    for ($i = 0; $i < count($dirs); $i++) {
        if (!empty($module) && $module != $apps[$i]) {
        echo sprintf(_("Extracting from %s... "), $apps[$i]);
        if ($apps[$i] == 'horde') {
            $files = search_ext('php', '.', true);
            foreach (array('admin', 'framework', 'lib', 'services', 'templates', 'util', 'config' . DS . 'themes') as $search_dir) {
                $files = array_merge($files, search_ext('(php|inc|js)', $search_dir));
            $files = array_merge($files, search_ext('dist', 'config'));
            $sh = $GLOBALS['xgettext'] . ' --language=' . $language . ' --from-code=iso-8859-1 --keyword=_ --sort-output --copyright-holder="Horde Project"';
            if ($gettext_version[0] > 0 || $gettext_version[1] > 11) {
                $sh .= ' --msgid-bugs-address="*****@*****.**"';
            $file = $dirs[$i] . DS . 'po' . DS . $apps[$i] . '.pot';
            $sh .= ' -o ' . $file . '.tmp ' . implode(' ', $files);
            if (@file_exists(BASE . '/po/translation.php')) {
                $sh .= ' po/translation.php';
            if (!$debug) {
                $sh .= $silence;
            if ($debug || $test) {
            if (!$test) {
        } else {
            $files = search_ext('(php|inc|js)');
            $files = array_filter($files, create_function('$file', 'return substr($file, 0, 9) != "." . DS . "config" . DS;'));
            $files = array_merge($files, search_ext('dist', 'config'));
            $sh = $GLOBALS['xgettext'] . ' --language=' . $language . ' --keyword=_ --sort-output --copyright-holder="Horde Project"';
            if ($gettext_version[0] > 0 || $gettext_version[1] > 11) {
                $sh .= ' --msgid-bugs-address="*****@*****.**"';
            $file = 'po' . DS . $apps[$i] . '.pot';
            $sh .= ' -o ' . $file . '.tmp ' . implode(' ', $files) . ($debug ? '' : $silence);
            if ($debug || $test) {
            if (!$test) {
        if (file_exists($file)) {
            $diff = array_diff(file($file . '.tmp'), file($file));
            $diff = Horde_Array::grep($diff, '^"POT-Creation-Date:', false);
        if (!file_exists($file) || count($diff)) {
            rename($file . '.tmp', $file);
        } else {
            @unlink($file . '.tmp');
            $c->writeln($c->bold(_("not changed")));